?7?!Sw ; t .:J ' I , . ' ' --V .,f"i.s. -4.' 'b&'?p7.f. -' k-? - ? - t-' - e ' ' v U Vol. V, No. 43 .UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24; 1905. Price 5 Cents Vv ' Wye 2aito mebraefeah i . , , i : . .. . , . , - - - " " - '' ' I ! - - , ... - ...- . - , . "... ' ' ' " K K &.. L r ft- ,. -. ",K nr , BIG FAIR PLANNED Y. W. C. A. HAVE ARRANGED FOR GOOD FAIR. Man New Attractions Have Been Added Others Coming on Every Train Entering the City. Yes, Rome had her Olympic games; nations have their centennials, but we girls of the Young Women's Christian Association of the University of Ne braska are going to have a County Fair. Those who have been there before know well- what it all means. They read, as they run through the halls, those bright colored posters and an nouncements on the walls. Theycom . prehend their meaning at a glance. The boys recall the memories of for mer years In such a way that tho very thought of the Fair being held next Saturday evening makes, them chuckle with joy. But what a pity that only a few really know, while a good many more do -not know, what the County Fair Is. Still, I don't know why I should take- the matter sq seriously. Ihave done all I can, andwhen a girl puts her whole heart Into her' work and does her best, I believe she ought to be .content, no matter what the re sults will be. But really Jt Is amus ing and I just can't help but feel carry for some of those Innocent, un sophisticated .strangers-. They know that a-Cpuaty1 Fair may bo' managed successfully by a lot of men, but don't see how it can ever bo managed by Women. They ltnow how a. county fair couldbe'held injthe open field, XJmt; don't see how it could ever be held in a closed building. Those and a" .hundred other questions perplex them. They gaze at the posters, they " reod-the Daily Nobraskan, they resort to every .means Imaginable In trying to find oufwhat it toally Is. I have done my levet .best in trying to exr plain it to some ofxthem. Why, when I came to tell about the caterpillar, the baby show find, the Coy show I simply pawed the air for adjectives" and yet I know I haven't done much good, for this afternoon when I asked ' those Bamo people to buy tickets, they" sighed and began making excuses, and as they- walked away I fancied I could .-heat thorn whispering, "fake foolish- , ness firaf):." Well, If really is too bad, but still I dpnft'know why I should care so very muchfit really hurts hem more than itjdoeB mor I ddn't blamesome, of them. Tor thinking about it as they do. Tho-'inpocont and unsuspecting public has been so. of ten decelyed and so .grossly" deceived by foTollshnegs,, that, Its the hardest thlg In the world to get people, to. believe a truth.' I, be lieve therq ought to be some wayjpf calling-things .by their rlgtii names and then f people knew what .they would see hen they got, there, they would aif go: to" tho. County Fair- "-., I wonder, 'if-hey, win find all they; expect to -find ifth6y do come to' the see' such things, nsftpreford cattle and Cochin pigs and Chester White,' CMCKSBB, UUl' IUBU iHoro Jtlll "U BU raany,1 other .things .tfieri "so uhfgx Y. W. C. A, COUNTY FAIR. ARMORY, NOVEMBER 25. cooooooococooocoocyococooco: prettier arid cuter than chickens and pigs that I don't believe anyone would care to look at them If they were there. But I believe I know what Is going to keep a good many from com ing. They are afraid they would got lost among those crowds of people. They have been to county fairs before and that is exactly what happened to them. I really wish I might be able to make them believe that nothing of tho kind will happen. And If they do get lost I will hunt ror them. If I could convince them or this I am suro a good many more would como. How- over, I don't think I ought to feel hurt If they don't come, for I have dono. all I can .and when a girl does all she can she ought to be satisfied. The Mid-8emester Report. In order that It may keep in closer touch with tho work now being done by the students of this university, the Executive Office has requested that the heads of the various departments make a mid-semester report. This re port, which Is duo next "Wednesday, will ennbjo the Registrar to "get a lino" on those students . whoso work thus far has not been, satisfactory and to .sound the alarm bell before It Is too lato to make amends. Although this Is the first time In tho history of this Institution that mid semester reports have- been required, the system wll doubtless prove a suc cess, since it will show the student exactly where ho stands in his studies and what he will have to do If ho wishes to retain his name upon the university records. Friday Program, ,The convocation period this morning will bo occupied by a song recital by- Mr. H. B. Street. The program Is as follows: Die Llndonbaum Schubert Der Wanderer,. ...... Schubert Fruhllngsnacht Schumann Die women uronauieron. ...acuumnnn Romance, Op.' 5', ...... . .Tschalkowsky Thd WateTSprlte. ..... .,.-.-,.. .Loowe In TIefeh Kellar SItze Ich Hier. . . T. . . .Anonymous Chapln Bros, Florists, 127. So. 13th. Saturday, Nov 25. I , .NEBRASKA V$, DOANE ' !$aturdiv 'Novl 25. ' ' ' A Ami! IZr 8 r "i; ' - W , r - T '.- w. My y j GAME P08TP0NED. Rain Prevents the Game Between the Seniors and Juniors. The football game scheduled to bo played yesterday afternoon between the Juniors and Seniors had to bo postponod on account of tho muddy condition of the field and the disagree abloness of tho weather. Tho game will bo played Wednesday, Ndvembor 29, on Nebraska Field at, 1 p. m. The lnterclass managers nnnounce that tho tickets which wore sold for the game yesterday will bo good on Wednesday. Tho Interest In lnterclass football bus Increased grentl in the last two weeks and a large crowd would doubt less have been in evidence at tho game yesterday had tho rain not provented the playing of the game. The post ponement of tho game wlll'givo tho toanis almost a week longer for prac tice. Coaches Wollor and Fenlon have been working hard with their men and tho. playing next Wednesday should be much abovo tho average for class gtimes. Very nearly all of tho men on die class teams this year are men who nave had experience either on the "sctub'v or on some high school team In the Mate,. Girls' Glee Club. , Mrs. -".Raymond nnd Manager Dirks J re experiencing as hard a time In se lecting the members of the Girls1 Gleu Club as tho latter did in solectinglhe men's, Tho closest' of .competition be tween the co-eds has existed ovor since the first try-out. Tho final selection was to havo been made last ntght, but owing to the "closeness of four or, five candidates it was decided to give them another trial. It Is remarkable to see the amount of enthusiasm that has jjeon manifested by tlie girls, in this work For it is entirely new and what originally was .intended for "an experi ment has -been a surety. Those In .charge -aro -quite optimistic ovor tho prospects, and predict, for .Nebraska's Glee and Mandolin Clubs- the best of results,' C . . V - "-. ' . " - ( LIGHT PRACTICE RAIN PREVENTS A SCRIMMAGE WITH L. H. S. Team Goes Through Some Fast Signal Practice Johnson's Ankle Keeps Him Out of Work. Owlng'to tho-cdnditlon of tho field, the schodulod scrimmage botween tho varsity and Lincoln High School teams Was not pulled off last night. Both teams were ready for tho work and nothing but tho rain could havq pre vented It. Slnco the work of the . scrubs against tho varsity on Thurs day night the High School boys had taken considerable confidence unto themselves regarding tholr ability to Bcoro on tho varsity. Up to the past two years tho Xincoln lads havo al ways scored on us, but tliolr time scorns to havo passed.' Booth had tho men out for. signal ' practlco on tho sod just south of the Library building last night. The work of tho men was highly satisfactory, as they exhibited moro speed than at any practice since tho Colorado game, -Tho . Interference on end runs has been ' strengthened, and tho men, as tho for mation now Is, offor moro protection to tho man running than, tho work of any previous formation. Johnson's anklo still continues to give him trou ble, and he has not been out for prac tice this week at all. Booth is trying to bring bcnslbw' around In time forx the Illinois game. With this speedy; little end in the. game mir chances against tho Easterners would be ad-., vahcoU considerably. vV Tpday tho team will go 'through Its. lost-practlco before' tho Doano game. Stanonranhlo Bureau Remain. The report thatMho. stenographic bureau would bo "moved; out of the Unlvorslty and- off thexcampUs has caused considerable talk among., the members of tho faculty. If tiilswas dono it would mean that, the work, would bo taken- down" town at- extra expense, nnd much lnconvonienco to the instructors. While the, room now occupied by Iho, bureau will -be used" for a check roonjyot the bureau will be given quarters In somo other, part of tho campus, and remain, as It has heretofore, a part of tho University. Dr. and Mrs. Ward entertained mom borsof tho faculty at their home Tuesday evening .in honor of Profes-" sor Relghard. of the Unlvorslty of.' Michigan. Professor Relghard is one of the leading American authorities on fishes. ,, l. Dr. Robs returned from st.short trip to -Missouri Wednesday. Ho delivered an address, under tho auspices of the Department of .Economics and Soclolr ogy, before tho students of tho State University. During the Thanksgiving week Pro- 'fessor Bessey; goes to Oberlln, Ohio, ' for a short Visit with friends and rela tlvca, While he Is asfeat Dr. Cleoi- ' eats will meet his clause. As Obef- . lia is-the seat o6e:f tkW : largest ', collecea 4a Ohio, ae will "ke oocaaiei to laspfrct oe,f,lt dertBMats, -' I - ) 'A "i A v VI A i'l m 4 '.. V' - u" 'I- V" J - t v- . .v 1 ; r,. -. l N. ' S US, J - r I . t $ - - .: .-' . ikfipy 1. 1 , ' ' A ,vaLs:.Ji2WrSaa&Sii 9. l'.t '-"' iJ ? r a, J&J tJ W-JiL.i