The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1905, Image 1

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2)ailv IRebraskan
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Vol. V, JSfo. .42
Says. Only Remedy Is In Moral Train
ing Bad Marriages and Not .
Divorce Is Real Evil.
Professor Howard delivered one of
the principal addresses before tho bar
association, which Is meeting In Oma
ha, yesterday. His subject was "The
Problem of Uniform Divorce Laws In
the United States." In part he said:
"Nowhere In the field of social
ethics, perhaps, Is there more confu
sion of thought than in dealing with
the, divorce question. Some people
look upon divorce as an evil In Itself.
Others regard It as a 'remedy' or a
'symptom of, social disease. To the
Roman Catholic, and to those who
.believe with him, divorce is a sin, the
sanction of 'successive polygamy,' of
'polygamy on the Installment plan.'
At the other extreme are those who,
like Milton and Rumboldt, would al
low marriage to'be dissolved freely
by mutual consent, or even at the de
sire of either spouse.
"According to the, prevailing opin
ion, as expressed in modern legisla
tion, divorce should be allowed, with
more or less freedom' under careful
state regulation. Yet divorce is sanc
tioned by the state as an individual
right, and there may be occasions
when the exorcise of that right be
comes a social duty. Tho right, of
courso, is capable of abuse Loose
divorce laws may Invito crime. Never
theless, It Is fallacious to represent
tho institution of divorce as In itsolf
p. menace to social morality. It is a
result and not a cause; a remedy,
and not a disease.
"Such, In some of Its essential ele
ments, Is the -nature of tho problem.
Ita solution may now be considered.
In tho outset It may be very restricted.
Apparently If there is to bo salvation,
it must come through the vitalizing,
regenerative power of a more efficient
moral, physical and' social training of
the" young. Tho fundamental causes
of divorce He far beyond tho reach of
the statute-maker. They are rooted
deeply in the Imperfections "bf human
nature and the social system, particu
larly In false sentiments regarding
marrlago and the famlly.""""Boyond
question the chief cause of divorce is
bad marriage laws and bad marriages.
.Tlioconvlctlon Is deepening that for
tho wise reformer; who would elevate
and protect tho family, the center of
tho problem is marriage and not di
vorce." .
To Debate- Wisconsin.
Tho Nebraska Debating Board has
challenged the University' of Wiscon
sin to an intercollegiate debate. It is
proposed to have a contract calling- for
,wo debates, tho first to occur in Madi
son In all probability, and the second
In Llncpln. The Wisconsin officials
have looked, upon tho proposltI6n fa
vorablyV and will undoubtedly accept
"the challenge.. '
George Bros., Printers, 13th & N.
-. ..V- J ,V T - -,. ,
Interesting Decisions.
In tho Lincoln police court yester
day Judge Cosgravo made, two deci
sions of Interest to university students.
One was In a prosecution by tho Ath
letic Board of a man who saw the Colo
rado game from tho top of a tele
phone pole, refusing to come down
When ordered. A charge of disorderly
conduct was lodgedagalnst him, but
ho was acquitted. The other case was
a prosecution under the recent cigar
ette statute. A young man was
charged with having rolled a cigar
ette, and Judge Cosgrave hold that he
could be fined under, tho provision for
bidding tho manufacture of clgaroltos
In Nebraska. Tho arrest was made
for tho purpose of testing tho law,
but as tho young man has no money,
this' purpose cannot bo accomplished.
Junior-Senior Game.
Today tho first lntorclass game of
the season will be played on Nebraska
field. Both teams have been practic
ing hard for the game, and from pres
ent Indications the game should be
very close. The academic teams havo
drawn pretty heavily from tho law
school for material. This was duo .to
the determination of tho law men not
to put out teams this year. The offi
cials for tho game have been selected
from tho 'varsity. The time of tho
gamo has been set at one p. m. sharp,
In order that the men will not be kept
out of their classes any longer than
necessary. Tho line-up of tho two
teams Is as follows:
Juniors. Seniors.
Butler r. e Qlbbs-Colo
Dort. .j r. t Gibson
Campbell- Hastle-
Rush ......... r. g. ,..,,. .Jennings
Kieselbach. ... . . . c Frazler
B, Green 1. g. . . . .Peterson-
Meier f ... 1. t . . .Wellonslck-
Cramer (Capt.) -L e. . . .Van Orsdol-
Standoven. . . . , . q. ....... .Klmmell
Runner L h. Fenlon- w
Howard- - Charlton-
&mlth r. h Kurtz
H. G. 'Meyer . ... f.. b. . TSmlth (Capt.)
Officials Umpire, Borg; referee,
Johnson; head linesman, Wilson.
TImos of halves, 15 minutes.
Dr. Thomas, Rectal Diseases. 1319 O.
8 Saturday, Nov25, " , Admission, 25c 8
'V ' -
I ' "
- ' - - ' . ,?. aW , ,. -it. .,,w.
University Journal.
Tho second number of the second
volume of the University Journal has
been Issued, and shows qulto an Im
provement over the former numbers
One of the chief articles Is by Profes
sor Dunn on tho study -of art In tho
University. Tho leading article is by
Professor Miller of tho . Lincoln
sohools, whoso subject Is ''Music In
tho Public Schools of Nobraska." Tho
article by Mr. Avery on the Improving
of tho corn crop is completed InThls
number. Dr. ' Clapp also contributes
several columns on different phases
of physical education work at Nebras
ka. Regarding gymnasium work, Dr.
Clapp says:
"As usual, tho early part of tho se
mester has been glVen ovor entirely
to the arranging of classes and to
physical examinations. About 260
Rhyslcnl measurements and examina
tions have been taken. The records
of these examinations show tho aver
ago man taking athletic or gymnastic
work at Nebraska to bo sound and
qulto symmetrically developed espe
cially tho football candidates. One
very noticeable point In the physical
examination of Nebraska men Is the
greatly Improved condition , of tho
heart In men who havo done athletic
work. The heart action of tho athlete
Is slow and full, while that of tho man
from tho farm with equally-muscular'
development, is fast and shallojr In
comparison. X'
"Interest in the general physical ed
ucation work In tho University Is
steadily Increasing and'lhore Is every
reason to believe thai tho steady and.
healthy growth oMnterest In this work
Is slowly but i surely spreading to
every department in tho University." .
The Military .department received
eleven now sabers yesterday.
They wore at once Issued to tho staff
officers, captains, and first lieutenants.
Tho equipments havo long been need
ed, fojindarly all "tho old swords have
tho appearance of misfits and left
overs, besides being tho worsooff for
years of servicq.
Price 5 Cents
Doane Outweighs the 'Varsity Five
Pounds to a Man Men Work
Hard for Saturday's Game.
Tho 'varsity wont through somo
hard scrimmage work last night '
against tho scrubs. Tho work of tho
scrubs was fast and furious for a
"scrub" eleven, timo after tlmo thoy
tore through tho 'varsity lino for four,
five, eight and ten yard gains. Tay
lor, tho giant colored freshman, was
the main ground gainer for tho
"scrubs; Ho carried tho ball on line
bucks for about forty yards and tho
only" touchdown tho "scrubs" got. Tho
work of Klmmol, Miller, Boncdlct and
Carroll was good, eachbohig ftblo to
makp good gains against tho.sjyarsity.
After tho touchdown tho 'varsitytook
a decided- brace, and ran through tho
"scrubs" In tho proper stylo. Thia
23, 905.
afternoon tho 'varsity will lino up
against the L. H. S. for a short scrim-'
magoof about fifteen minutes, at tho
athletic field, or at tho high school.
Tho gamo Saturday . with Doaso
means thnt tho 'varsity will havo to
put in somo diligent work if thoy
ever overcomo tho Croto peoplo by a
large, ox oven a good, score. Tao
Doane team weighs 1,887 pounds ag-
gregate, whllo tho 'varsity tips tho -beam
at 1,833, or fifty-four pounds less. "
Thus wo see that tho 'varsity will bo.
outweighed five pounds to tho man in
tho coming gamo. Coach Fuhrcr ojf
tho Doane team has hopes of oven de
feating Nebraska on Saturday, and is
consequently working to that end. Ho
Isworklng his men hard, and- putting
.them' on to every trick play in tho
catalogue. Doane's strong . play is
sending Maresb, thejr star half-back,
around ond for good gains. This man
has .not failed to mako good hereto
fore this year, and it is up to tho
'varsity to stop his career &s an in-
Tho officials for tho game hayo not '
been selected as yet, but it is qulto
likely that they will be local men.
The Work of somo "of tho city'men as
officials this year has been of such a
high order that a change would not
be warrantable. , t
Tho Athletic ' Board has'toado ar-
rangements to begin, work on enlarg
ing tho seating capacity of tho bleaca
erson next Monday. This is to ac
commodate the crowd- to the Thanks- ,,
giving game, "
Grand Spectacle to Appear.
From vordr received late last ovea-
, i
lng from tho Globo Amusement com-"
pany of St. Paul, tho County Fair has
been given permission to produce the
"Galveston Flood," a copyright act
first seen at tho St Louis exposition.
,Tho people interested in tho oater-
prlso aro .still negotiating' ,for oae '
more,, or perhaps, two more, turns of ,
equal merit, which tho company 'is. at
present presenting at Duluth, aad if
successful, tho, announcement, .will .be .
made later. '