r. . '?"; t 1 i'' 7 ' i 3P t- - : i" i " J i . - . M ,"l J- ' ? it, : V, i I T .1 ) . IT T, -? be Bail? IFlebraefcan 'v .O Vol. V, No. it UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, UNfcOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1905. Price 5 Cents :7m?r. 1. - r i.- j A .1 ,i I IT jr r I 1 '"r.- Ftf- A '. MvV ... ' r U y ,.- Mi .' DOANE SATURDAY! CRET.E SCHOOL PRESENTS HEAVY . 'TEAmVfOR NEBRA8KAGAME. The 'VarsltyGoes Through, Good. Prac ,r; tjcc Men In Good Physical Condition. r Y. W. C. A. COUNTY FAIR. ;N,ext Saturday Doano comes to Lin coln with an Idea that Bhe will carry n way "the "Cornhu8kor8, " scalp. Thoro was a tlmo during the nnte-deluvlnn period when Doane could hold Nebras ka down to a small score, but' that time was pre-Boothian. Doano has al ways played a good game against the smaller colleges of tnuBtatc, and has at times succeeded In landing the state Inter-collegiato championship. TChis year Is one of the times, as the Crete men have defeated every college In tho state. Tho championship was settled one week ago In tho $ellevue-Doane gmie, when Doano defeated the Pres byterians by a score of 2-0. "The Doane teanj Is made up of a bunch of husky players this year, and sbYfar as weight goes have tho varsity scodped. But they lacfc In experience and In knowing tho finer points of the game a whole lot more than they make up- In weight. The, weight of tho Doane team is as follows: Dowse, left end, 179; Day, left tackle, 180; Far- row, lefrguard, 220 j Specs, center, 193Bronson, right guard, lf); Wild hafrer right tackle, 187; Perry, fight e"n"d,f 174: Hurd, quarterback, 153; Johnson, lef f halfl54 ; Mare&li, right "-half, 178, and Fuhrer, fullback, 180. Maresh Is their star player, and, in the Bellevue gamo 'was responsible for many of Doane's-largo gains. But the- Doane team, whllecxpectln defeat, will come hero with thefirm determi nation to give Nebraska a runvfor her money, It is quite likely that ail excursion ' will como from Crete over the Burling ton to see Saturday's game, If the JDoane rooters support their team as well In this gamo as they did in the Bellevue gamo some six. hundred root era should come to Lincoln. Tho shortness of the distance makeslt all tho more probable that a largo ex cursion will como to Lincoln to tho -ebj&ska gamo than "went to, Bellevue. Booth' sent .the men""through some " -good practice last night. The mon; tried at some new line- bucks and. for ' mations. Rice' and rTaylor were,out for work! and given some stiff training. It is quite likely thnt these men will i bo given a chance In Saturday's game against the Doane team But, 'owing , to tho freshman rule;thl8wlll betholf last gairie of the, -season. "Thenwork of these two men has boon of tho best tnls year, and for 'the simple reason that tboy'havo worked hard all year - without regard it tho rule barring Jfeggtliem from tho Conference games, Is worthy of much praise- , , vThe team is In the beBt physical con dition. that could be expected after tho flerceway In which they 'were handled in last Saturday's game-. Johnson was the.-only 'varsity player that did not , .report for practice last night," His, leg Is in pretty bad condition and -will probably .hinder his practice' work to a great oextent 'for this week at least. : ARMORY, NOVEMBER 25. coocoocococococoooocococoo: Benedict was out for workand showed but llttlo effects of the Mlnnesotn game. Borg, Weller, Cotton and Wil son all seem .to be in the best of physical condition. Thus we find that the hard gamo of last Saturday has effected the physical strength of our team but little. The men will continue tov practice on tho field this week, while Booth may tako them to the State,Farm .for practice -next week before the Illinois game. -v. To Abolish Football at Harvard. In tho wako of the Jordan articles on tho corruption of athletics in. Anlerlcan universities, comes the statement by John Mahan, coach at tho Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, that football will be abolished at Harvard after this season. At a banquet given recently' at the, Tech Union, Coach Mahan, during, a talk on athletics, said: "I possess 'In side information which enablos mo to say that football in its present form will not bo played at Harvard next year. Tho trouble there Is that ath letics plays too prominent a part is a business and hot a sport. Men in the senior and Junior years who have had enough athletics and wish to study are made to bollevo that their duty to thefr college Is to spend their .time, playing football.1' - It is Jiot at all improbable that Ma han is correct when he makes" this statement, slncq it is known thnt President Elliot of Harvard Is openly opposed to tho gamo of football' as It Is now played. The gigantic .caterpillar which Is to be exhibited at tho County Fair hqs gained ten pounds in weight and a foot -in length since its arrival inthiBT city last week. It Is being taught now "stunts" dally. JChd latest addition' to the "Baby Shof department otUio County Fair Is tho pantomineof "Casey at the. Bat." The reproduction is ,sald to he exceedingly interesting. Academy Notes. Tho Debating Club has Just boon organizod with Mr. Heskett ns presi dent; Miss Stevenson, vice president, and Mr. Morgan, secretary. Tomor row evening at 8 p. m. tho first dobato will bo hold. The subject is: "Shquld Suffrage Bo Restricted by an Educa tional Test?" Tho Academy girls are invited to meet at tho homo of Mrs. Hodgman next Saturday afternoon. Plans will be discussed regarding the organiza tion of tho Social Hour Club. Tho work to bo taken up will receive con siderable attention. Last year tho club studied tho "World Pictures" under the direction of JMmu-Hodgman. Basket-ball practice Is well under wqy. The regular practices aro hold Monday and Wednesday, from G to G, at the-city Y. W. C. A. rooms. Two teams are planned for and already twelve or thirteen girls hnvo signified their intentions of competing for mom borship. Football Js carried on by the boys without help of jnanagement or coach. Nevertheless, they "are doing romark ably .well. Next Saturday they go to Croto to play Doane's secqnd'toam. . We regret to say that Mr. Rohdrt Beckstrom has bon compelled to re turn to his homo at Axtell. Ho has been three weeks in tho sanitarium, afflicted with rheumatism. Ho hopes, however, to return next seemstor. First Law Lecture. Tho Hon. C. C. Flansburg of tho Lincoln bar opened tho course of lec tures before the students of tho law school Monday evening with an ad dress on "Fees." Tho law lecture room was packed to tho doors, and every chair and window was occupied .with nttfintlvo Htnrianffl. Mr. FlntiR. burg gave a number of, valuable" point ers to tho students, and at the conclui slon of his address answered a num bcTof questionspropounded by-thoso present, t, - " The next address will be glvon-noxt MondnjuBYoning. ATBLETIC BOARD SELECTS COMMITTEE TO CONFER - WITH KAN8A8. ' Proposition to Resume Relations With Jayhawkers Looked Upon Favor ably Team to Go to Chicago. : At Gggrgo Bros., Printers, 13th & N. " " ' ' i i i ramm , ,. , . ii mm Fourth Annual Cornhusker Banquet! ' ; LINPELL HOTEL ,-. .' Moiid I . The Athletic Board hold its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, and considerable now business waB trans acted. Those designs which had been submitted for uso as tho official em blem wero examined, but owing to tho fewness of them. It was decided to do lay selection for another month, and to receive any new proposals which might be made. A ft or some discussion it wus decided to sond tho cross-country team to Chicago to conTpeto In tho lnter-collcglato cross-country contest whlch Is to occur thpro Thanksgiving morning. .- The most important business beforo the board was the question' of what stand Nebraska should tako with" re gard to the proposal of the Kansas athletic board that commltteos from each board should confer and fix up some articles of agreement which should be satisfactory to both collogos. The sentiments of the different mem bers of tho board wero very different, but after considerable dobato It was decided to meet the Jayhawkers half "N way and' to appoint a commltteo to rP'T resent Nebraska. Tho conitrilttce was to fro composed of ono member of the faculty and. one student member, and" Dr. Pound and Benedict wore solected. The manager's- report of tho Minne sota gamo .was received Tho estl mates of the number of .spectators .wore shown tq' be toyay off, tho total number being1 less than 5,000. No braska's share of tho gate recolp.ts was nboufc-$3,300 Annual County Fair. Don't forget it. It is to lie th,o oyont of the season. Como and play you are young again. All kinds of toys can bo obtained at a very reasonable price. Thero will be a wonderful display of pictures. You can'tafford to miss this. Don't neglect this side of your' education. The Fair is tho place whero you can get good things to cat, such as bullion,- waffles, cojted and candy. These 'are only a, few of tho many at tractions of tho ovening. Timo' and space will not permit ment!on-6f all',", so -como and see for yourselves. .Get tickets. while they last ; . ff f A I a a OIit Klt aim uics wiuu ( ,.' The Qlee and" Mandolin Clubs wero entertained at the Beta house at ,a' smoker last Friday evening. Every member was present, And ah enjoyed . the evening very much. ,. The .mnnagerhas received an invl-j w tatlon from alWthe associations of Le- , land Stanford for tho clubs to be thq ;-- guests of the combined societies on the, " n occasion of, tho concert to be given lnrf " , Palo Alto on April 25. " , JL ' Dramatic Club. , - . ' There will be a meeting; of the Dra l J matlc Club on Thursday, Novembefl23- ' at 11 o'clock in" U. 106. The cast of. ; ' -, the first play to bo produced will, be , announceu, au mmqers; are urged 'to bo present. ' j ' H .l ' .. -, o 1 fl -a. I J r. . ! JA . 4 L -J '; ' r t TM -t ''4&'' l -'vjb. i. . ,." -. T1 ' j l ,r. S -tr-f a "--, -J ,