The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1905, Image 2

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! " 1
tbc Daily fttbraskan
A consolidation of
Tho Hesperian, yol.81, JTho Ncbrasknn,
Vot. ld,Scnrlot ahSUCrerfm, ,,Vol. 4.
Published dally, oxcopU; Sunday, fond
Ttfonday, nt tho University of Nebraska,
"Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hcnporlan Publish
ing CO. "
Board of Directors.
O. V.'P. Stout. Lauronco Foslor.
H. P. Lcavltt.
Dwlght Cramer. A. a. Bchrelbor.
Edltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark
Manager Fred Naughton
Circulator i .Walter B. 8tandov6n
Athlctlo , R. A. Van Orsdol
Editorial Roomr. U 204. Business Office
U '311. roai unice, ouiugn j, um-
i, Nob.
Offlco hours of Business Manager and
Editor, 11:00 to 11:80 dally.
, Telephone Automatic-1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Sub'BcTrlftiojllErlco, .ppr year In adyanco
Entered nt tho postofllco at Lincoln,
Neb., na second-class mall mattor under
tho act of congress of March 3, 1870.
Individual notices will bo charged for
at tho rate of 10 cents for each Insertion.
Faculty departmental and university bul
letins -will gladly bo published freo, as
There will be no issue of the Ne
braskan on Saturday of this week.
The editor-in-chief, the athletic editor,
the manager, and above all, the linotype-operator
and the printer, are go
ing to see the game,' and there will be
nobody to get out the paper. You had
better come along also.
Wear the Official Badge at the Game
Button Picture of . Team with Ribbon
" Streamers - Attached
On Sale at Station, Price 25c
To' those who go on the excursion
. this evening wo .wish to say a, word.
Let tho Gophers know who you aro
j and whore you are. from Wear .your
-- colors promiscuously and prominently
and don't jtako thorn off from tho time
; you leave Lincoln until you get back.
" Make the Nebraska section of tho
grandstand one sea of color. Thero
has been a noticeable lack of ribbons
and pennants at thegames bo farJthls
' year, andj.ij&to-blggest- game of tho.
season this should be remedied, Next
, to good rooting, there. Is nothing so en
couraglng as a solid bank of college
" colors, and the team will certainly
'need-all the encouragement you can
Collection for the Band.
About forty dollars w"as contributed
yesterday morning at tho door of the
: '. cftapel for taking tho band to MInne
!.,4 Bbta. During the afternoon fifteen dol
lars . more was handed in making ' a
total of llfty-flvo dollars, or a little over
a, third of tho required amount It is
the general feeling of tho student body
that we need the band to help us win
the game? and another hundred must
be raised before noon today. ' Thero
will be 'some official representative of
,j( tho fppthajlnpement around tak
i ing up sub'scrlptions, and when he calls
v( . on you, be sure to hand in your mite.
f . .
. .
, m A' young 'woman's shoe, Sorosis.
- Rogers &, Perkins, Co., 1129 O Street.
Jacob Long, '06.
Jacob Long, of tho Senior class, died
nt hlB homo In Albion, Nobr., on No
vember 16, 1905. Long was a Btudent
in the College of Science and Arts.
He had been specializing in chemistry
and education during his course. He
was a fellow of many friends and of
an amiablo disposition. His univer
sity education had been paid entirely
by his own efforts, and those who best
know him mourn his loss, to them
selves and tho university.. ,
Professor Reighard has been inves
tigating for some years (he habits of
fish, and' as a result of his studies has
discovered that thcBo forms exhibit
habits in nest building and care of
tho eggs and young, which are fully as
complicated as thoso of birds. Pro
fessor Reighard Is undoubtedly the
most prominent; American scientific
man who haB been in Lincoln for many
years. He is a flno speaker and his
lecture Is illustrated by a largo num
bor of colored lantern Blldes, which
whon shown at the scientific congress
a year ago evoked unstinted applause.
The lecture is not technical and will
be of great interest to all porsons hav
ing any interest In zoology, naturo
study or animal psychology.
Palladlan Program.
. Nov. 17, 1905.
Piano Solo '. . . .Mr. Peterson
Reading Miss EricBon
Class Rhymc8....Mlss Evelyn Moore
Vocal Solo Mr. Stanley
Pleasures and Woe's of Stato Bear
ing Mr. Peterson
Violin Solo "Mr. Valma
Friday Convocation.
Tho Charles Hagenow string quar
Mr. Charles Hagenow, flrBt Violin.
Mr. William Quick, second violin.
Mrsi Charles Hagenow, viola.
Mas Lillian Elcho, 'cello.
Quartet, 'My Journey in tho Kirges
"Steppes." Op. 57; Shcuborth.
' Allegro Moderato, "Departure'."
Scherzo, "BucharSong."
Lento, "Tartar Song."
Allegro Moderato, "Baschklr Song
ami- Return;"
Tho Latin Club' was entertained
Tuesdayflven!ng at the homeof Miss
Alma Vandorveer. Tho following pro
gram was given:
Purpose and Aims of tho Latin Club,
Mr. Frank Peterson.
Current Events, Mr.-A. W. Aaron.
Review of Now Books, Miss Xlma
!, Review of .Periodicals, Miss Emma
Schrelber. fr
Latin Conversation, led by Dr. John
son and participated In by members of
the club.
New members wore elected, for the
ensuing year.
The Co-op. will fcvo two representa
tives at Minn'pppoJisT You ' "cpn ,, get
megaphones and co'iorfl of then th6re.1
. .:; ' r-
Remember tho Y. W. n' A. nnnfv
Fair, November 25.
for the Minneapolis Game
You'll want Streamers, to fly out on
the breeze. We haoe the Scarlet and
Cream in Satin or Billotoay. Taffetas
and Loinsines.
' Trij extremes in width, the oery
jtiarrotD in abundance, or the oery'toide
in long ends. -;
We can fit you out for the trip with
CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. 91. ,
Hot Soda Oyster Stew
A new and distinctly novel attraction-
hna been added to the County
Hair's already largo list of interesting
exhibits a monstrous catorpillarot4-
tho piplllo asterlas (swallowtail but
terfly) specie. When weighed at the
freight office yesterday, upon its ar
HvaTTTrtlpped tho beam at seven hun
dred and , sixty-two and two-thirds J
pounds. Its dlnear proportions ate;
8x2 feet.
Like every true catornlller. this
specimen crawls on threo pairs of legs
and weaves its own cacoon. On ac
count of the Insect's prodigious size,
however! and the scarcity of green
stuff at this sea.son of tho year, tho
management has been compelled to
feed If. a specially prepared food, tech
nically known as pap.
Cornhuakers vs. Gophers.
ThwHJ special trains via Northwestern
lino will leave C. & N; w. depot,
Ninth and S streets, Friday evening,
Nov. 17th. ' First train of standard
and1 tourist sleepers at .5 p. mi Sec
ond, train of tourist sleepers, :30 t.
m, Third train, ' chair cars and
coaches, 6 p. m'. all duo to arrive
Minneapolis Saturday morning-at 7,
7f30 and 8 a., m., respectlvolyT All
students should bo at the depot not
later than 4:30 p. m., Friday, that
they may bo properly located in tho
cars and enable the Northwestern line
Vfc'presentkUvo to start. the, trains out
on schedule time." It is 'also iihpor-Mi
tant to make sleeping car reserva
tions at once, otherwise a large num
ber of students may bQ deprived of
berths, tho general public having
taken up a large number of borths up
to tho present Returning, special
trains will -leave Minneapolis at 6 p.
m., 6:30 p. m. and 7 p. m Sunday
evening. Tickets will also be honored
on all regular tralnB fromiMJgn'oanfllls,
than Sunday evening. Diagrams' of
cars and berth reservations at C, &
N. W. City Ticket Office, 1024 O street.
Official Foot Ball Guide
FOR 1905
Edited by WALTER CAMP.
Containing the newly revised OFFI
of leading teams, embracing over 2,600
players. PRICE, 10 CENTS
For sale by all Newsdealers, Athletic
Goods Dealers and depart-
. ment Stores..
Spalding's , catajoguo of all athletic
sports mailed tXSSL to any address.
,Nqw;YorkrBoston, Buffalo, ChicagoT
Minneapolis, 'Philadelphia, t Denver.
Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kim-"
sas City, Pittsburg, San Francisco
New" Orleans, Syracuso, Cincinnati;
Montreal, Can., London, England.
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