The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1905, Image 1

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, JUimyimixf
Voh y,.No 39 ,: r UWyEfrSIT Y OF IRASfcA; LINCOLN, I?RIDAY, NOyEMBER $7, J905.
-Price 5 Cents
,.s. i..
,bb - - -b. l. . ' .mmt
- -'' ' ' ' ; i i .
Studejnts AJanifestJQrfeat'Confidencein Team to De
' 1 ' feat Minnesota.
,Prbf. ir.idfed by" the University Band, Leads the Students in a
Spirited Meeting Excursion leaves over Northwestern
, tonight at&OQ, ,5:30 and ;00 0'cidctf,
Iumorlnl Hull was packed to the
doors yesterday morning at eleven
ociock'..withjtidejQt8,JinxJou8 to give
tho tenin, such a send-off as no Nebras
ka ;team had ever ;tecelvedr In order
to keep1 the men quiet "and culm; Coach
Booth had Issued orders that none of
the" players should , be present, and
"Arid taken theni oft tho campus during
thht, hour "for a 1 ft tie instruction, but
thgld not -seem to diminish-tho en
thusiasm 7n' a particle: The-band oc-,
cumdrfhe;rqgtrumr'anU prfivonted nijy
long speeches by breaking 1 in with
some fieVsong or pleco at short intqr
, vals, Tho 'football song "which .had
been composed for Jho ColoradV game
was 'altered to Af the game tomorrow,
and a copy.of tho revised vorslon was
svuf-iwVi '.. j
tk.w- me
i .v-.'STSSiv
cok'-a-.i "v
''jIm1' .kraemer. t- - '
IVJnnesofa' Right 'Half.
'- hrtn'gf whoYe, all could see" It," and all
joined -iaVheri tho band sang if. It
took even botterthan was tho case a
weolclgo, and" all morning students
were .humming tho tUno.. ' "
Profesoryyor -made his flrjt ap-
peafasce for a? ebuplVSf years In ttxo
capacity of -iwder, andBhW,ed how
. 'emlpntl'y, fit' bo li for tho, position!
AfteMaT brief introductory speech, fro
quentiy lterut(ed by fouil, ghers.
from. tae,8iudlic9, healled on tho
- T)adtCv.wrforai. Tkea- Dr. .Bolton,
who Altai teop -taVgUnd-by., otffe"
- . -v BirvcjHjT ' if
. V mil'd.' I TIVMVJlE.LyjiT UVArIAS
.'-ATS-... ; jr;ny aaaaaaaaaaaam-v.
i xw r.t)MOV'j
r? if-' . IMS aaaaaaaaaaaam
P V RZXihZ'4BViBBBBBjaB'wir-
' iBaaaalaaaV aaaaaaaaat aam&K&ls
'aaaaawfBL aaaaaaaal aaT ?saaps
aaaVrafeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV w SaaM
I aaBfflaaaaaaaaaKT 'Wk
- iaaaHaaaaaaaaaWtH
" BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaH
u tV- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
w -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiv
fe'. jo ' iicity lor suck occasions, took the
Itf" i'... .)-vjtifL ii tj j
"J Jx-mB uiuiy uver oHr ota en-
. rznssjKcariaMra!-
oiir'tho excursloa that
tj ' -
y A'J.1,J1-.iiiiiii
they must be careful not to cheer while
either quartor isgi.vlng the signals,
for wo miujt show the faophers that wo
respect our rule of honor both at
home and abroad.
Processor' Wyer then made a plea
for the band. The Athlotic Board hud
given one hundred and ntty, dollars tb
tako the "band to the game jbut this
was Just half enough, and ho said that
it was tho duty 6f"thb students to raise
the remalridor of "tho" .necessary
amount. He suggested 'that- a hat bo
held at the door and that ench student
drop a quarter into i't-'as he passed
out. This was received by loud ap
plause. bytho nudlence and everybody
began to hunt through their pockets
for change.
Tho remninder of tho meeting was
taken up with music and rooting. All
the unlverslty-cheerawero'glvoli over
and ovor, and the yelling censed only
when the "bell rang Then tho crowd
filed out, singing "Sota, poor Minne
Cross Country .Try-Outs.v
Tho try-outs f6r the cross country
vwitut i.v tujiiuaciii. lUUlilUlVil ill JIW
cago on( Thanksgiving wns lfojd las.t
night. 'About ten men entered tho
try-out andxaH. finished' In fair ,tlnie.
Tho courso was north and east from
tho Armory to tho fairgrounds, around
e track four tlniesand back to tho
.fvinujp. hub course wnen. covered.
oquallec.nbouC flvd and qneourth
ijinua. v .
A surprise vis sprung on the spec
tators when Strohm, a freshman 'from
Pairbury, led tho crowvd by slxtr yards
at the finish. Heath, who was expect
ed to win, was second, "and Alden,
third. Strohm made1 a groaf'run, cov
ering the distunce In minutes, and
27 seconds. Considering tho condition
of. tho course, this was remarkable
time. Heath was about ten seconds
behind Strohm. Others who made good
tlraoworo Morgan and Kmsl
- I mmm
I Kansas City MaHHafvs. Lincolfl High School 1
X .7 " SATURDAY, NOV. 18 O
j3 : , 2:30F,M. - ': ' ft-
; Gehcral, Admisxion,50i , . ' Gtknds&rid, "25$ ft,
mmmm ...
bjB'UBat: Mi-N-Hisomf-
v il v .raaBBaaaMBBaBaBBaaaaaaaaBaaBBaaaBSBig
Coach Booth, Accompanied by Twqnty-twoF.ootball-'
Warriors Departed Last Night; ,
Students Give the Team a Royal Sendoff at'the Burlington Depot
Much Cheering as Train Pufs OMtehlri the Best oF
ai k
jf ry?iwi vuiiuinoii
f.A monstrous rally and send-off wnTujiQ ,Tlreet to .
given to the football team last even
Ing when the train departed to Mlnno
apolls. About ono thousand people
had gathered at tho Burlington depot;
by 5:50 p. m. yesterday, qhd from thiB
time until the team departed tho time
was spent in giving tho university
yells and short speeches by some 6f
the men. Tho enthusiasm of the past
week reached tho climax last night and
(he men wore sent off Jn, the propor
Tho small buttonhole postors were
very much instrumental In bringing
forth tho largo crowd, Tho work of,
Boothk In his utny at Nebraska' td
dreate enthuslnsm among tho students
hns surely been vory successful. At
the beginning of his work hore it was
nlmostMjnpossible fto got oven a. cor
poral's guard"Oiit--to tho -gomesT 1t
alone rooting; But now tho enthusi
asm manifested ly Nebraska studdnts
is not excelled In the west
: The football ni'en with, first team
sjgnals reported for practice Qn tho
field lust evening at 3:30, Booth, sent
the men through a-swlft signal pac
tico. overv mnn hnlntr trlvnn n niii
"lrtgxhp, nnd trial at tho signals. Tho
'niil.) 7;k.nA l U II . . .
v.nj Miiifiu jm mu xuuuuij oi uio xno
braska teamslnco tho Colorado game
,Is thtf clmngOspf Morse to'rlght ond.
Morse will strengthen tho lino much,
nnd has shown himself to be n good
tncjcler. , . tv', '
nner11 was served to tlte tcarii at
the training table at 5:10 p. mN After
tills they Immediately prbceodedvto
tlVo depot, where they had, a BpoclaV
car foiv their use. The car was decor
ated with JJnlverslty colors, nnd tho
scarlet and cream w.Ill be tho men's
companion untlj thoy reach the Twin
Cities. Tero thoywill ffefend it, and
that nobly. "
Manager Morrison will, keep tho
team ,ln St Paul until ;Satjfrdayvnoon,
V'1 'fei tSLu rt -v
1 '1iJ?'
"J ft n-,
iyr ureal piruggic -r-v
iiiinui-rieiu. in tno evening, after
tho gamo, .Nebraska will . bo " enter-
talned nt- tho Bijou theater in Min
neftpbliB. The manager of;tiieMjns. oxi
tended nn Invitation to tho tenm in npo
."Tlie arnfters."
The men .who accompanied Booth
and. Mgfrion"to Minneapolis! on. last
nlgliW-trol aro nsqHows: ". v, .
'MpraoJqrg, Johnson, Euger, Won-
strahd, Tay)dr, Pjonodlct, Jqnkfns, Cot- '
ton, 'McMuhon.v Miller. Ltindln. Lnnlz.
Drajn, Wilson; kittle, yciimldt, Mason,
""I?w wuuu,.eison.
Besides tliesd.meKpj'r.LoeAssIst
rint Manager Woo'ds, 'Assfstantlcaach .. J.
Wcstover and Jack Best Jqft on tho
trnlnrinst evening'.
ill -II Saw -'"''" P" ' '"' !Vv
M HHnS3vf5aaaaaaaaaVnXWfl
KLaaaaaaV: VH
BaaamaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaal "
' aaaaaaHriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI '
aaaaaaaaaaaaaHaiiH X
-r Ni ' PAN iSMITH. v - - V - X- ' r
JVjJfop sota'a ,Rlflh Guard: r f f '
Nebraska fttatn Rap Aaanolaflnn'
The Nebraska State' Bar association ' . '
Wlll-holrl Mr iVfh,nrninnl mnnUnfr In
"the Creighton College of Jaw in 6mn ' ,
bev 22 and-'23.' Tho' program Isvery '
excellent nndyiricludes Hon. CharleB ' ;' -jetton,
Juaticertor ,ttor-iqprfemo;7x
coiirt; rllon. Go. R. Peck,Jpreiiiaent S
of 'the- American jBar as'soclatio: " br!r
Jloscoe Pound; dean 6t The" Colle'go o'rT "
jiyy, uuiuiauy uuior-iJrumuent jaw
yers-of America. . J?fl -- ' ' .
. Keil6winVlh6;meeanJ?riea4null
,4inne-il will be fieltfae the" iierr'Gt-l2d
and tW Tebrrakk2 'state BaV iSSaffi tf
JloA will lt6ldTtiie1f dftner tqgeffiw-Tin.V
Uertheauspicea-of the fatter " & 4
i& .
M ..