N. . L V. i. . I I r" 4 THE fcVILV NEBRASKAN. W y iu Wfi- . & f. - ik :l3 ''"V t ra JPPFiFn'rpV"n"nV"F"n'FrorF" BUSINESS DIRECTORY ;; Every Xojral Unlvaralty Stadtat U j Wj(ea to Atrontie these toebrM- i t kVTa adverttun, and to mention -th" -paper while doing; so. t t J it 7 . fcV ' - .,.'.' i . . . 1 ' ' li i i BARBERSHOPS tho AristoQreen's Pa4ej"Mogul, Qcorgo'a Place. BAKERY--Mr0r.Petry1 BOWLlNaALtEY-CrcBcet,. BbKfS-STATlbNEJRV-C(M)p, UJn coin Book Store, Unl. Book Stare, 1 v Brown 'Drug Co., Harry Portor. BOOK HOSPITALr-rGlllesplo. BANKS-olumbla National, First Na- ... f ' tlonal.- ' j. ,. . BOWLING ALLEY-Croscent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudgq & Ghenzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. , CATERER "Tommy," at RIggs' Drug Store. CHINA Rudge & Guonzel Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. ' - CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, fla- geo. & Deemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltobreast CONPECTIONERSr-Maxwoll, The ol spm. ' ;.-'" DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DINING JIALL University Dining .Room. DISEASES OP EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erlo B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS ftlgga, Stelnor, Woom , peher. Brown, "Rector, Harley. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- .sholmer, Rudge & Guenzel. EXPRESS-Llncqln. Local. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel Co., Hardy. FURRIER Steele. ' s - GROCERSO.'J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE-Rudgo' & Guonzel Co;, Hall Bros. HOTELS LIndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Cream Co.N. anklln Ice JEWELER Tuckqr, Hallott. LAUNDRIES Yul63ros., Morchan NOVELTY MACHINIST-Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOL AND. BILLIARDS Tho Hedel- ourg. PRINTING Georgo Bros, Now Con- tury, Ivy Press, 3, itovww x'ress, ureor- Cooper Cov RESTAURANTS Westorflold. Cam eron, Good Health, Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium .Rink. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining - Parlor. , TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg. y tYEEWRITERS Underwood . Type writer Co. SPECIALISTS Dr.. Erlo B. Wood ward. SANTOV 'A NEW QUARTER, SIZE ARROW IB CENTS EACH J 2 FOR 28 CENTS GLUETT. PEASODY & CO., k A IULMI 0..C.U1TT , MOiftoMHMIT - j m iimiMiiMiiii CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICES. Rato ono cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ton cents. FOUND. L A PLACE to got a good $2.50 hat. J2.S0 Hat Storo, lift O St. GOOD boarding house, close to Uni versity. Three places open. 1234 S street. 3t B00K8 8EC.OND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, mlBcellana ous lot at great reductions. University Book Store. MESSENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENGERS, Tel.: Bell 190, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIES. " KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 So. 11th St. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance scrv vice. 120-4 SO. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. . SULPHO-SALINE Bath House 14th and M Sts. SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and prcBucd at thoVYctaciSuitGrJwn, 11th and. u uts. JOIN the club. . 3 suits, 1 overcoat, cleaned and pressed, $1.00. Elllott'u, 1134 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. .FAQER BROS., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggagq and pai-ccls. 8H0E REPAIRING. THE .only up-to-date' 'rbpairing factory Jri tho. city. Prices "tho lowest. "Work manship tho bdst. 1220 O St ' DENTISTS BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. HAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft water shampoo In the cKy,'l24 No. 12th St.'-EHaabetbGood' man. 25-2t FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE Journal routo. Good Investment for student. Sec. Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT ROOM8. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for two, $5.50 per monthTlso two rooms ?7.00". Apply at 1229 N St. OLIVER- THEATRE vYVYVYTrrorxvv"oooooooo THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 16. Paul Armstrong's American Comedy "HEIR TO THE HOORAH" Mlth Guy Bates Post Prices; $1.50, $1.00, 75c & 50c. - I II ! MB I ...IIM.M Friday Night, November 17 Mcfadden's Flats $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c Satd., Mat. and Night, Nov. -jg Way, Down East MAT-Orc. 50c, .Bal. 25c, Reserved, EVE-$1.O0, 75c, 50c, and 25c. '"Monday Night, Nov. 20 JFrancis JWiJson DUALITY OUR SODA TABTE8IJKE MORE Rlggs, The D.dg Cutter ye unci I 1321 O St T J f II0RP St TO . V. , ,7 Rubber.Stamps, Stencils, Seals, trade Checks, Keyi Leek Smithing; General, Wschlne "Werks, Model Makers, Etc 301 Si, 111)1 HMmN ........ m.m m.-.y. COOCOCXXXXXX?COOOOOOOOOOO muiJrlivy Friday, Nov. 17. 8 p. m. Reception to Farm stu dents. Art Hall. Saturday, Nov. 25. 8 p. m. County Fair. Armory. 1 1 Monday, Dec. 4. 9 p. m. Fourth-Annual Cornhuskor banquet. LJndeJl Hotel. Friday, Dec. 15. 9:00 p.m. Pershing Rino Hop. Fra ternity Hnll. Friday, Jan. 12. 9 p"! m. Freshman Hop. Fratornlty Hall. Convocation. Friday, Novomber 17 Music. Chaplain for tho weok: Prof. Law rence Fossler. Monday, November 20 Prof. G. E. Howard, "A Call for tho Social Purl tan." v Wednesday, Nov. 22 Prof. . Thad- I'deUs L. Bolton, "Epodhs In Modern1 Psychology." Friday, Nov. 24 Music. Chaplain for tho week: Rev. Dr. Svearingen. Monday, Nov. 27 Dean Roscoo Pound. Wednesday, Nov. 29 Spool ul Thanksgiving program: Cftdet Band. T Solos. Patriotic Songs. , . Chaplain for the week: Prof. V. F. Dann. Nebraska Schedule. Nov. 18 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 25 Doane College of .Crete, N6b., at Lincoln. Nov. 30 Illinois at Lincoln. Commutation tickets Unl. Dining Room. "Den Decorations Pipe racks, match- safes, smoking sets, etc., in . burned wood. Novelties from 10c to 25c each. The Lincoln Book Store. Also a line of matted poster' pictures, 15c each; size 14x17, In assorted mats. All men hav5 character so have overcoats. We are showing tho vern choicest, producediby tlio best makers in the land. Paine Clothing Co. The Interurban. . Tho energy with which tho con struction gangs of tho new electric road between Oniahaj Lincoln nnd Beatrice have attacked the Lincoln streets during tho past few days has aroused much interest and Inquiry. About seventy men aro now at work and ninny more will soon be employed at laying and ballasting the heavy- rails. TTMnntff trtntnta hnvn hnnn irlntvwl I 4lV t. .A , H"UI1U vrlTv. . Z 7 ' HUUll UU ill XJII1UU11J. 1 1IU 11IUIV1B (II U very powerful and will bo able to de velop a speed of about one hundred miles ,',per ' hour. Through trains to Omaha wlirxover. tho Intervening dlsr tanco of flfty-flvo miles. In an noun TheiJmo to Beatrice will be corro- H snondinsly short. . J" Tho faro will be. much less than that now In forco on tho railroads. It is thought that one cent a mile will be charged for passengers. At present I tn rat0 ,s threo cents pot talle. This will .interest many students, ns it will , .. , , t , ' ,, ' ho Possiblo for any one to drop in, on the folks at home at any time and at 'Utile expense. Part of the road will be In operati0n tho latter portion of next nlonth. r. - ni..L.niiihrLqrTj-jnjLini"niLiTAajotnmi -j,-JuLiiui aaaaflaatvfev' ' ' aHafeis-y ' ' .H BBBBBBM aWB''laW vBBjIBb "Ha flu 'JiaaBBBBBKVfK. ffltSii- ' jafKHsA SAY!,"'f Whydon't roir go down lt f jfoERBN's .tetlg SM90SWET.sW AniUgot a-pair 9fTthohi00 ' Special shoes..' They aro tho flwollcst.things you oyorjjaw. t- v wmmmmmmmmmm JOHN L VSe bLfa RELIABLJE BARBER FIRST-CI.A8H HAIR CMTTIWO (. HIIAVJNU AND SHAMrOOINO 1235 N STREET C0TRELL& ALBANY..Y. Makers of CA PS GaWNS and Xo the American, . tJollogesandt,UnIvor sltles. Class-.cbp.tractSL spoalalty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' RrH. GILLESPIE '. Bookbinder 1124 I Strut 'A ' m re s. j. w. i e t r;y rtAarn,ov( ' TUX eurSlKCJtAI.MMrok KKKAB -phone aia ;- ':. 934. Manth TkUrt'mth'.M'. tyktfr 1 1 '!. i MARSHALL ft "' J m aaV. VaaaaK. M L ! ! II. I. .J 4 f HOODS I Dr. Sariil. S. a'B I 8 ...OPTICIAN..". '. ,' " k g 1123 O STREET'1 ,-f' Q r - i , uU. ,, X O. Yotir, Patroiiafe Sjollcltf.dTo" ,,' x - X . fx- ,y" . C" r. r i r a i i nc jKjjk aaam w aal w aw aW 'aal aw i ar w at am w am aal Bin-t,( i VtMMMtjMMMMMMWMMIMMMt MWMWWWMWWwlwriiMqMW 0. ,s d 1 KBlt I