Jf" TT" l' THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. f" v ' 4 M- t e j0ap Jlcbraskan A consolidation of Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Nobraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday nnd Monday, at thoUnlvorsfty of. Nebraska, -Lincoln, Nob., by tho Henporlan Publish ing Co. Board of Director!. .O. V.4f ,8tout. Lauronco Fossler. -v II. P- Lcavltt; Dwlght 'Cramor. A. Q. Schrelber. Edltor-ln-ClUof . 3. X. Clark Manager. . . , , Fr od Naughton Circulator .Walter J3. Standovcn Athletic...'. ..R. A, Van Orsdol Editorlnl Roomc. U 204' Business Office, U 211. Post Ofnco,. Station A,. Lin coln, Nob. Ofrico hours of business Manager and Editor, 11:00 to ll!30 dally. Telephone. . Automatlo 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, J2 por year n advanco Entered at the postofrico at Xllnooln, Neb., as second-class mail matter unaar HlQ act 0( congress of'March 3, 1870. Individual notices wilt bo charged for nt, thtf rato of 10 cents for each lnsortlori. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will g)adly bo published free, as, heretofore. There will be no Issue of the Ne '. braskan. on 8aturday of this week. The editor-lnchlef the athletic editor, the, mapager, and above all, the lino typo operator and the printer, are go ing to see the game,. and there will be nobody to get out the paper. You had better come along also. A GOOD 8END-OFF. Tho team Is nhout to play tho great est game of tho season. To win It they must feel that ovory student Is bohlnd thorn. Eyerybody como out to the mass meeting this morning, and this evening take hold of tho rope and tako tho mon to the train. If wo do our part, tho men cannot help but do theirs. RAIN-PROOF COATS - 9 I am not In the clothirig business don't want to be but when I can pick up a snap $15 and $20 overcoats - 4 g CiTi Then is when to sell for. . . Btjcftl, 2.50 JHE BAND, The Athletic Board lias appropriated a hundrod and fifty dollars to send tho bantl to Minnesota. ThlswJll pay tho faroof onjy half tho men, and. thoy have accordingly decided to, refuse to go unless tho etttirb band can make tho trip. There aro sovoral vory good rea sons for Oils action on their part. In "the first pluco, ovory man jn tho band has dono hie best during the entlro season, and has been present at overy game and at every mass meeting. To pick half tho men nnd leave the rest at homo wohld bo the grossest Injus tice to the remainder, .Again, Minne sota has one of tho best bands In tho country, and while our own musicians feel that thoy can hold their own, still th,oy nro nol going, to bo put In, tho shade because they have only .half their force along. Wo feel that tho band is justified in the stand jt has. taken, but, on the other hand, tvo do. not think thu't Nebraska can afford to leave the men at home. The presence of tho band will add moro to tho value t of our rooting than two hundred voices, and wo need it there. There Is only one thing to do nn extra hundred nrid fifty dollars must be rnlBOd, and Jt Iq up to tho students nnd the Athlotic fionrd to rniso It. You Will Have to Hurry. No student can afford to go on tho excursion and not tako a berth. Sit, ting up one or two nights in a chair car will put any' man in a condition In which ho-cannot do any work for a week, and ho will find that the cheaper plan would have been to buy a berth and get a good night's rest while on the road. It is not necessary to pay five dollars to procure this rest, olthor. Tho round trip faro for tourist cars is two dollars and a half, or a dollar and a quarter each way. As two can occupy each berth, tho cost will bo only a llttlo above fifty cents for each nlglit, or loss than the price of a room in a hotel. There Is a popular projudico against tourist cars, but It Ib not based upon Veasonablo grounds. Tho only dif-" forenco between tKem and, tho stand ard Pullmans is in tho Interior fur nishings. Tho bedding - is Just as clean and tho bods just as comforta ble, while each car Is attended by a portor. .Tho railroad officials deslro to tako care of all who wish sleeping car ac commodations, but as tho cars must bo brought hero, from Omaha, this will bo impossible unloss berths nro engagbd today. To accommodate all who may deslro bertlis, tho C. & N. W. city ticket ofllco will be open until after ten o'clock this evonlng for the Bale of tickets and borths. Class to Make Investigations. Mr. Davis, of tho Engineering de partment, has started his classes in mechanism upon a very valuable line of work. At present thoro aro no tables published that give tho dimen sions and nil other particulars re- PJJU Iget"on".9g Are you on? Hatte, g I quired In tho construction of tooth gearing. Mr. Davis realised that fact soon after beginning .actual work In tooth gearing. ,Ho immediately began to collect mntorlal, and in a couple' of years 'succeeded in getting an excel lent table of somp two thousand fig ures, for oplcyclofdal teeth. In the present work each, student of mechanism-will bo assigned to certain portions of tho work. Tho results thus obtained will bo tabulated and published In the "Blue Print," next spring, together with nn article on tooth gearing' by Mr. Davis. Both oplcycloldal and involute teeth will bo provided for. Tho undertaking -Is large one, na it will bo vory com pleto and thorough. Tho results will repay tho students many times oyer when' thoy get oilt into actual and practical,, work. The hour for.Rhetorio 25, English Verse, has beeh changed again. It now meets- Mondays and "Wednesdays at 8. a. m. " . ' ' ...' i WVtMM. UVtVWtWtWM Many New FabHcs Just Received in Men's and Young Men's Suits slightly form tracing beck. lNDSOME grays and mixtures as well as blues and Vilrtfnra. All fnlrnn fnornfliAV nnr ofirlr nnr Yvon.lr. a groat showing of flno ofam of. any "Konslngton" suitor safeguard against any pitstako as to stylo or quality, In every instance the prico is as low as suits of such high grado can. possibly bo 'Kensington Suits, $18 to $35. Othor makes, $10, $12.80 to $15. Overcoats, $10 to $80, Magee & Deemer, - liO0 0 Street " JKensIn'jton " GlotHs---'T:jh,y Flt lwvvwvwwvwvvw G. C. Kaar, B. S. '03, is sugar chem ist for tho American Refinery com pany at Blackfoot, Idaho. O. C. Howe, also a Nobraska graduate, Is superintendent of the sugar mills at that place. . "Robert Bums," the Leading IQc Cigar 'When, down town moot your friends at GEO. M. CONWAY'S 1!24? O 8TIIEKT Tho only exclusive cigar nnd tobneco utoro In tho c.lty Waterville Pocket Knives. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED HALLS. 1308 O STREET ooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)6oocxx)oooobcxxxi)opoooo Wear the Official Button Picture of Streamers On Sale at Station, Price 25c ooopoooooooooooooooooo ORMOJtY TilE COALMAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. 01. BOTH PHONES. - $044. 0 STREET CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY FRIlATTE vALLEYS- FOR LADIES a TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM GO. FOR' ALL ICE CREAMS, ICElr, PUNCHES AND , FROZEN, DAINTIES RerficH. prices in. large quantities. ' 1316 N Street. Betli, 'Pneies WWUUUWVWU WUI and Overcoats So extraordinary hs been the felling' in our suit' section, that frgr., quent re-shipmeataiiave been nepesfs'ary. These have brought us the very newest styles and fab rics shown this season. The coats are long, deep center or side vents, aiid garmonta. In tho purchase overcoat, tho label is an ofllciont iwwvlWnHni Eyesigtjt is Priceless Tho now popular-opinion that tho uso of glasses' shoutdbo postponed u long as possibles isorronoous. As soon as unploasanfc foelings de note the approach of Presbyopia, glasses should bo. resorted to at once, as tho longer tho oyes &ro dopnyod of tho nTiTwhich they need, and consequently are sub ject to strain, tho moro radidly will the changes in tho eyo bocomo dovoloped, a-hdroforo, it is tho greatest important that porsona having any troublo with tlioir oyos should have thorn 'tested by a good optician. Examination- froo. HALLETt - Jeweler . t . Optician il o STREET ?m &m M. Team with Ribbon Attached - rl , w ,;i V a ' M e i i'' Sj&li. -,tllifl,l1fatfM- UiMrf'fefJtoi---?!'- "-'""''V.1 -tfriW ,- il tW i- J.-J -iu,- 1. Ili K 1, uw. ,A fc ' ? ,. ' 'lyi. tuMf i;Au,tJV4,T . ,