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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
f-H, -K SCbe at ft IFlebraefian J s , IV k -Vi' ' . Vol. V, No. 38 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1905. Price 5 Cents qO THIS EVENING TEAM WEAVES.' T 8IX O'CLOCK k OVER THE BURLINGTON. Men in Good Shape to Meet the MGophers-BIg Mass Meeting This H Morning at Convocation. 'hiia mass meeting for the fdotball lnnt I11 ha Wnl1 In Afomnrlnl Mull men' win this morning, at lVo'clocft to give the ihn an enthusiastic .send-off for Min nesota. The arrangements have" been mauo anti, u ine Hiuuenis upiiuur w carry out their part of the program, there-should be no l'easbn why. this meeting .ghjmld not bp the best of Its fond ever given. The football men liuvebeen, going -through some very tfnWwork this, week and tills meeting ylfeuidfrervetdglyp the" men, an Idoa ou what . tho, students think of their abllltV to defeat tho Northerners. ' Thdprbgrami wlllf be In the hands tif'Pi'ofessorBolton'jHWhoBe enthusl; ROOT ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A L L KansasXity-Manual vs. Lincoln llioh School SATURDAY, NOV. 18 230 P. M. W. J. BRYAN PRIZE COMMITTEE. 8ELECT3 THE '8UB a JECT FOR ES8AY. General Admission, 50c Grandstand, 25c )OCXDCOOOOOOOOQOOCOOOOOOOOOO " ..,- -.' '. "". T- -.'). IHhHlSHkm go to Minneapolis to the gamo. It means more to a team to have loyal rooters on the sidelines cheerlngthem on evory play than anything else the student body could do to aid them In the game. Many tickets havo been sold already for this excursion, but too many of thoqe who aire buying tickets are citizens from Lincoln, and not enough students. Those who havo not secured tickets should make an early trip to tho Northwestern office and purchase the tickets. Many tick ets for the game have been sold to those desiring to go to tho Nebraska! section In tho grandstand. It Is' neces-. sary that the students should got these early In order that a return may bo made to the Minnesota management on Prldnv. Tho tickets are on sale at ,. ..-; - i- r- "! HarnroiTOi'8, Neurasican omcu, ana with J. E. Edgorton. Booth hns ben putting the .men through some hard practice this past week. Tho work has. been mostly with -the guaml-posltlomi, which seems to be Nebraska's weakness at the pres ent time, ienkind nnd Wenstrand have been the men worjked hardest In order that they miglrt be In a fit con dition for Saturday's contest. Booth has also been working on the end ma terial In order to have a man, to fill Denslow'tf The physical condition of tho menj te tho host, voiy few having sustained Injuries In tho v Colorado ame. Johnson, who had -a "gamo" leg, Is,, to. all intent of the word, well again, and ready to buck up against tho best of them. Cotton, wno was stale and over trained for a couple of weeks, Is up jo his usual form now. Tho officials for Saturday's gjimo have been selected and are as follows: Referee, Lieutenant Hackett, West Point; umpire, Allen; head linesman, McCarthy, VlsconBln. Booth had not selected tho men who would make the Minnesota trip whon tho paper went to. press. ' " INTERCLAS8 ATHLETIC BOARD Makes Rules. for the Football Games Between Classes. . The lnterclass athletic board mot for the first tlmo this year In tho Y. M. C. A. rooms during tho convocation hour yestorday morning and decided upon tho rules which are to govern all Intorclass contests for tho present year. It was decided that tho mem bers of the Lnw School should bo en titled to play on the academic clasB teams, the senior laws to bo counted as juniors, tho junior laws as Juniors, and the freshman laws as sophomores. This move was opposed by the repre sentatives of the freshman class, but all the other classes were In favor qf .It. ,TJbi.t,WJ(11.44nBure, ,strongor class L teams all the way .through the uppor .classes, whoso, teams generally bo come weaker each year. In regnriMotho eligibility of pjay- ers, It was decided that no player who had over won the Initial could engage in tliat lino of athletics on class teams, but that. he should not be barred from tho other, lines. All men who havo had the flrsUtcam signals this season are barred from playing on the class football teams. Quito a dispute arose as to whether tho laws should still havo representa tion on the board, This was not final ly settled, but It Is probablet that slnco the different classes lire now fused, the renspn for separate representation has failed, and it will bo rulod against. Control of Political Parties by the State to Be the Question Con sidered by Contestants, The committee which has In charge the awarding of tho William Jennings. Bryan prlzo each year met yesterday and decided upon tho subject for the year 1905-C. This prlzo Is tlib .Income of $250,, donated Ijy Mr. Bryan; and Is to bo" awarded to tho-wrltor of tho best essay on the sclenco of government. Tho subject selected for tho current year Is "How Far and on What Grounds Should tho State Control nnd Provldo for tho Machlnory of Pnrtlos?" All students aro ollglble to compete for this prlV.0. All contestants should famtllarlzo thomselves with pie rules and conditions on which thP prlzoTF awarded. Tliea'o aro in the hands of Registrar Clark, and may bo c'onsulted, at, his office. Leaders for" Noon Meetings. The leaders of the noon meetings of tho Y. W C. A. for tho remnlndor of the week will bo as follows: Thursday, Miss Chambers. Friday Miss Greenwald. Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers &-Porklns Co., 1129 O St. OOdOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXX) i r i f . ' o ' r, r TVT . A T TKTnrr7' T7A TT5 W v-u i. 'uUUiN J. x .rrvijcv -, r "-. EARL CURRENT. Minnesota Captain and Full Back. -lism"7ii, footbalL Is, known uy evory Studenti Other prominent pro'fpssors , wliF speak to tho studpnts, as woll as ;,rspmo of tho 'fdotball men. Those who . 'attend those meothigr know howench - nym on tho team Is .made to respond to.a'cnll.fora speech "by the enthusias tic studpnts, -It l8h"cnraa hy Alio .ypll rooters" tliht'somd 'new songs wIUUjq : readyforI the meeting this "morning.' AboutfnyJ pr toif ralmited of 'the. tlino will be given over to rooting., Is to boot tho Minnesota excursion. 8 ARMORY, NOVEMBER 25 . The. - students - should imprpyo tneir q . svs opiwrtimlty to secured low rate andl-OOOOOOCX)OpqOOfiQQPQOOCK?OpTO , ; CHARLES BORG. Nebraska Captain and Center. T Sunday. Address for dilrls. All Y. W.-Gr A. glrl8shoul(nie sura not to miss tho address to bo delivered next Sunday 'by Mrs. Doyle. Her sub ject will bo one of great Interest to all college girls "Tho Different Phases of Slum Work." There will bo special music, , Dr. Thomas, Rectal Diseases. 1319 O. t f WE 1 MUST DEFEAT min'nesotaI 1 M