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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
avH '7p" - i THE DftiLY ISEBRA8KAN. ' ii- 'Jr. W EiHxrimmYx n-. T-- r - ii s ;s 4 P N.' ..X Fvii HE W X ... W .' , -T ., r SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide ' fvOfl'1905 Edjfcd by WALTER CP. Containing thVnowiy fovlsod OFFI CIAL .PLAYING RULES aijd pjctures of leading teams, bmbracirig over 2,50Q player. n pftlfcE, 10 CENT Eorjwilo by all Nowsdealors Athlotlo QoodB Dealprs and-Depart- ' mont storos. -j Spalding's catalogud of all athlotlq ,' sports mailed free to any addross. A. G. SPADING & BROS. , Now York, Boston Buffalo, Chicago. ' MluiMPolla, Philadelphia, Denver, Kow ' Orleans," Syra'cuso; Cincinnati, tfwmMk mm.?. f6.00i-'MNNEAPOLI8 AND RETURN $8.00 ,,, , . Cornhuskera vs. Gophers; Threb special trains via Northwestern line will loavo C. & N. W. depot, Ninth and S streets, 'Friday pvenlng, Nov. 17th. First, train of standard and tourist Bloopers nt G p, hi- Sec ond train of- tourist stoppers, 5:30 p. m. Third train, chair cars and coaches, ' 6 p. m. all duo to arrive Minneapolis Saturday morning at 7, 7:30 and 8 a. m., respectively. All studonts should bo at the depot nor later than 4:30 p. m Friday, that they may bo pro'porly located in tho cars and enablo tho .Northwestern line representative to start tho trains out; on fichedulo time, it is also impor tant ' to make sleeping car reserva tions at once, otherwise a largo num bpr of student's may be deprived of borths, tho general public having taken up a large number of berths up to tho present. Diagrams of cars and borth reservations at C. & N. W. City Ticket Office, 1024 O street. "FOLLOW. THE FLAG," C'o i JlllLx . NO- home: visitors excursion " ' vPMnrn 97TH. X. To many points in Illinois. -Indiana, Ohio, .Kentucky, WesternPonnsylva plaNewYork and vWest Virginia, at .GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Tho WABASH has solid road-bod: rock ballast, and now cqulpment'rp- WE BELIEVE IN -APVERTfSING " , --r' . ' " ellning chair cars (SEATS PREB). call at Wabash City Office, 1C01 Fa Forrales, maps and all information nam St.. oraddress " HARRY e. MOORES. v. a.x u. wao. tutu. Omaha. Nobr. 60 YEAS, tXPERIENCE v 3 'ffffT' , - xi-T-iirir-re Trace jMHkb ''DciaNt Cof vniQHT Ac. Anroaaeendlng mfcVftleh and daMrlpUqnnay quickly ascertain our. opinion fro wbather an Inrentlon Is probably patentahlg. . Gomraunlea tlqnf MTlctjyoon84wtMPIOIf on I'ateaU - Patents taken through Muna Oa. recelr Kxclal notice, without charce, In the Sckniif ic flmcricart. A bandf omolr llluatrated weekly.' Tntett clr cnlatlon of any Bdontiuo journal. Terms, ts a yeart f onr monthfl, L Bold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co'NewYork Engineers' Special Abandoned. About ono hundred engineering sin dnto mpt in Memorial Hall last Mu tiny jilght in response to Uio bulletinn nnnouVicliig a special muss meeting lo dlsciiKs the trip to Minnesota. Min neapolis has a' jjbod many 'interesting and vnlunblo attractions for men. of am onpinQoring turn of niind. t Mombcrs of the faculty realized this and, by halting (.(1 vantage of the cheap rates offered 'or tho football gam?, pi an nod u Kpechilexcursion of the enginqerlng (lopartmentsJn which thoy strove to noniblno buslhcss with nleaBure. Talks wero made by Professqrs and Mr. McGinnls, gonoral passenger agent for tho Northwestern. Several members of tho society also, made valuable suggestions. x After considpr able idlscussion Jt was decided to rbn a speciaVtrain, leaving Llncohi Turs day evenlngjyfor tho engineering stu dents.. Tho meeting adjournedXto meet Tuesday at rtju m. in M. 211 u. ascertain how many would go. In tho meantime word camo from tho offi cials of tho NorthwestornNRailroad company that thoy wuld notrun a spocuu tram on Tnursaay ror tnocn- frtnnata nnrl nnnrhat nnrt nrrnfn nn YTrfS, day fdrNUio balance of tho students. This put aii end to furthor plans and the englneersNvili havo to be content with going on the regular football special which ('leaveX Lincoln Friday ovenlng, Arid believe that every loyal- Upiveriity student should patronize Nebraskan ad-.,. vertisers. Q?hey will find theniQ J).e the A, leaders in their particular lines and will- ""' ing to dp everything possible' to please yoit. Why not show your loyalty to the University and to your own paper?- v. rmtJKLMLHLKKlJLKLXXIW - vCEE3EEECaCE3ECKCSCR iT-Z MENTION NEBRASKAN EEs3 GEORGE A. WILSON CONUfACTORNp" BUILDER Estimate furnished upon application, v Job work promptly attondod to. 245 Swlh Tlftl) Jt. uhchii, mnm Eat at tho Uni. -Music Cafe. Suit cases, ? 2.00 and up, 103G 0. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 No. 13th,., Drxllaggard, 212-21lf Richards Bile" . i. : T" TrunksNind Bara. Wirlck's. 1036 O. Chapln BrosJPlorlBts, 127 So. 13th. - -v. , . . . Dr .Tfec omas, RectalvDIsoases. 1319 O.' Eat at DonNCamorpn'snew restau rant, 119 So." 12th. St. N. "" ' '' Don't, forget the unl;-8chool of Music CafoX X TOMY THE CATEREIT. X Star Dollvery Clp., Baggage. Both KKX)OOOOQOQOOOCOOOOOCXQ R.H.GILLESPIE Bookbinder. 1124.1 stmt ': : UkoIp, Krtr. ?XX)XXX30COOOCCOCOOOOOOC Phones. V Qroen's Barber Shops t. Mogul ( Palace mRS.J.lA7. BETRy ...BAKERY... o;iiy ur siKcrAii mcp dread -PHOT'fE scj;4 .'13 SewVli I31evcth Street, Llucbla Stinday afternoon, at tho Oliver tho ator, Mr. Frank R. Roberson addressed a large audience of young men upon tho Last 'Days of "St. BlerVe." Hu preppnted over one hundred stereop ticon views prepared by him soon f L. 4 ? after tho catastrophe.. Mr. Roberson baroly . escaped with 'his life during .tho second eruption of-Mount Peleo, while assistlng'in the rescue of the unfortunate Islanders. Ho- brought homo In a very effectlvo" manpor the ract that such tragedlesarq poaslblp anywhere arid at any tlmq. Jn con; nectlon with . this, ho t npntipned "tbo Johnstown flood and tho Qalycstpn hurripane. In closing ho urged tho younp; nidn tosp Hyp that no matter when or how tho call from God would come, thoy would beready. ,, .I. i ii . r4. The Junior football .team win, play tha second team' of tlip, High School tom.orroV oh -tho campus. A .flprco gamo Is looked for. ' WANTED Every user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to have a f reo trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood., Underwood TypowrltorC6 Bel Phono No,348.- 130 No, 11th St. j Best 15-cent meals. Phoenix Res taurant - ' S N Try the Unl. Dining Room. You wllCTQovMio- Ulco it. ""--'. .vjaiii-o Cafe Lincoln Local Express.' 1234 O Stl Both phones." . " " Talk with Ludwig about .. your clothes. . "THE UNI'S INDIfiPCMfttMLCJ.' " Sam Westerf ield 'V Proprietor of i' - v Remember tho Y, W. C."A. County Fair, Noycmbor 2"5. " Walkover shpea for coljego. men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 J0 St. Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho oyp, ear, npso and, throat. Richards bocki i i i i i i i A young woman's shoe, SbroBl?, Rogers & 'Perkins Co. 1129 O Strpo Start tho "school, year right-by, got tng ii nVcp Qrigraved or printed card. BJdg.il3tli,and'.N'Sts. X - - . T Tho Freshman football team "In dulged in ft Bhort practice yesterday forenoon, south of tho Library, A laygo number of men repotted for practice. . It ,1s expected that tho tearn wfll soon bo in fighting trim. Untie Gera Hot fTafflos andFln Xoala and LuBchaaJ: ' 117-m NoHh IS $121 CiaI.Y OUR SODA TA8TI Jf MORE ,-RIOi, T Brec Cjrtttr U 1321 Q t DR. JOHN J. DAVIS GnJiiti RefractlMst And ppTipUTi r;128 Q St, IJINCOLN ' jr ' VHPWT fa- 21, fcjfc. rWw, tfffH 3I21 Rw. 2919 L e . a ;i ' Jvi a l' . 1 ..- -.. i i Jf - w.33 N. .. i - : V I 0 ?ft i .A. 'i. ! f r' Jt .?" i,i.tVK. .- ,. . . ... . "AJ - l! . t . . -i ' f?. . " s-?v, ,tfe r yag iCJ ; -I? V :" ' X:'Xr-.rX smV"'..V - fi- ' Ht H t " "r W '' vy - J . . ' I -iTTGXmt- . "v 'A ... A li . . -JT. , - fc T -i. jT " . j Is'i& , w