The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1905, Image 3
Wfmt z-vr t h VV ,. t ( ' THE DAILY NEBRA6KAN, . IV r 4 ' V .y i. y I - -' ft BUSINESS DIRECTORY I J Kvary Lvjraf UUraltjr Ststfaat U J wT ptrBia met ! fkaa ndvartWcra, aad to naatUa 1 Ik ppt whir ui. ... ' 'r t i XHaillliaiia'aiafrfra)ttafr""""aai i BARBER SHOPS The Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul," Goorgo's Place. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. ' BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lt tola Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. . BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. ' ' BANKSColumbla National, First Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CANDD38Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudgo fc Guenzol. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug Store. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzel Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup ft Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong,. Unland, Ma .gee & Deemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltobreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Pol sbm. X DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. ."DINING HALL-Unlverslty Dining Room. x DISEASES OP J5YE, ;EAR 'AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward.' -' DRtlGGISTS-IlIggs, Steinor, ,W6em- pSneri BrownsRector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller Paine, Herppl shelmer, Rudgo & Guontel. EXPRESS Lincoln .Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel Co., Hard)'. FURRIERSteele. X GROCERS O. J, King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2,60 .Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzol Co., . Hall. Bros. HOTB8i-L!ndell. ICBCRAm AND ICES Franklin Ice , Cream Co. v JEWELER Tucker, H&Hett- -IjAUNDRIES Yulb Bros., Merchants.' NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER-cTownsond. POOL AND BILLIARDS The Hoidel v burg. x PRINTING-Georgo Bros New. Cen V tury; Ivy Press, Review Press, Greotv 'Cooper Co. RESTAURANTS Westorfleld. Cam- eronGood Health, Don'aCjxfo, . ' ROLLER- SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson. , SHINING PARLOR Union .Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland, t Union College TaHdrsrLudwlE.. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo - wrltdrNCor ' r . vSPECrALISTS-rDc. Erie B. Wood warn. .-' -, v. 77 CANTARA AM arrowtVle QUARTIR SIZI8, (SO. EAOH J a FOR ISC I OLUETT. PEABODY ft OO., p, m,t ARTISTIC BURGEES AT THE GO-OP CLASSIFIED COLUMN SPECIALS NOTICES. Rate ono cent per word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. . FOUND. , , , . , A PLACE to getagooU (2.60 hat fS.69 Hat Store, 1141 O St. GOOD boarding house closo to Uni versity. Threo places open. 1234 S street. 3t OOKS-SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at great reductions. University Book Store. Messengers. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Dell 199, Auto.' 2233. NOVELTIES. KEYS and repairing- of alt kinds.- T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 So. 11th St. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private, ambulance service. ,120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SULPHO-SAL1NE Bath House, 14th and M Sts. SUITORIUM. HAVE- your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. JOIN tho club. 3 suits, 1 overcoat, cleaned and pressed, $1.00. EUIott'ii, 113 O St. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. FAOER BROS., Basomont Windsor hotel, No. 11th St Baggago and parcels. SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up-to-dato repairing factory nly up-to-dato ropalrl Ity. Prices tho lowci in tno. city, prices uio lowest. worK- manship tho best. 1220O St. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. -t - X HAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft watnr shampoo in the city, 124No. 12th St. Elizabeth Good- mnn. .x 25-2t FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE Journal route. Good investment " for student. Sec. Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT R00M8. FOR RENT Furnlshod rooms for tVo,-$5.G0 per month; also tworooms f7)Q. Apply at 1229 N St. v WEDNE8DAY. MATV AND NIGHT. NOyEMBERNiB. - v A Comic ODra N "WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME" sve( (oii, vi.uu novcrvcu Evening $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c THUR8DAY NIGHT, NOV. 16. Paul Armstrong's American Comedy "HEIR TO THE HOORAH" With Guy-Bates Post Prices, ,$1.50, $1.00,'75c & 50c. Friday Night, November 17 Mcfadden's flats J EVErl.00, 75ct 50c, and 25c. BARBER SHOP ANO BATH Etetrfc MMttfi TrettaHt ftr KmI t4 Fin GEOME'S PUCE - (5TM. lit St. FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Candles and Baked Gooda are Always Freeh and Good CatarlDf our epoclalty. THE MAXWELL CO. Beth PbeMea. 13tta and M ( .,; :.... 0s3 EeeE3 Today. ,11 ,a. m. Interclass athletic board meets. Y-;M. C. A. rooms. Saturday, Nov. 25. 8 p. m.-M3ounty Fair. Armory. Monday, Dec. 4. 9 p. m. Fourth Annual Cornhuskor banquet. Lindell Hotel. Friday," Dec. 15. . 9:00 p. m. Pershing Riflo Hop. Fra ternity Hall. Friday, Jan. 12. . 9 p. m. Freshman Hop. Fratornlty Hall. Convocation. Friday,. November 17 Music. Chaplain for the weok: Prof. Law ronco Fosaler." Monday, Novomber 20 Prof. G. B. Howard, "A Coll for tho Social Purl tan." Wednesday, Nov. 22 Prof. Thud deus L. Bolton, "Epochs in Modorn Psychology." Friday;' Nov. 24 Music. Chaplain for tho week: Rev. Dr. Svearlngon. Monday, Nov. 27 Donn Roscoo Pound. Wodnesday, . tiov. : 29 Spoclul Thanksgiving program:- ; Cnd'et Band, " X. Solos. ' Patriotic Songs. Chaplain for the week: Prof. W. P. Dann. Nebraska Scheclula. TnTov. 18--Univor8lty of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 25 Doano College of Croto, Neb., at Lincoln. Nov. 30 Illinois at Lincoln. Commutation tickets Unl. Dining Room. Den Decorations rPIno racks, match. aaics, smoking sets, etc, in burned m . - . ' X wood. Novelties frdin 10c to 25c each. KhO'Lincoln Book Store. Alsti a'llho of maUcdxpo8tor pictures, 15c each; size 14x17) In Assorted mats. All mehhaVo characterT bo have ercoats. vVe are showlmr tho vorv choicest, produced byv tho best mnkors Intho land.- pafnoClbthlng Co. IntercUss, Athletic BoarcNeetlng Tho Interclass athletic board will meet in the X M,,C. A. rooms during Y. M, C. A. rooms during the, 3qnvocation hour this mQrning, and" wlllvdraw up rules to govern tho and" wlllvdraw up rules to govern tho Interclass contests for tho present year. The most-important business will bo to decide "whether mombors of the law classes anNto bo permitted to play on class teams. As eachi of tho three upper classes has lawyers on its tc,am, tho nine representatives from those" classes will probably vote "for tho rulo and the threo freshmen repre sentatives will vote against it, ' 8enlor Defeat Academy. Tho Senior football team defeated tho Academy team by a scoro of 12 to 0-in a vory ragged game of- foot ball, yesterday afternoon. Although the Seniors greatly outweighed their opponents, they were unablo to mako consistent gains, and were handi capped by a noticeable tendency to fumble. Tho Seniors' defense showed up much-' stronger than tho offense. "NVellensick's work being1 especially good in this Hue. Tho Academy team was defeated last week by tho Sopho mores by the score of 27 to 0. ... ( HARRY PORTER .Will sare you manty on ALIy Uniteriitj supplies. - kiirgeit assortment in the city. Do not i nil to call : : 1123 O STREET FOUNTAIN PENS! X Special prices to $ Students . X $2.00 Pens... $jtJJJ B$1.S0 . SI.OOw g RECTOR 12200$ N' X THftOUGHTRAIN SERVICE ."S A X v DAILY .v . v to CALIFORNIA OREGON, and all PRINCIPAL POINTS WEST. VIA' - UNION -PACIFIC - Pullman Palace tleeplna - Can Dining Cars, Meals a la carts Cempeslte-Obssrvatlon Cars CsmpoJUA uffetCars f Teurlet Sleeping Cars a istclalty Free Reclining Chair Cars Isiulrr of E. B. tL08SON; Gen'l Agent Many, a fellowi feels that ho holds tho koy to tlio situation and thon can't And tho keyhole. j.,.: - - ir - - ."j - .r. - .. - r - - - i.nL.LL i ii . J I COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK v OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA g ! CAPITAL - $100,000,00 8 1 s:a 3! , m vl v. X m . X ':, M X . -,i ' I nmitMmtmwtmm .. L. ... r ... VJ... i :'-iU i. . I- !. 1 ', v ' r j , , .,i.l .hntt.i rw itrrmiu:mimxBmmm7mi MfJL!cl m