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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
U..,.-I'J.'W'.HI. .IUPL ,IL 1.1IIUI EZESXK3 " .. ..I r t THE DAILY t B I - N - v... On X X. - -" . w "" ' x N " K- v - fr r- v , ' ' rV - 1l KVV' IVilL. v.t ,-'' Cftc Daily ttebraskan A consolidation of The Henperlan, Vol. 81, The Nobraslcan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dftllir."0xcept Sunday and Monday, at the Unlwnty of Nebraska, iiuooin, nooi, My mo . - Ing Co. Board of Director. O. V P. Stout. Laurence Fowler. II, P. Leavltt. ' Dwlght Cramer. A. G. Schrelber. BJSSBfh".? !?f : : : :::::::: nSSS CiroXtor WatoriB'v8tanfcM Athletic R- A, Van Oredel Editorial Itoomb. tM04, Buslnesa Office. U 2UVi. Post Offlco, Station A, Wn coln, Neb, Students' Debating Club. Tfao nttondanco at tho club was light last Saturday night and a good many wero restless and soon loft to talto part In tho football demonstra tions that' wore being held on tho campus, but those who-rcmalnod heard a" good dobaTo. The speakers adhered moro closely to tho rules and princi ples of dobato thttri is gonorally tho case, Tho question was well analyzed and tho discussion was systematic and logical. A now plan will horoaftor be fal lowed in tho parliamentary drill. Horotoforo tho object and aim of tho drill has boon to malo motion after motion, amond, rescind, reconslderr appeal, pile motion on motion, iff O'fflco 'hoUnToTBaslncsa Manager and short, do anything to confuso tho Editor ll?oo to ll:a dally. rltphon Automatic 182J Night Telephone. . . . . Automatlo 2365 tfubecrlptlon Prlcor 2 per year In advance , Kntocod at tho postonjeo at Mneoln. Neb;, aa second-class mall matter Under tbe act of congress of March 3. 1870. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rate of 10 cents for caoh Insoruon. FuouUy departmental and university bul letins rlll gladly be published free, as .heretofore. "' TOO MUCH GRAFT. ' la anothor column is givon an ac- count of tho froshraan hop committee estorday hiornlng, and tho statement laWdo that tho prlco of tickets was b bofcoC at a dollar and a half. This aavo'rs tdb .much of graft, and in tho words of thoxcomodlnn, "Enough Is too much." It is time to call a halt on lli'ls habit of charging; what tho traffic wllr boar as regards Unlvoralty func Uona. Up until last year tho tickets to thff froshman hop had always beon o'no dolldYK and oven thon thoro. was sorno flight excuse for raising tho price, slnco thbxdanco was givon at" .tho Lincoln Holol. which almost (SUwibles- tho coat of tho hop, and tho Hop of; tho year boforont tho same placo had-not bon able to pay out at 7rico of ono dollar a tlckotixThis jtear tho bop is to bo given at Kra- tbrnltyHall, howovor, nndth6r6 Is nojustlflcatlon forvtho action pf tho committoo n ralslngthb prlco of tick ets. Tho only ground for it is graft, pure and simple. This will forpbably draw from tho npmbors ot tho com- Ittco an Indignant rpilly that they aroNDuroly dlalntorostod and will turn all profits oror to tho class, but wo havo jipvoc yet seen tho class that got alltho profits and ovon If this yoar thcro wore an "ojccoptlon to tho gen oral nilo, still thb vctoment of graft remains, excepting that tho graft is qn, Iho part of tho whole class instead of on tho part- ot tho individual, and wo doc't know but what ono is as bad as tho other. No University danco- asldo from, tho proms should cost 'moro than a dollar, In, view qf tho absonco of decorations and rofroBh monts, and tho' froshmon canno. jus tify thomsolves in raising tho price; -' chairihan. Tho offect of so much complicated motion and commotion did not seem to be conducive to good results. Only a fow of the stronger raombors could comprohend the tech nicalities involved. Tho majority of tho mombors sat blindly through the proceedings. Attempt will bo made at tho noxt meeting to simplify the parliamentary drill. Regular resolu; tions nndj)llls will be presented, tho houso will bo divided, the motions will I bo 'debated, nmendod and acted upon, not with a vlow of confusing tho .chair man, but of passing or defeating tho resolution. A Ulll of fourteen dollars In favor of tho Union Socloty, the club's share In tho exponso of furnishing the hall, was presented nnd nlloWod. Deconi bor 9 set ob the date of th& "Co-ed" program.! An Intellectual, physical nnd social feast la being plnnned. At the next mooting the club wlif discuss the question, Resolved, That Germany Is justified, in raising tho high tariff that she has proposed against tho United States. Tho speak ers on tho affirmative are Qf F. Wal lacoxand Don Routs; on tho negative, R. M. Bates and R. R. Hill. Dramatic Club Test. Tho first test for membership In the Dramatic Club wilkbo hold Monday, Novembor 27. All who desire to be- como mombors of Iho clubshould hand; In tholr names to MIss.Howelkand con sult wIUKher regarding- the character of their selections. 'Tho Dramatic Club Is now Open to any regularly matriculated studout or member of thQ faculty. It. is desired to raise tho standard of tho club anil membership will bo llmltod to those of ability In dramatic work. . v " Convocation Today. Hpn. John Mockott, ox-speaker of thoiNobra8ka HoUso of Rpprosenta Uvea; will occupy ho cohyocatlon period this morning with an address ou"Llfe Insurance,' with especial re gard to tho present disclosures made by tho investigation now being made in Now York. For the busy student wlic has little timo to follow .tho courao', of important 'events1 in tho newspapers, this address will bo in valuable, and will bo of lntorost to nil. Freshman Hop, Tho Frcshmnn Hop committee held a meeting yesterday morning and made arrangemqnts for. tho jlance, Thojrtato selected, was January 12, which Is tho first Friday on which tho hall add, musicians could bo secured. Walt's full orchestra will Xurnlsh the music. Althought tho hop is to be givon in Fraternity Hall, the price of tickets wasralsed to . a 'dollar and a half. a Tho Sophomore' football team con tinued ite dally; practice yesterday on .the. football field. A short, lively prac tlco was energetically carrlod through. B. R. H dAllcmand, who graduated In forestry last June, has been em ployed In the United States Forest Sor vico in Colorado, near Pike's Peak. He has recently been promoted to tho posi tion of forest export, with a substan tial increase In his salary. Part of the tJrae Mr. d'Allehiand haa beon in full charge of tho work o the station. Mr. R. H. Shaw, assistant chemist of the Kansas Experiment Station, vis ited tho University the first of tho wteek. Whllo hero ho arrangejd to bo dn work for the. doctor's degree In ab sentia. Mr. Shaw, spent -,two years at the University of Zurich beioro1 accept ing the position at the, Kansas Station. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa; 4 - and Baker's Chocolate 2. MilIll i Don't be misled by ibem i Ourtradc-m'ark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker &P Co.'s is en- titled to bp sold as " Baker's uutA-TrM Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate' Our handsomely illustrated recipe book , sent free. Wllter Baker & Go- Ltd. Established 17 to Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America !li FRATS- When in need of COAL call and see . -the WHHPEBREAST COMPANY v WesWill treat you right Office 1106 O. XPhones, -Bell 234; Auto 1610 - f f s. Just Watch "Gy!! at onfactlonery, Bakery 1307 O STREET v CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY :113-4 IS STREET: PRIVATE - ALLEYS r FOR JLDjlES WE KNOWOWJTO PRINT ANYTHING. LETJJS CON VINCE YOU .. . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134-rO STREET. DON'S CAFE '114 U. 11 J. Wibki, uv Lifts' Dinlftg Rooi ii GHiictiii OPEN A. M. TO 1 A.' M. Nq'wr Century Printers 1X41 N 8.TR.EET1241 ,, Edp'ocially aolicita the trade of those yho wish it well printed. TAKES YOUH Cr.OTIlKB AND GOTO SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS UU1.I4 TUL. 147. AUTO 1393. 1330 N STIlkET. ' Luncheon specialties j 6. J. KING & SON 1130 N STIIEET JMKOOLM Q' -- M . t r, trm w rjm jr A" ii 4Lv i. J i "f t . ""I 'I ' I " I i ! iH i il' I "W ' 1 - l ., ' . t r,fjr 1 I l.y. A