The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1905, Image 1
isS , 'Z .. rt'tfk s . WW ' i i' ''''ilf. a. m w ,1d t s u f " . : hAf . Vol. V, No. 37 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, UONCOLN, WEPNJ2SDAY,. NQVElvlBER 15, l?Q5., p &, ?;5-,!??? ' - - : ; r ' ' ; ' .- ".K -v u It. iW, fc'W ; ' V4 V. ivy. :,." I K k sr fo- .4 L - t, Ipz. "- "T- K &? r V - wt f- z iy - i'tXV .. l''7 ' ? yx vS- J-T M. .. I P . MINNESOTA NEXT NORTHWESTERN COMPLETES EX ',' cCU.RtlON PLANS. .-.: Mais Meeting to Be Held Thursday in "!!??r!5l(,,Hall-:l Cpm.e - Rut and Ye!J. The Minnesota excursion is the .topic of discussion how by the stu dents, and the spirit qf the thjng has lnydedtho business districts ? doy.p town until about an many business men haye signified their intentions to go to Minneapolis .as students. From present indications there will bo. abftut seven or eight hundred people tako advantage of 'the 'six-dollar rate. and' visit' Minneapolis on next Satur day. The Northwestern has so ar ranged the trains' that cvqry one who, wants to go niay bo accommodated. Manager Morrison has arranged with the Minnesota people for a sec tion of ;'tbp grahdetand. Ths section is entirely at the disposal of the.No braska people.v The llcketsaro .horo, ana can bo had . JarrysPort6r'sf,pr. by seoing E. Wgerton' at-sthe Unl versiiy. The pride of theso tickets is two dollars, one dollar fdrjgeneraVad" mission and one for the grandstand privileges. It is, necessary (hatthpse, going should, secure their tickets 'be- . . , , n . -, ,.,' .. ' tore mey leave juincoin, in oiuer mac a completq return may .ljo made... to the Minnesota pepple. .People who ahnot see the parties mentioned above k may, Becure tickets- by calling axrino iNODrasKan omce. v v. The" leafing time of ho Minnesota' qxcursion nas.peen setat gve ancj.sjjc p'c!oc)r,riday eVenlng Tha first dl vis'iort' . of, this leaving at tho first named tlmoand the second at. the latter ,tlme. .The "Northwestern peo ple do this inorderjhat all may se cure, the best of accommpdatipns; These trains are, specials; and will bo sent , through : without, 'regard f or the regulars,. thtft, Is, the re'gulartralnB Still bo side-tracked in order that the excursion canmako ihe be&t' ndsslhl time between Undplq. and Minneapp- ?Thft. football team an c6acles will " feayp' ov'erjho Burlington -either at 2 or G p. m. on Thursday. ' ThoyiXvIH hhve n special car '; which transv , f erred af Omaha, from the' Burlington tq the Preat Western .tracks. ' The team in this way xyill a,rrivo ia Mn nepqs early Friday moraing Booth wiiLsendtbe men thrpugh' ligbt. slg nal 'practice on Friday evening."' A niass meqilpg, has beeh arranged for Thursday morning at chapel timo in. Memorial Hall. A rousing good time "has been arranged in- the way of some good speeches by leading pro fessors. The enthusiasm which has been accumulated all yeaif will reach its cliraa,x on Friday, and the rooters will .show the football .team.wluvfNe- i t . --,-"w ww-W-feWS r. . , . , , . '..' r- IX7C? HIT TCT TTVtMlJli? A T uriWTikTnrAhr 4 I v t- - ' - : m. ' , .t'- . Hu-.M.teMute'fc.,AiP--',whii!afa: J.wJ ,a'-jgwgg'jarimMyaiirgaJ Kansas City Manual vs. Lincoln High School I R SATURDAY, NOV. 18 C A General Admission, 50c " . Grandstand, 25c X braska really thinks of their ability to down Minnesota. The time will be divided up among the different hqen for speeches, .foot ball songs will be sung, nnd the root ers will lead-tho students In some rousing good yells. 'The football team will bo there, and at least, Captain Borg aq4 Coach Booth will talk. It is up to the student body to mako this tho best-rally oyer held at Ne braska. It can easily; bo done if bvory one will comKoiit and yell. The. var Booth i( wprkirigNhard tofive Minne sota the worst end ofjt Saturday;. To cpmo out and yell Is aa little as 'the 'sudentt siipul'd tinfef dplng: vvr Cornhusker Panqut. The fpurtli" annual Qornhuser bn. quet will be given in the Llndoll HotoT n Monday eyenlng. December 4. This banquot has becomo a. flxturo at Ne braska, having been originated at the close of teucccssful season of 1902. Atthat Umq ICwps undor tjiq auspicqs of thoNiPan-HeUenl6 Congress, but since then has beenmanaged by tho Innocents, thuss making It a purely non-partisan ontprprisdi Al the coaches, and player&aro there, and toast8,,, songs and cheers are xsand wiched1' in', bptwepn" theSdifforen courses. The banquet' this year will bo similar to that of Jast year, with the exception that there wHl bo no menu cards, that additional sum bo hg put Into the, banquet proper. The date has been- placed early in order to have Coach Booth present Thanksgiving iGamc. S.Tho reserved seats lot, liip i Thanks giving gtjniei will be pufc on salpat Hary porter's. Wednesday 'mbrniriff, November IG, i' LOST-r-On campus, Sigma Phi pin with initials "D. H' In back. Return to NeTjraakan office.! : ' , , j- j ft l 'X XVVJ"XI X. X 1 IUI W-l x . . .s 'O II -, ... m W . Q ' ARMORY, NOVEMBER 25, 1 CHANCELLOR ANDREWS. Makes a Strong Rlea for Football aa a College Sport. In his opening address before tho Association of Unlvorslty Presidents, which is holding its meetings in WashingtPnrD. C this f.week, :ChanV cojlor Andrews, president of tho asso ciation, mado a strong dofonso for tho continuance of the game of football as a college sport It will bq remembered that at tho mass .meeting before tho Colorado game ho had. a warm spot in his heart for football. While ho- denounced class fights and said ho was bitterly opposed to the 'proposed Freshman- Sophomore caho rush, ho gloried in foqtball and' sppko of it as' boinsf on X religious basis. His lovo for the game eyiuenuy nas not lessqned since goingEaat, for at the Assqclatfop pf Univorsityresidonts -ho defends, the Charges made, against it and urges, its adoption asNan American -collego sport. N- Ono of ho ohiof objections urged against thqplaying ofIoptball is brutality, butthls can not bosubstan tlated bv statistics. FlirurPHiahnw that less college people lose llfeor limb in playing- football" than in good many other so-called mild Eamcs. Morcqver, whpn statisUca, pf the past are bolngappllqd to contlItipns, at the present, Pllownncp must be, made for Jtho fact that the game is" fast becom ing lessbrutal. x v f -v v - ' Berthv R.eeryalpnt. . 1 Remember thal reservations for v . - - . -, , j sleeping car berths: imj8t bo. mado as soon, as possible. The charts arotaow jnhe Npbraskan pfllep, and sresorva: tipnamay po inado dqrlng thpconyp catlqp hour or from fiyq to six in tho pypning. Rates for roupd trip Stand ard, ; tqurJlst; $0. ',-'" POOR OLD KANSAS WANTS TO. RENEW ATHtETlC '- RELAtWNS wnrn Us. Jayhawker Akll.. Mm. ri.Vi .i 7i . . . i nmisHU VH rmwm9 , Retlutlons Looking .Tqwardt. Re t aumptlon of Relaloiit.' " At a meeting of tho Kansas Untyer-v, "' sity Athlptlc Bpard MpnWaV cycnlrig, '-''' ''''"' reiplut(pns, wqro passed iattho Ath? . letic Board 'of tho UhVvorsity ot"Ne7 "''v uraB,Ka snqu(i;po irivicq to soiect tor resentatives to moot with repr'cBeritit? tives of the Kansas board and patch up a treaty pf poaco between tho iRV,,;' universities, inorder tnat atKetlp'ro; '"; lations ;might bV rosumed. 'This B.toifu c&mo as tho culmination of a sorics bfjpoor schodules, bot n fpqttbtli and baspbajl, which had caug thpu-' ' dents, Jo manV that tho KinBaa.,,' board dq its'bqst'.to'flx ppj thp. ffer- VT' epcek bptwepn' tho, ,wj pn(yflrsltiqs.. """' Being tho two largest colleges 'estqif' ,ioMi88pur,'rIyprM thp two v ips.titu- '! ! ttpns woro ratura rivals, in ath,ptic; ' "v and. the Ja'yhaw.korsJ'hayo -felt veycrv """ slcp tho breach in 1902 that lhelr,vv" r 4 ,.i board had. acted howiW and' unadvis- ',JX ' nnlv. A fnw wmilfa htm on nliminiraf - " - ths. pplYprslty while '.addresslnglLhe siuuepis oi inq university p Kansas rpfprred to the "existing stato of fairs, and made the statpmont "thW Nebraska students desired a renewal pf athletic contests. Although. Jhis x '" statoinpp.t wps 'not 'justified, Jt'qi' ' "t thaUtho Jttyhaw.kprR ; topk t as, ft ' ' gold, Nand demandod that tlplr bQsjrili act. At first aebnpromisqwfls sug-'" jgestcd, tho board tryipg to easq its cn8nco by suggesting the fpnra; t $n f a tvUli0: 1q0' .. .v; M Dtv" yvuw,u u.u 5m"?i v tho f acq of tho board wasy apparent, . ' np.wpypr,anu ncqprcmgiy-.a ipu sur render s.eonir to have" Iccn deciq- upon. X ' , ,K.' r"1"" As yet pur boated Jiaa. rPcoiycd no -'" official notice of the action of th $$' r . saa board, but tho fact that thoy wore;' Iwljling to make' tho firsr advances ' Huoras to iavo uniJruBu iNuuruHim professors and stujlpnts, very niuH. apd nlthpuh a-popple, Qf'wVolca agov '' ' hea d 'number of studpns were (tf- t'o'ryipwed tho spntiment, qf the ijpV' Jprity seemed to bq'Uiat yp pugi. wA: ( ' ' to respine- relatlpns oyen If" Kansas top.k. tQ nrststep, nqw.thopicieaX'-7 feeling is thai Nebraska shoujo'how" ' '.' a magnanlpipus spirit nd accept tb' -X Qtt6i of the Vnyha'fykeiV ' Vo'ard.. -fco r 'f official action can be takepTiiowovor; until the next regular meeting of the " board, which occurs ext "Monday.' i O. L. Fawcetti '05, who. spc)alizd in botany while in the University, aad . who is now Instructor in biology ip " Doaae College, has been appointed toy a ine poflitlon in the division of plant, v phyioiogy1p- the United Statea 'B(t a. partment of Agriculture, apd is to be tationed at Miami, Florida, for special Investigation. .. :rrt ." .'0 ft .1' -i ."' ..'. . I 'I ; old t ' ,LVl ' A :.. N ? RI ?-'J -V i V $ t 'XB tw 'r'i' &. HSjl ' A.