The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1905, Image 4
n' itr v ' ' .i.ri 1M" ,. -H. - " fts?. T. )- - - r? V -' Jh THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. v?r "W, V1 h !' S 10 v. V X- VJ - I a "XT ', . r'. V- ' f - ' 4 ,) TOMMY, THE CATERER; JaaWa ' -'f&iijraMPiHM "THE UNI'8 INDI8PENBIBLE." Wo certainly know how.. Lady atten dant if desired, SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP. Containing tho nowly revised OFFI CIAL PLAYING RULES and plcturos 'of loading teams, embracing over 2,500 players. ; PRICE, 10 CENTS For nalo by nil Newsdealers, Athletic Goods Donlers and Dopnrt- mont Stores. Spalding's catnloguo of all athlotlo - sports mailed freo to any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Boston. Buffalo, Chicago, Mirxionpolls, Philadelphia. Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Pittsburg, saa Francisco Now .Orloans, Syracuso, Cincinnati, Montreal, Can., London, England. "v - t "FOLLOW THE, FLAG." 4- JSBr :.-j " Mljid i .QO YEARS k. H. EXPERIENCE cw?, . . . 9 l?'i' BHE ifet--, -. .PR, HOME VISITORS EXCURSION, NO VEMBER 27TH. - To many points in Illinois, Indiana, 'Ohio. . Kodtuckr. Wostorn Pennsylva nia, New Yprk and West Virginia, at- Tho WABASH has solid road-bed,': rock' ballast, and new equipment; roj Alining chair carp (SEATS FREE). ; Forlrates. maps and all information; ;call at'Wabash .City' Office, 160X Far nanTSt., or aadross ' , , r STARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D; Wab.4t. R.; Omaha. Nebr. V Tradc Marks DCWANS COFVmHTC. AiyoBeniatn ketoh nd awpUon T ABlek y MOWnonr 2E22SmtZZZX&Z2 layeniion is prooauir. UonaKnot ffl& tftMalHOtlot, without VUVIIJHB.JA1 r i B BaaiBaaiAav iToonnaeniinu HRnm ja rr: .. -. -... mb uiaeK alienor iwjwm ."MP" iakaA throaah Muna & Oo, mmantc' i-aieni lenv. receiTB nan Muna ofaarKs. la the SckMlifk HmerKdM. PNMCo.381BHewJort Ruth Paxson at Convocation. , Miss Ruth Paxson, national" 8ocrct tary of the. Young Woman's Christian Association, Bpokd at convocation yes terday morning on 'iDeW." Sho men iioncd her visit here last year when she talked about "Time," something which no University student had and everyone wanted. Yesterday sho re versed tho order and talked about oomothlng every student had. and no ono wanted. 'So often," sho said, "there Is a tend ency to speak of debts In terms of dol lars and cents. Such and such a per son Is said to bo worth so many thou sand or porhnps so many millions' of dollars. But thoro are other debts Which wo don't realize. As a matter of fact, some people who havo the most money afo worth nothing. While those who havo little 6r no money may' bo worth everything." Sho then spoke of fivo debts which every student owed. Tho first debt students owe Is to tho lax-payor. The University Is- being supported by tax-payers, tho great ma jority of whom do not derive any di rect benefit from It. Some of them, perhaps, never see It, and the only benefit they derive comes, If It comes at all, through the better manhood and womanhood that tho studonts carry with them when they camo back to the little country towns. The Unl-: vcrslty was established and exists for "tho students, but not In a selfish way. Tiiey ought to make retribution for tho bonefitsN they get thoro. The second debt atudeit8 owe Is to the facility. A good many studonts do not realize this. They think thoobllgatlon is from the professor to tho student The.y think that because the professor Is paid a salary that alono odght to be suf ficient remuneration for his work. But if a professor's salary wa3 three times as large as It is it would not be enough to repay tho exertion that every mem ber of the faculty ought to put forth In trying to teach tho'so who come toi him to be, not merely students, but to bo men and women, and bo overy stu dont owes a debt to tho faculty. The third dobtt with which she charged tho stu'donts was tho debt to father and mother. Sho tried to im press upon the students tho abstinence and sacrifice father and mother at homo wero making in order that their boy or girl might tako adyantage of .tho opportunities which to them were denied, and when tho .student' recalls tho hardships and denials that parents undergo and all for him, how can lie help but feel hanging oVer him th'c shadow- of a debt which the greatest effort op his part can only partially repay. Another debt students owe Is" to the jyorld. Whlo thoy work tho .world, worK8'ior mom., ii woum uo impos sible to carry on the workrof education If others wero not working to -supply the needs, comforts and luxuries of tho educated. Sho clofced her talk by re-, minding studonts of their debt to God She made a contrast between Christian;' America, where by reading one could comoMh touch with the llves'Tof other people, and heathen India, vyhoro every life was wrapped up in its oyn llttlo coll and knew nothing of other lives except those with which it came in 'personal, contact. Sho urged students to sprcad'theaplrlt of; .fellowship, "One of, tho greatest sins of college life," she said, Vis the sin of selfishness. Do inot come .to bo ministered Unto, hut minister unto others. 'Be- mdn and women. 'Pay your debts.'- mi NEBRASKAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS m THE HEIDLEBURG POOL HALL ... ... ,x, ,,,.., , - , -, , --, , ' . , - . BILLIARDS AND POOL; - CIGARS AND.TOBACCO . Auto 4453; NBelF 1571, 146 North litfi'Sfreet. GREGORY WE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, M- of N. '1. " ' BOTH PHONES. njq44 O STRKRT ' Eat at tho Uni. Music Cafo. Oliver CigarQo.. 130-137 No. 13th. H Chapln BroOjJPlorists, 127 So. 13th. Dr. Haggard, 212-2J.3NTtichnrl3 Blk. Try the Unl, Dining RoomOfou will like it. Eat nt Don Cameron's new restay rant, 119 So. 12th St.' Don't forget the Unl. School of Music Cafo. . Star Delivery Co., Baggago. Phones. Both 1 STUDBJST - TIIADI- SOLICITED N STEIN ER-WOEIvlPElER s DRUG CO, N. StTpiijir Watemlle Pocket Knives X EVERY NE GUARANTEEf) '"' N HALLS, 1300 O STREET Green's Barber Shops j Mogul ( Palace Best 15-cotit meals. Caurnnt Phoenix Res Sandprson's, tliat's tho placo to buy your shoes. . Lincoln Local Express,' 1234 O St Both phones. v . .Remember thff Y. W. C A. 'County uair, wovemoor za. DON'S CAFE 114 13. 11 J. Vihkf, Kp v. LHlis' Dining Room In Cut Bectln OPJCN 6 A. M. TO 1 A, H. '" Walkovershoes' for college men. Rogers & Perkins. Co., 1129 08L Tho new book on plant diseases ,has I 'come and may now be had by mem bers of thp class' In plapt pathology. - Charles E, Bessoy. . I A young woman's shoo, Sorosls. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O Street, Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho eye, ear, nose and throat. 'Richards ;block. , Thanksgiving Game. Tho reserved seats for the Thanks giving game, will bo jput on sale at Harry Porter's Wodnosday 'morning, November 15. Wfltavt always bwn known as tha STUDENTS LAUNDRY We waat ywr.btlRs. YUX.B DUOS. IIAJSD LAUNDRY iSMO Stria. Auto704.)Sfls7X cocxxxxxxcxyaxxxxxxx3ocobo COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA l.AHIIAI - viiui iuumiii v.......... .vwywwvavv Mr, Borrowman, Instructor In assay ing, visited the Qmaha smelter on Tuesday, While thero ho secured, .through tho ourtesy of the smelter people, a number 4of lyplcalores for practice in, his assaying class. QUA-LITY ffi OURSODA TASTES LIKE MORK Pllggs, Dw O'rii Ciittir 7T ,!' .,'. , -, '.'i lr. V w r 4 - M &i t.-i a - -W-' m -, : w Ma- ; . .v