The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1905, Image 2

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the Daily Ilebraskan
A consolidation of
Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Ncbronkan,
VolTlO, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4.
PnhllHhpd dally, oxcopt Sundny and
Mnnrlav at tho Unl vera ty of Nebraska,
iffiSSJ Nob;! by the Hcflpcrlan Publish
In Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V. T. Stout. Laurence Fosslor.
Hr-P. LcaVltt. ,
DwlBht Cramer A- a Schrolbor.
CkSXtor......V..... Waller E. Standovcn
Atiiietio" . : :::::: : r- a. van orsdoi Iloomc. H J04V4. BujnoH Offloo,
U 211V3. P8t Ofllce,. Station A, Lin
coln, Neb.--
that our men can never play football
that high In the air. It would be sure
defeat to play up there, and overy otu
dent Is opposed to It, and would rather
drop tho Colorado game from tho
schedule than have our- team go to tho
mountains. Accordingly, If another
gamo Is played, It must be In Lincoln,
and the conduct of-Nebraska's studonta
last Saturday has gone a long ways
towards, making this possible. Not
only were tho excursionists and tho
team loud In their praises, but the Col
orado papors have only good things-to
say of us, and have nothing to say
against playing another gamo in Lin4-coin.
Ofllco hours of BUHlnoHS Manned' and
Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally.
Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Price. 2 per year In advanco
Entered at tho, poutomco at Lincoln.
Neb., ub flccond-elnsB mall matter under
tho act of congrcHfl of March J. 1870. .
Individual notices will bo charged for
at tho rato of 10 cents for each Insertion.
Faculty departmental and university bul
letins will gladly bo publlBhod free, aa
' Tho treatment accorded tho Colorado
players and rootors last Saturday was
nil that thq most Impartlnl coiildjiavo
rtoslrod. From beginning to ond of tho
fierce game our own rooters refrnlned
from all dorogatory remarks and unfair
conduct, as our players refrained
from anything resembling dirty work.
Both teams played hard ball, but thoy
played clean ball, and both are ldud
hi tholr praises of the treatment tliqy
got at tho hands of the other. At no
time In tho gamo did our -men start a
cheer for the purpoao of preventing
tho Colorado quarter from giving his
signals, and tho ,big bunch of moun
taineers in the grandstand recipro
cated. Of courso there was desultory
(Continued from page 1.)
bounds at Colorado's forty-live yard
line. Benedict, orTtho next down, gave
tho signal for an end run by Johnson,
nnd ho responded with his longest run
of the dny, twenty yards. At the
twenty-flve yard line and on the third
down Weller fell back for a place kick,
but the ball struck the goal posts and
Colorado got it on tho ton yard line.
Caley kicked out, but the ball was car
ried back by Johnson to the thirty yard
Johnston now tried an ond run, but
Christcnscn broke through and nabbed
him back of the line. But Boncdlct
now comes to the rescue and with Ma
son drawing the ends in on an ap
parent lino buck, "Bennie" goes aromld
tho end and over the goal line tor a
touchdown. Tho crowd went wild with
cheering after this most spectacular
run. Tho balPwas kicked out to John
son who heeled tho kick, and Weller
lrfoUnti tho coal. Score. .6-0.
, The remainder of tho half was a sucji
cession of punts exchangetisbetwecn
Benedict and Caley. When thchalf
ended the balKwas on Colorado's fifty
yard line.
Second Half.
Betwoon halves tho Nebraska band
paraded around tho Held and-formed a
Heavy -:- Overcoats
GOOD enough for you to wear, good onough
for mo to woar, good, onough for anylwxly
to wear. Thoy aro straight $14 and 20
coats, bought by molato hrtho season. My price
touchdown was scored and Coffin took
his place. For Nebraska, Eager re
placed Llttlo at right half. Caley klckea
off to Schmidt, who carried the ball fif
teen yards to tho thirty-five yard lino.
Eager and Schmidt carried the ball fif
teen yards In two lino bucks and other
lino bucks placed tho ball beyond the
center of the field, but Nebiaska was
now penalized ten yards for holding.
The ball was now thirty-eight yards
from the Colorado goal and Benedict
made thirteen of theBe around end. But
Colorado 'held here and took the ball
on downs.
Slgmund could gain nothing around
Johnson, and Caley dropped back to
punt, but the kick was blocked, a Ne
braska man securing tho ball. Eager
now carried the ball In two downs for
fifteen yards. Schmidt went through
the lino for four more, but was hurt
and took time out. Eager failed to
gain through centor, but Colorado was
penalized for offside. Eager carried the
ball forlhe remaining eight yards, and
for the third touchdown. Weller kicked
the goal, making tho scoro 18-0.
Lundln now replaced Weller at
tackle. Caley on tho kick-off sent the
sphere clear over - Iho north fenco.
Benedict kicked off from the twenty
yard line to Roberts, who returned the
ball twenty yards to Nebraska's forty
vard line. Wenstrand was now ce-
placed by Taylor. Colorado tried the
big boy, but could not gain. Caley
tried a place kick for a goal, but tho
kick fell short, Bonedlct catching the
ball, and rotuprnlng It to the thirty
yard line before being downed.
At this stago of the gamo Nebraska
instituted some of tho fiercest playing
over seen on the local field. Taylor
and Mason smashed through the Colo
rado line for five and ten yards at a
time until the ball was in the center
.of tho "field. There was but a minute
uri Ir. nlmr Knf Tlnnnrllnt nnr'O mnm
ohxtho fako play tore around, the end
for wonty-fivo yards. But Johnson
failed tbsgaln on a criss-cross, and
Benedict tried a drop kick. The ball
went wild nnuNolled out of bounds in
the southwest corner of tho field. Be
fore it was put In plaYsagalu tlmo was
called with the score thosamo, 18-0.
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choorlng every socond of tho game, but
this can not boavolded-and Is not ob
rPfnnnliii. for It Is the snlrlt that
prompts, unsportsmanlike conduct rath
er than tho conduct Itself that Js to bo
' cpndomncd. ''"
' ,Wo Bhould not congratulate ourselve3
tor our actlous ra this respect, foirwc
iiiii nn mnro-than our dutji "It Is not
K case of virtue being Us, own reward,
howeverr-for already our bread. caBt
, upon tho water 'la returning. Wo heard
many of the excursionists remark that
thoy would like to play bore again next
' jfcar and tho returning visitors aro tho
ones wtoo.wlll formulate tho opinion
of the student body at Colorado and
render It pos3lblo forms to sign them
for another gamo here for there Is not
a slnglo Nebrnsiva student who" wduld
not protest against any moye towards
scheduling a .game to be played In
Denver or Boulder. There aro several
, objections to any such proposition, one
' of them Insurmountable. As long as
Colbradoas oven an, ordinary team
she can still defeat, us In that high
altitude, for throe 'gamea have proved
Dr. Saml S. Shean
circle In front of tho grandstand. Here
tho members of tho band sang their
football song. . When the teams camo
on to tho floiator tho second half they
were received by yells from the rooters.
McDonald and Schmidt replaced "Avery
and Wilson In tho lino up.
During tho first few minutes of play
of tho second tho ball changed hands,
sovon tlmeson punts. At length Bene
dict returned a punt to thp Colorado
forty yard line. At this place thq at-'
taclc on tho Colorado lino was re
newed, and tho lino, which bnd hold up
so bravely In, tho first half was. seen to
bo weakening. Two, three and four
yard gains were made on smashing
plays by the Cornhuskers until Colo
rado was forced back to tholr own goal.
Hero they took a, wonderful brace and
manifested a defensive spirit that Is
seldom seen on Nebraska field. It
took Cotton twice in his fierce cross
buck before tho Hno would give way.
and tethlra over for tho, last two yards
and a touchdown. Weller kicked the
goal wkeae, Score, J2-0.
Foote left ttieVgame after tho second
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