IH'.H.L"..l 9r: ,- TtrFP K&t? Tqr ( W&7?: ,',- , n -T'"J .ec' , V 'j f ' ' - 4' V " THE JDUIwY NBBRA6ICAN. Bimrzr 1 - ' i II h v I: OK V JW V. r n . K ix . u r I: s L-'r rf r 0 . fe. u & ws &' , . r re IMk CJSe Dap Ittbraskan A consolidation of The Hesperian, Vol. 31, The Nebraskan, Vol. 10, .Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. 5 j Published dallyT except Bunday and' Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesperian Publish tar Co. card ef Directors, O. V. p8tout. Laurence Foteler. H. P. Leavltt. DwigHt Cramer. A. O. flchrelber. 1 1 Kdltor-ln-Chlef J. p. CI' Manager .'. Fred Naughton Circulator , .Walter B. 8tandeven Athletic R. A. Van Orsdel Editorial Roomr, U J04. Business Office, U 211. Post Ofllce, Station A, Lin coln, Neb. Offico hours of Business Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:80 dally. .ti. ' Telephone Automatic 152 Nlht Telephone Automatic 2315 Subscription Prloe, 12 per Year In advance Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln. Neb., aa second-class mall matter under the act of congress of March 3, 1879. Individual notices wilt bo charged for at the rate of 10 cents for each insertion. Faculty departmental and university bul- . letlns will gladly bo published free, aa heretofore. CONCERNING THE LIBRARY. Now that it 1b getting cold, and the students find it ls.juat as easy to -study s to wander -around the campus, tho library study room is filling up and a practice which was begun before any of tho prcsont generation of students . entered tho' University has again Bprung to tho fore. We refer to the 1occupatlon of soveral of the tables in tho study room by different sororities, tho members of which seem to think that they own the tables absolutely, and havo a right to consider any out aider who dares to tako a seat at ono of them a trespasser. This spirit has grown to such. an extent that tho so called outsiders havo decided that they would rather take seats else whore, or even study outsldo'of the ' library room, than to encounter tho treatmont thoy usually meet when they assert their rights. We know of one insthnco. when a young man who did not happen to beldng to a frater nity could not find an empty chair in ,any other part pf thoroom, and ac- -" cordlngly seated himself at ono of tho small tables in the back part of the " -main room, at which" only ono of tho four chairs was occupied. Tho young lady occupying that chair -looked" rather askance at him, and wont out, returning immediately with two sis ters. The three then took seals and arranged their books on tho table in such auway as to show that thoy were tho absolute proprietors. Flndlag that this did not, havo "the necessary result, 'for tho young man was deter mined to hold .the fort in the face of ( such treatment, they resorted tovari tjuis other little annoyances, and final ly began to comment openly upon the face of anyxpne who would tako "a seat "at their table. This is only ono instance out -of many which wo could cite, but it is sufficient to illustrate tho fact that 1 these tables are considered tho private property of tho dlfferont sororities, where they can receive, as it worb. Even if the-Jlbrary were largo enough to accommodate all the students who find it necessary to use it, still this practice would, bo objectionable, in that it tends to raise a barrier be- tween tho fraternity and nonfrater nlty elements of the stuednt body. , In the drawing of this line of demarca tion Hob the greatest evils of fraterni ties. But under the conditions preva lent at Nebraska, Where the library can accommodate only a part of the studonts who cleslre to study there, this practico 1b especially evil, and Bhould not bo permitted to continue TO YOU IN THE GRANDSTAND. It scorns to bo cortaln, that there will bo throo hundred rooters on tho' side lines tomorrow to choer for Colorado, and no one who has ever hoard Colo rado rooting can deny that they can mako moro nblso out there than an equal number of any othor students. on earth. On our own grounds it would bo disgraceful to bo out-rooted at a big game, and if you who have seats in tho grandstand tomorrow will do your parti this will not happen. Tho men across tho .flold on the bleachers will do their part all right, but thoy will need holp, and it is up to you to assist (horn. To do this effectively it is necessary that you all bring mega phones, or your voices will not lsat throughout tho gamo. On account of the students in tho grandstand being scatterod among the people from down town, it will bo difficult to "havo organ ized rooting, but if you. will all keep your eyes open and follow whoovor may bo leading you, this difficulty will bo overcome. If only a fair amount of noise Is rmfdo, it will bo enough, for tho roof of the stand makes an ex cellent sounding board. Bring your megaphones along then, and-don't bo afraid to mako a noise because your best girl is with you. Thore will bo a Joador thoro .all right ' A New Footbal) Song. Tho following vorscs were placed on our hook yesterday by somo unknown -studont, but as they please our own uncultivated musical fancy, wo daro publish them assuming all responsi bility for them if they hurt the feel ings of any one. (Tune, "Irish Molly, Oh.") Oh Bootho' dear, and did you hear, tho dope that's going round? They say thoy havo but littlo tout but thoy will hold us down. Their heads aro swelled completely when thoy corao hero for a scrap But they'll learn a lesson, while Ne braska's onlho raapT Rado, My Colorado, my heart will ache for thee, Rootersvjust watch tho score board, and then the truth you will plainly see; Football it is our strong line, guess what tho score will bo; Twenty-Jour and may be moro; now don't thoso figures mako you sore. Poor Colorado Oh. H. O. CLASS MEETINGS. (Continued from'pago 1.) ' The freshman law class also held a meeting' during the chapoljhour. Tho class decided tosupport tho 1 proposed Law Book, and elected the editor and manager who Were to represent ""the first-year class. Huff was elected cdl torrand was given the power to select, with tho president, two other mem bers of the class for positions on the editorial staff. Adams was chosen manager. It seemed to be -.tho sentl- jnopt.pl thOvClass, that there should bo, a separate law team, and accordingly McLaughlin was selected as manager of -the football team. As representa tives upon the intor,-class athletic board, Legro, Rice and Critos were chosen, . , There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa r. and Baker's Chocolate Don't be misled by them ! Our trade-mark, is on every package of genuine goods. Under, the decisions of several United States .Courts, ..no. other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker ftf. Cos is cn- titled to be sold as "Baker's LihTWs.Ms Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolated Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd; EstthlUhtdJ?) Dorchester, fttasMchusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America BfTTB Bfk aw A I mi Just Watch "Gy" at vW - ' Confectlomry, Bakery 1307 O STREET GREGORY THE COAL MAN . CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. tfN.'tl. BOTH PIJONES. 7 1044 O STREET ALLCQRETTI AND LOWtyEY'S CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th ANDO ....EAT AT THE.. GOOD HEALTH CAFE Riff LiuHm-Gh. 1211 IN f. Pallarflan Program. ( Instrumental Solo Miss' Graves Reading "So WasM" Miss Howlo Paper, .."..: Mr. Phelps Vocal Solo Miss Kaufmann Reading "At the Literary"...... Miss Nelson Music, ,,..,......,...' Selected I ...... . - IMMMMMV "" ' r ' "vjj: BARBER SHOP AND BATH " " iKMHiru lEHU'SPUCE.. 120 M(. Iltk St. DON'S CAFE 114 ti. 11 J.rtfM,r It' 1WH Km (1 CMMCtlM rax A. M. TO 1 A.' M. . TAKB TOUR CLOTHB1 AMD CIO TO SOUKUP WOOD - EXPERT CLEANERS AND tYEftf UtUUU TBI 14T. . AOTOIMAJ - iae jt itrbbt. V FRESH DAY! Oaf Oudi and Bkd Goods are Always TrfA u4 Good. Ofttarlaff omr speotoUTTf4- THE JWAXWELfc-fcff: statfc lk. Air 131k .,- w - . . a. w. t il-i . r . , Nil , I fyuw. IB '" -J Subscribe for the SC0U1MWA NATIONAL IANK i l 0F LINCOLN, NEIXAIKA -V I CAPtTAi - $100,000.00 Nebraskan .ri V4 vi y n. -F .v. m 3E ill "" v- tl ,. . ' iiV-. n "S-. Wj-- L l&i&ibJ1' .'" u i-H't NKiiflfi t-jar 1 -. . rf w j ' .u J . H