The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1905, Image 4
V "l i "V --- DAILY NEBRA8KAN, ,x t . j hi k t u I I. i r fr I x- r l"V N. - H iUl ft 7 .'f M t W. -i r 'i 8am Westerf ield i- Proprietor ef imam's . tMe j taffies andBtne ' Moala and Luaohes. !i "j ' f (7-121 North, 18 Strut -, COLORADO EXCURSION. ft I ....EAf at,t;he.. GOOD HfALTII CAFE New LMitloHiir. 121k mi P. -.i aVerA- V ' va!r-'alaaV.-'' H HaBa&f JEaepW raVk V fl SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide ' ' I FOR 1905 r Edited by WALTER CAMP. Containing tho noWly rovlsod OFFI CIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures of loading teams, ombraoing over 2,500 tflayors. : PRICE, 10 CENTS Jor'salo by all Nowsdoalors, Atblotlc 'i Goods Doalors and-Dopart-i. mdht Stores. Spalding's catalogue of all athletic t.opgrtBnllgdfeo to any address. .! A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. 'Now York, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Mltaoapolls, Philadelphia, Donver, Baltimore Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas "City, Pittsburg, San Francisco , Now Orleans, Syracuse Cincinnati, ' Mphtroal, Can., London, England. . "FOIXO.W THE FLAP." Crowd of , Rooters to Accompany the Team. A dispatch from Boulder yesterday statod that arrangements had been madcufor an excursion' to run froni Boulder to Lincoln ovor tho Union Pa cific Friday .night, and that 300 tickets' had boon sold already. This good nows to Nebraska Btudontsfor It will lend an Incentive to oUr own rooting. , This is tho first time in flvo years that a visiting toam which roally had a good chanco to de feat us has been accompanied by a moro than handful of supporters, and It will moan "that tho gamo will be played under conditions as nearly equally favorablo to each sldo as is possible It will need tho greatest effort bt ovory Nobraskan rooter to drown out tho voices of tho moun tajneors, for the air in that country sooms to bo especially conducivo of leather throats, and tho Colorado school has a seloctlon of yolls which It would bo hard to beat anywhere sm $$$a5S 8econd Band Informal. . . Tho second bnnd informal of tlio year will bo given In tho Art Hall next Saturday night. Tho informal last Saturday night was not a success, as tho inclement weathor kept all but about forty peoplo from attonding, and tho management as a result lost money. Tho date foT tho second in formal is most fortunato, on account of -tho presonco in Lincoln of tho Colo rado team and tho oxcurslon of 300 rootors. With anything llko good -weather a big crowd of dancers should bo present. As usual .dancing will be gin promptly at nine o'clock and will cease just before midnight, so that tho lancers can catch tho last cars on oach lino. Tho program w"M bo of sixteen numbers, with two extras. One of tho town orchestras will furnish tho music. x v NEBRASKAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS TOZj Eat at tho Unl. Music Cafe. .HOME VISITORS EXCURSION, NO- VEM1ER 27TH. - To mauy points lajlllnols, Indiana, Qfylo, Kentucky, Wesorn, "Pennsylva nia, Now York and' West Virginia, at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Tho WABASH has solid' road-bed, rock ballast, and now equipment; re clining chair cars (SEATS FREE). For rates, maps, and all information More Freshman Committees. Tho following additional committees have been' appointed by Prosldont El liott of the" Freshman class: " Cap Committoo Jesse Runner chairman; Ada Haggard, James Coupe, Maugo Merrill, isrnost uonson, Flnanco Committoo Milton Arnholt, chairman; Hattlo Shokolton, M; Jen nings, Mabol Starr, C. Clark., Yell and Color Committee j-Lynn Fossler, chairman; B. Kess, S. P. Dolibs, Fred Kavan, Jane MUUgan, R. Conklln. Assistant Manager of Football Team-G. tf. Hetzel. Oliver Cigar Co., 136-137 No. 13th. Dr. Haggard, 312-213 Richanls Blk. Chapln Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. Pocketbooks and Hand Bags, 103G O. Eat at Don Cameron's new restau-. rant, 119 So. 12th St. - . " Don't forget tho Unl. School of Music Cafe. The Lincoln Candy ...Kitchen... MAKES PINE FRESH CANDY EVERY DAY FANCY BOXES AND FOOT-BALLS Try our "Hppy TfnaghV SancUes 1337 0 STfiEET v - Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Both Phones. "' ' " Green's -.Barber Shops (Mogul (Palace , Best 15-cont meals. Phoenix Res taurant Talk .with clothes. Ludwlg about your $3.5(rand $4.00 special .shQes that are beauties.. Sanderson's. We have always been knewn as ihe 3TUDENTS IAUNDRY v. We want yeur business. - YufcBR08. IIAND-IiAUNDRV W0I4 O Street.- Auto 3744, BH 574 Mr. Alva . C. Townsend extends a cordlaLTn,vltatIon to students to at-, tend tho annual art exhibit at his studio of nhotocrranhv 220 "Sduth call at Wabash City Office, 1C01 Far- Eleventh street, Friday and Saturday nam at., or.aauross Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O SL' Both phones. v HARRY SE. MOORES, ' G. A. P.Wab. R. R., Omaha. Nebr. of this .week. The sfudlo -will be open Saturday evening, 'with special .music by S. Pjuil orchestra, z. - SO .YEARS' EXPERIENCE :v y i eellBBBBBBiBaeB revsleBBaBaV A young woman's shoo, Sorosls. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O Street. STUDKXT TRADK- BOXiClTBD STEIN ER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. A1I9 Phoii 1707. 1146 0 Street I Sophomores Nbtice. Caps must bp ordered this wook. A llbposit of 25 cents Is required on each cap. Order of any one of tho commit tee: Yodor, Blrkner, Thomas, Miss Wood, Miss Tlllotson. Remember tho Y, W. C. A. County Fair, Novombor 26; t """ Walkover shoes for college mea. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St WANTEp Every user' or .prospec tive user of a .typewriter ,to h,avo a free trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., . ' Boll Phono No. 348. 136 No, 11th St Trace Manns DCSIQNS . t TfV' UOTYHIHT "IC Anyone waaing a Buewn.ana oMcnpuon h7 nekl? McUla or opinion fr whether wj MfeU notUH, without , la the , sckium nmmn. tttedmeir liWRratea weenir., 'f"w"'-S1" ioner Bny eolentieo iwirn! Terwe. ts a TumtmonOaU Bdfcratl ""dealer. newip IHI r Pa SIIBreeeweY. T& &t!t2?idykuh Notice. Senior Cap and Gown Committoo will take orders In tho hasomont of main hall from one until six on Tuesday-and Thursday. , . "University pennants' will be onsaloj at the Y. W. C. A. rooms from this time on. Thoy will also bo sold at tho County Fair, November 25. Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho oyo, oar, nose and throat Richards block. rwj P111' C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. r Makers of CAPS Includes in th New JCdltlcm 25,000 NE,W WORDS, Etc. New- Gazetteer ef the World -NeW Biographical Dictionary Edited by W, T. nAIlUIB, Ph.B., LUD., U. 6. Commissioner of Education. 5000 Ulustratioatu IUrbDInOlnx. GOWNS and HOODS e To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Jtellabls materials. Reasonable prices, 2380 Quarto Pages. New PkU I AUo Webiter'fl Cellegtate Dictionary with lUSparti. IMOlllaitniUoB., SIm I M0ii)in. A Special Thin Paper Edition De Luxe PriaUJ from umepUlMureffttUr edition. II hM llmpcoTcrJid toond oorntrv & x OKitrixljj. PBBB, A Teet la PronuneUt loo,' f tsfoai. JtadeaUrUl4lB'. AUo UlmUytxl yiUnphUU. ' G;dC. ME.R1UAM CO. Publiahera. Sprlaafieldi. Meas. w -1 , -s. N. ?, j V( ' 1 . I J 1 iJ i 1 M .. m M v.m A Unpotx V fri 1 i , . v -fH,' , --i r jl tt 'W&J?' 1 H Jt " ' 'V; ' jjr wj a k J . W9'