( 7ir.:-, f -j - V ) 1 . THE DuLy NEBRASKAN. $; Ml ,. Vr r K m fe3L & b X 'bur- x A jrniic3K)()jfcjJHjmH I; BUSINESS DIRECTORY i "n a j Ererjr LojAl Palvenlty Student la J F Breed to patroalio those Nebraif ( Kab advertisers, and to Mention $ IL !!. a- .. j . ,r - .V" wuiie UQIBI to, ill )0KJ9 DAUBER SHOPS Tho Aristo, Green's Palaco, Mogul, George's Place. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent- BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln BookStore, Unl. Book Store, - Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. ' BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudge & Guonzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson., CATERER "Tommy," at Riggs' Drug Store. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Goo. M. Conway. CLEANERS AND Di'ERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unkind, Ma gco & Deemqr, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whitobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol som. DANCING SCHOOL PItls. DINING .HALL University Dining Room. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Stolner, Woem- penor, Brown, Rector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol-" shoimer, Rudge & Guenzol. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guonzel Co.,. Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS O. J. Kinf Sr Rnn , HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. nAivuwAiuu-atuuge & uuenzer Co., . Hall Bros. ' HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Halfott LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., Merchants. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp, OCULISTS Dr. Davis. V PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond. pftOT. AMn niT.T.TAnna. mi, tiu.i icixNiiiNu ueorgo uros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press. Review ProsH.-Gronr. K CoOporCo. Brt RESTAURANTS-i-We8torfleld. Cam-' - eron. Good Health. Don's Cafo. IV KOIllMR' HJCArPTNfl Atullrh.m TUnlr. vL SHOES Sanderson. . SHINING PARLOR Union Shining .runui, - TAILORS Unland, Union College Pallors. Ludwic. T.YPBWIUTEIlS-MJndorwooaN Type writer Co. SPECIALISTS-Dr. Erie B. Wood- WQrdT QUALITY .Atin a'. TASTES LIKE"1 MORE 1, Tha One Cirttir i3T2Tost III! .'IH - . u .. . l? nv!. arrotYle qiMrtkh sum, isq. eaom; a roft sso. mmim o ctmrr Ir nowch xiit , CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICE8. Rato ono cent por word each Insertion; minimum, ton cents. L08T. LOST Alpha Tau Omega pin on tho Campus, Finder return to The No braakan office. .FOUND. A PLACET to sot a good J2.C0 hat. $2.60 Hat Store, 1141 O St. BOOK8 SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at great reductions. University Bool: Store. MES8ENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Boll 100. Auto. 2233. NOVELTIES. KEYS and rornilrlnrr nt nil lrinria m y Thorp & Co., 308 So. 11th St. ' UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance service. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANIT0RIUM. SULPHO-SAL1NE Bath Houso, 14 th and M Sts. 8UIT0RIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and Pressed at tho Wcbor Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts JOIN tho club. 3 suits, 1 overcoat, cleaned and pressed, $1.00. Elllotfo, 1J36 BAGGAGE TRANSFER. i JF'Va5R ??2S" Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Bnggago and parcels, 8HOE REPAIRING. k THE only up-to-dato repairing factory mi iiiu Mny. ju-nccH vio lowest. Work manship tho beat. 1220 O St. DENTISTS. BOSTON Dentists, 1310 O St: FOR RENT ROOM8. . Furnished bed-room and' sitting room, new house, private entrance. References exchanged. Both for $10. 1830 Q St. FOR RRNT fPwn frw-.rv.u ..l. or se)arate, modern; board 11 de sired. G52 So. 17th St. Phono, Bell A 1434. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms for men. 1118 Q St. FOR RENT Ono furnished room, fpr ono or two gentlemon; all mod orn. . Phono BolLt77. 1044 S. 11th St. AUTOMOBILES. JFOR HIRE Party calld, theatres; uiul pieasuro trips, stand at Royal HotoX 25-2t HlAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft water shampoo In tho city, 124 No. 12Hi St. Elizabeth Good man. 25-2t FOR 8AUE. FOR SALE Journal you to. Good Investment for student. Sec. Y. M. C. A. v FOR SALE Almost now. dress suit for large man; cheap. Inquire at Nei braskan office. OLIVER THEATRE aooooooonnonnr FRIDAY, 8ATTAND MATINEE hint Ar a "i4! 1 fJM. ,IU- I ' Stetson's 'Big Double 8pectacular "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" .Mat 10c & 25c.. Evening 50c, 35c,. 25c. WEDNESDAY, MAT. AND NIGHT. NOVEMBER 15. "WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME" . .' THUR8DAY NIGHT, NOV. 16. -Paul Armstfonps American' Comedy "HEIR TO THE HOORAH" , With- Guy Bates Post . ' A Prices, 1.50, 1.00, 75c A 50c. N iBunrvrl Today. 11 a. m. Freshman Hop Committoo meet. U. 210. 11 JL04 m, Hawkeyo Club meot. U. Friday, Nov. 10. Medical Society meets. M. 301. Friday, Dec. 15. n 9:00 p. m. Pershing Rifle Hop. Fra ternity Hall. Saturday, Nov. 25. 8 p. m. County Fair. Armory. . Convocation. Friday, November 10 Music' - Chaplain for tho week: Rev. Dr. Tuttle. Monday, Novomber 13 Miss Ruth Paxson, National Secretary y. w. C. A. Wodnesday, Novembor 15 Prof. T. E. Bolton, "Epochs in tho Development of Modern Psychology." Friday, Novembor 17 Music. Chaplain for tho woek: ' Prof. Law rence Fossler. Monday, Novembor 20 Prof. O. E. Howard, "A Call for tho Social Purl tan." Nebraska 8chcdule. Nov. 11 University; of Colorado at Lincoln. , Nov. 18 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 25 Doano Collocn nt r.mtn Neb., at Lincoln. ' Nov. 30 Illinois at Lincoln. WANTED Evory user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to have a free trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phono No. 348. 130 No. 11th St. Engineering Notes. John Hershoy spent Sunday and Monday at his home In Beatrice. The engineering library is now open from half paBt seven until ton each ovening. Jomes Groen, who has boon visiting in tho city for tho past few days, left for Gulbortson last evening. Remember the society moots this ovening at seven-thirty. All engineer Ing students are requested to attend. Among tho Ames visitors wore Dean Marston of tho College 'of Engineer ing, Professor Byor of tho mining en gineering department, and Instructors Potter and Cure. W. H. Williams of tho University of Illinois assistant: professor of en gjneering, was on the campus looking over tho equipment and buildings' last week. Ho seemed well pleased with our Showing. Twq. wood Jathos that wore. In tho machlno shopNiavo beeir-romoved to tho wood shop to mako room for a now Gap lathed This latho is a very valuable addition tojhe machlno shop equipment. ' Tho electrical engineering depart ment Is in receipt of, a handsome diplo ma showing that a gold medal was awarded to tho federal government dn an oxhibit madoat tn'o St. Louis fair on methods of instruction in electrical engineering. This exhibit was contrib uted to by tho Universities of Nebras ka Iowa Wisconsin and' Purdue. , . Dr. Bessey has received a specimen of a thistle from tho southeastern' art of the state, 'to which ho Is devoting' his spare momenta at the present time. IFOUNTAIN PENSf Special prices to & Students i $3. 00 Pens J,50 A 10 $l,uOl RECTOR 1220 Of PR. JOHN J. DAVii Graduate Reactionist AND OPTICIAN 1?22 0St., LINCOLN Room 20. Anto. phom, Offica 3021: Res. 2818 CpCXXXXXXX)CCOCOC000000000 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 HARRY PORTER Will save you money xon Ahh University supplies. - Iargest assortment in the -city. Do-not fail to call ::?- THROUGH TRAD SERVICE A j 1 . DAILY to CALIFORNIA, OREGON, and all PRINCJPAL POINTS -WEST. VIA " ' UNION PACIFIC Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars ' Dining Cars, Meals a la carte Composite Observation Cars CompQslte.auffef Cars. , Tourist Sleeping Cars a Specialty w Free fleoJinlntf ChalrCars .. ' . Ihquireof xiflHR. E s X XX ' X X -v 1123 O STREET X I 4 . M .HCJI .i I'.u ' ,x ilt.X 'bL'tir Veu N. v h M -' t . 'c. fH r A- lM L-1 y- 'f . ' - 9 KIT! i.i JiJAii A'wi.