(I i 1 fc s THE DAILY INEBRASKAN. . l 4 -- m 7 A tttttttt)Mtttt)ftt BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvery 1ojk Bnlvonlty Stadeat U afged to pntronlie thcio Nebrai knn adyerttiera, and 'to tnentloa the paper whlleHoInc io. t I t BARBER SHOPS Tho Arlato, Green's Palace, Mogul, George's Place. BAKBRYMrs. Potry. . BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BOOK&STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Unl. Book Storo, tirown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia 'National, First Na tional. f BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudgo & Guonzol. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs Drug Store. CHINA Rudgo & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co., Geo. M. Conway. " GLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. , CLOTHING Armstrong, .Unland, Ma geo & Deomer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltobreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Pol som. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DINING HALL University .Dining Room. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Rlggs, Stelnor, Woem poner, Brown, Rector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol sheimer, Rudgo & Guonzol. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. . FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo &. Guenzel C.. Hardy. FURRIER Steele. ' GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat StQEfi. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzol Co., Hall Bros. HOTELS Llndbfl. ' ICE CREAM, AND ICES Franklin Ice .Creart Co. ' . k JEWELER-r-Tuckor, Hallett.- LAUNDRIES Yule BroB., Merchants. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr.' Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOL AND BlbblARDS Tho Holdol burK. PRINTING Goorgo Bros., Now Con-' tury, ivy Press, Review Press, Greer Cooper Co. . RESTAURANTS Westorfleld. Cam eron, Good Health, Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING t- Auditorium Rlnk. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING .PARLOR-Unlon Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland Union College Tailors, Ludwigr . TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. ' SPECIALISTS Dr. -Erie B. Wood ward, jf 7n ; fZSL OUR SODA yc TASTE8 'LIKE MORE "Rlggs, The Drug Cutter -1321 O St, CZJ u ABJgK; w Kf jt.ni 'QUAHTee U7fr IB CTS rir.M s mm mm . , m ii ;'j --w,r T----t If . a.nBUL1 k ui.. "tOggCUTT AKD MOIlAHftH MMtlTt t ,. CLASSIFIED (70LUMN . 8PECIAL8 NOTICE8. Rata ono cont por word each insertion; minimum, ton cents. L08T. LOST Alpha Tau Omega pin on tho Campus. Finder return to Tho Ne braakan ofllco. FOUND. A PLAGE to got a good $2.50 hat. $2.50 Hat Storo, 1141 O St. BOOKS SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at great reductions. University Book Storo. ME88ENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 100, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIE8. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co.,308 So. 11th St. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance service. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SULPHO-SALINE Bath Houso, 14th and M Sts. '' 8UITORIUM HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at tho Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. JOIN tho club. 3 suits, 1 overcoat, cleaned and pressed, $1.00. EUIott'u, 1130 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. PAGER BROS., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th SL Baggago and parcels. SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up-to-dato repairing factory In tho city. Prices tho lowest. Work manship tho best. 1220 O St. DENTI8T8. BOSTON DontlstB, 1319 0St. FOR RENT R00M8. Furnished bod-room and sitting room, now house, private entrance. References exchanged. Both for $10. 1830 Q St. FOR RENT Two robms, as suite or separate modernf board if de sired. 662 So. 17U1 St. Phono, Bell A 1434. FOR RENTrTwb modern furnished rooms for men. 1118 G St. FOR RENT Onn flirnfflTinrl rnnm Tor onoor two gentlomon; all mod ern. Phono Bell 77. 1044 S. 11th St. AUTOMOBILE8. FOR HIRE Party calls, theatres. and pleasure trips. Stand at Roydl Hotel. 25-2t HAIR DRE88ER8. BEST soft' water shampoo In tho city, 124 No. 12th St. Elizabeth Good man. 25-2t FOR 8ALE. FOR SALE Journal route. Good Investment for student: Sec. Y. M. C. A. FOR SALE Almost new dress suit for largo man; cheap. Inquire at Ne braskan ofilce. . OLIVER THEATRE CXXXXXXXXDOOOOOOOCOCOCO FRIDAY, SAT. AND MATINEE NOVMO-11 (Stetson's Big Double Spectacular "Ancle tows cabin" Mat. 10c & 25c. Evening 50c, 35c, 25c. WEDNE8DAY, MAT. ANp NIGHT. " NOVEMBER 15. "WHEN JOHNNY COME MAR THUR8DAY, Paul Armstrong's "HEIR TO Tl With Guy pat PrlcM, 91 m Today. 11 n. m. Froalmion moot. Chnpol. 11 a. m. Sophomores moot. Chom. locturo room. Wednesday, Nov. 8. 11 a. ni. Freshman Hop Committeo meet. U. 210. 11 a. m. Hawkovo Club moot. TT. 110. Friday, Dec. 15. 9:00 p. mr Pershing Riflo Hop. Fra ternity Hall. 8aturday, Nov. 25. 8 p'. m. County Fair. Armory. Convocation. Wodnosday. November 8 Prof. fl. E. Barber, "Pompeii" (illustrated). nuay, November 10 Music, Chaplain for tho week: Rnv. Dr. Tuttlo. Monday, November 13 Miss Ruth Paxson, National Secretary Y. W. C. A. Wodnosday. November IB Prof. T. E. Bolton. "Enochs in tho Dnvnlnnmnnt of Modern Psychology." Friday, November 17 Music. Chaplain for tho week: Prof. Law rence Fossler. Monday, November 20 Prof. G. E. Howard, "A Call for tho Social Purl tan." raska 8chedule. NOV. llyHJniversItv of Colorado nt Lincoln. ' Nov18 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 25 Doano CoIIoko of Crete. Neb., at Lincoln. tjnir OI TI1l,t T I- 1 WANTED Evory user or prospec tive user of a typewriter to havo a freo trial of tho VISIBLE TJffOoTWood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phone No. 348. 13C No. 11th St. Professor Wyer at Convocation. Prof. J. I. AVyer's talk at convoca tion yeserdnymornlng was of inter est as well as practical boneflt to now as well as old students. Ho spoke of three different clusses of people that tho libraries had to deal with. , One class, who needed to be shown continually. Tho second, who, after being shown onco, would help themselves another time, and, lastly thosp -who did not need to bo shown at all, but could follow instruc tions and find tho book thoy wanted Nothing is more exasperating to tho attendants in the library than to bo asked repeatedly by tho same person day after day for perhaps- two weeks where a certain book was. On tho contrary, they dislike oqually as much to see students in tho stack room look ing aimlessly for a book which per Jl&PJJKOuld bo in an entirely different place. Ho urged tho uso of tho library as a study Jn itself, and suggested that tho best thing-a studontwJio intended to spend four yeaig. In tho TJnverslty could do was to learn how to, use tho library. Devote as much tlmo as was necessary in learninglrow to find, not only books to which reforenco was made on the outlines, but to find in formation on any topic in, which ho chanced to bo interested. Ho also recommended strongly tho uso of tho library for tho purpose of owslng. Keeping in touch, with cur- iits by reading a few moments bio, , tho magazines there. iltteo H. W.BROWN Drug & Book Co. University Text Books, Drawing Instruments, Drawing Paper, Tracing Cloth, Cross Section and Profile papers, and other Engineer's Supplies. Waterman Fountain Pens. 127 South llth Str. Waterville Pocket Knives tt m!L EVERY ONE GUARANTEED HALLS. 1308 O STREET THBOUGH TRAIN SERVICE DAILY to CALIFORNIA, OREGON", and all PRINCIPAL POINT8 WE8TV VIA UNION PACIFIC Pullman Palace Sleeping" Cars Dining Cars, MealsTala carte Composite Observation Cars Corappjlle buffet Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars a Specialty Free Reclining Chair Cars Inqulro. of E. B. 8LOS80N, Gen' I Agent. ". Inolud la h New Cdltlea 25,Q00 NE,W WORDS, Etc, New Gmztlfr mt tk WrU Nw Blecraphlcal DIetUnary Edited by W.T. nARUIS, Ph.D LL.D U. 6. Commteeloner of Education. 2380 Qiurta PtfM. 5000 illaMnHleu. UtifVUtM. Itlth BImilnrw AUo WebctM-' CotUglmUrlHcUewy with mfsf. IMelllaAiWloBa. Biu, lUHja. ASMckdThIaPtMrE4itloaDflLiiM ' liwpoojtnmainmaicaTntn. blf 1 6HtilH- i rREE,"ATrttaPrsBuacltiea,"UU G, A C. ME,RRIAVf CO. ' laaars, prlilUl4, Mas. .mmwKmmW. JFW tew ',- N rtl v ' ' a M t