The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1905, Image 2

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tbc Daily ntbraskan.
A conuotldatlon of
Tho Ilcflporlan, Vol. 31, Tho Nobraakan,
Vol. 10, Scarlet And Cream, Vol. 4.
PubllBhcd'' dally, oxcopt Sunday and
Monday, at tho University of Nobraflka,
Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hosporian Publish
ing Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V, P. Stout. . Lnuronco Fosslor.
H. P. Lcavltt.
Dwlght Cramor. A. O. Schrolbor.
Edltor-ln-Chlof J. p. Clark
Manaffor. . . . : Frod Nauijhton
Circulator Waltor H. Standovcn
Athlotlo R. A. Van Oredol
Editorial Roomr U 204. BuBlnoBfrOfflco,
U 211. Post Ofllco, Station A, Lin
coln, Neb.
Ofllco hours of BuslnoBB Manager and
Editor, 11:00 to 11:80 dally.
Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Prlco, $2 por year In advance
Entored at tho postofllco at Lincoln,
Nob., as oodond-cluHB mall mattor undor
tho act of congress of March !i, 1879.
Individual notices will bo charged for
at tho rato of 10 conta for each Insertion.
Faculty departmental and university bul
letins will gladly bo published froo, as
thorn to tholr hotel In tho mannor sug
gested, still thoro is suro to bo an op
portunity tho noxt"iTniyat tho game
to treat them right, and our rootors
should bo prompt In taking advantage
of this opportunity. Qlvo Colorado no
excuse whatovor for refusing to play
In Lincoln next "year, for unless tho
gamo Is playod here, there will doubt
less be no contest, as It Is out of the
question for Nebraska to attempt a
trip to a country a mllo abovo ub,
thoro to meet a team of which wo are
afraid on our own grounds.
Tho visitors from Ames last Satur
day wero loud In tholr praises of tho
treatment accordod them at tho ljands
of Nobraska students and playors, and
wont away determined to como back
again noxt year If a game can bo ar
ranged in any way. ThlB is as it
should be, and In this lies tho groatest
bonoflt that Nebraska derives from
our intercollegiate football contests
tho sproadlng of her roputation by
klndly-dlsposod opponents. The" game
last Saturday was entlroly free from
any Unfair playing or unnecessary
Students' Debating Club.
Tho Students Debating Club mot
last Saturday night in tho newly pa
porod Union Hall. In splio of tho
rainy weather, a largo crowd was pres
ent and aftor the usual drill In par
liamentary law tho ordors of tho day
wero called for and tho question: "Re
solved, That an Interstate Commerce
Commission should bo given power to
'fix railroad rates," was debated by
Casoboor and Wasson on tho afilrma
tivo and Brown and White on tho neg
ative. Following tho debate, a number
of lengthy impromptu speeches Wero
made on tho question debated by lead
ing members of the club.
A number of changes mark tho pro
ceedings of tho club this year. The
crowds that attend tho meetings this
year nro much larger and jncro en
thusiastic than last year. A now squad
of men dobato at each meeting and
they come propared to debate. For
merly is used to be considered a duty
to bo oi tho program, now it is a priv
ilege. Tho club is represented by mem
bers from various departments of tho
University, and an especially strong
number coming from tho law depart
ment. At the business meeting a new plan
for Impromptu gpoaklng was adopted.
Those Young Men's Doggy jHats
I make a specialty of the nifty kinds all the new
colors and shapes at a dollar less than the other fellow
$2.50 w pay ? Budd, $2.50 Hatter
roughness, and our students refrained
from all thosq disparaging remarks
which wero too frequent In, the earlyJ
part of tho season. Noxt SaturdrryrnH
other opportunity is givon us to show
that wo aro true sportsmen, and know
how to treat a visiting team, oven
though wo bo afraid of them. Tho
team representing tho University of
Colorado plays Nobraslja tlion, and
the mountaineers, should go back home
fooling exactly tho same way Ames
does. Tho team will probably nrrivo
in Lincoln Friday morning and It
would bo a good plan for the student3
to meot them with a carry-all andimnd
and oscort (thom to tholr hotel. This
.was dono when Illinois camo to Lin
coln tho first time, two years ago, and
tho result was a cordial-feeling toward
Nebraska on tho part of Illinois which
has already borno fruits In the stand
tho Illinois board Is taking regarding
'our admission to tho Conferenco. It
is truo that Colorado can never do us
as great a favor as can Illinois, but
aside from all sontlment of benefit,
Nebraska studonts should bo imbued
with tho spirit of truo sportsmanship
so far as to make ovory visiting team
feel that they aro in tho midst of
strong but chivalrous enemies. If tho
time of arrivjttl of the Silver and Gold
player's makes it impossible to escort
Hereafter, in place of calling upon
mombers of tho club to speak atvevery
meeting and alphabetical order-will be
observed. Tho chairman of tho "Co
ed" program reported Saturday, De
comber 9, as being a favorable date.
The report was accepted.
At tho next meeting the club will
discuss tho question: ."Resolved, That
the use of tho Injunction should bo pro
hibited In labor disputes."" John L.
Clai;k and Ira Howard aro on tho af
urinative, H. A. Brubakor and Leo Lo-
Bro aro on tho negative.
Large Advance Sale.
Tho said of seats for-tho-big Colo
rado gamo began yesterday morning
at Harry Pqrter's, and oven boforo the
tickets wero taken down thoro was a
lino of men waiting to get good seats.
Tho sale for the first day was larger
than has ever been tho case for any
gamo excepting tho Thanksgiving
gamo last year, and prospects aro
bright for a record-breaking crow
which will make tho heart
manager glad, for tho 1
games have b
days, bo th
rather si
boon' in
If you are needing anything in the
Glove and Corset line- it will Pay
you to see our stock, we carry a
complete assortment of
Golf Gloves from 25c to $1.00
Kid Gloves from $1.00 to $2.00
Also carry a fine stock of Equipoise and Ferris
Waists and Gymnasium Waists
Y .M. C. A. Notes.
The mass, meeting at the Oliver
theator last Sunday was addressed by
Rev. J. W Jones of St Paul's M. E.
church on tho subject, "Life at Its
Best." The Association Brass Quar
tet played "America" and "Home,
Sweet Homo."
Tho mass meeting next Sunday will
bo addressed by tho noted lecturer.1
Frank It. Roberson.
Don't forget tho Committeemen's
Dinner tonight. All committeemen
will bo expected and others Interested
are invited. Chancellor Andrews will
give a toast on "Tho Young Man tho
Age." Dr. H .B. Ward will act as
toastmaster. Captain Borg, and ex
CaptaiivBenedlcJ. of tho football team
will also ue-Jieard from,
Capital $ 300,000.00
Surplus aad Profits 200,000 00
Deposits . 3,620,000.00
Girls' Glee Club.
Tho Girls' Gloo Club which Is being
organized ))Y Mrs. Raymondwill soon
bo selected. There wero forty-oight
young ladleB who registered for the
work, and this number Js being' cut
down Just half by a series of try-outs,
similar to those the men went through.
At present there are-thirty-two-girls
still in the race, but eight -ot these
will be dropped within the next week,
and' then tho personnel of tho club
will bo announced finally.
I Dr. Sam'l. S. Shcan
...OPTICIAN... g
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Dr. Engborg, of tho Department of
Mathematics is a botanist as well as
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