M''l! WB i.fi-W vs . i v & - - s - v '' - 1 1,2'V 1 . . . V f7- f i ti-"-n!j'rtr nv'.trtoSS. ' jnW' -'- t .-. t. ,6 . U w - yfrMMl .- t - THE EtfUlaY lNEBR8KAW.,Jml. li ..A. l."" ' . .U.4.... ,.i.i( '. 4u MWMMWMMMaMHi ' ii'i.MfignBiMirii. iiriurr im nam n inn .' . ". '- ii ' ' " . ' i .i .i i . i nr if a. fy II i s I . i .n r we RN6tt Hbf 6 FfciNt Anything; LETU8C6N virfcfcY&b . ;. Gftfe!tiR-c;66pR cd. M34 6 STREET. jjyj52j;jj1j4jiiBjUSiiii41y dVAliivv Vii o k a-i rt A "" TA&TE8 IiIKE MORE y c tM nitts, Tfci in citiif U i32i oat. We Me always been knowrt ii lf.4 STUDENTS LAUNDRY We wntyer bu'slnetft. yule iiiitis. iiAtfb ijAUriDiVa' I0M O Street. Auto a7g4, Pg74 SPALDING'S . icial Foot Ball Guide Oif FDR 1105 tfcttttri b wAltei! caMK Cohtaltfitlg thd no'wly rdWsed OFFI CIAL PLAYINO RULES and plqturds oif loading tdams. embracing over 2,50t" players, . PHtlCfe, 10 QENTd Fbr Bal6 by All NowBdoaJoYs, Atnleue Goods Dtalero and Depart ment Stores. Spalding's cataloguo of all athlotlc aporta mallod frbo to any address. A. 0. SPALWfiOJfc 1R0S. , Now YorU, gdatonTwalo, &icao, illa'eaplls, Phlladelpjila, BeAver, Baltimore, wasningion, bi. ixxxb njirn EhglniVrlni lims. ' Mr. J. C. Stevens jOnd .wife came lri from Denver Wednesday and will visit friends over Sunday. Mr. Stovons holds a position wlth.tbo Unltb'd States Reclamation Sorvlifd and has Wen working ih D6nV'dr. Ho recently re ceived a promotloh arid Is now ph his wuy tb Washington, D. C, to take up his new duties. - J. B. DaVid'soh, '0J, wafe on the cam pus Saturday. Mr. Davidson is now assistant professor at Ames, whore ho is In charge of the Agricultural fcng'in eoring Ames is considered 8nd df Iho leading schools in the United States in this lino of eiiginebrlng. It speaks woll for-Mr. Davidson's work, for the pcoplo at Ames lookod around fdllr oV flvo months boforo chooBing a man ca pable of Ailing thd position. D. W. Chase hhs charge of the farhi me'c'hah ics Ih placfi fcf Mr. DaVldBoh, who Wds horo last year. The University is for tunate in getting Mr. Chase for this position. Professor Richards is in receipt of a letter from the president of tho Uni versity jof Washington in which lid states that Mr. B6Wlby, '06, ho iq toachihg thdfe, Is giving excelle'ril bat Isfaction. Processor Richards has re doIV'cd twb-lettbrs from different places' ask'ing for teachers ih hie"'chanical dn1 gineorlng, but as yet ho has been un nble to find thdm. The iriqtn iine libit in the wood shop broko ono day "this week. Fortunately no harm waslone, beyond tho scaririg of a fdW Pr'esm'env J. Wcstover spent Satiinlay afif Sunday In fienver. Hdreaftdr ttfo EngihcdHhgltems Wllj appear In thb NebraBkan on We.dnos days ana SdfilrdaVfe, ftfltad of Week nesdaya and PrVdayB. ' (f -r : i- saa City, Pittsburg, san , Francisco New Orleahfl, Syracdso, Clhelnnatl, Montreal Cailn'don. finglanQ. - t iu FdU6vV THfe rtAQ." ere are r t.Jf t.' r. !K . . jj mamns a , j s n ; ' J.' ,? -. A . ..'N.l I X ..' 8ccohd Call. ' It Is Im'pbVtant that all SoriteVs In' tho Industrial College whov intend to graduato In February ahtJUld Bed mo" In rtV bifflcb, BeanM ttbdni; 11:36' C6 12 o'clock of any school day. Bring yo'tfr record Book wftn" yoti. . .CHARLES E. BESSBY, . 1MK of IndWlrittA ColWd. Baker's Qho t)ot?i fa misfed h ihem k& Oxif iide-mdffc ft oil 6V&fl package or gfenuihe goods Under the deeMohsoFsev.eraL. tJiiited States Courts tid. bther chocdkte xSf 6&a than Walter iBaker H$ fiois is eir- kitled to be' sold as "Baker's iWtfTiacMk Cocoa r "BakerU dhbcdlatfe" & Our hdtidsomcty illustrated recipe book W aiid !? la ke r f Co. ttct 4S liiiheat AArdii ifi Surc 3hd Afiic ?jljrSrrrairi LJ&hr fl 'llli I 1 1 m miLMM 1 .1 1 rrrMit ., -r- .'tf . I.i.iS.- .AV... Bmmmmmim ialt Uio tJnl. MUslc Cafd. . jpbn't forget tho Uhl. School of Music nrtr v. W ( X. v Jtar Delivery CdBagg'ago. Both1 Phones. V HOME VlilTbftS EfccUk8ION, N6v Tn manv nolnts In Illinois. Indiana, Ohio,- Kdhtucky, Western P.onnsylTK hlttA,N XbYkJMd,Wfcrt Sft. at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. ,, . Tho WABASH h"a Bld road-bbd, roclc ballast, and noJlM'Ulpment; r'd cllnlng chair pars (SEATS FREE). - Formates, ;itiap8 j afid all Information call at Wabash City Offlce, 1G01 Fat nam St., or address . HARtlY E. MOORES. 0. A. P. t.-Wab. H, R., Omaha, Nebr. .. s.,i iim Gr6dn! Barker Shops Tptdgiil - .( Pala"66 v n v pans' EXPERIENCE v fllli ' Trade. Markb DrtlONB CbpVhlQHTS &C, A 6nlVlon 6f jfeatRaff. 'UTnnthnll A RVRtnm of HlUnSlauAh1 Uer vbry fa'sTilohahre witH fidys-. fonl IUV ll.U, .1 V.V.U, wv.w,v,,. 1, put the boots t9hlm,' and 'ballona meaning 'up in thd air, or who hit m8 with a public buliding?' A body ot college students surrounded by arii bu'lahces. By Illustration; "Sing a Bona of fobtball . PocKdls full or.salvet FbuV rri twenty iiia ttU PUhbtured-ttt inD caivo. CapUln lil thoJidBpItal Fullback in the soup, " Twenty-seven, faces BWUbn In the grbui. 0 , BoWfttfres'' anil freshman Punchtfd around thd ring; When tho war Is overt t Tho tidys began to sing: itawl Raw! Raw! RaWRaw! Rh!-. Stew them? - . Fry them." ., "" RayJ. Raw! Raw! OystersV " StiVden't8 should remembdr to get thdlr reserved seat tickets fdu the Ames-Nebraska ganio today. The said has been largo and' as a result but few ot tho students will get good seats unless they hurry. Best l&cetit "m'Salfe: fioenlx Res; tauraht "- -- w-. .Ni . ALLEQUETTI ','M'k 7H L5WNtY'8 CHQJCOLAtM it A , .u. ; . . flgjQtfjtfi mm and b - X f- - 'x 'iTA'irw.Miar-Yiiiivri'iVfi' Anyone sending n, UotcbandjaeorlpUon.niay Autoklr Mcettaln our opinion freowbothor ail tions strictly conadontfal. BAaDIOOK. on 'tim o"v"uvr;:v"ruxrv!srsrrTnVnitiSit: l"aSS tEXS tfirooK kawJ AUTwcolVe mtciat notice, without chanie, la tho Scientific flmcrknn. A handaomely lilnstratod wcoklr. f.WJt,,ri: MUNN & Co.3B1Droad New York Branch 0cera6 IP BU Wublagton. B. C. News nri-.l ether items for tho No braskan should bo handed Into tho ofllco at tho east end of tho hall of tho. second- floor. of Unlvoralty;Hall. They should riot bo. put, ih tho box oh the outsldd 61 tho pHlcd, as thd b'dx bo- inM tn fiftW.nHn nnnrtTriSrtt. and not to tho Nebraska, bul; should bo, put con tho hook Inside the offlce. I Sdtany Club meets November 0, $ p. m. B. 107.- , iijncolii Lock! Exprdas, 123 6 BL Both JiJhtthea; ItCttm'dhlan Ctib meets November 4, $ p B. U. 10U. Rogferd & PdrKfha Cd., Iliad O Street. . . ww .. ., .mw.Yvm. w w rf. P ear, hoefd arid-throat. Rlbhhrds bloclft Porkina' SWedteh"., gy'mnasiufiju anbeS a Rbger's'& Pertti Co., lift) O St. -. '-f. -Flor6nce ID. Wood's, '0, Is loachlnfe English and Mathematics' in tno iaus City High Schb-bl: '" College, baria, and two . hundred fodfftrA nccomnhnv th'6" Am'es -tfeain' td Llricdl'A Saturdays Remarkable Reduction In Rate's' to the South, ' On October 3 atiti 17, November 7 and 21, December 5 nnd 19, tho Mis- omtrl "Pnlnr will RiOl pnnnil trln t.lcW- ,ots to many points in Southwestern, Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory. Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at 76 per-'cent' df tho on6 Way rato. Idr exampl'd", round 'trio rate to Ft WnrHi Tptc.. clll be S13.G5. to Galvds- .ton, ?20,35, td Oklahoma City. $10.00. etc. Two daily trams, witn gunman JSTUDENTSI Jj X at low (pn&W, $tfe. Union o , O Collet Stm IWlffl?1 8 vi I . . - - -----.. -- -. -. . . ... r fWgiq:rrlVfeR:..0yj Dttfi and ttmCkthttuf t)tif U 3 ' i ' THt MAkWCUGO, . Uotk tkbaea. 13ili aill N Sta. 'f.Sfj sleeper every night td Kansas City. . It ui- Wftll liSfArmn'rlnh nt. Cltv- TieltO flee, S. W. Cor.-12th' & O streets. JDIR. .JOHN J PA,Vli5 Graduate- Refractlorilst AND OlTIClAy laisii o at.4, lincpln Room &,..,. Aj. mjjt, Ofnct 30211 Rei 2818 . -y.1V Sttrt thd school, year right Tjy get- ttVitr a' nirn wncrnv-nil or finrn1 oni.ii F. D. CORNELLJ George BroB., printers, , Fraternity' IT. Ot 1. -tv.. wsl "Mt "w i kjio. -, i V 31 I' " to r.H . ; .fal!'J i I N X J N. 7 1 J:' i ' , r, ' ' . ..' '.'f. J' ". f .. . . "' .&.. ;:, .