The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. V, fao. 2$
UNlVEftSit t lRASfcA, UPtaStS, MIM, N6VMBEK i J905.
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6olgl "6'Ha lino Twd' HUfiarrt Rpot
fc7& AcabfTiihy e Ame f am
-to Llncojn feaiiinfey. -
Ame6rIn7(Specibl)'' Tue'sdily thfe
students "of tho Iowa Stato Collcgo
held a'Vferi enthusiastic 'football fnlly;
J3poe6ht3tr were made bjhxriaiiy XJf the
prominent professors of the College.
Among these" were' Dfeaii Stanton and
trnf. Ttrvnn Tlonldnn fliono twn mRTl.
Coach RisUne and Assistant Coach an Davis T5RHS to thi CiaiMs on
Buckley made speeches. Ttio jlhde
Y jfyli':6 A. "MASS ME1TING
SUNDAY, NOV. 5, .3:30 F. M
Sterling Jubilee singers; rev. ji w jdms
Tin tMTWHf
, i
pendd'nt Order of Ghronfc Roofers was
6ut.ftf lull fbVco. 4 A6cor(fing "t6 tho
general opinion, Ames will " como to
4 Lincoln on Saturday loaded for bear.
?fic- BBcli 'trafn fbf th'6 Ambfr ex
cursI6tt Will leave- this city at 0 a. Jm..
.;&mu m&i vri Misrotifi v'aiioy
- 'arfd Firembnt? returning at 7:30 p. iff.
ftiero tfr'lfilrty mefr 6if tli6 stiuad,
beHia68 the", college band ad '6
' , 'hundred rootofij; "The-team wiil tJrhfe
; Friday riving siri, LinMh Hibofit 6.
p: m. Ames .eipects to ,give Nobrasfeh.
a run ior ner money, anuv puooiuij
will score. .. .. .. t
v -.. -: r . ?-4k.
F'rom the above wo can .see 'what.
v V-
' Ledwlth and WheUn
. -.-'
With the coining county dlectloii
two hatucB nppuar on.thdballot which
Zr-Z? Nebrailta-wlll -hp.vto face'OTVi sH
" urdriy. A4oam. of the best Iowa ca'n
"v;'prpdaco, Jindc&core oA, 6ftboQe
-A3SR9 IHU war wliUJHewalV-Ndrfeiiy ork
to pla'cd a good'iffilLrgin oVorhAmes'ini
'tlio scofd cafdv Amer wilibo jtt Lin-'
cote , to xput Clfe- hV;gani6' of.fiCir life
on sHtirday. Eery positoltf thing
has' been" dbne by the. Amjps, coaches
to ftfri negattJrbMDbhiBKa,
Tno varsity wentlKroufeVa. fastpfac
..Uco laBt Saturday btf the fdptb411idVd.
A good ddai'oif p'VadticiS wa5 given (o
' the qffartorbacka; bralni fcager and,
'.MSr's'e Were" all glVefl Bomb" hard woK
byHn'ii cbfttfesf. . 'hke fli&fr.Beemlb'
hayeAiniprb6d sbme In passing; the
ball; iii ft light Bcrlnimagi& t6hslpjv
was injured,' Just how'sdr'Ioiis it Is hot
icff8wn, blit It was' thought thnt'ltwHi
hot keep him out of tho Ames gamp.
, jilght 6ihp to hl6 pb6r physical jtffly
The men'wlll indulge in d light sig
nal practice to night, bit hl5' hea,vy
Wbi-lc Will be used -owing to the' poor
conditforr 6t Ui6 M yifi gdhral;
Tfi6 squad . was A entarge'd la's't night
the rdtum ,16): Dfiln, McDbriAldj and
Craig. , f hf So men "bXvId all beda dh
th'o fiquacl b&fbre tl)Is. yeairand dwlng
to the physical condition of some, of
the v.vnrslty' It hasbQon .ibiihd best to
'Vtnttin VTAtSttinlfl nml Hi-rtln ril t'n
wprU at qdartdi:bRCkahd.CrAig In Iho
back field, ' .. , .
Thb Becond d'ebjitet In Rhetoric f,
will bo held In room 106 this after
noon, frofti "two to four o'clock. Tho,
question is': "Resolved, that tho use
of tho Injunction In abpr disputes
, bo prohibited,-"' JEhq speakers are;
. Alya 0. Huff and Leo S. Legro, ;
The dbbate Is opei to tho college
public as U8ualj. 'v '
Sat at Don Cameron's new retau
TinVllS So, lilh ML ' i' ' ,
Correct, Engllsh,--
The. third of hBerles -bf.general
I: was -held In Memorial. sHall yester
day morning. A. new fdulrbnidnt Ih
the coiifstf (M atitfdUhded namely,
that., dach. stilddnt Is itr read a book
of gbotf IttrftCifr 6ncfe' Bnwfitt ft also attiiountjed thatjl niW'fiomef
ter , examination. . WbUld .ho .hold -th6
eek before Thank,sgt$ng. ' '. '
' . Dean Davis, head of tho college of
Literature, ciencp" "arid &&&, $'
dressed, the ,netlHgf !' no spokeKbi1
the n'dcdsslty brh JtHdents. iwlgl
ablo to express ttoiatii:. iliearly;. di
rectlyV simply, lorclbly;!1 that : Iarig-;
'tfrpughtjlfthat, reclMidnV a3a" dlear
ness" tit 'language is vSfplessUfy ty
cldarlh'ih1clnK.v HP urkod .tho. Frcsfe
mehto study thl meaning" 6f,;Wofds
fthdivftUbt'ca' Aprj6fciiS6rt'6f logic att
b"avlnc,h1it "the first ten .vfeafs' of a)
stud6ht, rnHbklb;Vhoabe spent &
6tudyltJMS" 6ahlhgs 61 .words';"
FuHherMore, ho rgecj 4.I10 mdmbofs
bfMfibcms, to strlVKttf Wrigbba1
EnKlish. not ddly jh .Rhetbrta butin
ail classes: to bdl careful bf their
English" In convbrsatibhV ihWtlbfcJ
6n the nthlbtip "Beirfj adTnJh"6W tW
.ryspbhddhetj. As ff Weans'- bT ilcqUIri
I&xdbb EnMsH, th 'dean fecoih
'UStfM tra'fisVdtlbn. - rv" " ! ':
BeKvocatitftf f oda".
'The eonvbca"eerf6ir totfaV Wfll
be 'taken- uji with the usual Friday
musical program. Mr. Card Stcckilt
'tttfgr who has always been a grekl
favorite with imlvb&lty people, 'til
reBHed sevoral numbers on the violin1.
lit Is alwaya considered a treat to listen
to, Mr. 'Sleckolberg, ahd the chapbl
'should bp crowded; ".Folldwing Is thfe
.... - V ,,.
deht.. ThoBO names arJohtt .TCBil.
"Ith anllifahfjhBlftmafwj U
tno nominee pi tnp uomocrat- ana1 00
plea IndepeddP -pdrt'y fdrCau'fity
Judge. ' JMtt s he Is familiar Knbwh
w bnebf tie inoitpbiililaf. Unlvfir
sltfc fiiudiShtB ,wBn hd waa'ifrchbbif.
Al thb prefeet timls ho iW practieifig7
ikw In Lincoln nrid his charge' 6f a
diass' ihthfr' trhlversity Lkw School.
rYhdiair 'la a Senior fn ihd "Acadfilfnid
tfchobl this yeaiwbsdtf'Ur bfthe:
Studklii i)&atirf Association:. Hb
has alwaya foe- prominent fnr.atu
dent affairs' slhce bis :trance. to the!
ii-h I'tritl', '
i'"'f. l .
f .tfi4J-
Junior La'Clfiki to Eitlmate iha ctt
of Putting Out A Uvi idok
fKIs Vear. '-
'v - . 1 . 1 1 '. 1
The Juniors held (TcIaBS inc6tlitJ
ydatcrday fit 11 -a. m:-1ntbenwritry
raaihly fortho"purposboC hearTifisi-'tfie-
fegbKs 6t coftmtmm-hMm
class s&lrlndenthuslaqjsurc" a
good football record -ucsldeep'Maklng
work .easier for- thefifoblbilt iHaMaKet1.
ato fatoillAr to dvory university atjikjho, ih spitd 6f rdieatea" Wair
demands still finds It hard (q get
enough, mehi especially' iVeayy m'on, out
for practice.- - ...
Tho scrfiUry's riSpbrE-bf ffcHfttfifar-
tH'6t twrf offartfifr',
"lag't yLv In lHiyih 4M a fetir
Vt'iici-iV it-.4 ....- .,, ,...!.... ..'.jtj-
ucv-unriea' ior ine oapnoBOTe'fi ooto
M6 tiiimm &8 t&fi. tlfliifdrt Fliprt
(.en-cvBiBiros every jaw ter - r
,t , " ."- - .- .1
:ehtafuWr;Ooiiiwrltttehdehti mmm!'Mmi?ti v 1
bf FnbllcJnstrtictltnis: aieintHd ' bfcomil't'ee: .x, '
7 r. . i-no cost, or uia narin TitiMwiATiMy an -c.
X '
j antltial Firfr 'Cbmmltteemeh'ri ff at' bnc"d.,',i J'M'ii t
rf.lii lid given aft: tftii Mi - fef&ftBifi irfr ihfiVil HiVfnii
rrt' AlJU'JiV tifctkiAr YCjl- hj-J L-'.' Ili7ii t
-SdV'i'tH Cdllqeitb ....... '...dtt BbHbt.
G String ....:... ..,;.. :,...B'acHr
Huhgarl'an DArices TBrahms1.
WalkoVer sfioibs for collbgo men
Rogers' Si Perkins Co., 1129 O St. -
B; 6hurchxflext TUdsday dVerifng at!
6:18 'Thls?ipyottt fs dbslgrikled .by
sriniP as' a btftHudt and b otllors (i
a feed, it iff tfrntfjirhea all Y; ifi
C. As dbniinitteemeir it togcthdr to
,bpcbmo better oajojmjhjaa erijoy!
tno genuine fellowship -whlchne as
soclatlon Htt6i'ds. Ah1 h6w monarb
iSvimHA AitoM if iHiiv nar hh
.. .."1 "-- .. ,
?J..j'jf11f. Jm (1 . :-.' . t. A- J.1.-J
Bomeimng pr tno worn oe me- as
BbcltiH(l-; X ' v -
rif; fi. ward- w-.liMcl' as tbasU
tnastdJ1, ttfiliN'nHflell8P AnflrfiWa1 0il
glv.o a toast .ohVrhe Young ifiW Alttl
the A&" BeHiaM Wis' tfleri, wfir b4
short fbaflfs hy f3rffeabTf6 ltoaLjtUl
dehti; '
Palladia. Prdgam.
. roy; 8, 19 W.
Vocal. Sblot . ,'. . ; . t s ... ; . , .Mr. Plum
Pap&r. .-.... ;,j ; ... 1 . f i . Mr. Fo.wloy
"Prompt-Aid to. ibb-InjUrbd"...
. 1,. .-.;.. i .;...'.... . .iMiss Miller
Whistling Solo. . f ... . . .Miss WilkliiBori.
"Sbmothlng". ..:... ., , . . ; sMr. O'Oara
Instrumental Solo ...Miss Nelson
1 Dr. Haggard, J2lfe-2i3 Hll.
Ht? n r nr n zi i i 8
- 8
3100 R." M. '
T ' w . '
In plaicehvbforo, thd ferfd ((fig'tii&t
appbfntcd; arid iWifidml 'itfaoAiti,
Tlio Junior LaW, iblM; iffllft. bficb . ,
;(lWg tnr Wbabtf jLkwtM.fiobkioV.JifSf '
IHtbrest. wsudJlaybTlVi ttoditito -
tHarV'6V WnbUydnd jLMhdmb-'.
fiefi?(&bW finiitrtibebd that thu. ttW- ',
berir.ef tho"lastJ fldtf pledged tBettx
WlVgs'fd? rbksr:am.n'riibeW X
tHodnjbr cidss-iihlptf feidksi- Maiiy .
br ttitf pKfifi sbdmd tbtfddJVihat' thIs- .
Was notvbnbugH' to Insure a: sttdbdetfal
book, and t&mo- tliuaght no Ttmfrt ,
sHbuidho . Uken, towards pUlHc4tiH
uptli'nlL" books, hadv6d;oh.paibr..
As rio definite -figures .could bagiydn '
as to thP cost, It- Was finally decliibd
that tho class should elect lis' trias- .
ager, who should ct-with thdf other
class riiariagbrs and And out Ust-hb'w .
much tho book would cosi,iand 'how .
much the probabld recelptsv-wbuia fed
and report to thb class twhidh bbuld
then decide finally upoiv Ibi.'abtlbii.
Mr. W. C. Parrlbtt whs then Unani
mously elebtdd mdtirigpr. , In a hrief
spcdcli Mr. Parrott told tho class that
ho would accept the position, but only
. , on ccndltlon that there bo no1 dolay
J nor grumbling, and thqt -when' hp'
raadb his final recommendation it be .
acted upon by tho class. The ap
plauso following this, cxpressipa
showed that the class Would 'stan
J. x
behind him.
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