R$ j- m" i" v- '-' " ..,."- ;.- - I -.-- 'He I - THE DAILY NEBlRASKANi m ir i i i V; i r ;. B' !.i i i H I iv !-? X r' ; r M v P. 1. Ktf j; v. b r Ce Dap Uebraskaii " 'A coniiolfdatlon of" ' Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Nobrnuknn, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Crfcam, Vol 4. Published dnlly. oxcot DDt Sunday and Monday, at tho Univornlty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publlflh Ins .Co. Board of Directors. O'. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fosslor. H. P. Lcavltt. Dwlght Crainor. A. 0. Schrolbcr. ICdltor-ln-Chlcf J. D. Clark MuntiRor .- Fred Naughton. Circulator Walter 13. Standovon Athlotln R. A. Van Orsdel Editorial Roomr U-804V. Business onice, U 211V4. Post Onico, Station A, Lin coln, Neb. Ofllco hours of Business Manngor and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. , Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone 'Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, $'J per yoar In advance Knterod at the postolllco at Lincoln, Nob., as second-class mull matter under tlio act of congress of March a, 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rulo of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and unli-orslty bul letins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. A SUGGESTION. Tho prominent part taken by tho University of Nebraska in recent years In various fields of activity, from ath letics to research, leads one to ask whether it should not seek to con form now to tho general custom of tho universities of tho world In wear ing cap and gown, tho recognized aca demic garb, on all public occasions. Tho appearance of tho Chancellor on thoommencoment stage with gown and hood adds dignity nnd Impressive ness to tho bccnslon and tho effect would certainly be enhancod If tho faculty wbro similarly garbed. Or, If not the entire faculty as one might wish, nl least lot tho deans who have to present the candidates fo7 degrees bo tittlred in this historic university dross.' Possibly to one whoso experi ence' Is limited to Nobraska, vfcuch at tiro' might ot first appear strange and dxcluslve." Yet It Is tho university uress of tho world, and Its use Is by no means confined to tho Old World or to what we 'nxo acqustomod to call tho offoto East, oven though thorq, It has boon used universally. H has been adopted -by tho faculties of Chi cago, Northwestern, Illinois, Missouri,, aittl has oven extended to the Univer sities of Colorado, Montana-and New Moxico while Colorado and Whit man" Colloges also use cap and gown no doubt moro' extended knowledge would Increase largely this list which, howover,.is purposely limited to our ihtii'o Immediate neighbors In the uni versity world. Aftor witnessing tho imprqHlyo sight afforded by tho com mencement procession at a great "WeBtorn university "where the ureal (lont, faculty and students all ear .this academic garb one could but wish that such a factor might be added at Nebraska. ' -S. B. E. Changes in College of Medicine. -' At a recent mooting' of tho Board of Rogonts, changes were mndo in tho CollQgo of Medicine of tho University of NobrnsHa wfilch havo been under consideration for some tlmo. in rec ognition of able and faithful servlco, Jr. C. W, M. Poynter was advancod (obo adjunct professor of Anatomy, and Dr. L.'B '.Plllsbm'y was made in structor In Bacteriology and Pathol . ogy. Tho Regents also appointed Dr. .7. M. Mayhew instructor In Medicine, Dr. H. H. Everett, Instructor In Sur gical Pathology, aud Dr. H. J. Lehn hoff; Instructor in Surgery- During tlVti'seconcT'sonicster of the sophomore year Micro will bo added to tho courso of study Introductory clinical work. This will bo directed by Doctors Orr, Mayhow, Everett and' Lehnhoff, with roferenco to tho use of tho modorn laboratory apparatus and methods. Professor Poynter will conduct the courso In Surgical Anatomy. Thcso Improvements follow tho lino of ad- vanco marked out uy tno ucrman schools and by Harvard and Johns Hopkins In this country. Friends of tho University are groatly pleased to soo tho Collego of Medicine ratcjMfi" tho highest class of Amerjcan 'schools by the New York StutCBoard of Ite gonts, tho most-exacting body of ex aminers jn-fhls country. This honor isnot shared uy any otner scnooi in this part of tho United States. . , A Suggestion for Rural Teachers. (By A. Ross Hill, Dean of the Missouri Teachers' College.) In tho district school perhaps- the greatest problem for the teacher is to keep the pupils Interested In tho work or the school. The whole thing seems so unnatural to tho pupil, to the boy In particular. The boy Is right. Tho life ho Is expected to lead during schoql hours Is so artificial and un natural ;is compared with his activi ties outside of school hours that it is little wonder that he grows restless" and loses Interest In the work of the school, If indeed his Interest in it Is ever awakened nt all. The remedy for this condition or affairs is to be found in making the conditions of school life moro like those of tho home and of tho community. Now for the boy from tho farm this much needed chango can bo most eas ily and effectively brought about by tho Introduction or Elementary Agri culture as one of the subjects of study tho qchool. The boy's interests In farming operations have already been awakened at homo, and If the school will but utilize these interests nnd show.tno relation of farnlirig to other industries, to tradd, and to progress In all that makes for man's comfort, It will be quito easy to Interest him In .such other.subjects as history, geogra phy and arithmetic. Theso subjects will come to menu something to him because ho will seo thplr relation to tho farm activities in which ho is al ready interested. Besides, tho boy's observations outside of school havo already Introduced him to tho ele ments of many sciences, and Instead of putting hjm nt work in school on subjects entirely foreign to his educa tion up to tho tlmo ho entered, those elements of knowledge should be made tho starting point of his school work. Regarding Communications. Tho lebraskan lias received a num ber of communications this vear. most of which have been unsigned. WcJ win not prim any communication whatsoever unless thoHuthor lie Iden tified, although we do not insist that tho name bo published. Communica tions on all subjects are desired, as thoy are generally a sure sign of what tho students feel about anything, but It will Ho In our discretion as to which shall bo printed. Wo in no way com mit ourselves to sentlmonts expressed In any communication, however. Professor Brunei has t prepared a series of illustrated lectures on Orni thology. They will be given one each week throughout tho second semester. Tlio necessary apparatus for doing the illustration v work will be completed noxtxweok. , Fountain Pens -Tho "Ideal," Water man, "Self-filler," "U, of N," and other make's. Tho Lincoln Book Store. e6c6ta&roa&?9a&ti M, Hi s Gold weather makes bi& jg demand for ft - " ' There litis been a rapid movement of ovorcoats tho past few days. Not the wcuther alone, but a desire on tho part of ' so many men to maltc selections early, while lines arc complete, has led to phenomenal buying. We have exceptionally Inter terestlng dlsplnys of Long Swaggor -Coats, black or fancy patterns, broad AA shoulders, full sweop $12.50 to P Form-fitting Coats, black or Oxford Vicuna, voryj stylish , . . $20.00 to V" Cravenotto Coats the all purpose garment, made In every style that's essential, of guaranteed cloth, rain (fcC proofed $10.00 to V" ifc 9 ( 9 m m ( m 9 m .Magee & '1. "Kenslnt on" Clothes they fit. Your Patronago Solicitec OCXDCX)CXXX)CX)OCXDCOOOOOOOO FIRbTNATIONAL BANK Capital . . . . ....$. 300,000.00 Surplus and Profits 200vOOOL00 & Deposits .. . . . . : . 3,620,000.00 g O.UALITY OUR SODA. TASTE& Lncfe' MORE Rlggs, The Drug Culler U 1321 O St. L. MARSHALL QLD RELIABLE BARBER FIRST-CLASS IIAIK CUTTING ' SIIAVINO AND SIIAMrOOINO 1235 N STREET I Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean 8 ...OPTICIAN... g 1123 O STREET Q O Vamp Patrnnarrn nfinl nri 7S lj !... i n ontcjouv CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91. BOTH PHONES. SUbscr be lor the Neffrasltaii i C J. . M - r.i v t v- ai ill Over Coats $ to tf u Hi Hi m y 9 fly fly y fly fly fly fly fly fly Deemed. m 1109 O St. J9f iaaasa' .THIS... LINCOLN CANDY KITCH'N 1337 O BTltKKT. ALL KINDS OF CANDY NOVELTIES, FOOT BALLS AND FANCY BOXES PURE H0M MD.E.CANDY,- FRESH EVERY DAY STUDENT - TRXdXB - SOLICITED StElNER-WOEIVlPENfeR t o f Ai.,1 i .' 1L !. V . " r". -", '.' ,w ynuu fu. P Auto Phone I7.07, - II46 Q Street i-ii i ti , , i ....EAT AT THE.. GOOD HEALTH CAFE New Location Gor. 12th and P. We havo always been known as the STUDENTS LAUlMPRY Wo ant'your business. YUIiBS D Ilbfe. HAND XAUNDUV Bi-i O Stycct'." Aito 37, Bell fo 0 EVERY ONE. GUARANTEED O 8 HALLS. 1308 O STREET 8 THE COAL MAN 1044 O STRBRT I I , 'm A '-V X ? N x l J KT? r l Mfc-v - tS WFfJFME , ii' . ri v, A 1 '"LH.'B u k . jt,i v J w .. ,&-. u. .IWkA-i &"J&W&&&r i.. , ,,', T A I ' .i. !lT J I , ' i - '- -f-