v ,?" ffi ' W.iT ''. -w 1 7 . 4 - y ' THE DAIIY NEBRA8KAN, jL f tu sl- r ., K'-fr : V M s ft Iwpp te X f l wp vt ' fcS v ;! L3u. ( t r 4 ! 1 1 J v .-- i ?-' COTRELL& LEONARD a'lbany.'N.y. Mnkors of GAPS OWNS and HOODS a' , . h:V . . .. ri o tun AtnoriRfin coiiOKCB anu univor- rT ,. , - . hitJerf.. Class contracts if, specialty. liolldtjlo matorlalB, Rbaflonn1jlo'"prlcos. n 1 it IiwElKNOWHOTJO PRINT AriVTHlNGilkTUS CON VINCE X0U. ,Kl ; !OREER-COOPER CO. . ;XTlld4rOTREET. M i . 1 . n 1 'Tl ft-, H,k'?tfVXTirt3J, Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 1905 y" Edited by WALTER CAMF Containing, tho nowly revlsod . OKEI CIAL' PLAYING RULES nid pictures of loading teams, ombractng over- 2.G0J) players. PRICE, 10 CENT8 For salo by all Nowsdealors, Athletic Gbods Dealorg and Depart- -mont Stores. , Spalding's cataloguo of all athlotlc Sports' mailed froo to fohy address. v A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Boston, buffalo, Chicago, Mlrocapolls, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Pittsburg, San Francisco Now Orloans, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Montreal, Can., London. England. "FOLLOW THE FLAG." - i . rEnfllneerlridNotei. Tho EngineerlngSoclcty "has olected tho following officers for tho year: St Colo, preslderftr A. G. Hastle, vlco presldonUyCheBter Smith, secretary; A. E, Palen, treasurer, and O. A. Ellis, corresponding secretary. yAil tho men who woro voted Into (lio oocloty last year and havo not signed tho constitution will pleaso at tend to this at onco, as thoy are not considered as members until they do. Mr. O. H; Tlmmorman will 'address tho society "next Wednesday ovonlng on Ills experiences of.tho past year Mr. Tlmmorman worked.,on tho S. P. L. A. & S. L. rnilrond and also held tho po sition of hydrographor of tho United States Reclamation Sorvlco in Colo rado on tho La Plata project. E. L. Shinbur, ox '02, was recently mrtrrled to a Michigan girl. Mr. Shin bur is assistant engineer in tho United States Reclamation Sorvlco and at present is working on tho Pathfinder dam in Wyoming, Exams aro numerous in our depart ment tills weok Prof. O. V. P. Stout visited Jas. Green at Culbortson Friday and Sat urday of last week. Ho mado an In spection of Jim's ditch in un auto. New Chairs for. Lecture Room. Tho Junior Laws aro reeling happy because the old cano seats have been taken out of U. 107, tho room thrit class occupies each day, and now chairs with book rests have been sub stituted. ' This will bo conducive of jiuicli comfort to tho students during the cold months, for It Is not only much-oaslor to write In tho now chairs, but it is also much easier to sleep quietly in them than In tho old seats. HOTlrtE VlSITORS EXCURSION, NO- VEMBER 27TH. To many points In Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, 'Kentucky, Western Pennsylva nia, Now York and West Virginia, at , ? GREATLY REDUCED RATES. . Tho WABASQ has 'solid road-bed, rock ballast, and uqw oQufpmont; re clining tshair cars (SEATS FREE). Farrft)cfl(t maps and rill information call fcfa Wabash CItS Offlco,' '1601- Far nam'St., or address Vt HARRYS. MO'ORES, O. A P D. Wall. U. R.,y . ' Omaha Nobr, Five Nebraska University men aro down on tho Isthmus of Panama, en gaged In government Work in the ca nal. Among them are Sargent, '02, and Huntington, '04. Dlstanco has not lessened their interest n football, and thoy havo mado arrangements to have1 tho results of1 the Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois games s$bl6aHo"thom, as malls tako too long. A number ofi men from tho BlgvNino colleges aro down there also, and betting seems to have boen voryfroo. "- il kV. si8f i X WE BEHEYB M 14 ii ft , . 4 f ADVERTISING And believe that every loyal University " j student should patronize Nebraskan ad .- vertisers. They wilj find them to-be the leaders in their particular lines and will ing to do everything possible to please you. Why not show your loyalty to the University and to your own paper? S8SS3KaSESS asaSBSBg33EEi MENTION THE DAILY NEBRASK AN $0W0$&il t-y30000CxTOOCxTOC)CxTC I ..LEST WE E0R0ET.. g 8cxxx!xxxxxScocOco6o6cococo Eat at tho Unl. Music Cafe. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 No. 13th. Chapin Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th'. , Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Both Phones. k , Green's--Barber Shops 3 Mogul I Palace Don't forget tho Unl. School of Music Cafe., r ' ' Best 15-cent meals. Phoenix Res taurant. -. ' . Tho Forestry boys, with Professors. Miller and Bessey. took advantage of W-l' tho excursion to Nebraska City, and Botany Club meets November 0. 8 after listening to tho principal address thoy "took to tho woods" -and studied tho nntlvo and planted trees in Morton Park and on Arbor Lodgo estate. While In Nebraska, City thoy wore tho guests of "Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, parents of one of tho Forestry students. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE H V- a k 111 " r Tf"" 'TnJtorMARKs .DCtMNS Copyrights Ac. Anyona sending n tketoh unij doewlnUonaty auloklr ascertain our opinion free whether an luTontlon fa prohablr PftielAIa-1pommunlc- ent froo. Oldeat sgencr for uecurlngwitenu. Patents Uken tbroMKh Monn-Atfe,' rewire ipteial notice, wltboat ohnrxe, In tho . Scientific American. K handeotnolf lllnlralel weoWr. iJireeit ci ciiUtlou of nny aclentlUa Journal. Tornis, $3 a fkart four 'iiontha, $U Bold bynll tiowBilealers. pNN&Co:381' New York nrancti QMco, C36 7 SU Waalilnulon. I). C A packet of dried plants for the Unl vorsity herbarium was received from tho Botanical Dopartmontof the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. It represents tho 'flora qf tho Pocofto plateau of. Pennsylvania, a region hitherto not Well known, botanlcally. p. m. S. 107. Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O St Both, phones.- 'ft . . Komonlan Cub meets November 4, 8 p. m. U. 10G. , 1 Eat at Don Cameron's now restau rant," 119 So. 12th St. . , t . A young woman's shoo, Sorosls. Rogers. & Perkins Co., -1129 O Street. Daniel Gutleben, familiarly known as "Slide Rule" ban," was married to Miss Merrinnu Church nt St. Louis, Mich., on September 19. Burdotto Lewis, '04, and Mort Brown, '05, aro taking graduate work at Cornell, the former In Sociology, tho latter in Chemistry. II Mill ' ' In tho last number of Science, Pro fessor Davis has an appreciative sketch of tho lato Profossor Brace, It Is n friend's tribute to tho memory pf ono ho loved. Fountain PensTho "Ideal," Water man "Self-flllor," "U. of F and other makes. The Lincoln Book Storej " HARRY PORTER If t T a u Will sayQ'you money on ALL University supplies. - Largest assortment .in the city. Do.notfiurto call.: : : : STREET 1123 O 1 I Profossor Almy's class in Phyalc-j having its first test. ' ' Start tho school year right by "get t'ng a. nice engraved or printed card. George Bros.,, printers, Fraternity BldgT3tk and N( Sts . Indian . Curlos-Match holders In birch bark, "smoking "sets, etc., from 10c each to 25c. Tho Lincoln .Book Store. ' If you aro tailor than most men or shorter than tho average one, thdrb are specially designed shapes in suits at'Paino's Clothing Store, built to meet just these' conditions. - WANTED-7-Evory user or prospec tive usep of a typewriter to hnvoga free trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. vtV LUNCHEON SPECIALTIES 0. J. KING & SON ccxx3bcbcx3cxQcxxxxx50c5booo. -r f n-q DR. JOHN J. DAVIS Braduiti Refract! AND OITlCrA . 1 1833 O Bt.j WNCOLN iVIS I ictleCH Mm 2d. Aolo. Phono, Office 3021: hi. 2818 OCOOCKXXXXXXDOOOCKXXXXXOCOO Bell -Underwood Typewriter Co., Phone No. 348. 130 No. 1 St. g C0LIMBIA NAtlONAl PANK J X . OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA' ' " g 8CAPITAi -' $100;000.Q0R . I M a j M " , v M -hT ' " V - I Mn '' ',. & ' Xv J ."" ;'i,iF-A ! 1 $ Lt? t cj-n. ft' M V . Ukft 4'. & v.1-, i " ti ' fiJ.- s