.. fHEDAILY NEBRASKAN. A X fcV r ' it pyyyyyjppjpipyjftjpyyiplpyiltyip fA Si I ft ft y ft I W W A P ft ft . KmikMiir,.vv iiiKhKiiiHT KTarJral University StHdcBt U nrg t ptroaU the ftbrt- dTrtUrt mid te Hiatal vM- PPr wbll doing 10.111 x Mh)Mh)M(W)MhM CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co. BARBER-SHOPS The Arlsto, Green's PnlaceJMfogul, Qeorgo'a Place. BOOKS;STATIONERY Co-op, ' Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Bron Drug Co., Harry Porter. book Hospital Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First, Na- tioUal, BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPETS Rudge & Guenzel. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. cXtERBR "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug 'Store.' CHftJA Rudgo & Guenzel Co. CLEANERS AND DVERS Soukup ft W064. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory; Whitebreast. CONPECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. ' v ; DISEASES OP EYE, EAR -AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRUGGISTS Rlggs, Stelner, Woem- pener, Brown, Rector, Harloy. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, -Herpol- sheimer, Rudge & Guenzel. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel Co.; Hardy. . FURRIER Steele. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. . HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel Co.. .Hall Bros." HOTELS Lindcll. ICECREAM AND-IOES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. . LAUNDRIES Yule Bros,, Merchant. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp.. OCULISTS Dr. Davis, v " PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOL AND BILLIARDS The Heldel- burg. PRINTING George Bros., Now Cen- tury Ivy press, Review Press, Greer- Cooper do. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld.,' Cam- eron,Go6d Health, "Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood ward., Nqtlce. News .and other items for the. Ne braskan should be handed into the office at stho east ejid of the hall of the second floor of University Hall. They should 'not bo put In the box on the outside of the office, as the box be lungs to the Latin Department, and not to the Nebraskan, but should bo put on the hook Inside the office. Joaaaalw v ftaaaamm WWis cts each; 2 for 20 cTar IXqluett, peabody & COJKM CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICES, Rate one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. FOUND. A PLACE to Bet a good $2.50 hat $2.50 Hat Store, 1141 O St. B00K8 8ECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged .books, miscellane ous lot at. great reductions. University Book Store. MESSENGERS. A D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 190, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIES. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Tljorp & Co., 30S So. Uth St. OSTEOPATHS. MOREI.OCK & SfalTH. 16 Oliver Thea tre Bldg. Tel.: Bell F 672, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance service. 120-4 So. 13th St. 8ANITORIUM. SULPIIO-SAL.INE Bath House, 14th and M Sts. SUITORIUM. ' ' HAVE your clothing cleaned and presHcd at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sta. JOIN the club. 3 stiltH, 1 overcoat, .cleaned and pressed, $1.00. Elllott'u, 1136 vO St. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. PAGER BROS., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels'. SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up-to-dato repairing factory In tho city. Prices the lowest. Work manship tho best. 1220 O St. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. L08T. . LOST Gold Waltham watch, be tween 210 U and Hayea Hall. Name engraved on back. Return to Nebras kan office for reward. LOST On tho campus Tuesday, red leather watch fob with oval gold buckle. Return to Nebraskan office. 5t-10 FOR RENT ROOMS.. FOR RENT Furnished room, mod em tiouse, $8.00 per month. 1220 H St; FOR RENT One, furnished room for one or two gentlemen; all mod ern. Phono Boll 77. 1044 S. 11th St. 'NICE room, ground floor; bath, hot and cold water. 842 So. 12th St 2G-2t . FOR HIRE Party calls, theatres, and pleasure trips. Stand at Royal Hotel. . 2S-2t BEST soft water shnmpoo In tho city, 124 No. 12th St. Elizabeth .Good man. 25-2t Remarkable Reduction, In Rates to the South. On October 3 and 17, November 7 and 21, December 5 and 19, tho Mis' sourl Pacific will sell round trip tick ets to many points in Southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at 75 ner cent of tho one way rate. For example, round trip rato to FV Worth, Tex., will bo $13.65, to Galves ton, $20.35, to Oklahoma City, $10.00, etc. Two daily trains, with Pullman sleeper every night to Kansas City. Full information at City Ticket Of fice, S. W. Cor. 12th & O streets. FD. CORNELL, P. & T. A. If, the oporator Is to write as f?.3t as alio can read, she must bo. abler to SEE also. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 136 No. 11th -St. Bell Phone, 348; Auto 3881. . Notice, All candidates for varsity Ijasliot" ball team report' .for practice- at fpnr this afternoon in the gymnasium. " . " Notice. ' ' ' . All candidates for freshman foot .ball team "meet in the" gym this morn ing at eleven. " , mN Today. 11 a. m.--Sonlors meet. U. IOC. 11 a. m. Sophomores meet. Chom Lecture room. 11 a. m. Junior Laws meet. U. 107. 11 a. m. Freshmnn football men meet. Armory. 4 p. m. Basket-ball practice In Gym. Chemical Society Chemical Locr ture Room, 8 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 6; 3 P. m. Football. NnhrnaVn vo Ames. 9 p. m. Band Informal. Art Hall. Saturday, Nov. 25. 8 p. m. County Fair. Armory. Convocation. Wednesday, Nov. 1 Mrs. W. G, L. Taylor, "The Rhodes Scholar at Ox ford." Friday, Nov. 3 Music. Chaplain for tho week, Rov. J. W. Jones. Monday, November 6 P.rof. J. 1. Wyor, "How to Use tho Library." Wednesday, November 8 Prof. G. E. Barber, "Pompeii" (Illustrated). Friday, November 10 Music. Chaplain for tho week:. Rov. Dr. Tuttle. Monday, November 13 Miss Ruth Paxson, National Secretary Y.' W. C. A. Wednesday, November 15 Prof. T. E, Bolton, "Epochs. In the Development of Modern Psychology-." Friday, November 17 Music. Chaplain for tho week: Prof. Law rence Fossler. Monday, November 20 Prof. G. E. Howard, "A Call for tho Social Purl tan." Nebraska 8chedule. Nov. 4 Ames of Iowa at Lincoln. Nov. 11 University of Colorado at Lincoln. - Nov. 18 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Nov. 25 Doano College of Crete, Neb., nt Lincoln. Nov. 30 Illinois at Lincoln. Notice. Junior Law Class meet this morning at cloven in U. 107 to elect editor and manager. of Law Book. Notice. . Sophomores meet this morning nt eleven In Chemistry Lecture Room. Important. Notice.. Seniors meet this morning "at eleven in U. 1QG. Election of officers Chemical 8ocicty Meets. The Nebraska Section of tho Amer ican Chemical Society will hold Its forty-second rogulnr meeting in tho Lecture Room of the Chemical Labora tory, Tuesday, October 31, at 8 p. m. Miss Rachel Corr will speak on "Methods of Fat Extractlong"'nnd Mr. E. L. Redforn speaks on "Food Adul teration." The society holds meetings ..quarterly. This Is its first meetlnc of the year and ,nll students, especially those 'taking chemistry; are urged to be present ' MIsh Jennie Whitmore, '00, has been compelled to .leave school on nccount of illness, GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. 91.' ' BOTH PHONES. , 1044 O STREET TH E HEIDLEBURG POOL HALL BILLIARDSAND PbOU; -' CIGARS AND TOlBACCO Auto 4453; Bell FIS7I. I46 North I ltd Strut. ' It Is To Laugh. Coach Booth said, Nebraska could lick Michigan. They ran along bohlnd Michigan and licked its tracks. Ne braska and licr professional cloven saw hor plpo dronm go up In smoko. Bonodlct, tho wonder. Is plnylng with tho Cornhuskors ngaln, Ho mado his first appoaranco thero shortly nftor tho civil war. Nobraskn has, unanimously suspendod hor usual ton-year rulo in order to lot Bonodlct play another son son. Boforo many moro years rheuma tism in that bad knoo comblnod with gray halrod senility will sond him to ' tho sldo lines. Let him piny as long as ho can, ho has to oorn a living, and football's his only trade. In Lincoln thoy say they'll skin us 3Q points'. Lot's- seq somo of your 30 point money when we come down thoro "dear Corn buskers." Wo'll covor It foster than Major Dclmar can covor n mile. Coach . Klenholz docs not swell up and bust as Coach Booth did at Ann Arbdr. ir Wo. can't. do -better against 'you than"'" you did at Ann Arbor, wo'll out every ounco of dirt on Nobraska field. si, vor and Gold. , And Just to thlnk'l This from Co'hJ- rado! The collogo that playod Ralph Glazo two years after he boenmo an open professional, despite tho protest of other Colorado colleges; tho col lego that onco tried 40 win a gamo from Colorado College by sending two hundred' rooters armed with brlpk-" bats out on to the field and mobbing tho Springs pitcher; tho collogo that had to Import Footo In order to baVo a veteran line this year and bent Nebra . ka on its own field; and, abovo all, tho " college whoso football toam has boen ' coached by the illustrious lunatic who rambled along so foolishly In last Christmas' Collier's. And thon to as sume this little tin angel attitude toward Nobraska! fVJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMM " v 0i1IVf WEDNE8DAY, MAT. AND NIGHT. NOV. 1 . Henry W. 8avage'g .' THE SHO-GUN FRIDAY, 8AT. AND 8At. MAT. NOV. 3 AND 4- The Volunteer Organist Mat Ore. 50c, Bal. 25cf Reserved .Evening 75c, 50c,v 25c. MONDAY NIGHT, NOV. 6. MR. TIM MURPHY IN DAVID GAR RICK $1.50, $1.00, 75c 50c, 25c. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK I " - ;" Capital ....$ 300,000.00 g" p .Surplus and Profits 200,000,00. J, : Deports 3,620,000.00 S00 ' v- , A fy 4 '5 . N ' 5 f-j " .. - - J mt M