The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1905, Image 1
i '. v- Hl mlM, r"-' m V4lft1 ,1 Vl vof.y.rfe.25 UNIVERSITY 9F NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1905. Price 5 Ccnti . i j ii i : 1 t..W !- I i)a 1 1 X) 1ft hr st ab n iwMV t mW bPh .ik ih H IH ih . ia. r ib .. aH .B - bb iB im v MH iH iH 1 ' ' K-.V i N u- -: r L V F, feu BMNIS JfP N WANJ XO STOp EAJUY R.U8H1NG AND PLEDQNG. - Committee of One Facujtv Representa tive"' from Each Organization . , Ajpptfrted:o Interfere. At q meetias' the regents last month the-qudstioii of fraternity rush ing ahd thd"inc!dept v)Js was lls cussed) and a committee was appointed to Invent somo scheme, by which the confusion at tho beginning of each school year might bo apated. This committee' met a couplo of weeks ago. and decided to appeal to the fraterni ties to take tho lnltlatlvq in the mat tor, and 'the following letter has been sent to .each fraternity aid sorority in college: "At a meeting hold-October 13,4905, of tho iommitteo, Regents Teeters, Al len and the Chancellor, appointed by tho board, September 51, 1905, to con-slddr-'nbuses connected with the early 'ruatyg' and 'pledging' of now Btu deiilg y, fraternities and sororities, said .committee instructed tho Chan cellor' to send a statement to each chapter connected with tho Unlvor , slty in tenor as follows: ,"To the Fraternities and Sororities of tho University o Nebraska: ?wf.MThcv evils, .of, early electioneering (and Dttyging are from various quarters urgMtly pressed upon the Regents' at tention, with demand for correction, nnd can no lqnger bosignored. Tho , $r Regents think that no student should "' . bo pledged oKadmlt'ted to any frater nity orsororlty till he or sho has been in the University. aV least two semes ters. They, however, ,"muoh' prefer that this roforln should bo inaugurated by an agreement among the organiza tions themselves The regents appeal X to them to undertake 'the reform and Xoarry It through, hoping that no enact ment byf University athyggwill , prove 4iecepsary In the Js&mfeifhS i'The: foUowlng conmitteo,, ay lom- uoia ui -ureuitieiier org&nizauonsyOP resented here are V requested "td( try ' And procure co-operation to thV aubv ml: - , tf.. N- "Professor Les,.DevPound, Pro fessor Bolton, Dr. Lehnhoff, vPrdfessor Treach, ProfeaJbr Wolcott, professor teii, Mr. VH. Olark, ProfossorUch arMr. Fee, Mies Mildred Clark, $U Katherlae Luniry, "Mrs. , Clapp "aril Jeesor Louise Pound. , ' : , "PjW6t" Leei h dttignated as the lialn otpau ftMttmlttM. $o MtU to m yl''ttakt by tkejsi&nttim, fryt reproMBntaUye of Mirny ot ihm were' Miik by Nebras m rmrMr yfterday, ud all ieemed Wj$Tto,Fto wkemf by wHt relM mto iMt restricted, al 'tt'fiey'tr m aened. to desire M xriifMiitt et ie ffe4c t qr a whola toffirilet)iA4r . -u "tlM gir' Paa-Hel has already dl mmM tM iNtJUoji, And it w fa tbt Mele ajrraMemtftt jrJ f m ere-the emd ef the rM )HMiietlr; MiH A ot think tkat pe eereriU will aire te do rio ruifclBf fora" whele MMlterrmi leei fo a wlwiJe year.'Tlwre is aot'ewHigk fra- OQPPPPOCCX)OCOCXOCXXX FOOT B A JU 1U I4NK20LN vs. BEATRICE Campos TODAY 3" ' Admission 25 cents. OCXXX)CXXDqC$COOCpC ternlty material at Nebraska to do that and not enough of tho girls aro-horo for tho entlro four years. My chap ter is in favor of setting a rushing period six weeks aftor school opens, and having a regular bid day, as they do at other schools." Anothor girl expressed herself as believing that to set a bid day somo time aftor school began, or ovon pro venting rushing until tho second year, would only accentuate the evils, for rushing would- then continue from tho time a Freshman entered collogo untl he .was pledged. She agreed that It would bo a good thing for fratornltles to bo put on a Sophomore basis, however. . Law Book Committees Meet. Tho committees Irom tho throe law classes met yoBtorday morning to diB-' cuss tho proposed Law Book. Tho manager of tho Senior Book was pres ent and attempted to persuade tho committee to decide upon cooporatlon with tho Senior, Book instead of. pub lishing a distinctive book of their own. He offered them tho entlro chargo of a largo department in th Senior Book, edited by thejr own men, so that tliore would bq practically two books with tho exception of tho advertising . This pmn appealed, to many of the com mittee, but It was finally decided that it would bo tho bettor plan to publish a separate book, as thGro was little in common between the two colleges. The committees will accordingly rec ommend to their respective . classes thatthoy publish a Law Book, the editor and manager to bo members of the Senior class. APPOINT8 SENIOR COMMITTEES. Denny to Be Editor of Senior Annual Skeen Manager. Yesterday Miss Grace Trigg, Presi dent of tho Senior class, appointed most of tho committees which are to servo through tho year. Tho most Im portant of these Is the Senior Annual committee Tho Senior Promenado committee has not yot been decided upon, but will bo announced lator, as Will also tho Hat committee. Many of tho committees havo already gotton to work. Tho play commlfteo has got ten work well under way, and it is de termined to have tho players and tho play selected at least two months ear lier than tho claBs of 1905 was' able to. Tho committee which Is to select the Commencement Orator has also hoia-a meetlngjind.wlll have tho list selected wfthjn a couple oitVeeks. It is tho duty ofhls committee to pick six men, any of whom tho class would like to have deliver Iho final address, and from this list Chancellor Andrews will flick tho orator: Thbbuslness manacerfl nf thn Anmml hivaiKnniir ,...-i,r, : ----"- "-'- "tu' i iiuHuea up a 101 or aas, and wl hold nnr CRHGNTON TODAY In this week's Twentieth Century -Parmer, Professor Bessey publishes anaccount of his visit to the United Stales Forest Reserve in central No braskapr. Bessoy made the trip in cuinpsny wiiopenator uurkett. The article Is of someNlength and is accom panied wjth several photograpEip views. up thoir ond of the string without nn trouble. Following aro the appoint ments: Senior Annual Committee: .Editor-in-chief, Earl Deny; assistantedltors", Ruth Bell and Lota Stottor; associate editors, Paul Ewing. Grace HunW r-... . i J . . ". aiwei waynes; business manager, Don Skeon; assistants, Albert Helhirod, Sam Friedman. Senior Play Committee: 'jano Blan chard, ' chairman; Anna Orlofsky, Grace Roper, Charles Sawyer, Claude Davis, manager; C. H. Wallace, assist ant. Leah Meyer, assistant. Orator Committee: Ed. Adams, chairman; Anna Hoorer, Julia Bednar, Raymond Dale, Edward Crltes." Cap and Gown Committee: 'Florence Hirst,' chairman; May Darling, Grace Bcsles, Thomas Htitton, Robert Hill." Athletic Committee; Laurence Sid well, chairman. Ed. 'HaranRinir. tfvma 'Cole. ! 1 " " - ' - ' -"WWIWi 'l mmx - - v f i. v ""f"5 mWMmnmwmwwwww f',Tt ti I V- "t T&lft w TTT 7y'vr",T'T''WW Y. W. g. A. SOUNTY FAIR i K j" 'x?iisisufr!ii!sLY5twE!T'm?m'mJ t NOV- TWENTY-FIYE . ;5;ffftwwfiiiiii TWENTY-ONE MEN ACCOMPANY BOOTH TO OMAHA. A Large Crowd Go With the Team to Attend the Crelghton-Nebraeka"' Game Rock Island Makes Rate. Today tho varsity wont to Omaha to moot tho Crolghton Collego toam in tho second nnnunl garao with that col logo. Tho gamo last year yia an easy victory for tho varsity 'by. tho scoro of 30 to 0. But Crolghton always plays good, snappy ball and It is gonorally tho oxcosslvo woight of tho vnrBlty which is responsible for tho largo score. ThlB yer tho gamo will bo up to tho oncfW last year and tho Omaha, pheoplDM bo given amplo op portunlty toVsm a good gamo of ball. Tho work of tho varsity for tho nnut-. wookhas-beon vory raggod. Tho prac tlco game hold on tho athlotlc field on Inst Thursday, night was a yory poor exhibition of football to bo played by a varsity team, and subs. Tho intor foronco was poor, and tho men did not follow the ball in but few plays. Tho trouble does' not seem to bo in tho mon as regards their ability to play ball, but they havo taken a slump. Booth rovived Jholr spirits by a 'heart-to-heart talk, only as Booth pan givo, and ho football mon know what this means, tn short, ho told th hion about 'their-faults, and also- that a brace must be taken by'evory man. " Tho practice last evening consisted of a fast signal practice, with' a short scrimmage. Booth and "VVostovor spent tho most of tho time In working up the ' guard positions. These positions still continue to bo our weakest point and, tllla Will hA ihn nnan an fnMn. - . w ..w viuiu ou iuut ua DUU1U oistno nig, nusky mon in ,thbsUnlver sjty fall to report for football practice. Rico andTaylor both being Fresh moNjvIll. prohibit them from playingV in tho Conference games. Rico .will not bo takon to Omnim tnrinv wh. Athlotlc Boarid is determined, to live up to the Conference rules, and if Ne braska Over OXDOCtS to bo amemhAr of tho Conference she must flrstUYQ up to tho rules of that organization. The Crelghton'gamo will bo the Inst easy game before the Mlnnesota'.game Lrelghton will bo followed by both" Anies and Colorado, which are games that will give the varsity nlentv of chance, to show their inettle. Ames comes supported by about two tun dred loyal rooters who, wllf cheer their, team on to eery possible chaa'oe they have of scorlngColorrtd comee next with about the sain'' support, and the same desire to" win from . Nebraska. Colorado has never been able to hold Nebraska down to a 'closer score on the Nebraska field, but they come this Mr to do H or die. The football team reported at the Rock Island this 'morning at 8:30 o'clock with their lugfage. Tfcttteam was accompanied by Jack Best Train. '& Witant Manager Woods, Coach Booth, "Manager Morrison, Dr. Bolton, add professor Chatburn. The team will come back, this eveniag on the-'lO o'clock, train from Omaha. The team and. subs who go to Onaha are: Horg. iWeller, Morse Little , Laatz; Taylor, Dedslow. Benedict Johnson.' Wjllson. Schmidt. IfolSQn. Burns; McMahon: Cotton; 8fer. Mason., Beekley. Jenklas. Mlllerr LwadlR. Xv" r N NT j it.1 V ' ' r 1 i E "i ,, 1 -1 r u. ,. v ., 1 v.!- . .fj . ' .f " V ?" v' 'i M .; flMj . . ' ,