The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 27, 1905, Image 2
At. Ad - ITK 3f' r .-.,.. -''".. .-a. ",, ' '- -""SyUli'i'.'fy- u WWMM44MM. f "ft-. ..Jjff3 '. , ' " ." w. 'w ' cr i T'V- -;- v , THE E)ILi .a -- It i ,t Cbc Daily Debraskan , A connolldatlon of Tho Hcfcporlan, Vol 31, Tho Nobmakan, VoIaIO; -flcarlot'&lldKJroani, yol. 4. . Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlvcruity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by the Heaporlan Publish Ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. LaUrenoo Fowler. II. P. Loavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. a. Schrolber. Kdltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark ,ManOflW k. . . . Fred, ,Naujrh.tQn Circulator Walter 3. 8tandev6h Athletic It. A. Van Orsdol Editorial Roomr. U 2044. Business Office, u 211. post Oflico, Htuuon A, L,m coin, Neb. v colleges seem7 to havo a sneaking do siro to confine tho gymnastic contest to Conferenco colleges. 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 m te. t ' t ' fcl" ., B - r i 5b i Ur , . - Sti FACULTY PERFORM. OITlco hours of BunlncBs Manager and Editor, 11:00 lo 11:30 dally. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Prlco, 32 per year In advanco Entered, at. tho poatofllco at Lincoln, Neb., as sqcond-clrins mall matter undor tho act of congress of March 3. 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho into of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published free, an heretofore, ARE THEY AFRAID? . In a recont issuo of tho Daily Cardi nal, tho Wisconsin paper, thoro Is an article on the formation of a league for cross-country running. Llghtbody, the famous Chicago runnor, is said to bo tho moving spirit of tho movomont, and he is quotod as saying that it is the intention -of the men behind the schemo that only colleges In tho Con ference shall be admitted to the cross country association. To us at Nebras ka this looks as though it is aimed directly at the CornhUBkers, and for onco wo are in a position to laugh at "Continued- from pago 1.) him his wild horso braves Ogalmh, Arapahoo and Cheyenne. Whon at close range they opened fire upon tho unsuspecting pioneers. For a timo it seemed as though their suporlor num bers would mercilessly slaughter their innocont victims, nnd the thought of a repetition of that cold blooded Cus tersmdsBacro mado cold lizards orawl down the spectator's back. But the pioneers promptly returned tho flro. It was evident that the Indans hd to retreat for tho whito men couldn't Tho pioneers took tho wholo matter very calmly and in pursuing the limp ing Indians they did not evon stop to removo tho pipes from their mouths. After tho high pitch of excitement that tho spectators had been worked up to by tho Indians, they found much rellof In watching Governor Mickey nnd Judge Hastings play horseshoes. The Governor's challonge had been form erly accepted by Mayor Brown, but tho latter being unable to bo present, Judgo Hastings consented to tako his place. Tho Governor may or may not bo a "ringer" in politics but he made a ringer at the circus and won by a large margin. By far one of the most important features given by tho awkward pro fessors was a military spell-down which held tho crowds spellbound. If Captain Worklzer has as much pa tience .with the freshmen as ho had with those professors tho former have nothing to fear along the lino of mili tary drill. Tho whole deal was char acterized by a lack of uniformity. Tho squad was mado up of about a dozen professors and one big hat. Some- Special Dtive On High tf iti iti iti iti HH 0 iti Grade Tablets and Stationezty at the CO-OP it it it iti iti iti iti Beginning Wednesday'mo'r'nmg and continuing lie JJ( iti m ft m 9 9 zemaindet of the week we will offer our line of Regular 25c Tablets at K tfj Broken lines in Stationery woztli 35 cts. at 20 els. OQCOOOOCXXX)OCOOCODC The Hats With the Band Edges i Arfi growing warmor than over. I havo in an express shipment of 30 dozen this week. BUDD - $.250 Hatter ocococoocoooocoooooooooooo 1141 O t the Big Nino and invito thorn to do their worst. . It will bo rpmembered by all that last Thanksgiving tho first cross-country meet was hold, open to thp Conferonco and to Nebraska, and that Nebraska walked off from tho only other contestant, Chicago, with ease, and consequently won tho cup offerod as first prize. This cup must ho won three consecutive times beforo it becomes tho property of any school, hut at present It Is reposing in tho trophy room of our own collego, and If Nebraska is barred from further participation In tho ovont, It will rest thoro always. Anothor reason which would mako tho Conferenco teams rathor backward about shoving us out in tho cold is tho fact that States is the secretary-treasurer of the associa tion. - In another lino of athletics tho Con ferenco schools have shown that they fear us enough to wish to exclude us from Conferenco contests,' This is in gymnastic .work. Last spring tho Ne braska team composed of two men Journeyed to Chicago and won 'second place in ' team work against half a dozen, schools, several of which liad as many as ten men entered. More than this, ono of those men won first place in tho individual contest,1 arid ' the other third. This year several of tho J thing was under tho hat, but just who or what it was wo, havo been unable to find out. Somo hats cover a multi tude of sins. This hat covered a large portion of the athletic field. Clapp's athlotesCopoland, Johnson, Chaloupka and Kelsolbach did some fine work on tho bars. A game of football was also played. Some ono scored. Both sides claim tho score and neither thtf Seniors por tho Fac ulty want to sfivq In, and so to avoid any hard fooling In tho future or pre vent somo Senior from getting his sheepskin wo will call it a tie. Tho ovont was a success, bot,h from tho financial point of view and from tho program given. Tho beachers wore well filled and about as many wore -In tho grand stand. . The exact amount of net receipts is not yot known but It is safe, to assert that they will bo sufllcient to carry on the work of the College Settlement for another year at least. . Notice. . Tho Sophomore hop committee will meet at 3 p. m. Friday in U IOC. . All wltlV tickets must attend.. It, Ct HUNTER, Chairman. Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Both Phones. . . n m 9 9 9 9 ft Write on good paper; it will cos yon no moie if you take advantage of lljis tare oppor tunity. Remember the time. ' The Co-Op: Owned and managed by students. eee&&&ee&33333333a3;$' iti m m m 9 m m i m m 0 OLIVEft THEATRE University Dining Room TONIGHT AT 8:15. SAT. & SAT. MAT. 2:30 "Happy Hooligan" PRICES MAT Ore. 50c, Bal. 25c, Reserved. EVE $1.00, 75c, 50c, and 25c. MONDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 30. MAY IRWIN in "MRS: BLACK IS BACK" $1.50, $1.00, 75 and 50 Cents. WEDNESDAY, MAT. AND NIGHT. NOV. 1 THE SHO-GUIN' latU and a Streets. Wanted-200 ladies and gentlemen to try oil $3 weekly board. IDveryx-J thing first-class. New management. . Meat tickets issued. Notice. All men who wish to try out for the basketball team meot for practice Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 4 o'clock. Get a copy of Colllor's Gibson Num ber for 10c at the Lincoln Book Store. Special edition of samo on extra paper, 25c per copjr. DON'S CAFE 114 H. 11 J. Wilifct, Mcr Uilei' DIiIrc Riii In CimictlOR OPEN A. M. TO 1A.M.' C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Siiean ...OPTICIAN... 1123 O STREET Your Patronago Solicited PR.' JOHN J. DflVia Gradual Reactionist AND OPTICIAN 138 0lt.r LINCOLN Um 2t. M. pfcHt, trnct Hli; Mr. 2111 W:mttMuli aaaaaaaMHBaaBMHiawniBMMBawK FRATS- When in need of COAL call and sec the ' WHITEBREAST COMPANY We will tteat you right Office 1106 Oi . Phnnpc "RA11 01. A..4. ir-l H gttf '", ..i&i Wnij.n .i "- .