i LaLESIS!5!Li??Ji?3?5jLiL5fflSH vvWnffyWTtTlVF yt'tr K . f Vi)l.VfNa.24r UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, IJCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, J905. Price 5 Gentf " ' " fer PACILTY PERFORM y . " . ., .ASSISTED BY A FEW OUT81DER8. ATHLETIC BOARD V a '. ..'-t -B olton Master of . .. i Attendance -Large.- 4 r , . Ceremonjes. Governor Wins , w by Large Margin. . TThc faculty clrcuB is a thing of the pdfct and great are the feelings of thinks and gratitude that went up from many a professors heart, yester day, at sundown, to think that ho had survived the day; had not been tramped on by the fearless riders;, had not been killed by the savage In dians; had not been scared to death by tho Senior football warriors, or had not'lost llfo or limb in the, per- forhianco of his special stunt. Con sidering the appalling dangers Into which ho was at! times compelled to rilah heedlessly much sympathy is ex tended to the prof, who, after the thing was all over with, said he felt as,, wonderfully relieved as if he had thrown up an alligator. Shortly after the appointed time, the University band, led by Bummy Booth paraded over tho grounds. Bummy gaVe them all kinds of football slgi nils but tho band played on. Close on their trait followed the Faculty band "of several pieces headed by that peerless leader, Prof. Ross. Just what kinds of instruments they playe'd Is not known. The like of them has noVor heon .seen or heard in-musical circles before and probably never will be again. But the audience' 'en Joyed seeing and heading tho band nevertheless. Some people .even boasted-of having recognized thONyafious ail's tho band played and these wro almost wild in demonstrating their appreciation of tho performance. After they had left tho field they were given a place of honor in tho grand, stand arid Sweezey, one of tho .prominent players, treated his fellow brothers In .misery with peanuts. A largo portion of the time yas taken tip by the cavalry cavalcade. Abput thirty 'trained saddle horses and a couplo of untrained burros made tho spectators eyes water and heads swim from tho tlmo they put in their ap poarance until they left the field. This pari of the performance was under the chargo-of Captain Wo.rkizer and much credit is duo him and Prof. Taylor for putting in trim a herd Qf untamed horses In so short' a time. Captain Wbrkizer and Prof. Taylor afterwards gave individual exhibitions with; their horses;" Tho captain" per formed ;darng .feafs in niountfng and dismounting and tho tatter's did some While tho horses were yet circling back and forth in the ring tho smoke of tho .pioneer's camp fire was seen in tho distance rising to tho sky Away off. to-tho south could be had glimpses of savagd Indians with paint on their faces and eagle feathers iq their hair. Thole very actions indicated that they ' . had fire In their oyes and. murderous .thoughts in their hearts. As they drew nearer, the crowd was able to ' "respgaize among the .Indian braves, tho famous old Sitting Bull, who had played a prominent part in the massa cre of General Custer. He .bad with . , (Continued on page 2.) H ' 8 TICKETS FOR OMAHA 8 , ON SALE AT .0 8 DAILY NEBRASKAN OFFICE. 8 ' - today, Wtpiuio ';. p . X U . fi AdOPT8 RESOLUTION. TO FIX OFFICIAL DESIGN FOR UN .f CXXXXXXXXX)COCOCXXXX)CXX)CO0COCX3C PLAY PRACTICE GAME. rnrRUMPM r.flMMITTFFR AD. POINTED. the Harvey Injured on Account of Hard and Uneven Field. The varsity and scrubs played a practice game on the athletic field laat ovening at tho close of tho Faculty foolishness program. The varsity was composed of the subs nearly altogeth er. The game consisted of one short half of hard playing. The varsity did not play on last evening with tho snap they generally do whop the old veterans are in the line-up. Neither Cotton nor Wilson were, on the field last night in their football toga. Borg was on the .side lines coaching tho scrubs, while West over Was coaching the varsity in its style of play. t Benedict, who was at the end position on the varsity, made some good runs and did some good punting. One of the regrctable features of the game was the injury of Harvey on tho scrubB. At first It was .thought that his arm was broken, but upon medical examination it was found thayt tho ligaments, were torn. This accident was due probably to the vory poor con- ' ... ... m v. - dltlon. 01 tneMieip. An aiiernoon ot horse-racing ami parading; made It vory hard and uneven. The original condition was surely bad enough, but after yesterday's performance tho field was unfit for football practice. The number of men to be taken to Omaha has not been decided upon, but It is quite likely that a laVgQ num ber will be taken. Booth wishes: to strengthen his guard positions before tho game with Minnesota. Convocation. Tho regular musical program will take up tho convocation hour this morning. Following is the. program: (a) Fruhllngsllod; (b) Vellchon Uber- all: (c) Ich Weiss Night Warum; (d) Lass Mich Dem Auge Kussert;- (o) In Alten Tagen. . .A. von Fioiltz Mr. ueorgo jonnsion. ' Am Meer; Sorreo do lyenno., , .... 4 i . . . . . .Schubert-Liszt Miss Aenone Poaton. Onaway, Beloved..., Coleridge Taylor Mr. Johnston. President of the Freshmen Class Names Men To Carry put Work of the Class This 8emester. President Elliot, of tho Freshman' class, has made tho following appoint ments on the various- committees this semester. Tho appointments on some other important committees will bo made later. Tho appointments are: Hop Committee R. Burkett, chair man; Richard Patterson, m. aster of ceremonies; Helen Day, Ellet B. Drake, P. W. lancy, Gladys Daso'n, Holly Clarl;, David Ayers, Albert Jen kins, S. M. Rinakor, Vora Fink, W. V. Konner, Mabel States, Horberf Avery, Dwlght Wilson, Catherllne Doyle, R. J. Soars, J. H. Falter, Clark Denny, Football' Committee Miller Bene dict, manager. Basket Ball Committee Ralph Part ridge, manager; Fred Day, assistant manager; C. Walsh, coach. Constitution Committee S. X. Rfn akcr, chairman; Horace Burt, Vcrn Glddlngs, Clark Denny, Rr L; Nelson. Members of tho Inter-Class Athletic Board O. D. Hetzel, Walter Walsh, "Miller Benedict. OMAHA EXCURSION. A large number of students have arranged to go to Omaha on Saturday to- aeo the Crelghton-Nebraska game. The rate of one dollar and ten cents over tho Rock Island Is surely prov ing to bo a great drawing card. Ne braska will be cheered to victory on Saturday by as large a crowd as over went away from Lincoln to a football game, with tho oxceptlon of the Min nesota game a few years ago. Manager Morrison has arranged for ttic convenience of the.' students to put the tickets on sale In the Nebraskan office this morning at ' Convocation period. All those who have .not as yet purchased .tickets should embrace this , opportunity arid secure tickets. The duty of- every loyal Nebraska stu- dent Is to go to Qmaha arid give 'the team your.ttupyon vocauy. HOP ' JARST DANCE OF THE SlJASON; FRATBikNITY FRIDAY, OCT. HAM,, 27W ,." - TTALT'S , .,-. , , FUfcL ORCHESTRA . TICKETS !,50 Eager, Cramer, ar(d Van Orsdel Elect- ed Managers of the Baseball, Track and Basketball Teams. Tho Athletic Board mot In Dr. Clapp's office last ovening to transact tho regular business of tho board. The . first thing under discussion was in.ro gard to tho adoption of some official design which could bo worked up Into badges, pennantB, and pillow tops. Tho following resolution was adopted by tho Board: "Believing, tho tlmo has now como when Nebraska should havo nn' official design which can bo worked up Into badges, pennants, pillow tops, etc.; ' and slnco' the great seal of tho Unl- . vorsity Is not roadily adaptable to tho purposo, bo It "Resolved, By tho Athletic Board, that the secretary bo Instructed to re ceive until November 15 sealed sug gestions for such design. And "Whereas, Ttho nanjoCornhuskor' has by common consent been assigned to Nobrnskat thereforo bo Jt "Resolved, Tliat proferoncp bo given to designs which most clearly and sim ply involvo tho 'Cornhuskor' Idoa." Tho eligibility of tho men on differ ent athletic tonms was then discussed, . and It was decided that this question could bo settled for nil tlmo, by np pointing a committee on eligibility, " Thd- committee appointed w'aV Presl. , dent of tho.Board, pj. Locs,, Dr.. Chat- burn, and tho captain of each athletic. -tQarri ns ox-offlclo associates of the committee.. These men only hold office as members of this committee during the seasorhof which thoy are captain. , Tho excurslonto Omaha -on, Satur- ' day was sanctionedby the Board, and It was also decided Cbvsend the. band. This insures tho successbftho excur sion, as tho band with tho cp-bperation of the authorities will bo thp means of attracting a much larger crowd. Tho next order of business wns tho election of managers for thp. baseball, track, and basketball teams. 'Earl Eager was olectcd to tho position, of baseball manager. Eager has been prominent in athletics in thp Univer sity oyer slnco his entrance, and this election docs, not come as a surprise to his friends. Dwlght Cramer, as sistant manager of the, track team of 'OD, was elected manager of tho same. Cramer Is. a member of tho, class of '07 his home being In Omaha. R. A. Van Orsdel, who was. chosen for bas ketball manager,. Is a member of tho class, of '00, and has been athletic edi tor on tho Nebraskan, for the past two semesters. ' The class In General Botany, com monly known as Botany 1, Is larger by twenty per cont than ever before, containing' 118 students, while at thW time last year there wcro 9S. As a conseqUenco tho class room and labor jatry are crowded. If tho lacrea la numbers continues, It Is only a matter of a short time before the department wUl have to be supplied with larger rooms. ' St- Dr. Haggard, -212-2-3 HWiarJs Bile V fii"-f-!-... i v tf' I, - 4 V -.. .. u : .y if;-'... . T- v.i '' ..