The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1905, Image 4
fFTTfr" 1 : IWHP-WUJ IT 'P" lp'Jp 'TW1PUU VJ W. Ji " j " TTfT-i yr t - - I' '. A' r THE OAIliY NBBRASKAN. m -AK TOMMY, THE CATERER. HARD WORK. j &' viiiiiiBiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl the 'Varsity' Have Some Heavy Games Before Them For the Rest of the Season. "THE UNI'8 INDISPEN8IELE." We Certainly know hew.. Lady atten dant If desired. BsV'.i F""? viv2a VSJ 'H SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 1906 Edited by WALTER CAMP.. Containing ,the newly revised OFFI OIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures df leading teams, ombraclng over 2,500 Dlayets. PRICE, 10 CENT8 Fbr salo by all NewsdoaleraAthlotlc GoodB Dodldffl and Depart ment StofdB. Spalding's catalogue of. all athlotlc sports mailed free to any address. A. G. SPALDING k BROS. Now York, Botfldn, titrffdlo, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, $L Louis, Kan sas City, PIttdbUtg Bak Francisco New Orleans, Syfdcusft, Cincinnati, Montreal, Can., London, Bngland. It ii i ' i i "FOLLOW THE FLAG." liiik HOME' VISITOR9 EXCURSION, NO- 1 VEMBER 27TH. 7 To many points In Illinois, Indiana Ohio, Kentucky, Western Pennsylva Bla, Now York and West Virginia, at GREATLY REDUCED KATES. , The WABASH has solid road-bed, rock ballast, and new equipment; re clining chair cars (SEATS FREE). , For rates, .maps and all information call at Wabash City Offlcd, 1601 Far a&nl Btuot addrdas HARRY E. MOORES, 0. A. P. D. Wab. R. It. Omaha. Nebr. 50 YEARS'' EXPERIENCE iijjTrjna Trade Marks Designs tiatovMAirta Ac Anyone sending aketcn arid deeerlpuon may iafoklr aaoettaln.pur opinion free whether an eent firee.-Otdett aencr tbr aecMfiBiteatent. Piunij taked tEratoita Hun A txa receive it&dlnatiu, without cfcarge, I Saturday tho 'varsity will go to Omaha to play tho Croighton Colloga team. Last year tho 'varsity were .hold down to a score qf 3d to 0 by the timaha school, in what proved to be a very Interesting gamo. Tho gamo this year will bo a comparatively easy Tibtdry for tho 'varsity. Crelghton out of tho games she has played this year has boon dofeated in threo; Mornlngstdo Collego, Doano, and Belle vuo. Bellovuo was tho most success ful, running up a Bcoro of 28-0 against the Crelghton men. Granting lhat sho has suffored ddfoat yet Croighton always puts up tho gamo of her life against Nebraska, and as a result tho spectators gdt their money's worth. After Crelghton comes Ames. ThlB will prove to bo ono of tho best" games played on tho Nobraska field this year. Amos has played tho 'varsity but twice boforo, being defeated once by a scoro of 30-0, and defeating us at another timo by 33-04 Moro men have tried for tho Ames 'varsity team this year than any other team In tho west. It is roported that as high as oho hun dred and fifty men cama out to work for a placa on tho team. From tho showing mado by Ames thus far Wo Cannot judgo as to our chances, ad she has played but foW hard games. Tho Crelghton and Ames games will ltiad. up to tho climax of the season. dn our homo Hold, that Is, tho Colorado Nobraska gamo. Owing to the poor showing Illinois has mado thus far, tho football enthhslasts have come to look upon the Colorado game as tho hardest on the home grounds Tho do fbat received, from Colorado last year has not been forgotton, and every stu dent, alumnus, and Nebraska sup porter is as anxious to entor tho game, and down tho western school as Is tho toam. Tho Colorado team will como supported by some two hundred root ers, and with the determination to down Nebraska. Colorado will be followed by tho Minnesota gamo at Minneapolis. Hero Is whore we repeat tho 6-0" story of a fow years ago. History never repeats, but football' scores aro duplicated. Tho 'varsity was never more determined than they are at tho present time to give the Gophojs tho small part of tho score. If a reasonable rate Is ar ranged a largo numbor of the students will attond this gairie. The season Will bo closed with tho Illinois gamo oh Thanksgiving. It Is not necessary to go Into detail In re gard to this gamo for it has becomo too much of a fixture on.'the Nebraska schedule. Illinois always puts out tho best of a toam, and the Thanksgiving game Is generally the most largely, at tended of any gamo of the season. With Doano between tho Minnesota and Illinois, gamo the 'varsity should bo In good trim for Thanksgiving. Last night the football, men went through some hard practice on tho field. Booth lined them up for a short signal practice and scrimmage Just be fore the close of tho practice. A good number, of tho men will bo taken to Omaha Saturday, In order that tho now men may got somo work against tho Crelghton tqam- Tho officials for Sat urday's gamo havo not as yet been chosen.. LOW ONE-WAY RATES I ' To Many Points In California, Oregon, Washington from LilNCOLN VIA' UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY TO OCT. 31, 1905. "' 0)A A A i to Ogdon and Salt Lakd City. J) aaUtfUU I to Butto, Anaconda and He6na. C)) Pail i to Pendleton aAd Walla "Walla. tPJV I to Spokrins and Wenatchee,' W( $25.00 Wash. to San Francisco, Los Angeles;San Diego and many other' California points. ' to Everett, Falrhaven,, Whatcom, Van couver, Victoria atid Astoria. to Ashland, Rdseburg, Eugeno, Albany and flalem, via Portland. to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle. AND TO MANY OTHER POINTS. Inqulfe of E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent IEE3 Oliver Cigar Co., 136-137 No. 13th. Chapln Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. Star Delivery Co., Baggage, Both Phoned. Eat at Don Cameron's new Restau rant, 119 So. 12th St Green's Barber Shops j Polaco ( Mogul Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O Both phonos. St - Walkover shbes for collego men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St -v A young woman!s Bhoo, Rdgors & Perkins" Cd., 1129 OvStreet i Sorosis. V "Pprklns' Swedish" gymnasium shoos at Rogers & lorkin8 Co., 1129 X St Tho Dramatic Club will meet with Miss Erford, 215 Q street, Thursday evening, October 26. WANTED Two men to wonc dls' trlbutlng bills for Faculty Committee. See Prdf. Caldwell. Start tho school year right by get ting ii nice engraved or printed card. George Bros:, printers, Fraternity Bldg., 13th and N Sts. Scientific ftnenm fcanTnelr.lnratJekl Tjinteetcli ilatlou of any aclerillftd Journal. Terms, W a year i four months L Sow By all newsdealer. BraBch OlfleeTaK V PU Wathlngton. a C If the operator.Is to' write as fist as she can. read, sho must bo also. , UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER 00. 136 fio iilh '6f Bell Phone, 348; Auto 3881, , Beautifully balanced overcoats that possess quality and style far beyond the degree indicated by tho prices. See. them at B. L. Palne's The School of Musle Cafe will not soil any more regular meal tickets, but will run strictly on the European plan. Commutation tickets, $3 for $2.85. Notice. News and other items for thd Ne braskan should be handed' Into tho ofllco at tho east dnd of the hall f tho second floor of University Hall. They should not bo pUt In the box 6n the oUtsIdo of tho office, as tho box be longs to tho Latin -Department, and not to the Nebrnskan, but should be put on tho hook Inside the office. Notice. All Seniors and members of the Fac ulty 'who ard wishing to play in thrj Association football team this after noon meet at chapel timo .this morn ing at tho south end of tho bleachers. No previous experience hecesBdry. i.fc-U. BVVpkST - TRADJS . HOilCiflB STEINER-WOErViPENkrt DRUG CO. AwtTpiioiiriToL M4BTstniit '" OURSODA TA8TES LIKE MORIS Wlggs, The DugCutUf U 1321 o 6t. - QADDCD cunb mn d.tuI BHtrtt UHktt TmtMit'ftr Hett i4 fid GEORGE'S PLACE. - I20 No. Illh St. n NewYork The East fast dally train service via the Chicago 6t North- Western Railway, the double-track railway from ttie missoun River to Chicago, connect-' Ing,at Chicago wlth'ajl lines ' for all points East. The trains of the North-Western Line are.raost completely equipped for the oaiciy aim tOUUOIT OJ paTJunS. : The Best of Everytlifne TVets aad full Information on application to K. W. McGJNNIS, Agent, 1024 O Strenfc. CWcito k rwth-Westcni RaJtwif ufc t f r'fl 5 l i ' vj xt 1 A V...J ' &! 'mMb i,' v .