The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1905, Image 2
-,.-., w. THE) DAILY NEBRA8KAN. i f VI hS K ' N" i" h v l--t 4 I tbc Daily Hebraskan A consolidation of Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Jobraukan, Vol, 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published daily, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hosporlan Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. , Lauronco Fossler. H. P. Leiivitt Dwlght Cromor. A. O. Schrolbor. Edltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark Manager t Fred Naughton Clroulator Walter B. Standovon , Athletic R. A. Van Orsdel Editorial Roomr. U 204. Business Ofllco, U 211. Post Offlco, Station A, Lin- coin, mod. OfTIco hours of Business Manager and , Editor, 11:00 to 11:80 dally. Telephone Automatic 1628 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Prjco, 1 per year In advanco '. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nob., as socond-clans mall matter undor tho act of congress of March 3. 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts for each Insertion. Faculty dopartmontal and university bul letins will gladly bo published free, as heretofore THE FACULTY CARNIVAL. Tho object for which tho faculty carnival Js to bo glvon this afternoon Is so worthy, that wo feel bound to again urge oyory studont to contribute his Bharc to tho success of tho enter priBo. We who aro in collego'do not think often of tho condition of thoso who hayo none of tho opportunities whioh havo boon given us, and it is a striking commentary on our Indiffer ence that It Is only when coupled with pleasure that pharlty appeals to us. PloaBuro and charity aro united this afternoon, howovor, and . no student should miss this opportunity to havo a little fun and at tho samo tlmo help a most worthy cause along. A hearty laugh is good for ovory ono, oven a studont, and tho relaxation which the audience at tho show this afternoon will got will bo well worth tho prico charged at tho gato. It Is often tho case moro so than outsiders aro wont to think that a student In college con fines himself altogether too much to his Btudles, and takes too little exor clBQ.and pleasure. The former Is of ton confined to aN short hour spent por functorlly In tho gymnasium throo times a week, and tho lattor to half an hour's reading after lunch each day. Thls is bound to tell on a man after a few months, and a comploto nervous breakdown Is often the result. Such college functions as that this afternoon aro to bo wolcomod, then, not only for thoottior advantages, but for the op portunity they offer a student to cut loose from his studies and enjoy life f,or a short afternoon. Como out,. then, nndrhave a good tlmo whilo helping . a good cause along. Editor of Daily Nobraskan: I can not account for tho tyck of interest in class football in tho insti tution this fall So far as I have beon- ablo to, ascertain two of tho classes havo not ovon appointed their football managers. Ono of theso has had ampl'o timo In -which to make tho ap pointment, whilo tho case of the sec ond is moro oxcusable, slnco it was but rocontly organized. Tho samo inactivity has character ized tho Interclass Board. Only part of tho class representatives' havo been 'appointed and, of course, those can accomplish nothing. Barely a month remains for the do- VolopmonVof the teams and tho play- lng of tho deciding matches if the championship Is to be decided before Thanksgiving. And wo aro all more or loss familiar with tho desirability of apcompllshlng that ond. No one caros to "scramblo" with tho pigskin In cold weather and on tho frozen ground. Bolrrg a Junior, perhaps I ought to add a word as to tho situation In my own class. Bulletins have been post ed and notices Inserted in tho Nobras kan for about throo weoks with prac tically no response on tho part of the class. Our class has always been tho leador In class football and I can not explain tho lack of Interest this year. It Is certainly tlmo that somo extra ordinary steps bo taken to aroueo spirit enough In the classes that have not appointed football committees to got theso appointed and then pushj this "spirit arousing" work fn each of tho four classes until tho best ma terial In each class appears regularly for practice A JUNIOR. ATTEND8 INSTALLATION. Dr. Lees Represents the University at the Installation of Dr. James. Tho Installation coremonies Incident to tho induction Into office of Presi dent James at the University of Illi nois occurred last week at Urbana, and tho University of Nebraska was repre sented by Dr. Lees of tho Greek de partment. Dr. Lees loft Lincoln Mon day, and reached Urbana just In, time for tho services Wednesday afternoon. Ho thonleft Urbana Thursday even ing, and after stopping over in Chi cago, reached Ann Arbor Saturday morning. Tho coremonies at Illinois were very elaborate, and the small town was crowded with representatives and vis itors. Tho list of Invited gueBts com prised over seven hundrod names, but only about half of. theso were present. In tho procession immediately before tho coremonies, over three hundred American colleges wore represented, and In addition there wero several rep resentatives from England, two from Germany, and ono from Itajy. Ono very unfortunate feature of tho week was tho fact that Dr. James was suf fering vary much from rheumatism, and was unable to move without tho assistance of crutches. Each representative was presontod with a sot of vlows of tho caihpus, and of University buildings. Illinois has about twenty-flvo buildings on her campus, all of which aro very largo and flno. Tho Library, particularly, is a handsomo building, constructed of stone, with beautiful Interior decora tions. Pins and badges were also given tho delogates. On tho night of tho installation core monies, thp students gavo a big pro- cession. Over a thousand torches had boon purchased, and these lit up tho parade thoroughly. They had also pro cured several traction engines, with which they pulled strings of floats rep resenting various colloges of the Uni versity. There wore also a number of transparencies constituting take-offs on various professors and other promi nent men of tho University. Professor Laurence Fossler loft for Lawrence, Kansas, last night, whoro ho will attond the conference of tho Unitarians of tho Missouri Valley which meets there. While in Lawrenco he will also give several lectures be fore tho studonts of the Gorman de partment of the University. Arrange ments have been made to carry on tho work of his classes during his ab sence. Dr. Haggard, 212-2-3 Richards Blk. WE BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING iTft'TrirTyrvrfl3H3gi. And believe that tvery loyal University student should patronize Nebraskan ad vertisers. They will find them to be the leaders in their particular lines and will ing to do everything possible to pleaae you. Why not show your loyalty to the University and to your own paper? MENTION THE DAILY NEBRASKAN C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean ...OPTICIAN... 1123 O STREET Your Patrsnage Solicited JOHN JL. MARSHALL THE OLD RELIABLE BARBER FIKST-GLA88 IIAIil CUTTING SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING 1835 N 8TIIHKT Waterville Pocket Knives EVERY ONE GUARANTEED - HALLS. 1308 O STREET fr FIRST NATIONAL BANK I Capital $ 300,000.00 $ S Surplus aad Profits 200,000.00 $ $ Deposits 3,620,000.00 $ FRATS- I When in need of COAL call and see f WHITEBREAST COMPANY I We will treat you right ! I Office 1106 O. ' . Phones, .Bell 234 ; Auto 1610 I ' rtmfttfrmwitiw) University Dining Room 13th' and Q, Street. Wanted-200 ladies and gentlemen to try our $3 weekly board. Every thing first-class. New management. Meal tickets issued. The Lincoln Candy ...Kitchen... MAKES f INC FRESH CANDY EVERY DAY FANCY BOXES AND FOOT-BALLS Try our "Happy Tlnught" Sundaes 1337 0 STDEET We have always been known as the STUDENTS tAUNDRY We want your business. YUIiK MHOS. HAND LAUNDRY 3U O Street. Auto 7SA, B.ll 574 ' " S. A-.! -j t'J :v , -. f..-.n cvviSSs'.. (. & .?, "t ,. .. giil.- : j .,-. .q,,a;.,ku v