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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1905)
Hs3 r" ; w w r 1be Bails Iftebrkekatt " "Vol. V, No. 22 DNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, J905. Price 5 Ccnt W 'r I ' '4 V .' k.i "S. f CLASS'09VICT0RS SUCCEED IN HOLDING MEETING - DE8PITE 80PHOMORE8. rPlan for Keeping Out 8ophomores Suc cessfulThird Candidate for President Win Out. Tho long-expected and much wlahed tfor meeting of tho Freshman class was hold yesterday morning atcloven o'clock, -according to tho plans announced oponly .some days ago, and with ho assistance of some dozen Juniors, John Uhl, and Chancellor Andrews. " tho first-year men .succeeded In meeting undisturbed by their enemies, tho Sophomores. A very elaborate system of admission to tho hall had been prepared by tho FrcBh men generals and Registrar Clark, and ovory Freshman was supplied with a green slip testifying that ho could qual ify -as a. first-year student. "Without this It was lmposslblo for anybody to .got by John Uhl, who guarded tho out sldo door of tho Chapel. Aftor onco sur mounting this obstacle tho man desir ous of casting a voto was compelled to stop at tho door upstairs and havo his name crossed off on tho list kopt thoro by a Junior. Thon ho was safe at last. Soma three hundred Freshmen, woro ablo to piass through this ordeal successfully, howovsr, and accordingly tho mooting Tcprcsonted a largo majority of tho class, which la somewhat of a novelty, as tho Sophomores havo hortoforo bcon ablo to prevent most of tho first-year men from ' attending tho flrstj mooting of tho year. Tho meeting was presided over by President Do Young of tho Junior class. It had been rumored that tho Sophomores had laid plans to capture Do Young and keep him away from tho meotlng, and accordingly about a dozen Juniors es corted' him from tho Library to Memorial "Hall, and after that remained to assist in tho fight to kocp tho Sophs out. Soon after cloven tho meeting was called to order, and tho class got right down to business. Thoro woro four nominations for tho presidency, Clydo Elliot of Central City, Rlcahrd Patterson and Claronco Walsh of Omaha, and Miller Benedict of Lincoln It had bcon tho gonoral opin ion that tho raco was botweon Benedict and Patterson, as no matt from outsldo tho two principal cities of tho state has over "beep ablo to gpt elected tho first semester, but tho progrcBslvo and aggres sive campaign moljiods displayed by thoao supporting Elliot had won for him a large following, and tho first ballot brought tho following results: Elliot, 121; Benedict, 71; Patterson, C3; Walsh, 20. Patterson thon withdrew In favor of El liot, and upon motion ho was declared elected unanimously. Mcanwhllo abqut a hundred second- -year men wero gathered about bravo John Uhl at tho outsldo door, and about flvo hundred upper-classmen and girls woro crowding tho steps and other available places whero they could) look upon tho fight. For a fow mlnutos tho Sophs woro not very demonstrative, but finally ""a ruslVwaB mado for tho door, only to bo checked by John's sturdy form and tho bodies of tho Juniors insldo. Aftor tho fight had been waking for a fow min utes, Chancellor Androws and Mr. Feo appeared on the scene, and managed to obtain some degroo of quiet; As soon as tho. former had gono back to his ofilce, however, tho attempt to forco a way into tho halt was renewed, and almost succeeded. Chancellor Androws again camo to tho rescue, but this tlmo hud some difficulty In making thp Sophs with ' draw. After ho had again left tho sceno of action, about ton Sophs climbed up tho archway over. the entrance to tho hall, and succeeded In forcing tho largo win dow directly behind tho plpo organ openr and climbed inside. Results' showed that they had not beet) half- as anxious to get into the .building as thoy had lot on, however, for in a moment there was an awful uproar inqldo, and after a fow seconds the same Sophomores who had . climbed thrqugh the window so valiantly Faculty Foolishness third Annual appearance Nebraska Field, Thursday, October 26th :2:30 p. m. BENEFIT COLLEGE SETTLEWENT Admission 25c; Reserved Ssats 50o CCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5(X)OCCXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOOOOOO a short tlmo boforo woro thrown out bodily, with hats gono, coats torn, and faces all btr.Ised and bleeding. Two of the Sophomores put up a bravo fight bo foro thoy woro finally thrown out, and for a couplo of minutes fought with' tho Frcshlcs while clinging to tho ledgo of tho window. This onded any attempt of thd Sophs to got Into tho mooting. During tho fight at tho window, a num ber of roods i "..d pipes of tho big organ woro broken or injured, and thoro will probably bo considerable damago to re pair. Tho nomos of tho Sophomores who wro lmpllcay woro taken, and thoy havo already yefin hauled up on tho car- pot boforo tho Chancellor. More will piobably-recclvo notices to appear today, find on tho whole the class fcols as though It had gotten tho worst of It. On account of llnotypo machine break ing, we aro compelled to run tho abovo In nonpareil typo. Wo hopo this will not occur again. Ed. New Apparatus for Gymnasium. Tho Physical Education department recently received a shipment of now apparatus for tho gymnasium. This consisted of a long, horse, springboard, and a pair of parallel bars. Tho cost of this material with somo other small or apparatus that was secured, will roach tho neighborhood of two hun dred and fifty dollars. Tho long horse Is by far tho best piece of apparatus In tho gymnasium. It Is covered wit ha flno quality of very heavy leather. Tho adjustments arc much better and of lator Invention than tho other long hprses In tho gym nasium. Both tho spring board and parallel bars aro of tho latest Im proved. Other, smaller apparatus which was secured Is of the very best. With these additions our gymnasium is one of tho best equipped in the west. It Is Dr. Clapp's aim td havo moro men out during advanced work, and trying for tho gym team this year. --!-- -----MIa Tho Dramatic 'Club will moot with Miss Erford, 215 Q street, Thursday evening, October 26. , Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St myy) if Y. W. C.'A. COUNTY FAIRi u it t a it U ' it t it H it ARMORY, NOV. 4t it ft )OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXDOOO y OMAHA EXCUR8ION. Manager Morrison Has Arranged for a $1.10 Rate to Crelghton Game. A rate of ono dollar and ton conta has been made betwoon Lincoln and Omaha and return on Saturday for tho Croighton-Nobraska gamo. ThetRock Island has mado, this rato providing that two hundred pcoplo tako advan tage of this opportunity and mako tho trip. Tho train will leave Lincoln at 8:30 a. m. on Saturday and return at 10 p. m. tho samo day. Tho rato Is the same as tho ono made by tho Burlington to Omaha last year. About five hundred pcoplo took advantage of thiB rate rate last year and thero Is no reason why just as many pcoplo should not do tho samo thiB year. ,A rato so low is ono that does not come to passengers to and from Omaha only about ovory year. Manager Morrison is to bo compliment ed upon his work In securing such a low rato considering that this is fifty flvo cents lower than the rato given Ak-Sar-Bon visitors. Tho people In tho city will avail themselves of tho opportunity to visit Omaha" and see tho gamo, but this is not what the team wants. Tho var Blty wants the support of the Univer sity students In Iho Crelghton gamo. It Is up to ovory student of the Uni versity of Nebraska to tako advantage of this low rato and go to Omaha to cheer our team on to Omaha to chqer our team on to victory against thft Omaha men. Wo aro going to run up a largo score on tho team from the big city Saturday, but ovory University yell given by tho students means a fow moro points. Tickets are on sale at Rock Island office. WANTED Two men to wonc dis tributing bills for Faculty Committed. See Prof. Caldwoll. 'Perkins' Swedish" gymnasium shoes at Rogers & -Perkins Co., 1129 O St it 11 It it ' it it it -(..-.. TWENTY-EIVE CIRCUS THURSDAY FACULTY AND FRIEND8 IN THB THIRD ANNUAL PERFORMANCE. New Attractions Added Governor Mickey Indian Camp Quold Tuba BandPeanuts and Popcorn. Tomorrow afternoon, within tho nar. row limits of tho Nebraska Athletic Field, will-occur ono of tho broadest exhibitions ovor participated In oy man, beast and professor. Broadest in tho sense that It shall includo tho greatest variety of attractions; broad est In tho Bonsco that ovory attraction glvon will bo developed to a perfection. Tho pushers of tho undertaking had felt that something was lacking In their program as long aB thoy -did not havo somo othor "stars" bosldos those selected from tho Faculty, Thoy triod various sources, applied to many prom inent men, and at last succeeded in se curing tho valuable sorvlces of our'own Governor Mickey. Tho governor posoa as tho world's champion ot quoits! Ho challenges any ono, whether in tho University or out of it, to a fow rounds in this most oxcitlng of nil quiet games. In case tho Governor's challenge Is not accepted before October 20 at 2:30 p. m. and his rights to woarlng tho cham pionship bolt aro undisputed, tho Gov ernor will give ah exhibition against tlmo. Come out and watch Governor Mickey decsrlbo tho husky curve I Tho Indian camp wHKropresont con ditions as thoy oxlSVed in tho "Good old days boforo tho wah." In those , days whon Sherman and Bessoy woro little boys nhd woro knoo breeches. The buffalo thon gontly grazed ovor what Is now tho 5-yard lino. "In those days," tho Senior professors toll us, "Life was a long, sweet song." No lit tle boys and girls, In Ihoso days, ovor mado cross-cornor paths ovor tho cam pus or fought ovor tho Big Rock. Most of us havo boon laboring under tbiov mistaken impression that Indian life" whs wild and oxcitlng. Wo plcturo tho, Indian as savago, cruel, warlike and' bloodthirsty In fact, such Is tho story told ovor and ovor again In books. But tho Senior professors ab- ' solutely and unconditionally discredit it, and thoy hope, to 'demonstrate by tho presentation of tho Indian camp tomorrow afternoon that tho Red Skins in all their savagery woro not as formidable an onemy as tho Fresh men. Thoy. ought to know, Thoy aro able and willing to toll tho truth and their information Is source. None of us will ovor .havo an opportunity to Hvo the life of the Pioneer Nobras leans, but we can at least do the next best thing; we can go to the circus tomorrow afternoon and watch tiw Senior Professors show us how It wag done. Another event that will come as an innovation to tho crowd tomorrow af ternoon will bo the military spelldown. Who was It that said that military drill was unpopular at the University of Nebraska? called It militarism; malicious science and Military Fight Let him come to the circus tomorrow , and see how untrue his charge was. j (Continued on page J.) 'A a .! V r i r 4 1 ' fj Sv , 'nfii r.1 r i. i h -, ! r - V Ink. Xltit ujf