be 12 IFlebraskan -Vol. V, No. 2 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOEER 24, J905. Price 5 Cent 2at Vv ? . ?U I 1V wr . '' ft MS ? V rav L - ' A-' BEST TEAM WINS X t MICHIGAN- . OVERWHELMS NE- BRA3KA TO THE TUNE OF 31-0. I .After Playing One Half With No Score, the Cornhuskers Go to Pieces Give Yost a Scare. Last Saturday afternoon at Ann Ar . bor the University of Nebraska was" .administered the most decisive defeat that she has experienced in football In many a day. Michigan, after being held down to an 0-0 score in the first half, proceeded to slaughter us by running up 31 points in tho last half. This means, In others 'words, that Michigan crossed our goal line five successive times, and kicked a goal from tho field, In one half. While wo were defeated, . and that' fairly, the varsity accomplished a feat which has seldom happened against Yost's men, this was, the holding of Michigan down to an 0:0 score In the first half. Nebraska played such a Tiard and strenuous game the first half that they were worn out and could not stand up against Michigan's repeated line bucks by her heavy back field and line men in the second. The first half of the game was played for tho major part of tho time in Michigan's terri tory. This was due to Benedict's won derful work at punting. Time after time he booted tho ball back, and In so doing put the Nebraska goal out of danger. In the second- half Michigan started tho scoring by working tho ball down the field to within a few yards of the ttobnska goal. Norcross fell back for a place ltlck and was successful. The score stood 4 to 0 after some five minutes play. Thrcfe touchdowns wore TnaQo now In cluick succession. Long end runsv by Norcross and Hammond, Jlne bucks by Longman, Curtis, and OlarUe, andr fake plays placed tho con dition of th'o semaphore as such, Mich igan 21, Nebraska 0,. Thus the score stood with but ten minutes loft to play. These ten min utes seemed like hours to tho people r T.innnln waltlnc for bulletins. For Mlchlgan-hey meant a point every minute, as they shoved the ball across the lino for two more touchdowns. The score now stood 31-0, and it was .the same at the end of the game. While 3"l-0 Is ,tbp largest score that had been run upr against Nebranka since Booth's- adyont here, ydt, never was the .University represented by a stronger or bettor team. Wo have no reason to be discouraged, for we were defeated by a bettor, more experienced and heavier team. Nebraska played ' thqlr best, and harder than they will be called upon to play this year again In order that our list may shb,w but one defeat, and that Michigan. Other teams have visited Ann Arbor to meet ''Hurry-up" Yost and his men but have returned qarrylng tho same; grleyance that Nebraska carnea to Lincoln yesterday, that of defeat Probably no other school in tho United f3tatos,has' such a string of victories ' and successes, on tho gridiron as has been accorded Michigan- since tho com- ii lng of Yost to that Institution." No (Continued on paga2i) WE MIST BEAT MINNESOTA An Appeal to the Student Body of the University of Nebraska. Last Saturday the Nebraska football team received tho bitterest and most humiliating defeat it has suffered un der the now regime beginning six years ago when Booth first came to Nebras ka and raised it from a fourth grade school, athletically, to the best In tho Missouri Valley. It was no discredit to be beaten by such a team as Michi gan has, nor by such a coach as Yost, nor can our severest critic say that at any time during the game did the men representing the Scarlet and tho Cream show a yellow streak and lie down. Nevertheless" we were defeated, and In a single half had more points made against us than could have been scored on many a second rate cpllego by our own team. Even In tho glori ous first half, when Nebraska held Michigan time and again, and even forced her back almost across her own goal line, thore can be but little ground for comfort to an unprejudiced ob server, for he cannot but notice that our game was played by our opponents then, and that only persistent fumbling on tho part of the Wolverines saved us from at least two touchdowns. "For this defeat wo must recognize that all excuses are futile. We were beaten by a faster, heavier, and more experienced team, and If anything was wrong with the score, objection Is due from Michigan and not from Nebraska. It is far from our intention to croak, but we do wish to bring homo to the 'student body a knowledge of .how complete and overwhelming our defeat was, and to make them think of a few of tho necessary results of that defeat unless we In some way avoid them. In tho first place, our hopes for ad mission to tho saprod precincts of tho Big Nino will be gone forever. It has been nothing but our great showing for the past three or four years which has won for ub even. Blight recognition from tho colleges forming tho Confer ence, and a continuance of this recog nition is conditional upon a continu ance of our athletic successes. While some may doubt the desirability of j membership in tho Conference, still the majority of the student body and of the faculty are anxious that we get a place in it, so that' .our future posi tion would be assured, and the anxie ty aB to whether Nebraska would got a good schedule or not would bo obvl atod. Another result which would be disastrous In the immediate future Is the' certainty that the University and Lincoln never wlll support a losing team. . This is another thing from saying that the students are not loyal and will not stay by the team whether they win or lose, for that Is certainly untrue, as we have shown time and again, in tho past two years.. It Is doubtful.if tho team could havo been given a more enthusiastic reception than that tendered 'them yesterday morning even If they had won the --. game. Tho samo.splrlt was shown last - 1 year when the,, men returned from Mln . j nesota and from Colorado. "What we do mean, Is that competition for places on tho team will not be so severe, and that the crowds at tho games will fall off. This will affect tho University directly, for on football wo must de pend for funds to carry through ovory other branch of college athletics. Of other results thoro aro many. Kansas, Iowa, Missouri all of them will now' bo ablo to 'point at Nebraska as a brilliant example of tho old adago about pride. ' Eastern critics will again forgot that thoro ever was a college at Lincoln that had a football team. High school stars will journey olso where for honors. But perhaps tho most regrettablo of all is tho fact that this defeat will mean tho total de struction of whatever reputation Wal ter C. Booth has built up as a football coach. On account of tho many friends Booth has won during his many sea sons as coach at Nobraska, 'this will affect the student body deeply, and there can bo no one of them who would not willingly do anything ho could to win back for our coach a reputation for being the greatest constructive coach -In the West a reputation which he has Justly won by producing four teams that have surprised the whole ithlctic world. It is possible to retrieve ourselves and to avert these consequences. Tho opportunity to do so comes in less than a month, and we must begin to seize It now. There is but ono thing required of Nebraska, and if she does that the football season of 1905 will end as "gloriously as any, which havo gone bo- Tore, and the disastrous defeat of last Saturday will be forgotten and for given by allt WE MU8T DEFEAT MINNESOTA. It is possible, It haB been done before, and It must be dono again'. In no 'other way san Nobraska hold the reputation which has taken her so many years of hard Work to win. In no other way can wo over hope to force our way Into tho Cony ference. In "no other way can wo at tract to our college tho athletic stars of western prep schools. And In no other way can wo tfreser've to Booth a reputation second to none. N Again we say that we can and must boat Minnesota, and to do It will require tho concerted efforts of ovory student in the University. All of us cannot get out and play football, but all of us can get out on the side lines every night and cheer tho men on In their attempt to better the team so that It can give the Gophers the drubbing which is our only salvation. To do this we must sacrifice ono thing which we have looked forward to for more than a year. Yfe must bq satisfied with a low score against Colorado, or even with a tie, for oven our desire for revenge must giyo way before our greater longing , to ' redeem ourselves and show that Nebraska does know how to play football, ft Is unnecessary to say what Is to bo done by the men who are to make up the team which goes up against Minnesota, for every HOME ONCE MORE DEFEATED TEAM GIVEN ENXHU; 8IA8TIC RECEPTION. Amid Cheers the Battered Players Ar rive In Lincoln and Are .Paraded Through the Streets. Tho varsity returned from Michigan yosterday morning on tho 10:30 Bur lington train. Tho toam was rocolvod amidst wild cheering by tho sovoral hundred students who had gathorod at tho dopot to wolc6mo homo Ne braska's defeatod football warriors. Tho bitter nows of dofoat which hat 1 as milrttnrl nvnrv nrn nn flnhirlnv wni forgotten, and tho studonts gavo vent to enthusiasm, which will novor cooso ( until Nobraska has defeatod Colorado, Minnesota, and Illinois, on tho 11th,. 18th and 30th of November, respec tively. At ton o'clock yostorday morning tho rootor leaders gathorod a filo and wont through ovory library and and shop on tho Unlvorslty campus. In (Continued on page 2;) ono can bo assured that after tasting -the bitterness of dofoat they will do all thut man can in ordor to win against tho Gophers. , But other things aro required of tho student body than enthusiastic, support. All who can do so must get out and play football themselves. Boforo wo can win from Minnesota wo must havo throe now men. It Is settled that Minnesota will . refuse to play unloss we Jmr Fresh men, which, will mean a toariKwlthout Its strongest lino buckor, TaylorNTho othor guard position and ono tackle position must bo filled also. Tho for- mer because It is not Occupied by a strong enough man, the latlorbecauso It would release to tho back field in Wollor a man who' can buck tho lino like a rhinoceros and can circle tho end moro. neatly than any Nobraska man with tho exception of Bonder over could. Thoro must bo big husky men in a college as largo as Nobraska, " and while tho timo Js short, yot the need is great, and all who know Booth aro confident that If a candidate has. any ability it will bo brought to tlicK front in very short order. If tliree men can. bo found to take these lino positions, Minnesota is doomed. 'Another thing that must .bo done 'by tho students If they aro to hold up their end of tho string Is to'go to Mln? nesota on the excursion and root from the beginning-of tho game untiftho final whistle blows. Nothing will bo of so much assistance to the team on that day as the presence of an organ izod body pi rooters, and if the excur sion train does not take up more than 500 students, they are not doing their part." Follow studonts, It Is up to you to say whether wo are going to beat Min nesota or not; It Is In your hands to decide whether Booth is to leave Ne braska with tho reputation he had won when, tho season of 1904 closed or not; it Is for you to win for Nebraska a right to demand admission to tho Big" Nino. The next four, weeks will show whether you are going to do your duty' or not. y? WE MUST DEFEAT MINNESOTA, o, V-.v v?u n T d .'f iiz. ,,.