The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1905, Image 2

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tbc Daily Hcbraskan
A connolldatlon of
Tho UcBporlan, Vol. 31, Tho NcbraBkan,
Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4.
'I RllblUltiMl dally, except Bunday -nnd
Monday, af tho Unlvoralty of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nob;, by tho UcBporlan PubllBh
Iiik Co.
Board of Director.
Laurence FoBslor.
If. P. Lcavltt. . . ..
Dwlght Cramer. A. Q. Bcbroiuor.
O. V. P. Btont.
J. D.. Clark
Manager . ! red waugmon
Clrcujator .' . . Waltor K. Standeven
AtlllOtlC, IV. A. vuh umuui
Edltorlul noomr, U 804V4. UuhIiiosh Office,
U 211. Post onice, Station A, Lin
coln, Nob.
Office hours of DuBlnoBB Manager und
JCdltor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally.
Telephone .Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Price. $2 per year in advanco
according to tho personal fitness of
the rrion.
The position of assistant editor and
four reportershlps nro still vacant. Ap
plicants for those positions must con
form to the regulations now postod on
tho. bulletin boards.
All appointments within the Juris-'
diction of the board arc for tho pres
ont somestor only, another set of try
outs being contemplated Immediately
after tho Christmas recess. The re
tention of tho present incumbents will
dopond upon the standard of their
work for tho past semester In contrast
to that of new applicants displayed in
tho winter tryout.
Entered at tho pontofflco at Lincoln,
Nob.. an flocond-chiBS mall matter under
tho act of congrens of March 3, 1879.
Individual notices will bo charged for
at tho rato of 10 contn for each lnrtlpn.
Faculty departmental and unlvoralty bul
letins will gladly bo published froo, as
Tho University, as a whole will bo
gratified to learn that wo aro onco
moro to havo tho bonoflt of Dr. Wolfo's
presenco on tho faculty. " "While ho
had loft tho University before any of
tho present undergraduate body had
ontorod, ho is nevertheless known to
all by imputation and to many por
Honally, as ho was principal of tho
Lincoln High School aftor ho resigned
from our faculty, and held that posi
tion up to a year or so ago. TIiobo
who have come into direct contact
with him thoro hold him in tho high
est osteom, and one and all will reepg-,
Recognition of Nebraska.
In an articlo on -football prospects
in tho current number of tho Illustrated
Outdoor News, an authority gives Ne
braska the first real recognition she
has had In nny of the eastern papers
In tho following lengthy paragraphs:
When football comes up tho "Big'
Nino" shrinks into tho "Dig Four."
Michigan, Minnesota, Chicago and
Wisconsin are predominant in football
In the Middle West, if not tho entire
West. The five schools, other than
these, In the conference, do not gain
noteworthy pre-ominenco In football,
but there Is ono western Institution,
outside tho conference, whioh ranks
high abovo the lesser five of tho "Big
Nino" and on an equal footing with
tho "Big Four." This is Nebraska,
coached by Booth, tho old-timo Prince
ton star.
Nebraska, outside tho organization,
is playing no less than three of tho
conference teams. Coach Booth has a
veteran team headed by Captain Borg,
and tho early season has marked tho
return of Eager, of last year, and the
report that Benedict, the star punter,
is coming back. For some reason No-
Our new lines of handkerchiefs in
clude the daintiest embroideries on
the edges or Inside the hem, sheer, or
firm materials, the unlaundered Irish
linens, initial handkerchiefs, etc.
The uses to which they are put are
many. Turnover collars and cuffs of
sheer linen can -be made from them
at slight expense. One side makes the
collar and the other two sides with
one corner each make the cuffs. A
hem on one end of each cuff and bands v
are all the work necessary.
The skillful girl also uses them for
ruffling on underwear, corset covers,
fancy aprons, pillow tops, etc.
The fancy colored handkerchiefs for
pillows, kimonos, caps, aprons, etc.,
were never so beautiful '
Miller & Pain
When you TT , Think
' think of m Ll2L IS of m
is to be hoped that next fall will sec
somo contests arranged, oven though
the championship title does not de
pend on tho outcome; for sake of
comparison, if for no other reason.
AND OF $2.50
The $2.50 buys the hat at Budd s . . . NL141 O
nizo what a valuable man the Uni
versity of Nobraska is getting In him.
While professor of Psychology sovoral
years ago ho was perhaps the most
-popular and at tho same tlmo most
respected member of tho faculty, and
throughout his administration ,of tho
affairs of tho high school ho demon
strated that ho still possesses tho
qualities that won for him this placo
in tho affections of tho students. ' He
will undoubtedly stop at onco Into tho
samo place with tho present student
lQ(y, so that his position hero will
bo so pleasant that ho- will nover
again desire to desert tho University.
Yesterday, in accordance with tho
plans displayed on tho University bul
letin board and .published somo tlmo
ago, tho Student Publication Board
appointed J. E. Bodnar aB news edi
tor and It. A. Van Orsdol athletic odl
tor of tho Dally Nebraskan. Theso
men were oho:;vn ftfc Wo-rcBmt-or u
dories of tryouts opeil to tho wholo
school and thoro can -bo no doubt. of
thp fulrness of tho awards. Mr. Bed
nar served' as reporter for tho paper
last semester and Mr. Van Orsdel as
athlotlc editor.
It Is tho Intention of the board In
the future to make its appointments
solely as tho result of competition and
braska has been denied admission to
tho conference, though repeated efforts
havo been made to gain admission. Ne
braska has s6mo splendid athletes, and
this yoar the conference will get a
taste of Nebraska mettle. Michigan-,
Illinois and Minnesota play tho Ne
braskans, and what was once regarded
as a practice game has developed Into
one of tho heavy games. Minnesota
has played Nebraska yearly for a long
period, and the game has como to bo
regarded as an attraction. Nebraska
last year put up a stiffor fight against:
tho Gophers than did Wisconsin, and,
I although tho Gophers wore training
with Wisconsin In view and it was an
early game, it was tho most spirited
play soon in Minneapolis last season.
Thoo samo Nobraskans wore tho only
oppononts to get over tho Gopher goal
last yoar, a ploasuro donled Wisconsin,
Iowa and NorthweBtorn, Tho t,Imo Is
coming when tho conference, in all
fairness, canno deny Nobraska a place
In the organization.
Tho absonco of interseotloiial games,
particularly with tho representative
elevens .of tho East, Is Ueenly
regretted, of course, by followers of
tho game In the Mlddlo West, where. It
Is felt that tho top-notch teams could
more than hold their own with tho
champions of tho Atlantic coast. It
Republican Rally Program.
In opening the year's work tho Uni
versity Republican Club will give an
interesting program. Some good sub
jects have been selected and from
tho list of speakers it is evident somo
vital points on living questions will
be brought out. Tho rally will be
held In Memorial Hall Saturday even
ing, beginning at 7:00 p. m. sharp.
Music ..Cadot Band
Registration of Now Members
A Word of Welcome by the
President R. c. Ozman
History of the University Re
publican Club A. G. Nelson
Why I Am Here
Bonofacio Villanneva
Tho Temple Fund Question...
C. L..Waldron
Tho Electioneerlnc Field
R. A. Van Orsrtfd K
a. rno standard of University
Politics H. N. Mattley
9. Election of Officers
The Club has received word that
Hon. E, M. Pollard will be unavoid
ably detained from being present thia
week, but will address tho Club two
weeks later.
Mr. Villanneva, whose name appears
on tlVq program, Is ono of' our Fili
pino studqnts who Is interested In tho
questions of the day. He desires to
learn about political questions and ojir
way of doing, things;
Tho speeches will be limited and
the purpose p.f tho Club Is to havo a
short;4U8lng time.
Every Republican Is ureod to mmo
out, see what Is doing and take part.-
New Century
1241-N STREET 1241
Especially solicits tho
jtrade of those who
wish it woll printed.
BELL TEL.. 147. AUTO 103.
Sam Westerfield
Proprietor of
Sam's -Cafe'
Uttle Gem Hot
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What Good is a
Watch if it Does'nt
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Suppose you bring it to
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nobody can, and we'll
tell you why. We do
first-class jewelry re-
pairing, too,
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