The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1905, Image 1
4 re x f Sft 1. Xlfce SDaihj flebraefcan Vol, V, No. J9 MONSTROUS RALLY ENTHU8IA8TIC 8TUDENT8 MAKE CHAPEL RESOUND. Fill Hall to Overflowing and Cheer the Team to the Echo Band Fur nishes Music Speeches. The flrBt mass meeting of the yoar was a grand success in every way, and the fifteen hundred students who crowded Into Memorial Hall yesterday morning showed that college spirit at Nebraska Is far from dead, but Is, on tho other hand, greater than ever. Every seat "was talten both downstairs and in tho galleries, and both sides of the hall wore lined with students fifteen deep. The rooters rules tho meeting from beginning to end, and Insisted on every whim so vigorously that they could not be denied. Yella and songs followed each other thick and fast, and no ono could quiet the crowd until they had gone through the entire repertoire whenever they pneo got started.. The band was there, of c'cWse, and rendered noble sorvlco In adding to the noise, and If that Is tho only requisite for a victory In football, the Cornhuskers will have an easy time with the Wolverines. Promptly at eleven !clock Dr. Bol ton, who was to preside . over tho meeting, took his place on, the plat form, and the rooting began. As soon as ho could obtain silence, ho made a few opening remarks concerning the University of Michigan, and then made wny for Chancellor Andrews, who was being called for by the 'crowd. Tho Chancellor expressed Wmsolf as being Heartily In favor ot football. "Thero are evils, of course.Jbut tfiey are being eradicatecl. I -believe-that at Nebras ka they have been completely wiped out, and we play football strongly, but we play It cleanly,, too. I know of no reason why victory over Michigan is Impossible, and Indeed I do ..not think that it is lmprobablo. I havo soe,n too many football games which have bjeen won by tho lighter tenms to feel that mere weight always wins the game. If wo are not so heavy in the lower story as the Ann Arbor men, thorp Is no reason why we should not bo heavier in tho upper. The result of this game will show the truth of the old quotation: 'Westward the course of .empire 'takes. Us way.' " . When Dr. Andrews had completed his remarks, the football playors wore picked out of tho crowd and forced to tako their places upon the. platform, so, that tho, hero-worshippers could havo a good chance to gazo upon them. Dr. Bolton then called upon Professor Caldwell.' as being tho oldest and most enthusiastic supporter of athletics at Nebraska. Professor Caldwell told tho crowd that there used to bo just ono prayer sent up by Scarlet and Cream supporters, and that was that wo might bo given victory over Min nesota, but that now there must bo two prayers. Ho prophesied victory for' Nebraska next Saturday. In con clusion he-declared himself In favor of football, provided It was played by legitimate students, and expressed himself as believing that every man on tho Nebtaska team was liorp for work first and football next - UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, J905. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)OOOCXXXXXXXXXX) sophomore: hop .FIRST DANCE OF FRATERNITY HAUIvp WALT'S FULL ORCHESTRA TICKETS CXXXXXX)COCOCOOCOCOCXXXXXXXXXXXX)COCOCXXXXXXXX)COOOO All this tlmo the crowd had been howling for Coach Booth, and It be ing thought that tho professors of tho University had been given enough prominence to show to tho outside world that tho University Is not an ap pendix to football. Dr. Bolton graci ously permitted him to address tho students. With his face wreathed in a smile which Immediately won tho heart of every co-ed, "Bummy" re lieved himself of the following expres sions: "We are going up to Michigan to win, and overy man on tho toam feels it in his bones that ho is going to win, for wo havo fight, spirit, and that which can't bo licked. Spirit at tho University of Nebraskhaslncroased five hundred per cent in the past five years, as Is shown by tho crowds which turn out to tho games and to practices, as well as by such demon strations as this, and it Is In this that Nebraska receives her greatest gain from tho football successes of the past." After Jack Best had told tho boys that ho knewwo would win, nnd that Ac could already hear the, boll ringing, Assistant. Conch Westoyor.watf called for to tell about Michlgan,vus ho had seen tho gnmo with VandorbUt last Saturday. He said: "I suppose you follows want to kndwv what I think of our chances afttir see ing tho game with Vnnderbllt. Well, I 'havo felt over slnco last fall when the game was scheduled' that wo wore going to win, and now I am twlco as confident of It. That Michigan bunch is fast, but wo are Just a little bit faster. They are fighters for every inch of ground on that field, but wo can beat them at that game, too, and wo are going to wn the game. What struck me most up there was tho cheering, They had ono song they sang while everybody was standing up, and a fellow In tho rear punched mo nnd mado mo stand up too. Then an other thing, they cheered the othor toam frequently. Every- tlmo a man had to tako out time, they would glvo him a good send-off when he got to 1 (Continued on pago 2.) CXXXX)CX3CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)CXXXXXX)CXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOCO k o o t CHICAGO vs. LINCOLN . .! Returns from Michigan-Nebraska Gattfe to be announced. Nebraska Field, Saturday, Oct. Admission 60 cents. THE SEASON FRIDAY, OCT. 27tlh $1.50 . HIGH SCHOOL GAME. .Lincoln Meets North Division on the Gridiron Tomorrow. ' University students aro displaying much Interest In tho game between tho high school and tho North Division J high school of Chicago, which Is to bo played on tho campus tomorrow nftor noon. This gumo will probably settle tho question of tho championship of tho weBt, as tho Lincoln boys havo won the championship of tho Missouri Valley for a number of year, and tho Chicago playors aro at tho head ot their class in tho Mississippi Valley. Tho act that roturns from tho great Ann Arbor gamo aro to bo read oVory minute or two will -induco n largo number of students to attend tho game, as they would rather sit In a grand stand and listen to the reports than stand out In tho middle of a street and attempt to forco tholr way up to a window on which vtho report Is pasted. There will bo a special wire run di rectly to tho grandstand, and a mem ber of tho Nebraskan staff will read the returns as fast as they como In. Reports of other games will also bo announced whenever received, The gamo. will begin promptly nt three O'clock, tho. samo time as the eastern contest, The Lincoln boys aro confident of putting up a fino showing against the Chicago team, but aro by. means sure of winning the game; Fred Hunter Will .arrive this afternoon and will give thorn a few finishing touches in Oiq oftort to .better their team work, which has been a little weak this year, and he will undoubtedly fill Coach Benedict's placo very satisfac torily In putting a Httlo ginger Into t,he men during the game. PALLADIAN PROGRAM. Den Zwanzigsten Oktober 1905. tflavler Sblo. ...... .'.Fraulein Anthes Vortfag :Horr Thompson Eln Brief. Frauloln O'Connel Die Wachtam Rheln ...... Ljedorkranz Waswlrd's seln?.. .Horn Clark Klavler4 Duet..-,....' , ' . .'.Stolhilffer und Fraulein Anthes b All 2 Price 5 Cents Off TO MICHIGAN .-Aim TEAM LEAVE8 FOR ANN ARBOR IN MIDBT OF WILD CHEERINQ. Nineteen Men Accompany Coach Booth on the Trip North Prospects Bright The enthusiusm which causod such on enthusiastic mooting In Memorial hall yesterday morning reached tho climax last evening nt tho B. and M, depot. Never wns a football toam given such a send-off by Nebraska students. About fivo hundrod studonts added cheer to tho crowd bound Mlchl ganwar'd by their lusty yells. At five-thirty tho band wagon, car rying tho team und subs loft tho train- table quarters, drawn by a crowd of students nbout one block In length. The men woro accompanied by tho University cadet band and battalion. This largo crowd was augmented un til it was of a groat sitfe by tho tlmo It reached tho depot. , At tho depot tho band wagon wns. drawn up besido the specinl car for tho team, and the men carried Into' tho car. Tho wagon wasthen usod for a platform, and several professors and prominent studonts spoke to-tho crowu. tho university yeliB wore given with such strength that nearly . . every ono present is spanning in a whisper today. ' Tho car was decoratod on tho InBlde with the University colors, scarlet and cream. Tho mon will carry with them .to Ann Arbor the colors, which thoy aro to defend, and which overy true Nebraskan bollovcs thoy will honor by victory.. Never was Nebraska- rep- resented by "a stronger toam bf con sistent, strnlght, hard football players. Every man knows tho gamo from start to finish. If Yost'spets" win In Saturday's gamo thoy will jIay the gamo fit t their lives. v Booth put tho men through a light" practice last night In tho s.od near tho Library. It was only for tho purpose of limbering tho men up. before thoy. lpft on the long trip. A short practice of signals was lndulgod In, as well ns somo punting. Tho mon appeared to , bo In dfe pink of condition, nnd seemed to havo every part of tho gamo down to a science. Supper was sorved at tho training table before the team loft. Tho men who will accompany Booth, Westqver, , and Morrison ate at the table, that Is, the team and subs.. Besides the three ' abovo named .persons,' Dr, Poyntor will accompany the team as physician, As sistant 'Manager Woods, Jack Best, Shlndall, James Van .Burg; and, Regent Teeters. Tho members of tho team and subs that make tho trip are: 7 Benedict, Johnson. Rice. -x Borg. ' Lundln. Schmidt. Burns. Little. Taylor." Boekly. Lantz. Weller; Cotton. Morse. '"'Wilson. Denslow. Mason. Nelson. Eager. Found On tho campus, Thursday, O'ptober 19, holder, containing pen and pencil. Owner can have" same by. call- ing at Nebraskan . offlco and proving', property.- - . . . I Best 15;c6nt meals. Phoenix Res. 1 taurant " . "V t ' ".t-' X N "41 ". V k; ! . ' -'..! 5 M 7 T, Qi ,v- -. ' -.. '.55 .1 fa r t i; - V - - if- ., 'I'v.ioi. aKa.