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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
las TBS ran fl'.r11,.;, n.ESS 1 v J THE DVIllY PiEBRASKAN, T. B R F L-f f A fo. Ck Z)ap ftebraskan A conflolldatlon of Tho IIoMporlan, Vol. 31, Tho Nobrnsknn, Vol. 10, Bcurlot and Cream, Vol. 4. PubllBhod dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tlio Unlvjurftlty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho'llcoporlun Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. LaUrcnco FosBlor. II. P. Lcavltt. DwlRht Cramor. A. Q. Schrolbor. Edltor-ln-Chlof J. p. ClarkJ Manncor Fred NaURhtonl Circulator .Walter 13. Standovcn Athlotlo H. A. Van Orndol Editorial Roomr, U 204. BuulnosB Ofllco, U 211 V. Poat Onico-Htatlon A, Lin coln, Nob. Ofllco liourflofbuslneBB Manager and Editor, lliOP'to 11:30 dally. Totebnono Automatic 1528 light Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Prlco, $2 por year In advanco Entered at tho postolllco .at Lincoln. Nob., as Bocond-claBB' mall mattor undor the act of conprruHB of March 3, 1879'. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published free, an berotoforo. A GOOD SEND'OFF. . Tho Nebraska football team loaves for 'Ann Arbor this ovonlng at six o'clock, determined to play tho, groat CBt gamo over put up by u fotball team of tho west and to do what no team has boon, able to accomplish for tho paHt six- yenrs defeat Michigan. Tho-Wolverines have practically the cntlro team which they played last sea son, only two men having fiflled co show up, and with the addition of a season's coaching io tho experience which they havo ulroady had, they will in all probability bo tho hardest team to defeat in tho country. Above all, they havo Yost to coach them, and ti : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUDD'S DOLLAR I will soil kids by tho pair for 81.00, that I know nro worth a half moro. My Glovo spscinlty IS THE DOLLAR BOY. t - $2.50 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo this nienns moro than tho presonco of half a dozen Btars to tho team, for ho has tho roputatlon of being tho great est coach In Amoricn, and has devel oped toams which havo goho through seasons without being scored against and ' whlchJiavo rolled up unprece dented scores against colleges which could glvo othor largo teams an excit ing timo. ,Ta Uofent , this romarknblo team, thrco things N are necessary ho ut most offorts of thd coach, tho unpar- 'iffltiled playing of tho mon, and tho tin- , divided support of tho student body. ' Tho first two aro assured. It Is now tho duty of tho students to show that thoy aro willing to do tholr part, and tho opportunity to do so comes this evening. Preparations aro made for tho greatest send-off a Nobraskn team over received, and all tho particulars wIU bo announcod at tho special mass mooting this morning. Tho only thing loft (or tho students to do Is to bog q thcscylanB-flro. carried out to the .letter, and It Ik absolutely Imperative that evory man bo down at tho station to. cheer 'for tho mon who are going ' to show what a Nebraska- team under Booth's coaching can do. Do this, and - a victory over Michigan is- assured If it IS in thopower of any team on earth to win .one. Final Practice. Tho football men continued work last night on tho vacant plcco of ground southwest of tho Library Hall. Tho men showed a marked improve ment In their work last night, and wero. able to get around on tho sod moro effectively than thoy have at any provlous practice. A heavy sod makes It hard to secure a good footing, as tho football shoes do not take a hold as woll as thoy do In looso ground. Tho work last night was dovoted to kicking, passing, and catching punts. Cotton was given a trial at kicking from placement, and was nblo to get tho ball off In comparatively Bhort time, owing to tho excellent way In which Borg passed It. Morso tried punting and his work was especially worthy of praise. Ho sends tho ball high and a good distance," tho punts averaging about forty-flvo yards. Nel son was in Borg's place part of the timo and was vory suro In his passes .regardless of how much Bootii and Borg tried to 'Tubb' him. A short scrimmogo was also indulged in by tho squad, although no heavy work .was -done. Last night's practice will be the last practice, except for a Bhort practice in Ann Arbor Friday night, until tho biggest game of tho season for Nebras ka and Michigan is played on Satur day. The work-of both toaniB and tho coaching of both schools havo been di rcctod to this one game of tho season. Both tennis will go on to tho gridiron Saturday with the firm determination to win. The crowds of spectators that gather In Ann Arbor on next Satur day to seo tho Michlgan-Nobraskn gamo will witness an exhibition of football that will not bo surpassed on thq Western gridiron this. year. Long and sensational runs- will be out of tho question, for tho gamo will be a KIDS Hatter - 1141 O oooooooooooooooooooooooooo battle royal from start to finish. Nebraska should bo congratulated this year in tho number of mon who havo turned out for football practice Heretofore the squad has diminished in tho latter part of tho season until only tho team and subs romalned, but samo forty men report every evening and work as earnestly to hotter tho team as thoy did In .ho fore part of tho season. Such' enthusiasm among tho mon is surely indicative of a win ning team. Other Western teams havo experienced difficulty In this part of the gamo, that is. not having sufficient material to glvo tho first team mon good hard practice. Tho team leaves this ovonlng over tho Burlington going direct to Ann Arbor by tho way of Chicago. Thoy will arrive In Ann Arbor about 4 p. m. on Friday. Tho mon who will mako tho trip- with Booth, Westovor and Manager Morrison aro: - A letter from ft. B. Towno has boon recolvod'by a member of tho faculty, which will bo of much interest to many pf tho Engineers. Mr. Towne says in part: ', . There are Avo of last year's class at:- work hero for tho Westlnghdftiso Co. -Wo aro working lntho apprentice plass, which is an aggregation of nton JMJJIJJIJ WE BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING And believe that every loyal Utiiversity student should patronize Nebraskan ad vertisers. They will find them to be the leaders in their particular .lines and will ing to do everything possible to please you. Why not show your loyalty to the University and to your own paper? MENTION THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WPWWPWWWfWi representing seventy-two colleges. These men form the Electric Club, which has over COO members. It is a club for soqlal and educational pur poses. Each Saturday a college en tertains the club at the rooms, pro pares and does all tho stunts, etc. Last Saturday night the men from Cornell did tho work. Our turn will come later on. Now none of us arc musical, or jugglers, so we havo to form somo other Idea. Wo thought that wo might get tho nso of somo of those famous moving pictures of Ne braska Bconcs. Such an exhibition hero could not help but bo entertain ing to all these people, who are almost all from the East, and I do not be lieve, a better advertisement for Ne braska could bo given. Tho mombors who will go to Ann Arbor are in all probability: Borg. Taylor. Rico. Nelson. Cotton. Wellor. Burns. Johnson. Donslow. Benedict. Wilson. Schmidt. LIttlo. Mason. Eager. Morso. Beokly. Work is In progress for tho construc tion of a residence for tho superintend ent nt the North Platte sub-station. A barn Is also being built to winter tho stock. Tho cost of both will bo about $5,500. Tho 'final survey Is being made for Jho sower from tho Stato Farm to Salt creek and tho contract for tho Job will bo lot In a fow days. 0OOG)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The Lincolh Candy ...Kitchen... - R MAKES f INE f RESH CANDY .EVERY DAY HANOY BOXES AND FOOT-BALLS Try our "Happy Thought" Sundaes 1337 0 STDEET W H Y IN OXP Send your Laundry to us? We do good work and savQ you money besides A ' Shirts 5c to 10c Collars 2Jc Cuffs, por pair fie HELIi PHONE 805. AUTO 441 MERCHANTS LAUNDRY oooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Waterville Pocket Knives EVERY ONE GUARANTEED HALLS. 1308 O STREET i: IIIIIIIimilllllllitTTTy. IJWALKOVER R $3.50-$4.00 V. yictitww Shoes of Character For Men of Taste ROGERS & PERKINS ' . 1129 O STREET 3 A u - in frr f ill Jv V imiwiMBruarV jUllIIIITirilllTTTTTTTTTTT . Xi 4 .1 -tt ' . iu"- , :u, w. -j;; ' ' v.'Wi.haSrfJMteiai'j -- '