The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1905, Image 1

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    Tl V x V
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Vol. V, No. l
Price 5 Cents
g)attg fiebragfen
,J, - ,N
- Arl Enthusiastic Meeting of the Stu
dents to Give the Football Team
a Send-Off for Michigan.
Today at 11 o'clock there will gather
together In Memorial Hnll a crowd of
the most enthusiastic students that
over gathered togethor to give a foot
ball team a send-off. The entire am
bition and desire of every Nebraska
student is to down Michigan. With
this as tlfe watchword, tho supporters
of the scarlet and cream will bo given
a send-off this morning that will never
bo" forgotten. And when the train
loaves the Burlington depot .tonight It
will carry with It a bunch of men
..... v,u.J 1KW lb 11 UU1IU11 Ul 111 CI I.
whtfso one aim and determination ia
to bring defeat Into Yost's camp. I ten days,. cut tho screens to the wln
' Tho University Cadet band will start dows on tho first floor and ran away.
luiiibo luuuy uy piaying one rousing
piece of music just before tho time
for tho rally. While this Is being
played tho students will gather In 'tho
hall whore tho speeches, football songs,
Uni yolls, and other stunts will take
place. Chief rooters Wilson and Zim
mor will bo on hand to take charge
of tho rooting at the close of. tho regu
lar program. . .
Tho men who will speak at the mass
meeting are ones who have always
beon prominent In athletics as advisers
and enthusiasts. It Is quite probable
" that Dr. Poijnd will be In charge of
the meeting, and every student knows
' Dean Pound's ablljty to got onthuslasm
out of a crowd. Such men as Booth,
'Westovor, Borg; Professor Caldwoll,
Dr. Bolton and others will address the
......... ....
Btudonts. It is sure that these men
will have something to say to tho stu
dents that will "bo vory. interesting.
This evening at the depot the men
will bo given the final farewell, and if
present Indications count for anything,
- tho Burlington depot will 1)0 beselged
. by the most enthusiastic crowd of stu
dents that over gathered in that place.
Every man on tho team will bo mado
fel that ho has a part in tho com
ing contest which" tho students have
every confidence that ho will fill. Can
tain Workizor, commandant of tho bat
talion, has dismissed the battalion and
band. Tho captains will march the
companies to tho depot and dismiss
them from there.
Every loyal student should remem
ber these appointments 'and keep them
as a part of thoir day's work. Wo meot
Michigan fortho first time, and it is
up to us to mnko tho gamo'a strong
-one" in order may bo opor
manont part of our schedule. Our part
, in giving tho team a. send-off in tho
.proTpor spirit means a groat deal to tho
men, more than w.o for a minuto
Harry Portor will report full partic
ulars of tho Nebraska-Michigan game.
Come and get in tho game. Bring
your friends.
Tho' convocation tomorrow will bo
devoted to tho usual musical program.
.Tho attraotlon this tjmo will bo a
string quartet and- organ.
Dr. Haggard, 212-2-3 Richards Blk.l
P. J. O'Gara Wanders From Hospital
Lawyers Search. .
About seven o'clock Tuosday night,
P. . J. O'Gara, who had beon In St.
Elizabeth's Hospital for tho preceding
Ho had been suffering from mental
aberration brought on by an attack of
typhoid fever, and was to have beon
taken homo by his brother, who Is a
member of tho Senior law class, yes
terday morning, and It Is believed that
he thought ho was going to bo taken
to tho Insane Asylum, and accordingly
decided to mako his escape. An hour
or so later his absence was notod and
Immediately reported to his brother,
who, together with Dr. Pound and a
number of the students of tho law
school, made a thorough search of tho
country around tho hospital. It was
found that Mr. O'Gara had taken a
course to tho east, then turned south,
and then west,in tho evident deslro to
throw off pursuors. His trail was lost
about a milo and a half southwest of
tho hospital, and altnougn tho search
was kept up until three- o'clock, and
was renewed in tho morning by tho en
tiro, Senior class, no further trace has
been found.
Mr. O'Gara graduated from tho Unl
vorslty a few years ago, and has been
engaged in tho government botanical
service over since his 'graduation. Ho
has many friends around tho Univer
sity, and they will all await anxiously
further news of him.
Pershing RIflo drill tonight in tho
Armory at 7:15. Thoso who deslro to
maka out applications for membership
may obtain blank forms from any of
tho first sergeants. By Order of tho
Captain.' . .
Tho Forest Club meets Saturday
evening at 8o'clock in N. 110. Profes
sor Miller will talk on "Recent Events
in Forestry." All students taking work
In fprestry should como out.
8 n
' Returns from Michigan-Nebraska- Game
to be 'annbtiricfcla. . , .
Nebraska Field) Satoy, Oct. 2 1
" I
' o
1 1 :00 O'CLOCK
University Chorus.
At tho last -mooting of tho Unlvor
slty Chorus tho first stops toward or
ganlzatlon wero taken and tho follow
ing officers-woro elected:' President,
Mr. Todd; vice-presidont, Miss Green
wald; secretary, Miss Cull; troasuror,
Mr. Long; librarian, Miss Stobblns.
As yot no namo has boon suggested
or adopted. Mfs. Raymond, however,
said they woro on tho lookout for ono
and tho lucky porson who could find
a sultablo ono would bo correspond
ingly rewarded. Hero Is another
chanco to get your namo In public.
Mrs. Raymond Is open to suggestions
In other schools of our caliber and
oven those of less pretentions, they
havo University Choruses numbering
several, hundrod. .At tho present ours
has but about sixty, very few of whom
aro men, and if those disappointed
warblers who tried for tho Glee Club
will only present themselves they will
bo received with open arms and tho
chorus will bo strengthened vory ma
terially. Just because tlioro is no trip
don't think that tho advantages aro
small. Mrs. Jtaymond as a leader is
vory flno and In. tho ond you will fool
well repaid. Incidentally it might bo
mentioned that
hour credit is
given for tho three hours a week at
tendance and that ono may register
yot, at least for tho noxtfew days,
without phargo.
Those who can sing -at all should
think of tho opportunity thoy aro miss
ing and at tho same time how much
thoy could help tho University along
this lino. Football, Dobating Glee
Club and practically all other depart
ments havo mado rapid Btrldes of lato.
Hero Is still a weak placo. Remem
ber, Monday, ' Wednesday and Friday'
evenings at 5 p. m. will find you a
welcome at the nameless wonder for
merly linown as tho University Chorus.
'Tho .English Club will meet with
Miss Pound, 1632 L street, Saturday,
October 21.
. Eat, at Don Cameron's now restau
rant, 119 So. 12th S"t.
B A Lv L
50 cents.
Men Who Are Fortunate Enough to
Make the Club Selected at Last
Many Fine Voices.
Aftor throo wcoks of practice ond
try-outs, tho Gloo Club was" soloctod
finally last night, and will nt onco got
down to good hard work, so that Ne
braska can havo tho sort of represen
tatives sho has boon looking for. Tho
many try-outs havo beon under tho di
rection of Mr. Budd Glllesplo, tho di
rector of tho .club, and ho has been
assfstod In tho solectlon of tho mon by
Manager Dirks and Mr. KIrkpatrIck of
tho School of Music. Each man hns
been glvon a vory thorough tcst, and
glvon ovory opportunity pohslblo to
show what ho could do. Of tho two
hundrod applicants for positions, about
sovonty-fivo woro choson during tho
first wcok as being tho ones who
showed up bent, and tho last two
weeks has boon a gradual weeding out
of tho. poorer singers among thoso mon,
until finally tho squad was cut down
to Its present size. All this has re
quired much patienco and caro on tho
part of tho director, and ho certainly
deserves groat credit for tho manner
In which ho has discharged his duties.
Of tho men now selected, only halt
will bo ablo to mako tho groat trip'
which has boon arranged for noxt
spring, and this half will be selected
In tho same way as tho present club
has boon picked. Thoso mon who
show tho greatest interest In tho club,
tho best stago presonco, and tho best
voices will bo tho ones who will toko
tho trip to tho Pacific. Who thoy will
bo wljl not bo known until aftor tho
Annual Homo Concert, and tho show;
ing mado by each man then will count
a great deal towards his chances.
With this as tho reward, it is a cer
tainty that ovory man will do his ut-
taost, ond as a result tho University'
will undoubtedly bo represented by. a
remarkably flno Glee Club.
Following oro tho selections:
Second Base B. B. Glllesplo, J. A.
Mould, E. L. Williams, J. R. Coloy,
Arthur Nelson, John H. Ageo, Charles
B. Duor, Yolo C. Holland.
First Bass- Chester Porks, Frod
Kavan, E. H. Johnson, Frank, Hutjson,
D. D. Plumb, A. B. Crabill, J. L. Stanl,
C R. Burky.
Second Tonor-yG. S. Johnston, Fred
Falrrann, R. E. Todd, J.D. Walker,
C. E. Johnston, H. L. Holllngsworth, '
N. L. Provost, M. L. Kimmel.
First 'Tenor G. A. Ireland, G. G.'
Caughoy, Glenn Mason, T. A. Hutton.
J.- W. Dorwort, A. J. Cobb.
A recont bulletin from tho United
States Department of Agriculture - on
Plant. Breeding contains a paper by
Professor Lyon of' tho University of
Nebraska on tho brooding of wheat,
which ho has been conducting at tho
Experiment Station. - Its reading at o
recent meeting of scientific men atraqt
od the favorable attention Qf thoso who
wore present as shown by the discus
sion which followed.
Best 16-cent meals,- Phoenix Res
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