LZ1.T jCJM J. II. I LJIT;.. j.Lr c frn-H w4MMtt THE DAILV NEBRASKAN K V I- v. - ft.- v . 1 k THE CATERER. 'THE UNP.8 1NDI8PEN8IBLE." We certainly know how.. Lady atten dant If desired. SPALDING'S Official Foot Ball Guide FOR 1905 Hdlted by WALTER CAMP. Containing tho nowly rovlsod OFFI CIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures of loading toams, embracing over 2,500 payors. PRICE, 10 CENTS r?.Fo-'Balo..UynU Nowsdoators, Athlotlc Goods Daalers and Depart ment Stores. . Spalding's catalogue or nil athletic sports trailed froo to any address. A. G. SPALDING k BROS. Now York, Boston. Buffalo, Chicago, -Mifrioapolls, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Pittsburg, San Francisco Now Orleans; Syracuse, Cincinnati, - Montreal, Can., London, England. 'FOLLOW THE FLAG." JHOME VISITORS EXCURSION, NO VEM'BER 27TH. To many points in Illinois. Indiana, 'Ohio, Kentucky, Western Pennsylva nia, Now York and Wost Virginia, at . QRArLY'JtEDUCI3D RATES. 'Tho WABASH has solid road-bed, iroclc ballast, and now equipment; re dlining chair cars (SEATS FREE). For rates, maps and all information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far ,nam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., '. Omaha, Nobr. BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs COPYRIQHTS AC. Anyone sending aekctrh and deacripUqn mar flutoklr Asoertnlti our opinion free wvetbor an Juvoutlrm Uprobablf nntonall. Cotnmunlca. , onjiOrlctjroonndontial. WuWMQK on Patent! .entfreo. Oldoet agon or fur eeonrinjr patents. ttnU ukon UirouKh Munn A Co. recelr iQpatwt Kotfef, without charge, la the $wntiiic imerKiin. A KiutiUnmAfr lllnfttratod weeklr. Tjinreat clt r. largest cli l. Terms. 93 11 newadealen oaUUJcm of nnract4Miuaa Journal. Terms. 93 a wri ifturmonuia, bl twiaqjiui newaaeaierm. Wm & CO 381Bry. NewYork Ington, B. C. roacU Offloe, OB V St Washington, FoKlMY, JniL i 1! i i:tt The Mlchlgan-Vanderbllt Game. .Tho low score which Mlchlgnn was nblo to run up against Vanderbllt last Saturday has lod many Nobraskans to Imagalno that Michigan wns weak or than UBual this yoar, and that wo would have a comparatively oasy time In keeping them from scoring. That this is a groat mistake Is shown by tho. fact that Vanderbllt did not make first down once, and only hold Michi gan three times. The following ex cerpts from tho report of. the game In tho Michigan Daiy will also servo to show tho great game played by the Ann Arbor mem: In splto of tho low score, Michigan yostorday played tho best game of tho season. Tho addition of Schulte, Schultz and Rhelnschild did wonders In strengthening-tho line, and the few assaults that Vunderbilt made upon it were ropulsed for no gain. While tho team work was not all that could bo desired, and often tho backs were al lowed to carry tho ball with little or no assistance, yet there was . a dash and vim displayed that stood in re freshing contrast to the dreary, per functory manneV In which tho plays wore run off In Wednesday's game. Had the same line-up which played against Ohio Northern faced Vander bllt yesterday, Michigan would cer tainly have gone down to inglorious defeat. Never did Joe Curtis show to better advantage than yesterday. Whenever It was third down and three yards to gain Joe wus called back and given the ball. Hurling his huge form in a headlong dive at tho Vanderbllt line which stood like a stone wall, hurdling over the writhing heaps where the op posing lines struggled, staggering toward tho opponents' goal line while four or five, southerners clung to him in a frantic endonvor to bring him down, tho big fellow wns the only mun on the Michigan team who was nover stopped. Tom Hammond, too, played in old-time form. Time' after time he dashed through Vanderbllt's line for gains and dnce he broke, loose and ran thirty yards before Kyle, who was playing back for the Commodores, got him. Football Game Saturday, University students will not have to miss going to a football gamo next Saturday merely because the team will bo playing Michigan that day, for a game will bo playpd on the campus which will undoubtedly, be far bettor than any of tho enrly season games of the varsity. This will bo the con test between tho teams representing the Lincoln High School and the North Division High School of Chicago. Tho homo toam Is undoubtedly the cham pion of tho state and probably of the Missouri Valley, and the Chicago" team won tho championship of tho United States last year by defeating the champion eastern high school team. Aside from tho quality of football shown by tho two teams, tho game will bo Interesting beca'uso the Lincoln team has alwnyB bpen coached by ox varsity players. Tho present coach is ox-Captain Benedict. As ho will ac company Nebraska to Michigan, ho will ' bo unable to bo with tho boys after Thursday, and Fred Hunter, who dovolopod tho wonderful team of tho high school last year, will come up frojn Fairmont Friday to glvo the boys a Tew finishing touches. Tho game will without doubt be tho best high school gamo that will bo played west of Chicago this .year, and will bo an exhibition of footbo.ll which, In s.omo respects, will bo more enjoyablo' than that of the Varsity, owing to tho fact that tho high school boys are lighter,. FALL SUITS, TOP COATS CRAVEN ETTES r BccauBO of tho improved mothods omploycd in tho making such ns the anticipated measure ment system our "Kensington" clothes have bocomo famous. Tho fit is striking, tho stylos admirable, Only tho best; cloths aro used and tho garmqnts produced avo roady for service An elabozate display of Blacks, Blues and Pat- terns in all tfye new Coat Models $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30. MAGEE DEEMER 1109 O St. ii and thero are not so many bruises and other Injuries. As an additional Incentive for a big crowd to go to the game, the high school management nnd the Nobras kan have completed arrangements whereby bulletins direct from Ferry Field at Michigan will be read every few minutes nnd the spectators will have an opportunity to see two games at tho same time, one actually, ono mentally. Tho game will begin at three o'clock. Admission is 50 cents, there being no extra charge for grandstand seats. Notice. News and other Items lor the Ne braskan should be handed into thb office at tho east end of tho hall of the second' floor of University Hall. They Bhould not be put In the box on the outside of the office, as the box be- langs to tho Latin Department, and not to the Nebraskan, but should bo put oh the hook Inside the office. If the operator Is to write as f?.3t ns she can read, she must bo able to SEE also. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 136 No. 11th St. Bell Phone, 348; Auto 3881. Eat at Dom Cameron's new restau rant, 119 S: 12th St. Orders taken for class caps, strong Clothing Co. Arm- Geology 15 will meet in N. 201, Wed nesdays, at 11 o'clock. Green's Barber Shops 4 Paluco Mogul Armstrong hatters. Clothing Co., practical Best 15-cent taurant meals. Thoenlx Res- Star Delivery Co.,- Baggage.' Phones. Both Chapln Bros, Florists, 127 So.' 13th. Unl Music Cafo, $3,00 tickets, $2.85. L Oliver Cigar Co.. 135-137 .No. 13th. Dress suits, $35and up. Ludwlg's: School of Music Cafo now open.- Kensington" Suits Thoy Fit. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Q era Hot fnAles andFlne Meals and Lunches. 1 17-121 N.rtk IS Street WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . ' GREER-COOPER CO. 1134. O STREET. New York Bostonand The East Fast dally train service via the Chicago & North- Western Railway. the double-thick railway from the Missouri River to Chicago, .connect ing at Chicago with all lines for all points EaSt. The trains of the North-Western Line are most .completely equipped forthe safety and comfort of patrons. Tfie Best of Everything TJuiets nd full Information on Application to R. W. McGINNIS, Afcont, 102k) Street CMcfo NwllhWesteni Railway INWM60 . M 1 -kl "J 'i'fl 1 J m I . T ir i rv o i ,' -