iTr.?i.'r 5 v,77 r n" " v. CJ KU,. .., T- p . THE DAILY NEBRASKA ..' - A ;? fr ' i i L;: iV inlniHnlnl(inlr)lrttilnfcttftifc HH Jfc. M i r it H Kvnrv T .si vat ITnlwairaltir Rlmlani la H ---.-- "-"" " -. it erged ie pntroniso tticae nabms BUSINESS DIRECTORY linn advertisers, and to mention -x tfee ,pper white doing to. I m CLASSIFIED COLUMN CIGARB AND TOBACCO Oliver Ci gar Co. BARBER SHOPS The Aristo, Green's Palace. Mogul, George's Place. BOdKS-STATIONERY- Co-op, Lin coln; Book Store, Ilnl. Book Store, Brown Drug. Co.j Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug Store. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Mu- gee & Deemer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltobrqast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL-i-Pitts. ' DRUGGISTS Stelner & Woempener, Brown, Mann, Rector, JHarley, Rlggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- sheimer. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin. Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Gtienzel Co., . Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS P. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY ?2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzel Co., HalLBr'oB. HOTELS Llndell, ICE CREAM ALICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. . LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., Morchant3. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PRINTING-Georgo Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Pressovlcw Press, Greer Cooper Co. RESTAURANTS WesterQeld, Cam eron, Good Health, Don sCafe; SHOES Sanderson. n. SHINING PARLOR Union. ,Shintag Parlon ' ' ' X TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg. SPECIALS NOTICES. Itato ono cent por word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. FOUND. A PLACE to get a good J2.50 hat. J 2; GO Hat Store. 1141 O St ' WANTED. QOOD pianists to play for gymnasium clnBfics. Apply. for particulars at ofllco of women's gymnasium. BOOKS 8ECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at great reductions. University Book Storo. DENTI8T8. DR. EARL TRUELL, 1105 O St. DR. P. A. MOTIS, 51 Burr Blk. PHY8ICIAN8. DR. H. J. LEHNHOFF, 145 So. 11th St. Tel.: Bell 486, Auto. 248Q. DR. C. W. M.. POYNTER, 1105 O St. Phone: Bell L 025, Auto. 2343. HAIR DRE88ER8. BEAUTY Parlors, 1312 N St. ME88ENGER8. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 100, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIE8. KEYS .and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp &. Co., 308 So. 11th St. 08TEOPATH8. MORELOCK & SMITH, 16 Oliver Thea tre Bldg. Tel.: Bell F 672, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, prlvato ambulance service. 120-4 So. 13th St. rauts for $2.20 each. Address 46, Dally Nebraskan. FOR SALE Now Gym Outfit, com plete; pants 32-32, Bhoes 8. Half price. - . .--.. . Roller 8katlng On In Earnest. The popular sport of roller skating is again taking possession of tho cen ter of tho stago of tho amusement world, arid nearly overy nfternoon and evonlng finds a number of enthusiasts enjoying a spin on tho smooth floor of the Auditorium. This indoor sport became very popular among Unlvor Blty students last year and from tho present outlook will be even more popular this year. A skating club Is being talked of and If n certain num ber will Join tho Auditorium will bo reserved for them especially. Thte feature, together with tho gamo of roller polo, which 1b soon to be Intro duced, should attract a number, of stu dents. 'Ladies aro admitted free afternoons. Start tbo school year right by get ting a nice engraved preprinted card. George Bros.,' printers, ", 'Fraternity Bldg., 13th and W,3ti . ' Remarkable Reduction in Rates to the South. Qn October 3 and 17, November 7 and 21, December 6 ana is, tne mis soiirl Pacific will sell round trip tick ets' to many points in Southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory., Arkansas, TezaB and Louisiana at 75 per cent of the one way rate. For example, round trip rate to Ft. Worth, Tex., will be 13.$5, to, GalveG-, tori,. $20.35, .to .Oklahoma City, $10.00, etc; Two' dally trains, with Pullman sleeper every night to Kansas City. Full information, at City Tipket Of fice,' S. W. Cor. 12th & O streets. , F. D. CORNELL,, f. P. & T. A. ; AUTOMOBILE8. FOR RENT. Lincoln Automobile Co., 122 N. 13th St. . BATHS. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE. 11th and P St'e. LADIES' bath and massage parlors. 124 No. 12th St. Miss Elizabeth Goodman. 8ANIT0RIUM. SULPHO-SALINE Bath House, 14th, ana ai bis. The principal "Big Nino" teama have been compelled by tho now Freshman rule to organize FreBhman teams, which play regular intercollegl ato games with tho Freshmen of other colleges. These teams are meant to be feeders to tho regular teams, and will undoubtedly answer their purpose very satisfactorily. One advantage of this method is that moro men will get out, as the chances for a place on the Freshman team seem much larger than the chances for places on the first team. At some of the colleges the main squad has fewer men than the Freshman. ly elcctod president of tho Unlvorsl'ty of Illinois. Ho finds that ho cannot nttond In person, and has sont tho greetings of tho Academy for reading at tho exorcises. Hd has sent a paper also for tho conferonco of tho trustees pi colleges, which takes place at Ur- uana tuis wook in connection with tho othor meetings. ' Llncolft Local Express, 1234 O 6t. Both phones. j Dr. Haggard, 212-2-3 Richards Blk. What Good is a f Watch if it Does'nt f Keep Right - Time 'I SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O. StS; ' JOIN the. club. 3 suits, 1 overcoat, cleaned undepressed, ji.oo. Elliott's, 1136 O St. : BAGGAGE TRANSFER. xAOER BROS., Basement "Windsor notch No. 11th St. Baggage and parcels. XICYCLE REPAIR8K SPORTING, goods, guns, bicycles, and phonographs. vy E. Parker, 1200 P St SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up-to-date repairing factory In the city. Prices tltolowest. Work manship tho beBt. 1220 O SL L08T. v LOST On the campus, October 12 a large brown leather hand-bag, con taining papers and money. Reward for return to Nebraskan office. , LGST Kappa Sig pin, about the campus Friday. Return to Dally Ne braskan office. ' r FOR RENT ROOMS. Comfortable students' room,' furnace, students' gas lamp, bath. $10, two. 534 N. 12th St., opposite campus. Cal at Nebraskan office. , FOR REfyT One furnished room for ono or two gentlemen; all mod ern., Phone Bell 77. ' 1044 S, 11th St. A largo . number of new chairs, equipped with note-book refits, aro stacked in the hallway of tho third floor of the main building, apparently waiting for somo placo -to be prepared for them. The members of the sed-ohd-year class woulj! welcome them If placed In U 107, In place of tho seats which are now there, as the latter aro very uncomfortable, and It Is not easy to sleep quietly 4n them. Perhaps yours is not running as it should., Suppose .you bring ft to us. We will lUake it run right. If we can't do it nobody can, and we'ir' tell you why. We do first-class jewelry re pairing, too, ' i:j.j HALLETT , . . ; uewcucn-ur" i iuimh " i H A i ' ''' "'I 114.1 II " l ni"' MHMaiMMMtal ? QUALITY .iLli OUR SO DA I 1 I TA8TE8 IJKE M01U5 Rlggs, Th6 D.TitSrtlr' 1321 qSt:' .V Professor Bessoy lias been appoint ed a delegate from Washington Acad eiriy of Sciences to attend the Instal latlon exercises of Dr. James, tnew IWll DON'S CAFE 114 Si, 11 I1 '.i' " J. Wiljhlrl(p Ladles' DlNlig Reel In CoRNCilM J o OPBN A A, M. T . t f;A-y-,'i m&tim 1 -''' V mw, FOR RENT Large furnished front room, bath and gas light. 1133 L St., TWO unfurnished robins' In private family; gentlemen preferred. 1746 Q St. Auto 2762. A BEAUTIFUL front- room, firs .floor; all modern conveniences; id two young ladles. 902 H St. Auto, 4410. 1 . ' FOR 9MLE. . FOR SALE Two three-dollar meal tickets on ono of the leading restau- ,x ). NEBRASKAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS , . ' ' . ; ' . 1 ' :j .1 - 1 WJ LH iw . fl mfm "X ; v i t.i 'I Ml ; O1 JA -v . .. w .. ' . Ft.'.- r -i. . -'-I ..; ,: . & ' 2 . v'.' . -; Js' y ' ' Ji. ." p-rt:.ArfZJCti ..fwjta- m .ji v3a:j..MWiLiJL.Tftrf3fiia r 'IflTl-! TW T " 1111 Mi i" T M" Tf.TJnaMVjIUSaHE