. Lf THE DAILY INEBlRAQKiqqS. A J . V !v i-t Mf IVs c "V ... BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student ! urged to pMrouUe theao Xfebraa- 4 1 Jean advertisers, nad to mention j the paper while doing so. t l t a OIGARS AND TOBACCO Olivor Ci gar Co. BARBER SHOPS Tho Arlsto, Green' Palace, Mogul, George's Place. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unh Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL-KJJllospio. .BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. , BOWLING ALLEY-rCrescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug Store. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup &' Food. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee and Deeme'r. f COAL Gregory, Whltobreast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DRUGGISTS Stelner & Woomponer, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harloy, Rlggs. DRY qOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- sheimer. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudgc fc Guonzel C:, Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY S2.G0 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgp & Guenzol Co. HOTELS Llndolh ' '' ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream" Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Greer Cooper Col RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam eron, Good .Health, Don's Cafe. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. :v-- TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwie. Start the school year right by get ting a "nice engraved or printed enrd, George Bros., printers, Fraternity Bldg., 13th and N Sts. Remarkable Reduction In Rates to tho South. On October 3 and 17, November 7 and 21, December 5 and 10, the Mis , souri Pacific will sell round trip tick ets to many polnfs in Southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at 75 per cent of tho mo waV rate. For example, round rip rate to Ft. Worth, Tex., will bo $13.05, to Galves ton, $20.35, to Oklahoma City, $10.00, " etc. Two dally trains, with- Pullman sleoper every night to- Kansas City. Full information at City Ticket Of flce, S. 'W. Cor. 12th & O streets. - , - 'F. D. CORNELL, ' p.. & t: a. New Cemttiry Printers 1S41-N BTREET-1241 , , Especially solicits the' . 'trade of those who ! '. wish it well printed. W ""nnc CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICE8. Ilntc ono cent per word each insertion', minimum, ten cents. FOUND. A' PLACE to got a good $2.G0 hat. $2.50 Hat Store, 1141 O St. FOR 8ALE. FOUNTAIN pen. good condition, dress Nebrnskan. No. 1. Ad- FOR SALE Cheup, uniform blouse and cap, first-class condition. Nebraska! G. PIANO, new, good make, at a bargain. Address Nebrnskan, No. 2. BICYCLE, first-class, new, at a reduc tion. No. 3, Nebrnskan. CADET uniform In good condition, second-hand. Address Nebrnskan 4. WANTED. uuou pianiBis to pmy ror gymnasium clufiscs. Apply for partlcularx at olllcc of .womon'n e-vmniinltlni. FOR RENT ROOM8. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern. Rooms C-7 Balsbury Blk., 12th und M Sts. BOOK8 SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at groat reductions. Untvorslty Book Store. DENTISTS. DR. EARL TRUELL, 1105 O St. DR. F. A. MOTIS, 01 Burr Blk. PHY8ICIAN8. DR. W. J. LEHNHQFF. 145 So. 11th St. Tel.: Boll 480, Auto. 248G. DR. C. W. M. POYNTER. 1105 O St Phono: Boll L 025, Auto. 2343. " HAIR DRE88ER8. BEAUTY Parlors, 1312 N St. MESSENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENOERS. Tel.: Bell 10, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIE8. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. Thorp & Cq., 308 So. 11th St. j OSTEOPATH8. MORELOCK & SMITH. 10 Oliver Thca tro Bldg. Tel.: Bell F C72, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, prlvato ambulunco service. 120-4 So. 13th St. AUTOMOBILES. F.OR RENT. Lincoln Automobile Co., 122 N. 13th St. BATHS. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE, 11th and P Sts. LADIES' bath and' irmssugo parjora. 124 No."12th St. Miss Elizabeth Goodman. SANITORIUM. SULPHO-SAblNE Bath IIoubo, HtJj and M Sts. 8UITQRIUM. HAVE ypur clothing cleaned and proBscd nt tho Weber Sultorlum, 11th und O ats. JOIN the qlub. 3 miltH, 1 overcoat, cleaned and prcHSod, $1.00. Elllott'H, 1136 o at. v- T BAGGAGE TRANSFER. r """ i PAGER BROS., Baaomont Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and, parcels. BICYCLE' REPAIRS. ' SPORTING goods, guns, bloWloH and phonogniphs. W. E. -Parker, 12Q0 P St. . SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up-to-dato repairing factoiy in tho city," Pi-Icch Uio lowcHt, Work jnnnshlp tho "best. 1220 O St. LOST. LOST. On tho campus, October 12, a large brown lctathor hand-bag, con taining papers and money. Reward for return to Nebraskan office. Sophomoro Hop Com. meet in Chem. Lecturo Room, Monday at 11 o'clock. - ' Geo. A. Leo, Fred Hunter, T. N. Flemfng, and L. L; Harton are in to boo tho game, and are Btaying at Iho Alpha Thetd 'Chi Jiousq. .' ,Our Cravonette rain-coats for young men .look lllio 4ovorcoats-rsoft' light and- dressy me most useiui garment l a -man can' have, oeo some of them Mn 'our west window. Paine Clo, Co. ATHLETES TO GET CREDIT IN DRILL. X. Military Department to QJve Credit to All First TeaprMen. Captain John O. jWorkizor, the new commandant, ha,s a warm spot In his heart for all athletics, "and has already caught the gonulno Nebraska spirit so far atf to mako tho most libofal con cessions to all men who engage In athlotlcs In the University. Without waiting for solicitation, ho- has "pro cured Chancellor Andrews' consent to a plan whoroby all-athletes who are on tho first squads of any branch of athletics will bo excused from drill during tho season, and will recolvo credit for tho time they aro excused. Further than this, ho has made tho provision that all men wh6 win an "N" In any branch of athlotlcs will bo excused from the mlltary requirements for tho entire somester In which they win the initial, and" will got credit for drill at tho same tlmo. Aftor tho ex perience of the last fow years, theso concessions will bo a very agreeable surprise to students, and will insuro a lasting popularity for tho man who has made them. In dotall, tho plan is as follows: All men who make a first team or aro substitutes for the first team will bo oxctiBod from drill for tho season during which that team plays, and upon drilling and attondlng the classes In Military Science during tho remain dor of tho semester, will receive credit for tho entire somestor. All jpen who win an "N" will be ex cusetifrom all drill for tho entire se mester, but will receive drill credit nevertheless. This applies to football, baseball, basket-ball, and track. Convocation Monday. At Convocation Monday, Dean'Davls will address tho students on the sig nificance of Johns , Hopkins in-higher education In America. Dr. Bessey will bo chaplain. Frank Beors, '05, formerly basket ball manager and member of tho Ath letic Board, is visiting his old friends. Ho Is touching In tho Beatrl'co High School. The Latest , -r- , Three Daughters of the Confederacy, Tho International Spy Around the World, byJoslah Allen. Nodra, by George Barr McCutcheon. Black Motor Car. .Tho Social Secretary. Your Inspection. .! ftfaifriMwvm School of Music CafQ nqw opoa. Dress suits, $35 and -up. Ludwig's. Dr. Haggard, 212-2-3 Richards Blk, Vnl Music Cafe, $3.00 tlckots, $3.? 5. Chapln Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. Star Dellvory Co., Buggage. . Bttk Phones. Boat 15-cont meals. Phoonix Res taurant Armstrong Clothing Co., practical hatters. Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O SL Both phones. Qreon's Barbor Shojis ( Palaco l Mogul Orders taken for class cans. Arm. strong Clothing Co. Eat at Don Cameron's new restau rant, 119 So. 12th St. Miss Blslo Mooro, '09, of Soward.'Is pledged Delta Gamma. During tho vacation tl)o Dopartment of Botany received a fine new rnjero scopo In exchange for ono which Msfa become old and useless. - Dr. Bessey's Rice Field. Among th botanical spqeimens growing in and aroupd thp green hquse is a patch of rice. It was plaat in tho green house last March npJ later transplanted to Its prdsont posi tion. Tho plant has now attained Its full growth, has a coarso stalk, long narrow leaves and tho rice kernels. aro just beginning to harden. It w.asmsed by ono of Dr. Bessoy's graduate pupils ip her stuy of grasses. Stop and examino it as you pass It is a small patch near tho sldowalfy just wost of the greon houso. . ' , . : If tho operator Is to write as f?.st- an sho can read, she must bo able to-SEE. also. v UNDERWOOD . TYPEWRITER CO. 136 No. "1HH St. Bell Phone,- 348; Auto 3881. At Copyrights, may be purchased at our Bpok De partment irqm a woll selected assort ment. Tho following will ho found very dcBirablo for "pleasuro reading, tho authpi's being of tho mopt Inter esting class: ... . " - - 'i A 'Something New to Vte On. History' Paper, 7c per hundred. History Covers, 10c. Fountain Pens. $1.00 un. Beautiful- New Stationery Awaits ' J A i s i ,t '.; . - V . -i 4 I 4 .,'i.v... ti -iLs. &4LxS; iiiAkjiiit.- ! t& rVf. fi .'.J.J