yj ""V; 4' - , v THE DAILY NfeBRASKAN. f M " r h.' & .4 ' J. ? N Cj)e Daily Tlcbraskan A consolidation of Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Nobraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, oxcoiit Sunday and Monday, ut the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hosporlan Publlsh Inc Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco Fossler. II. P. Loavltt. Dwlght Cramer. .A. a. Schrolbor. Edltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark Manager ! rod NauRhton Circulator Walter 13. Standovon .Athletic R. A. Van Orsdcl Edltorlul Roomr U 204. nuslncss Oftlco, U 21VA. Post Offloo, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Ofllco hours of Buslnoss Manugor and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. - - Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone.- Automatic 2365 Subscription Prlco, J2 per year In advanco IQntorcd nt tho postolllco at Lincoln, Nob., as Hccond-cIiiBfl mall matter under tho not of congress of March 3, 1879. Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 ccjits for each Insertion. Faculty dopurtmohtal and university bul letins will gladly bo published freo, as heretofore. .NEW DRILL REGULATIONS. It will como 08 a most plpftsant attr prlao to tho students of tho Unlvor alty to loam that our now command ant, Captain Worklzor, has made the now provisions concerning tho drill requirements of men who roprosent tho University in athletic. For somo ronsonor other therd has always boon moro or loss friction botweon tho ath letic and military authorities, Which has always hitherto caused much hard fooling on the part of those studonta who want to sco Nebraska in tho top notch In respect to athletic prowess, and who feol that special concessions should bo mado for those who spend their onergy and time In that direc tion. This conflict culminated last spring in the expulsion of the baseball team from tho athletic field ono after noon when they had stayed a Httlo longoV than tho authorities had de- cidod they wore entitled to, and many folt nhat tho mjlitnry department would mnkosuch stringent regulations regarding tho oxcuso pf men for tho present football season that no ono whohad not completed tho require ments as to drill would have an op portunity to tnako tho team. Captabi Worklzor has shown, however, that ho Is thoroughly in sympathy with Nebraska athletic tondoncles, and In tho now rulos has made moro liberal provisions than tho most optimistic had darod dream of. This is all the moro rmnaY'kablo in that ho has mntlo this movo upon his own initiative, and has not hbon lmportunod bytho Ath letloCoard to oxcuso tho football men. By thiB, ho has shown that ho pos sesses all tho qualities' that go to make a commandant popular, and with this advnntnge, ho will doubtless bring the battalion to a higher point of efllcl oncy 'than any of his predecessors. . University Journal. Tho first number of Ufa second vol umo of tho Unlvorslty Journal has just been jssuod. Tho Journal was begun last year for tho purpose of keeping teachers thoughout tho state In 'touch with tho Unlvorslty, thus exciting an Interest whlcli will ultimately result In a largely Increased enrollment. Mr. " C. E. Porsingor Is managing editor, 'and Is nsslBtod by a representative from each collego and school of tho University. The number Jus't Issuod contains an article entitled "Nobraska History in Nebraska Schools," by Pro- , fqssor Caldwell illustrated with an old map of -the original Nebraska Tor- rltory. Othor articles aro: "Accred ited Schools," by Professor Hodgman; "Growth of Alumni Interest," by Mr. Darrott of tho Historical Society; "Vocal Music in tho Public Schools," by Director Kimball, nnd an essential ly practical article on "Tho Improving of tho. Corn Crop," by Mr. Avery. CO-ED8 WIN OUT. (Continued from page 1.) lleved sincerely that Mr. Skeon had nothing to do with tho stealing of tho box. Mr. Anderson then expressed himself as feeling that tho class of 1905 ought to bo able to get through collego without having any kard Tool ings stirred up by politics, and moved that Miss Trigg be declared tho unani mous choice of the class. This was carried, and Miss Trigg took tho chair. In her Inaugural roYno,rks, sho said that sho had not promised' anybody any position on tho committees which It was her prorogate to appoint, and that In her appointments It would be her aim to select only those men who would sorvo tho class best. As a number. of those present had classes, It was decided not to continue tho olection of officers, but to adjourn un til somo time next week. GLEE CLUB PRIZES. (Continued from pago 1.) only half of these will be able to make tho trip, and tho contest between them, to sec who the fortunate ones are to bo will insure every man doing his best all winter, and assures Ne braska of tho finest Glee Club In the West. Scrubs Defeat High School. Yesterday was tho University Scrubs' day and they won the honors of the gridiron by defeating tho Lin coln High School ' team in a fast, snappy game of fifteen-minute halves. The score was 6 to 0, tho points being made on a safety and. a drop-kick. Tho Lincoln eleven kicked off In opening tho first half, tiio sphere go ing to tho twenty-yard line. Butler returned tho ball fifteen yards. Aftor a few downs, Drain carried' tho ball twenty-five yards toward tho High School goal. Soon after this run tho second team was forced to punt, the ball being caught by a Lincoln man on tho two-yard lino nnd was carried over tho line, scoring a safety for the Scrub?. Tho; High School then punted to their opponents, who returned a fow yards, when Drain, by on.o of tho prettiest drop-kicks seen on tho local field this year, scored four points. This was tho last scoring done during tho game. i$ Lincoln again kicked off, but tho second team carried the. ball back Into their opponents' .territory nnd tho first half ended with the ball on thai-High School's twenty-flvo-yardllno. Young Bonder did somo oxcollent work In this half and was used frequently to ad vanco thrqugh tacklo. Ho seldom fallod to gain ground. Brisk play characterized tho open ing of tho second half. Tho second team kicked off to tho High School, which .failed to return tho ball moro than fivo yards. However, by a punt tho ball was sent to tho center of tho Hold. Horo tho' High School boys tried to go through the Scrub line, but woro fairly well hold. Lincoln now attempted a fuko play and lost several yards., Tho High School eleven was ponallzed fifteen yards because Tighe, quarter-back, advancQd tho ball with out its having been touched by an other player. Thfs half, closed with, tho ball near tho goal lino or tho High School.- P Buy Your All sizes in all colors and styles, and here the cloaks go out as fast as they can be selected these chilly days. Of course we shall have cloaks 'till after the holidaysi but this is the very best time of the year tobuy empire coats loose box coats coats with umbrella backs fur lined coats coats with fur collars velours coats . light Weight coats HEAVY WEIGHTS t MANY BEAUTIFUL COATS - -AT- li Miller & STUDENT - TRADE - MOLIC1TED STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. AutolionirT707 TfiOStreBt QUALITY OUR 80DA TASTES LIKE MORE Rlggs, Tbe Drug Gutter U t321 O St. WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ... GREER-COOPER CO. ' 1134 O STREET. T.J.TIIORP&CO. Rubber Stamps. Stencils. Seals, TradeChccks, Keys Lock Smithing, General Machlno Works Model Makers, Etc. 308 So. Ilth,. LINCOLN Defective Eyesight Is one of the chief causes of most .nervous disord ers. Properly fitted glasses will afford relief in the majority of cases. The eyes are too valu able to be tampered with. Do' not listen to any kind of advice as to where you should go. A firm established thirty five years must have been well tested. Try its HALLETT JEWELER-OPTICIAN II43 0 ye P a; Cloak Now Paine's WHY N OXP Send ' your; Laundry to us? We do good work and save you money besides , . Shirts 5c to-10o Collars . 2Jo Cnffa, per pair Co BELL rilQNE 80G. AUTO 441 MERCHANTS LAUNDRY THE IVY PRESS THE IVT PRESS NEAT PRINTING latest styles and courteous treatm'nt at : KING & JESSUP'S fSS, 126 N. 12th St. 125 H. 12th St. ...EAT AT THE., GOOD HEALTH GAPE New Location Cor. I2ih and P, TAKE YOUU CLQTUES AND GO TO SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS 4IELL TEL. 147. auto lapa. laaoNTiiiBET. We have always been, known as, the STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business.. YULE JJnOS. IIAttp LAUNDRY. VSU Q SfrMf . . Autq a754. BH 874 f a v4YaN ftfinttCvi v. V " '. M x$i M :r vl ' i 6 t ,i V ' r- r -, ItHfe k4lii& T9 ? t" ' f Uft. .. ,, ..i..- g' v- pww "flntw-n