The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1905, Image 1

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Low Rate Granted for the Trio and
Many Will Go County Fair. Pos
poned Until November. 25th.
Tho football management has about
completed arrangements for. an excur
sion to Omaha on tho twenty-eighth
bf this month to accommodate thoso
who wish to attend the Crelghton
game. Last year an excursion was
gotten up at tho last moment, and a
largo crowd took advantage of tho
opportunity to cheer for tho Scarlet
and Cream on foreign territory, and
'from tho reports of a good time that
thoy all brought back, it is a certainty
that 'they will all go again and take
thpir. friends with thorn. Owing to
:;tho fact that tho excursion to Minnc
"sola is still all in the air, antl will
not be settled definitely until tfjofirst
of next month, everybody who intends
to accompany the football team on a
trip this year should go to tho Omaha
game. It will bo by no means a prac
. tlce game, for tho toam will naturally
be In poor condition after tho contest
, wit Michigan, and must also bo saved
for the battlo tho next woek with
' Ames, so that a numbor of substitutes
will necessarily bo In tho line-up,
' which will Increase Crolghton's
" chances o scoring considerably.
On account of this excursion tho
great County Pair, which waB to have
been given on that ovenitig by the
Y. Wv C, A., has boon postponed for
just tour weeks, which brings It to
tho night of tho Doanp game, on No
vomber 25. This postponement was
decided upon this noon at a meeting
. of tho managers, of tho fair, who felt
that they Vould not bd doing tho right
thing by tho students who wero loyal
enough to go to Omaha to cheer tor
our men, if thoy wero to, present tho
greatest spectaclo of tho college year
during their absence. While tho delay
will be most unwelcomo to tho student
body, who have been waiting most
anxiously for the groat event, still
thPy all 'appreciate tho' reason which
has led .to the postponement, a,nd will
try to hold themselves in .patience tun
til the great day arrfvpB. Tho. mana
gers have had considerable "troublo
In selecting a press-agent- thoro wero
so many applicants for tho position,
which .requires unusual ability In a
certain line, but thoy havo finally de
cided upon one, and she will begin
,lier notices to tho. students very short
ly. Tho Dally Nobraskan was select
ed qs tho official prgan of tho fair
association. ,, " '
"With the,' County Fair otft of the
way, there will bo nothing to provent
an excursion of five hundred students
to tho metropolis, which certainly
,neods waking up onco in every two or
-three months, an'd, which will just as
, surely experience, that awakening' if
more than 'three University students
j - -
, ' accompany tho team. As yet a "defi
nlto rate has not been procured, but
It will doubtlessly ,bo tho standard ex-
cursfou . ratd, to OmahtW $L10 for tho
'round trln. The special train will
probably leave about nine o'clock and,,
will leave umana. in umo 10 reacn
Lincoln before midnight,
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Senior Election Today.
Tho Senior class meets this morn
ing for tho first time this semester in
the chapel, and tWK first duty of tho
class will bo to elecKa president for
the preseilt semester, unusual Inter
est has been manifested in the con
test for tho presidency fromtho bo
ginning, but this was IncrcasetT'sreat
Iv bv the announcement yesterday that
tho -girls of tho class have decided
to run Miss draco Trigg for the posi
tion. Those who aro managing Miss
Trigg's campaign were exceedingly
active yesterday and showed that co"
eds aro not lacking In political astute
ness. Thoy had already made sure of
almost tho entiro cc-ed Voto, and de
voted themselves wholly to the effort
to secure men who would support
their candidate. Mr. Welllnslck with
drew In favor of Miss Trigg, and most
of his following transferred their al-
leglanco to her also. This leaves the
main contest between Mr. Skeen and
Miss Trigg, with odds about oven.
Tho other candidate who had been
pushed for the position, Mr. Legro,
withdrow in 'favor 6f Prank Morrow,
a medical student. It is hinted, how
ever, that Mr. Morrow will pull out
of the raco in favor of Mr. Skeon.
Which ever of tho two candidates
succeeds, tho class is assured of an
able and impartial president. Both
Mr. Skcen and Miss Trigg have an
nounced that thoy aro bound by no
promises whatever, and that in the se
lection of committees thoy will bo ac
tuated by no motive but a desire to
give the cjass the sdrvlces of tho besUiniy need jt( and It WU mako oU1r
men In It. . rovenco for 1904 all tho morn nlnns.
All students taking courses 10 and
23 in Chemistry are requested to meet
in tho lecturo ioom at 8. o'clock Satur
day morning, Any having conflict
with this hour cdmo as goon as pos
sible. George Barrowman, Instructor.
Seniors meot Thursday, IT'clock,
in chapel. Election of officera.'
Dress suits, 35 and up. Ludwig's.
SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 3:00 P. M.'- ' '
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Excursion From Colorado.
Manager Morrison Is in receipt of
a letter from tho manngor of tho Unl
ive rslty of Colorado football toam, tell
ing him that arrangements have beon
made to run an excursion from Bou
der and Denver to Lincoln upon the
occasion of tho big game which Is. to
playod hero tho elovohth. Supporters
of tho University of Colorado aro espe-
ciallv numerous in Dmivnr. nnil it nn.
pears mat a largo number nave al
ready signified their intention of ac
companying tho team and assisting It
In administering tho first defeat that
Nebraska has suffered on its own field
in flvo years. The letter also recites
that Colorado Is' confident of repeating
tho performance of a year ago, under
circumstances that will allow of no
valid excuse, such as altltudo or ex
haustion from a journey, "and that
Sincp tho scoro piled up by tho weBt
orners in tho gamo last Saturday thoy
already feel as though tho game I?
Well, It may bo so, but we hayo-
our doqbts about lb Colorado may
havo all sho claims In respect to n
strong team, but sho hasn't got that
gamo tucked away In her pocket by
about twenty-six points. -As a general,
proposition wo arc opposed to a vin
dictive spirit In athletics, "but tho stu
donts of Nebraska. are determined that
Colorado shall get the worst drubbing
of her life oven If we loso the Minne
sota gamo the following week. It is
a good thing that thoy are- bringing
on that excursion, for they will cor
ant, while the shock their tumble will
glvo them may lie a Httlo more 'sovero,
If that be posslblb. Thoro is ono thing
that must bo attended to by 'tho root
ers, however, and that Is to seo that
wo aro not' outrpote'ti by tho men from
tho Centennial state, as wo were by
tho Jayhawkers a few years ago. Thoy
havo some -good yells out there, and
tho air helps them In their rendition'
of them, so that it Is up to tho stu
dents here to mako a big Improvement
over last Saturday.
General 8ecretary of the 8tate Young
Men's Christian Associations
to Be In Lincoln.
Mr. .1. P. Balloy, the popular 8tato
Secretary or thot Nebraska Young
Men's ChrlBtlnn Associations, will
strlko Lincoln this week and has pon
sonted to speak to University mon
during his stay. It Is hardly noces
sary to introduco Mr. Bailey to any
audience in tho state, as his annual
Itinerary takes him everywhere In tho
stato and gives him an unusually wide
acquaintance. Ho has been at the
University! several times beforo and
ench time only tonds to Increase his
popularity with the 8tudcnLbody
Mr. Balloy has hold his present posl
tlon for sovoral years and during .that
period tho Nebraska Young Men's
Christian Associations have taken; a
decided stop forward. This is .not
only truo of tho city associations, but
of ho student associations , as woll.
Tho address will bo glvcnln Art
Hall, Sunday, October 15th, at uTpm.
It will bo a strong, earnest and o
quent address.
"Tlie Railroad Robatc Questlonwus
treated by Congrosaman B. M. Pollard
In a twcrity-flvq minute address a(4ho
chapel exercises yesterday morning.
In leading tip. t6 the rate problem, ho
gave statisticsto show the w.cmdorful
industrial dovelopmont-Vof this coun
try during tho last thirty yearja. His
figures, roveal tho fact that honpm-
bor of Industrial plants htis boon In
creased 'ICO per cont slnco 1870 and
that, tho number of employes' is J.7I
Ver cent greater now. Thoso indus
tries, Mr.v Eollard said, aro contfojlad .
by twelvo cpnc6rns trusts, as wo
torm them whlclf havo madojlroad.
rebates possible "Alf tho ovllB'tytthis
system are not duo to the railroads,"
argued the congressman, , "tho vlargo :
'concerns' aro' In great degroe respon
sible for the greatest cur so In our in
dustrlal life."
Mr, Pollard holds as his opinion
that this rebate question "cannpt Uo
settled with government supervision
of corporations, Ho would havo u.
state" commission with full powers
over corporations in each state, Which
should report to tho interstate com v
morco commflslon. - "'
Mr, P.ollard also:' declared against -tho
f reb pass evil and advocates, a Taw
making It a misdemeanor for any pub
lic official tp receive a brlbo in the
form of" free transportation from tho
The Latin Club met last evening at;,
tho homo of Professor Barber, The
officers for" the ensuing Beniestorworo
elected and eight new members wore. .
added to tho roll. Mr. Potorspn was
elected president, Miss Vanderyaer,
vlce-presl,det, Miss -McLucaa, secretary-treasurer,
and Mas Schfelberand
Miss Stebblns, members of the pxGcur
Uvo commlttoo.
Lincoln Local Exprew. 1234 O 'M ,
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