The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1905, Image 2

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    ' v'l
t. ' V
tht Daily Iltbraskan
i i i
A consolidation of
Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho Nobrnskan,
, Vol. 10, Bcarlot and Cream, Vol. 4.
Published dally, except Sunday and
Monday, at tho University of Nebraska,
Lincoln,- Nob., by tho Hosporlan Publish
ing Co.
Board of Directors.
O. V. P. Btout. Laur6nco Fosslor.
II. P. Loavltt.
Dwlght Cramer. A. a. Bchrolbor.
Edltor-ln-Chlof J. D. Clark
Manager , Fred Naughton
Circulator Waltor B. Standovon
Athlotlc .-...It. A. Van Orsdel
Editorial Roomr U 20. fruBlncsB Onico,
U 211. Post OHIco, Station A, Lin
coln, Nob.
Onico hours of Business Manager and
Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally.
Tolephono . .Automatic 1528
Night Telophono Automatic 2365
Subscription Prico, $2 por year In advanco
Entered at tho postolllco at Lincoln,
Nob., nB Bccond-clans mall matter undor
tho not of congress of March 3, 1879.
Individual notices will bo charged for
at tho mto of 10 cantB for each InHortion.
Faculty departmental and university bul
letins will gladly bo published free, au
tensions to boing handaomo than to
put up a largor ono which will prob
ably bo torn down as soon as tho Uni
versity is ablo to put up another In
lis stead. And If two moro buildings
are to bo constructed on tho samp
plans as tho muscftim, wo would rather
have no museum at all than to havo
It built In tho manner now intended.
Life Shortened by Athletics?
In answer to a recent artlclo by
President James of tho University of
Illinois, in which it was claimed) that
tho lifo of tho college man -is shortened
and his v'aluo as a business man less
ened by his participation In athletics,
Dr. William G. Anderson presents
some strong argumonts in an articlo
published in tho curront number of a
monthly magazine.
"Tho hostilo criticism," saya Dr. An-
i dorson, "that athlotcs 'die young' has
boon so often mado without definite
refutation tha it passes for truth
Now that plans aro boing discussed
for tho, oroctlon of tho now museum
provided for by the last legislature, and
In vlow of tho fact that tho now build
ing will bo tho first of a series, all of
which must follow It In stylo and ap
poaranco, It Is perhaps permissible to
enter an objection against tho present
plan. According to tho decision of
tho building committee, It seems prob
ablo that tho now building will bo
constructed of tho samo material which
lsboing put Into tho now administra
tion building. I'his Bhould call for a
.hearty protest from every ono con
nected with tho University, for of all
tho ugly buildings in Lincoln, tho ono
now being constructed on tho very
front of tho campus is -certainly tho
among those who mistako rumor far
fact. An investigation of tho health
and longevity of college athlotos must
bo exhaustive . to furnish trustworthy
"Realizing tho impprtanco of such
statistics, Prof. Franklin B. Dexter, tho
librarian of Yalo, has rocently com
pleted tho task of collecting tho records
of 761 athletes who competed In lntor-
collegiate events and won their 'Y's
on tho eleven, tho nino, tho crow, and
'.tho fraclc team between 1855 and 1904.
Ths material was gathered for a prom
inent lifo insurance company, and lator
given to tho director of tho gymnasium.
Tho main deductions aro as follows: '
"Of the3e 761 athletes, Gl havo died
since graduation. Tho causes were:
Consumption, 12; pneumonia, 4;
drowning. 6: heart disease. 2: suicido.
I 2; war and accident, 3; died from un
' known causes or disappeared, 10;
from various diseases (fever, appendi
citis, cancer, diphtheria, paresis, dissi
pation, etc.), 12.
Y. M. a A.
By special arrangements which the
Y. M. C. A. has made with Mrs. DaV,
the Uni. people will have the oppor
tunity of obtaining a 10-cent lunch on
the campus. Lunches consist of sand
wich, pie, cake and fruit. Each lunch
Is packed with special care In a carton
and may be had at Y. M. C. A. rooms
each day between 11 and ,,12:30.
v. . ,
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45 Highest Awards in Europe and America
barring tho track men, show a better
avorago expectation of lifo than their
non-athletic classmates, and much bet
ter than tho general average of Insured
lives." '
Tho honorary sophomore society at
Tihfts, Sword and Shield, has appointed
a"commltteo to confor with tho sonlor
society, Tower Cross, with the junior
society, and with tho executive board
of tho freshman classln regard to tho
abolishment of tho flag rush between
tho two lower classes. In order to do
cldo tho right of tho freshmen to fly
their flags, It haPLbeon suggested that
tho freshmen bo required to win a ma
jority of tho class athlotlc events this
prize winner. This is not duo to tho"
stylo of architecture; hilt to tho ma-
'terial used in construction; Students
roturnlng from vacation and seeing
thenow building for tho first tlmo
could notbollovo that It was tho sobor
lntontlon of "tho authqrltles to erect
'such an oyo-soro on t,ho campus, and
ovoryono expressed the belief that
there was going to lio a vqnepr on tho
outside of tho ugly brick In tho wall.
No on will deny our assertion that
ono such building is enough, and that
.tho new museum should bo constructed',
" of something that will look a little bet
ter at least. Tho Physics Building
isn't any. model of beauty, but it Is
far ahead of the Administration Build
lng, and wo would like to boo tho mus
eum built of the samq matorjal If noth
ing better can bo procured. We realize
that tho state legislature Is not par
ticularly fond of ttfo University, and
Is rather niggardly. In Its appropria
tlons,but It is certainly better to erect
a smaller building having some . pre-
"Of. these 51 monr 18 rowed, 16
played football, 11 wore track athletes,
and G played.. baseball. Tho ages of
those, who havo died show these ex
tremes and averages: ,
Avorago ages.
Sport., Extremes of age. at death.
Crew .20 to 68 years 41,7 years
Football 22 to 37 years . 30.3 years
Baseball .... ,2Qto39yodrs 28.3 years
Track . . . . 21 to33 years 2B..4 yodrs
"Turning to the 710 Hvlng5thlote3;
thoso who havo passed 40 may bo thus
grouped: 113 men- aro between 40 and
49 years of ago; 86 men aro between
50 and 59 years of ago; 22 men are
between 60 and 69 years of ago.
"Of tho Yalo athletes In their latter
years, 14 aro between 60 and 61, 1 is
65, 3 aro 66, 1 is 67, 2 aro 68, and 1 is
69. In brief, barring violent deaths,
enly 40 of these. 761 Yalo athletes, in a
period of nearly 50 years, havo beou
lost from tho ranks of tho living.
'I havo been assured by a lifo In
surance expert that college athletes,
All men lntorostodln. croBS country
running raeot In Dr. Clapp's ofllco at
chapel tlmo this morning. Arrange
ments will bo mado as to tho time
each man is to run, and the squad di
vided accordingly.
Dress suits, $35 and up. Ludwig's.
Defective tyesp
Is one of the chief causes
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The eyes are 'too valu
able, to be tampered
with.. Do not listen to
any kind of advice as J:o .
where you should go, ' A
firm established thirty
five years must have
been well tested. Try us
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