The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. V, No. n
Price 5 Centf
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8ay That They Have Been 8lighted
Heretofore, and Want Something
Better Than Second Place.
The already complicated situation In
which Senior politics has been for the
post two weeks has beon rendered moro
bo by the announcement of tho-pandl-dacy
of Miss Grace Trigg for the presi
dency, and the appearance of alarge
number of ardent supporters. Those
who. are booming Miss Trigg assort
that the co-ed contlngentof the Senior
class has nover beon Tccognlzed hero
tofore, although moro than half tho
members of that class aro girls. Thoy
also say that It has been tho almost
universally rocognlzed custom at Ne
braska for each class to plect a young
o $
nuiNt lit ivju rujbiKU x
8- "The Railroad Question" - - 8
W He
Plans Being Discussed, and Work Will
.. Begin In Time.
Superintendent Chowlns returned
from Omaha Monday with tho proposed
plans for tho now museum which Is to
bo erected Just north of tho Armory.
Tho last legislature provided for tho
lady as Its president during tho second lcctIon of th,B bullding( but thero
somestor of tho Junior year, and thoibn hnnn ., , , nf nvn!dnblo
present Senior class having neglected
to do so, they aro going to take mat
ters Into their own hands and forco tho
class to llvo up to the worthy .tradi
tion. Tho candidacy of Miss Trigg will up
set All tho guesses as to tho probable
outcomo of tho election. Although
tier namo has been suggested just, a
couple of days before tho class meet
ing, which Is to occur next Thursday,
tho number of hcx-fiupportors 1b al
ready as largo as that of any other
candidate! It seems, and they aro not
confined, to tho co-eds, either. It is
asserted by Uiobo who aro managing
tho girls' campaign that tho entire co
' ed division of tho class will support
their candidate, and if such turns out
. to bo the case, her election Is assured.
As yet, her male supporters do not
seem to bo very many, but that is prob
ably becauso tho fact of her candidacy
Is not generally known, as yot. Owing
to tho many divisions among tho men,
It is certain that a. largo number of
those who aro discontented with tho
present outlook will desert tho maspu
llno flag and voto for tho co-od fa
vorite. Miss Trigg Is one or tho best-known
and most popular young ladles in tho
University. Bho is a graduate of tho
Lincoln Hipfo School, and entered the-
Unlverslty in 1901, staying out one
year in order to teaoh school. Hor
Interests aro many, sho being especially
prominent in . Y. M, 0. A, work. Sho
dolay In getting tho work begun. Ac
cording to tho present plans, tho
building is to bo 52 fetot wido and 74
foet long, and four storlos high, in
cluding tho- basement. It is to be
built of tho same material as la being
used in tho construction of tho admin
istration building, and is to. have a
slate roof. It, Is tho present purpose
that this shall bo tho first of three
buildings to bo erected north of tho
Armory, facing on Twelfth streot.
Thoso buildings aro all to bo of the
same stylo and material, and aro to bo
connected by galleries containing of
fices and Btalrways. The northern
most building will bo on tho alto of tho
present Nebraska Hall, which, It Is ex
pected, will bo In a condition to bo
torn down bj; tho time tho third new
building Is erected. Each 6t tho new
buildings will bo somewhat longer
than tho plans ofytlio museum call for,
so that tho wostend of tho lattor build
ing will necessarllyxbo. loft in a con
ditipn'slmilar to that of tho south side
ofMechanlcs Arts.
It Is hoped that work -will begin on
this building In less tlmo than' It gen
erally takes to get Unlvorslty construc
tion started, but It is doubtful If any-?
thing will bo dono before next fall, as
only tho preliminary plans aro now
under consideration.
The Athletic Board Meets.
Tho Athletic Board mot In Dr. Loos'
ofllco yesterday morning for tho pur
pose of sotting tho prlco of admission
to tho remaining gamoB of football to
be hold in Lincoln this season. Tho
prices recommended by Dr. Lees at a
previous meeting wore-ratified by tho
Board. Tho prices of last Saturday
will bo charged in all tho games with
tho excoptlon of tho Colorado and Illi
nois games. Tho prices as accepted by
tho Board aro as follows: . .
Knox General admission 50 cent,
grandstand 50 cents.
Ames General admission 50 cents,
grandstand 50 cents.
Colorado General admission 75
cents, grandstand 50. cents.
Illinois General admission $1.00,
grandstand 75 cents.
Phil Harrison, '03, has been elected
to tho position of assistant rpglstrar,
to succeed JJL-H. Clark, who has been
is a member of Alpha pmicronPl and ;nadQ registrar. Mr. Harrison has
of tho Blacks Masquo. - bem connoctea with tno executive oi-
flco' slnco his graduation ,and Is thor
oughly conversant wlhJs duties.
Chapln Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th.
Going to St. Louis.
.'Professor Barber leaves next Friday
night for St. Louis, whero ho is to at-
- tend tho mooting of tho executive com
mittee of tho Classical Asspclatlon of
tho Mlddlo West and South. Tho prime
purpose of tho meeting Is to make ar
rangements looking 'towards tho pub
lication of' tho Journal of tho associa
tion, which, was formed last May. Pro
cessor Barber will roturn In tlmo to
'. moot his Freshmen Monday morning
' as usual. - . .
Inter-Fraternity Baseball.
A meeting of thoso fratornltica which
had had baseball teams last year was
held Monday morning in order to settle
tho question as to wjilch 'ono was on
tltledi to the championship and prizes.
Tho fraternities had beon divided Into
two groups for tho season, those re
siding .north of O street and thoso re
siding south. It was tbo plan to have
each division play for a champion, and
then tho winners of each division wore
to play for the championship of the
v.' nolo aggregation. Phi Gamma Dolta
won tho first place In tho southern
group, but three fraternities, Phi Kap
pa Psl, PhrDelta Thota and Delta Tail
Dolta, were tied lor tho first honors In
the northern division. Owing to tho
close of tho school yoarthls tlo could
not bo played off, and accordingly no
ono could contest with tho Phi GamB
tor tho championship. This muddle
was fixed Monday morling by tho com
mittee awarding second placo and the
pennant accompanying it to tho Phi
Gams, and decreeing 'that tho first prize
be hold over until next spring andthon
bo awarded to tha fraternity winning
tho championship of that-scason.
. Margie McEeachron, '04, Is teaching
In tho Claries high school.
vSchmldt, Little, and Rice Go to the
raining Table, Making Fifteen
Men In All.
Tho varsityjs fast gotting intb ahapo
for tho gamoNvith Knox Saturday.
Monday night tnby. wont through a
stiff practlco on a meadow at tho Stato
Farm. In this way Bootli Is ablo to
glyo tho mon a good slgnaKpractlco
without tho intorforonco of anyvout-
sider. Last night tho rogular work o
tho athletic field was resumed and
a hard scrimmage between tho vtrsity
and scrubs was Indulged in.
In tho game with Knox wo will havo
one of tho hardest games of tho sea
son. It was this bunch of mon that
held Illinois down to a scoro of 6-0.
Knox has a play which camo vory
near to counting for a touchdown in
tho Illinois game. Hfldin'g, Knox's
quarter, called upon Howoll for a buck,
over lacklo and when Lampo and Pat
ton neatly boxed Illinois'' star tacklo,
lip shot through tho- holo and made for
tho Illinois goal, having a clear field
safe for tho dofonslvo full back. At
Illinois' fifteen yard lino, after having '
Buccossfully dodged tho full back, ho
nnfortunatoly slipped on tho muddy,
field and was immediately down. Of
course it is hardly probable. that this
.will be worked agalnsfc us on Satur
day, but tho Improbable thinks happen
sometimes as In tho South Dakota
game. Ono thing 1b sure, though, and
that is that the Knox game will bo as
good as any played on tho local field
this year.
' Booth has 'added threo mon tb tho list
of thoso at tho training tlblc. The
latest additions aro Little, Schmidt,
and Rice. Tho work of Little and
Schmidt In last Saturday's gam? is
surely worthy of tho recognition thoy
havo received, Rico, who has beon sub
tacklo all season, is also a good man
and ono that can bo depended upon
to' glxea good account of himsblf In
any gamo that Booth-, may send him
Into. , ...r ..
Tho reaorvod seat tickets aro on
"salo now at tho rogular placeK Harry
Porter's Tho admission will botho
samo as that charged In .last Saturday's
gamo, 50 cents for general admission
and 50 cons for .reserved seats. Tho
reserved seats aro golngvory fast for
so early In tho week so thoso of th
students that intend- tp secure seats
had better do so as early, as possible
Th6 first recital of tho students of
Tho University School of Music will
' occur , in Memorial 'Hall tomorrow
evening. ' " '
' ' : '
8 SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 3:00 P. M. 8
'8 . Last ganje for two weeks . 8
Tennis Meeting. '
Tho Tennis Association held- fts first
meeting of tho year yesterday morning,
and two men were present President
Porslngor passed tho hat, arid ad
journed tho meeting to somo Indefinite
tlmo in tho future.
The annual reception glyen by Prof,
and Mrs. Barber to tho students of tho
Xatin Department will occur in tho
Women's Dormitory this, year; Instead
of at Fraternity Hall.", Invitations are1
already out- for the 24th of the month..
r Henrietta Bankson, '05, Is teaching
in .tho Hardin College, Mexico, Mo,
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