IW-V V- mJW-J jJi.JL- j ft. .. i .v, -. ArfUa ., .1... ,jh,A,..i,. .-s- ."141 THE DAILY INEBRASKAN. J. V f J... ! I llll - - t Y ' ' r t lt ' X M I'.., f s K K V s r I1 If I ''I I ' fe J the Dailv fttbraskan to. MWM- !! ' " m,m A connolldntlon of TJjWcporlun, Vol. 81, Tlio Nobrauknn, VwV 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. FubllnluMl tlftlly, oxcont Sunday and Monday, ut tho Unlverlty of NobraBkn, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hoaporlan Publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco Fosiiler. H. P. Lelivltt. Dwlght Cramer, A- O. Schrclber. Editor-in-Chief. .77777777.... . . J. D. Clark Manaffor 1-rqd Naimhton niMiiintni' "Wnitor M. Htundoven Athletic K. X. Van Orattcl Editorial ltoomr. U 204V4- BtiHlnoBB Ofllce, U 211. Post Ofllce, Station A, Lin coln, Neb. Office hours of DUBlneBB Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dolly. Telephone .Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subpcrlptlon Price, 2 per year In advanco Entered at tho poatofllco at Lincoln, Neb., as Bccond-cloBB mall matter under tho act of congrcBB of March a, 1879. Individual notlccB will bb charged for at tho rate of 10 cents for each InBertlon. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo. publlflhcd froo, as heretofore . Sportsmanship. Some oxproBBiona which camd from various parts ot tho hloachors last Snturdny during tho game with South Dakota woro totally out of place at any contest on any field, much more so on Nobrnska Field. Wo refer to tho cries of "You'ro not doad yot," and "Put him out of the game." During tho past fow years, Indeed, over since Coach Booth came to Nebraska, our team has owned and desorved the reputation of being tho cleanest play- . ui ors and tho most porfect sportsmen all tho teams in tho WoHt, and ou studont supportors have always shown thoir desire to accord fair, sportsman llko treatment to all visiting teams, ovon when they aro not actuated by tho Bamo spirit. This is as it should bo, and has won Us own roward, for ovory yeavxwhon It comoB to signing a football schoQulo for tho next Bca- pon,. Nebraska gets consideration be yond that which hor-playlng and pay- ing powors win for horxlt is there fore a Bourco ot tho deopesbrogrot that any of tho rootors should bo sVcarrled away hy their enthusiasm as to forgqt that ttio visiting players aro entltlod and aro used to docont treatmont at tho hands of Nebraska. A choor when an opposing player Ib carried off tho fiold Is- entirely uncalled for, and should not bo hoard any moro during a football game on Nebraska flold. It doesn't Bhow a lack of loyalty to glvo -an Injured opponent a hearty send-off when ho is forced to loavo tho game, and it xloos do an infinlto- umount of goodt towards oxtonding Nebraska's' reputation for squaro,, clean, sports manliko condtict. Mr. Watkips' Lecture. YcBtordayTn convocation Mr. Albert Watklns dollvored an addross, upon ,tlio subject, "Tho Father of Nebraska." "As Mlnorva sprang full-fledged from Ntho forehead of Jovo, so," saM Mr, jVatklns, "may Stephen A. Douglas bo called tho Jovo pf Nebraska." In a most Interesting and scholarly manner tho speaker revlowed tho brilliant pub lie career 6t tho "Llttfo Giant," which is bo nearly identical with tho early History of Nebraska, sotting forth Douglas' attltudo toward tlio political problems of the day and contrasting him with his great rival, Lincoln. 'Mr. Watklns characterized 'Douglas as a man of tremendous force, "a Chatham for oratory ' and a Npoleon for ac- nA i r AJCVjj,tiSHi&., Scored Against. (Continued from pago 1.) in Morse's place and Klelbaugh for Bromloy. Eager mndo a long run of forty yards on tho kick-off nnd tho ball was near tho center of tho field whon time was called. Score, 21-6. . 8econd Half. ' Sovoral substitutes wont Into tho gamo at the beginning of the second half. Cotton klckod off to Bromley, who wob downed by Dcnslow on tho South Dakota fifteen yard line. After trying to gain through tho lino, Walkor kicked to Little, who dropped on tho ball on Dakota's forty-flVe yard lino. Nebraska was gaining more easily and end runs by Dcnslow nnd Johnson and a .flftoon yard spurt by Little planted the ball within olght yards of tho goal. A bad pass to Woller delayed progress, but Wellor was good for tho remain ing distanco to tho goal. Eager kicked goal, making tho score 27-6. Tho next touchdown was ,mndo in tho shortest time of any scored during tho game. South Dakota kicked off to Eager, who ran back ton yards to tho forty-flvo yard lino. "Schmidt tore through a scattored field to tho center of tho flold. Denslow was given the baand, darting around right end ho dodged through tho back field and sprinted to Dakota's flvo yard lino before ho was downod. Schmidt was sent over for a toucdown and Eager missed tho easiest goal of the game. Score, 32-6. Little crossed tho goal for tho next touchdown on a run through a hole in tho loft side of tho South Dakota line for twonty-fivo yards, planting the ball squarely bohjnd tho goal posts. Eager missed the goal. Little received the ball on tho next kick-off and nun it back to the forty-five yard lino. Ne braska advancod tho ball to tho twen ty-five yard lino, where Schmidt puno- ed'and Johnson got tho ball on a fum bio on tho South Dakota fifteen yard line. South Dakota secured the ball on a fumble and punted low. Taylor secured tho ball, and with four men hanging on to him, rushed down the remaining fifteen yards for a touch down. Cotton missed goal. Score, 42-6. Aftor a series' of 'punts by both teams, tho ball was. on Nebraska's th'lrty yard lino and In' her possession. A twenty yard run by Johnson and lbng gains around the end and through tho lino advancod tho ball to tho South Dakota threo yard lino, whore -It. was whon tho gamo ended. Tho ljxo up: Nebraska. South Dakota. Johnson L. E Bennett Wellor. . . L. T Lattln Nelson-Rico. ... L. G. . . .O'Neall Borg C Kolb Tnylor It. G. .' Tollofson Gotton R. T Cupper DenslOw . . r. . . . R. E Evans Colhart - Morse-Eager. ... Q, ' v Case Little-Wilson.. R. H. ......... Simpson Schmidt L. Ht ' Bromley Kiolbaugh Mason-Bookly.. . . F ". . . .Walker Officials "Umpire, Irwin; referee, Cornell; linesman, Mitchell. Time of halves, 20 and 15 "minutes. Tho Law School shows n gain of ton por cent over last year, tho present enrollment bolng 176, as against 1C0 in 1904-5. Tho. Freshman class Is much larger than a year ago, there bolng soventy'flvo registered as first year men. O. C. Wllburn, '05, who is teaching Mathematics in tho Wahoo High School, was In to see tho gamo Saturr day. Minnie Potrashelc, '05, Is teaching Mathematics in the Missouri Valley High School. Ctavenette possessing every requisite of d Top Coat, Rain Coat of O'coat No coat mado can "bo adaptod to so many uses. Genteel as a light fall coat, unequalled as a fain coat and many being full lined can be worn tho winter through. We sell principally garments cravonotted by tho Priestly proceBB and are sold on a dobIUvo guarantee. Tho stylish surtout with close fit ting back In black and oxfords at $22.60, $25 and $30. Swagger styles In gray, tan or black at $10, $12.50, $16, up to-$25. ' Magee & "KEN8INGT0N" CLOTHES THEY FIT. STUDENT - TIIAUE - SOLICITED STEINER-WOEMPENER DRUG CO. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tho Mission Study Rally In thq chapel last Sunday at 3 p. m. was a union meeting with tho Y.- M. C. A. Mr. W. S, Rotheryttho assistant secre tary of tho Omaha' T. M. C. A., ad dressed tho meeting. Mr. Rothory spoke of tho need for Christian work ers In China, Japan, India, .Africa, Syria and South America. He sug gested threo ways to aid this, work go yourself, glvo monoy and glyo prayers to those In tho field. Ho closed with a strong plea for mission study In tho University. After his talk Mr. Jorgenson, tho Y. M. C. A. secretary, told about tho different mis sion study classes which .have been organized In tho University and an'op portunlty was given for those who wished to register for them. Miss Margarot Pilling sang. . Don't forgot that tho f County Fair is coming off Octobfir 28. Look out for further notice in Tho Nobraskan. Tho Y. W. C. A. stato convention will . bo held this year at Fairmont, November 5-7. "Tho noon leaders for this week areL Tuesday, Luella -Ageo; Wgdhesday, Anna Preston; Thursday, Grace Trigg; Friday, Laura Owen. . Unl Music Cafe, $3.00 tickets, $2.85. OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOQOGC oooo STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices; see Union College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union College Tailors -s. " POST OFFICE 11LDU. .' ' 1 A A .m. vrv Coats S ir- Deemer THE IVY PRESS THE IVY PRESS NEAT PRINTING LATEST STYLES AND W6 CX)URTEODS TREATM'NT AT KING & JESSUP'S 125 N. 12th St. 125 N. 12th St. QUALITY. OUR SODA TASTES LIKE MORE n ii i-i ii Rlggs, The Drug Gutter 1321 O St. ' . 4- ....EAT AT THE.. GOOD HEALTH CAFE Neyv Location Qor. I2(h and P. r Patronage Solicited COCOCOCJOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOGO WE KNOW.HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU ... GREER-COOPER pO. ' 1134 O STREET. Bat at Don Cameron's now restau rant, 110 So, i2th. St, m Vi Q iCZT ly i Jkjf SvSJySyvK-v 2Jt"Jj(jaVCWCVCTXJ3wJ)05XJ r j if o viu o 3n r uouuauuauaauuoououvuav I m gno $2$ y$& uWuouoO Vou aft C. A. Tucker, Jeweler '8 Dr. Sam'l. S. SlieanJ 8 ...OPTICIAN... . 8 ' 1123 6 STREET v q" Q Your Patronago Solicited Q f ; --x,3iixj ?.'!-. r fJS!... l ttUtJS, h ,.J:t t- v t.1 v . it t - I J JAMA'-'f