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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1905)
rri " "vp ' XTbe Bailsftebraefcart Vol. V, No. U UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER JO, t905'. Price 5 Ccntt U K -i W . . A . - SCORED AGAINST SOUTH DAKOTA 8CORE8 ON -A FUMBLE. Men Show Strong Defensive and Offen sive Work, But Fumble the Ball Badly. With the weather the warmest it has ever been for a football gamo tho varsity defeated South Dakota by a score of 42 to 6. Tho fumbling of the vatjlty at critical times was all that prevented tho score from being much highor. Case, the South Dakota man, distinguished himself In getting tho ball on a fumble, and running the en tire length of tho field for a touch down. At another time Bromley snatched the ball after it was downed and made a touchdown, but the referee did not allow this. 'Nebraska found tho South Dakota ends easy, and as a result several long and spectacular runs were made. Den slow Is crodltod with, tho longest run of the game, for after tearing around the end and dodging tho back field, ho ran flfty-flvo yards for a touchdown. Tho work of Taylor and Cotton on line plunges was as good as over seen on tho Nebraska gridiron. Borg at center and Weller at tackle also played great games. Johnson at end was easily tho star of Saturday's game, for at all times he was" sure In his taclc ling, ah excellent ground galnor and showed more head work than any other man oh tho team. The work of the back field Was indeed very grati fying to tho scarlet arid cream sup porters. A number of J36uth Dakota players left tho game, in bad condition. Bennett-had his,collarbono broken in two placesand Bromloysuffored a fracture, of three ribs. The visitors wora'badly crippled by tho. loss of their captain, Bfo'wn, who was hurt in tho Yankton gamo and was unable to como to Lin coln. Tho rooting in the Dakota game was very enthusiastic and strong. Tho or ganized rooters squad appealed for tho first time and did excellent work. South Dakota was not forgotton, but given a very enthusiastic; reception. The varsity appreciates the work of the., rooters moro than anything elso tho students can do and for this rea son the rooters are to bo commended. The game in detail is as follows: First Half. At a few minutes after three the.Cotton feI", on , Neli ka now ad. ,, 1- l,n nlniuui rn ftin flnlrt I teams took their places on the field. Evans kicked off for South Dakota, pending tho .ball whirling toward Ne braska's goal. Weller received tho bpll on the twenty-five yard lino, and tnade a good run of twenty-five yards before ho was brought to the ground. On tho first play Cotton was pulled back and glvqn the- ballbnt he tum bled" after carrying it fivo yards, but recovered it again. Cotton's work in Saturday's game In falling on thot ball, was of. very high order. South Da kota was putting every, bit of strepgth and energy they could Into their do enae and Jop this reason.' tho gams were 'small.' After advancing to the centefybf tho field Morse fumbled, and tho South Dakotatrgot tho ball ofi their fifty-two yard line. Dakota 'then tried t W W it it )t M it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it fr q fr o v Y. W. C. A. Cotrnty Armory, October 28 fcfKlBMHMtWHMHtaEj our line In a play directed against Nelson, and ho yielded, allowing an advance of three yards. Lattln and Bromley made two and three yard gains, but after the ball had pro gressed seven yards, Nelson braced and Cotton was given a trial by Lattln, but could not gain an Inch. Nebraska received the ball on downs on hor own forty-eight yard lino. Nobraska again began a slow ad vance through South Dakota's line. Schmidt was then tried for an end run, and made twenty-five yards around left end. This was tho first long run of tho gamo. In tho next -play, Wilson carried tho ball to tho five yard lino and was tackled around tho neck, tak ing out time to recover from his In jury. In one more play Taylor was pushed over for tho first touchdown, nine minutes after the kick-off. Cot ton missed tho goal. Score, 5-0. Cotton received the ball on tho next k!ck;off and carried It back to tho Ne braska forty yard lino. Denslow and Johhson gained easily by good end runs, but at tho fifty yard lino tho ball was fumbled and. Tolofson fell on It Bromley and Lattln tried both sides of the lino, but ailed to gain. Bennett punted, but Wqllor broke through tho lino and blocked the punt, falling on tho ball on Dakota's twenty yard line. Cotton plunged through tho lino .for ten yards, but on a second attempt" was downed after advancing five yards. Mason went through cen ter for tho remaining two yards and a touchdown. Morse kicked ' goal. Score, 11-0. Tho varsity was offside at tho next klok-off and was penalized five yardB and required to kick tho second time. Lattln received the ball for South Da kota and .returned it to tho thlrtjr-flve yard line. Here he was downed by Johnson 'in pne of the prettiest tackles of the day. Cuppet fumblod, Denslow tried to nick un the ball, hut fnltod nnri vanced tho ball to the South Dakota four yard line, Morse gave the signal for a lino buck by Wilson, j)ut ho missed the ball and It rolled into , , SATURDAY, OCL 14, 3:00- P. M. .8 I NEBRASKA VS. KNOX... 1 8 - Last game fir twweel($-T . f -ft 'nnnrvwvvvvvvv jy 1 yj j it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it at Case's hands. Tho noxt thing tho spectators were conscious of was a South Dakota man tearing across tho field with tho ball under his arm. Tay lor was tho nearest man, ten, yards In tho rear, and while ho made a noblo effort to catch Case, he Boon out-distanced him and planted tho ball back of Nebraska's goal posts". Walker kicked an oasy goal, making tho score 6-11. This was the first score of tho season against Nobraska. Little wont In for Wilson, who was hurt early in tho gamo, but had stuck with tho game rogardless of his In juries. South Dakota recolyed tho ball on hor twenty-fivo yard line, but was unable to gala against tho varsity. A five yard penalty for offside play forced them to punt, Walker punting to Morse, who returned It to tho con tor of tho field, whoro ho fumblod It when tackled, Nelson -falling on, tho ball. Nebraska made short gains and onco barely prevented a loss of the ball 6n downs after a five yard pen alty. Again tho varsity continued tho forward march to South Dakota's ton yard lino, when Morse again fumbled and South Dakota took tho ball, Walker punted to the center of tho field and Morso returned It twenty-five yards. Nobraska again forced" tho ball to within a foot of their opponent's goal, whoro Bromley made tho spectav tors groan by snatching tho ball aftor It as down and running tho entire length of the field for a touchdown. But Referee Cornell refused to allow u touchdown and tho ball was carried back to tho South Dakota goal. In one moro play Taylor forced tho ball over tho lino for, a touchdown. Morse missed tho goal. Scoro, 1C-6. Morso downed the ball on the kick-off on tho thirty yard lino and a quarterback run by Morso around left end advanced tho ball thirty yards. The last- run of this half 'was a spectacular one, by Llttlo around loft end for 'a touchdown near tho corner of tho fiold. Morse tried a kick out for position to. Johnson, but missed and Nebraska lost its chanco for a goal. Eager wont into "tho gamo (Continued on page 2.) , SELECT JfflCfRS. NAMED BY CAPTAIN WORKIZER LA8T NIGHT. Appointments of Officers for the Bat talion Completed Eight 8ergeants and Tvyenty-four Corporals. Commandant Worklzor posted tho following list of appolntmonts of non commissioned officers last ovonlng. Tho commissioned officers and tho staff having boen named somo llmo ago, this will complete tho soloction of officers and will placo ,tho battalion on a working basis. Tho corporals this year wero selected purely upon merit, thoro having beon a competitive examination of all applicants. Follow lng Is tho order: Oct. 0, 1005. Special OrdorB, No. 3. . 1. Tho following appointments, pro motions, and asignments aro an nounced: To bo Sergeants: 1. H. S. Stevens, Pvt. Co. A, to Co. A. 2. C. E. Mickey, Pvt. Co. C, to Co. C. 3.. H. A. Joslln, Pvt. Co. C, to Co. C. 4. Lawrenco Neodham, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. 5. E. R. Hunt, Pvt. Co. D, to Co. D. 6. B. K. Eaton, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. 7. T. P. Mueller, Mus. Co. B, Chief Trumpeter. 8. H. B. Berqujst, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. To bo Corporals: 1. O. D. Babson, Pvt. Co, C, to Co. C. 2. It. E. Guthrie, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. 3. a B. Conant, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. 4. W. E. Shendoll, Pvt. Co. D, to Co. D. 5. A. E. Burr, Pvt. Co. A, to Co. A. x 6. P. R: Hacrcaft. Pvt. Co. D. to Co. D. . 7. W. B.- Jones, Pvt Co. C.'to Co. C. 8. W, B. Coale, Pvt. Co, C, to Co. C. , 9. R. Fowler, Pvt. Co. A, to Co. A. 0. W. R. King, Pvt. Co. D; to Co. D. 11. G. A. " FItzsImmons, Pvt.xCo. B, "" to Co. B N 12. R. H, Krlegsraann, Pvt. Co. Ax to Co. A. x 13. C. A. Clarke, Pvt. Co, B, to Co. B. 14. E. A. Schmidt, Pvt. Co. A, tp Co. A,. , 15. B. -E. Yodor, Pvt. Co. D, to Co, D. " 16. E. J. Schumway, Pvt Co. C, to Co. C. 17. Jesse Owen, Pvt. Co. B, to Co. B. 18. F. A. Crltos, Pvt. Co. D, to Co. D, 19. C. C. Hickman, Pvt. Co. A, to Co. A. ' 20. O. PhllllpB, Pvt. Co. A, to Co. A. . 21. R. L. Kokjer, Pvt Co. D, to Co. D. 22. J. Q. Hossadk, Pvt Co. C, to Co. C. 23. W. A. Mills, Pvt. Co. B, to .Co. B. 24. R. E. Waldo, PvCCo. C, to Co. C. Tho above named sergeants and cor porals will rank in order of appoint- ' ment By ordor of Captain Worklzor. (Signed) ROBT. H. THOMPSON, First Liout. anil Batt. Adjt, , ij Adjutant. Tho University Forest Club mot Sat urday night and reorganized for tho now year. The officers elected for tho first semester are: President, G." A. Pearson; vice-president, C. J. Hum phrey; secretary, "C. M. Dunn;, treas urer, R. G. Plerco. Tho clubwill glvo- ItFfiMUprogram'Satu'faaVnight, Oc tober '2J. , Notice. Tho Girls' Mass Mooting which was to have occurred this morning- at 11 o'plock has been postponed, until gome tlmo nart waalr. ii -) X ' tti x -w-1 1 !.-. i" tr t k YfflU. tn . 1. 1 . 4 l tjU'-Vl" r.--i , tikwbi,: M A-'i&i, ti1ri&t.t&t-:M LrVB7.' iZ?- 'Z - " ' s ' "" i V j, . , - - ,. ,i'ffckkytti ,.' ."j ', i ' ATii i I .... . . " L-fi - K'jaj.,- ,1 ..Atf . - i4i,.'tf7Jfc