The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1905, Image 4
" " sfwqrrr :wsyi VtWm'iff'' "i . TTlf V,"V ?: WnsF r-y ff' ' ' vr WTT y.M I'tJii'Nj.x.LijTt,'1 'JM&I1 '! ''"'-'LI yy.y-Tyxtt "!. 1WMJJ! I i HM V! U THE DAILY INEBRASKAN -( IK h' h if v K C." I". m v r- TOMMY, THE CATERER. "THE UNI'8 INDI8PEN8IBLE." We certainly know how.. Lady atten dant if desired. SPALDING'S Official Fool Ball Guide FOR 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP. Containing tho newly rovlsotl OFFI CIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures of loading tonms, embracing ovor 2,500 players. PRICE, 10 CENTS For ealo by all Newsdealers, Athletic Goods Doalors and Depart- ' mont Stores. Spalding's catalogue of all athletic sports mailed any address. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Doston, Buffalo, Chicago, Mlraoapolis, Philadelphia, Donvor, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Kan sas City, Pittsburg, San Francisco Now Orleans, Syracuse, v Cincinnati, Montroal, Can., London, England. LOW ONE-WAY RATES VIA . Union Pacific FROM LINCOLN E V JEXR Y DV Y SEPT.. 15 TO OCT. 31, 1905. to San Frarfclsco, Los Angdjos, San Diego, and many other California points. , (T)C AA to Evorott, Falrhavon, (JlfaivU Whatcom, Vnncouvor "" nnU Victoria. , to Portland, 'Astoria, Tacoma and Seattle flirt itk t0 Ashland, Hosoburg. S I II I Eugene, Albany and Sa VV,VW lorn, Including branch lines in Oregon. ) CA to Spoltnno and Inter tJ).aJU medlnto O. R. & N points to Wortatchoo and intermediate points. to Butte, Anaconda, Holona, and nil Inter mediate main lino points. to Ogdon ad Salt Lake City, ahd intermediate main lino1 points. , For full information call on or address .-', E. B, 8L08SON, General Agent. A .'.,-... . ..-.. ,.A-' $25.00 $25.00 i.00 !.50 $20.00 $20.00 Lincoln Academy News. Many changes have taken plnco In tho porsonnol of tho Acadomy since last spring. Wo had hoped to have Miss Mitchgll with us again, but her health Is such that she has bo relieved. Sho will bo greatly missed by all, but especially by tho girls la tho basket-ball teams. Her loss wo hopo will bo felt less because wo have been, nblo to securo Miss Erma Spafford to take her place. "Miss Spafford comes to tho Acadomy well prepared to teach physics, having spe cialized In that and mathematics for four years. Mr. Leo has also loft and hns gone to Boatrlco to teach In tho high school' nnd also carry on his law practice. Mr. Frank A. Peterson will provo an nblo successor, to Mr. Leo, wo trust. Ho comes to us from the University after graduating from there and from tho Omaha High School. Ho has spe cialized In tho nnclont languages, Eng llah, and argumentation, and is n graduate student in tho classics nnd philosophy. Ho" was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and tied with Mr. Marsh fqr tho Rhodes scholarship. Mr. Fossler and Mr. Bnnghart have both completod their medical course in Lincoln nnd nro now In Omahn for their last two years In tho medical college. Miss Laura Woodford suc ceeds Mr., Fossler with the German and is a gradunto student in botany and German In tho University this year.' Miss Woodford graduated with tho class of 1903 with Phi Bota Kanna honors and has since traveled In tho south and east. Mr. Jt. M. PInckncy takes clmrgo of the chemistry with the best of recommendations from Dr. Dales and Dr. Alwny, after three years ob assistant In Wesleyan University. A large number of our former stu dents have .completed their prepara-, tory work and a few havo dropped out for this year for one cause or. another. Miss Grace and William Bryan have gono abroad for the winter. Mr. C. B. Grainger hns charge of the physical training dopnrtmont nt York and is also attending school thoro. . Miss Mamie Hanson Is teaching In the public schools nt hor homo In Wyoming. . ' , Mr. O. O. Wood has recently writ ton that ho has decided' tfo go to Chi-, cago for school this 'year: These nfe a few whom wo havo heard from al ready. Among tho now students are two .brothers from tho Philippine Islands, Mr. Bonifacio Vlllanwcva and Mr. Vi cente Y'lhinwevn, who aro carrying part of their work in tho University also. Pleasant Dale sonUs us two joung ladles who aro carrying full work with us,.Ml88 qrhco Dunten and Mies Mar guerite Stevenson. Messrs. John Lewis, Allan Bedwell and Ohas., Andrews come" from Ansel mo and plan to do tholr preparatory work nt tho Academy. ' Lincoln has quite a representation of Its town people with us this year. A fow of those who aro carrying full work aro tho Misses Laura . Dlorks, Mary Spalding, Viola Taylor,' Ethel Bigolow, Floy Hamilton, Agnes Mc Goodon and Messrs. J. H. Willis, Morlo Minor, Harold Baker and Wm. Metcalfe. li NEBRASKAN 1 " j WANMfiS BRING RESULTS Captain John G. Worklzor, Second infantry, Is detailed a3 professor of military science and tactics at tho Uni versity of Nebraska, -Lincoln, to take effect October 1, vice Captain Wilson Chase, Twonty-flrst Infantry, who will join his regiment. It costs a great 'deal ' to dross n daughter, but hor father- raroly over has to. pay any breach of promlso suits for her. OOCXXXX5COCOOCOOCOOOOOOOOO .LEST WE fORGET. School of Music Cafe now open. Dr. Haggard, 212-2-3 RJchards Blk. Armstrong's Headquarters for uniforms. Best 15-cont meals. - Phoenix Restaurant. , StnrNDellvery Co., Baggage. Phones. Both King & Jessiup Tho Ivy Press for fine printing. Lincoln .Local Express. 1234 O St Both phones. " i " v Uniforms -Suits $14.50, capi!N$1.25, at Armstrong Clothing Co. Printed or engruved calling cards at King & Jessup's, 125. No. 12th St. - Alpha Tau Omega gave a smoker at the chapter house Thursday night. Notice. All news Items for tho Nobraskan should be left at tho odltorlul office, U 204. Only business communica tions should bo left at the business office, U. 211. Remarkable Reduction in Rates to tho South . On O'c'tobor 3 and 17, November-7 nnd 21, December 5 and 19, the Mis sour! Pacific will sell round trip tick ots to many points In Southwestern, Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory. Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at .75 per cent ojkenano way rate. For exampjo, round trip rate to Ft. Worth, Tex., will bo $13.05, to Galves ton, $20.35, to Oklahoma City, $10.00; etc. Two dally trains, with Pullman sleoper every night to Kansas City. Full information at City TIckot Of fice, S. W. Cor. 12th & O streets. F. D. CORNELL, -P. & T, A. Palace Mogul Green's Barber Shops T.J.THORP&CO. Rubbpr Stamps Stencils, Seals, Tracfo Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, General Machine Works,- Model Makers, Etc; 308 So. Iltl), LINCOLN epeocooooooooooooooooooooo LUNCHEON SPECIALTIES liao N STIIKET LINCOLN OCKXXX)COCOCXXXXPCOQOCXX3COOU (lUAIilTY LIP OUR SODA TASTES LIKE MORE Rlggs, The Drug Cutter U 1321 O St. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 3 55,00 Meal Oil fin' Tickets for Oil i UU GOOD HEALTH CAFE I ' m " If you twant your feet to be perfect and dressed in the most up to date styles; wear Sanderson's $4.00 Special vShoes . sotfs $wm A f&soismr.M. X J o'- 1 v , ' - V N A. xl ' , 1 . " ntr 'Cfc.j n ;, -31 'A:i A - . fiiWWlift f 'n- jgytt V; '-.X- -j