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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1905)
A Z THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V. :. b i j v BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loral University Student is urged to patronize these Nebras kan advertisers, And to mention the paper while doing so. i : : CIGARS AND TOBACCO Oliver CI' gar Co. BARBER SHOPS Tho Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul, George's Place. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug Store. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee and Deemer. COAL Gregory, Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DRUGGISTS Steiner & Woompener, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley, Riggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol- shelmer. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & Guenzel Co., Hardy. FURRIER Steele. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudgo & Guenzel Co. HOTELS Liridell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRD3S Yulo Bros. " NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. PRINTING George Bros., New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, Greer Cooper Co. RESTAURANTS Westorfield, Cam eron, Good Health, Don's Cafe. SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. . . x. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. Start tho school year right by get ting u nice engraved or printed card. Georgo Bros., printers, Fraternity Bfdg7 13th and N Sts. . tor MtesteHit. Mlcrofeati. Lisaritav fflitt- nn, CbtJklcal Apparatus, CbwbImI. rials iHHiiH wwtr, nia biiimi, rrojsctwa fmnltt, rbolHUcra' Cutnt in ot UMIMIISKUD-. Brrrt Gep'tiiMl Kmi the World cStsJogT Pre Bausch & Lomb Opt Co. ROCHMTKR. N. Y. - ' McwVoric Chicago Bolton ' Fninkfurt. C vj 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtADE Marks Designs COfVRIQHTS AC. Anyonosendtng a sketch and description may auloklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Isprobablr Pt?R'3j?l3j)nirnunlca. Is probably patentable.' Comtnunlca. tly confidential. tMOWQK on Patents Clldaat axrencr for securlnff patents. tlonsstrlotl sent irea. PntniitK lokna tbmuirh Ifunn'A: Co. receive nptclal notice, without charge,. la the . mkniiuc American. A initiinfniIr lllnntmfMl weaklr. Trxeit cli eulatton of anr sclentlOa journal.. Torms. $3 a i!iin!iw - BSBBeejBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW vsarriour mourns fcllNN CO. Brapeh Office, a rear v xour mourns, u bmjiu ujaii tiottbuuwu. 'asiprorfwty.HDYnrir m V BU Washington. lnatoa, 1), 0. CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICE8. Rate ono cent per word each insertion; minimum, ten .cents. . L08T. ALPHA THETA CHI pin. Flndor plcaso return to Nebraskan ofllco. PEARL-HANDLED knlto, on camputf, Saturday. Finder plcaso return to No braskan ofllcc. ROUND. A PLACE to get a good $2.60 hat. Hat Storo, 1141 O St. $2. CO WANTED. - DO you want to mako your room rent whllo at school? 1130 O. J. W, Mitchell. YOUNG, men to solicit for sultorlum. J. W. Mitchell, 113C O St., City. FOR 8ALE. FOUNTAIN pen, good condition, tlrcss Nebraskan, No. 1. Ad- PIANO, new, good make, at a bargain. Address Nebraskan, No. 2. BICYCLE, first-class, now, at a reduc tion. No. 3, Nebraskan. CADET uniform In good condition, second-hand. Address Nobraskan 4. FOR RENT ROOM8. STRICTLY modorn rooms for men only. 223 N. 14th St. Auto, phono 2657. 'FOR RENT in a quiet home, two pleas ant modern rooms for ladies, at 1439 R St. 1 i -- ii i i i iii" FURNISHED rooms and rooms for light housekeeping. L6w rent. 1G30 Vino St. i . I. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, modorn. Address Rooms 6 and 7, Sals bury Block, 12th and M Sts. FOR RENT 5 larco cast front rooms. ono very largo south room with bay win dow; all nicely furnished; houso strictly modern, 1 blo'ck from car lino; suitable for small club of young men; nlco walk ing dlstanco from University. Mrs. 3. J. Hess, 837 N. 2Gth St. Both phones. NICELY furnished cast room. Best board In'clty. 1844 M St. BOOKS SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous Mot at great reductions. University Book Store. DENTI8T8. DR. EARL TRUELL, 1105 .O St. DR. F; A. MOTIS, 51 Burr Bile PHY8ICIAN8. DR. H. St. Tel.: J. LEIINHOFF, 145 So. llth Bell 48G, Auto. 2486. DR. C. W. M. POYlTER, 1105 O St Phono: Bell L 925l A"0' 2343. HAIR DRE88ERS. BEAUTY Parlors, 1312 N St. . MESSENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel. Auto. 2233. Boll 100, NOVELTIE8. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 So. llth St. 08TE0PATH8. MORELOCK & SMITH, lfi Ollvo'r Thea tre Bldg. Tel.: Bell'F G72, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAkER8. . ' CASTLE & ROPER, private ambulance service. 120-4 So. 13th St. AUTOMOBILE8. FOR RENT. Lincoln Automobile Co., 122 N. 13th St. BATHS. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE, llth and P Sts. SANITORIUIvff SULPHO-SALINE and M Sts. Bath House, Hth BICYCLE REPAIR8. W. E. PARKER, 1200 P St. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at, tho "Weber Sultorlum, llth and O Sts. BOYS, do you wear clothing? Got thorn cleaned at 1136 O St. Elliott Sultorlum. J. W. Mitchell. " BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. T FAGER BROS., Basement JVlndsor hotel, No. llth St. Bxergago and parcels. History and Seminar Papers, . regu lar size and weight, 7c per ;100 sheets'; Simpler Nolo Books', 25c and 35c each. All Uni supplies at lowest prices. Tho Lincoln Book Store". . Football 8ong. Tho football warriors decided that thoy needed some good music, with appropriate words, to cheor them up a little , during tho gamo this af tor noon, and accordingly appolntod Bill Johnson a committee of ono to select tho tunp and write tho words. Every body knows what Bill's favorito tuno Is, and horo aro tho words. Learn' them so you can sing thorn thiB after noon: Tuno: Good-bye, Little Girl, Goodbye. Good-byo, llttlo boys, good-byo, Don't cry, llttlo boys, don't cry, Wo'll hang a light oh tho towor to night, For we'ro marching on with all our might, Good-byo, llttlo boys, good-bye. Chorus. Good-byo, llttlo boys, good-bye, Don't cry, llttlo boys, don't cry, When Nebraska's got tho ball, You will have no chance at all, Good-byo, little boys, good-bye. Good-bye, llttlo boys, good-byo, ' Don't cry, little boys, don't cry, You roally need not feel so blue, For you'll be whito-washod when wo get through, Good-bye, Httl6 boys, goqd-byo. Chorus. "Tho Song of tho Stars," a lecture sermon, on tho wonders of tho starry heavens, will bo given in tho First Baptist church, corner Fourtoontlrand K streets, Sunday evening at 7:30 by tho pastor, Rev. . Z. Batten, D. D. AH students aro especially invited. Tho band will make its Initial ap pearance on tho football Hold this afternoon. Tho men have been prac ticing hard for the past two weeks, oven spending an extra hour last night, and will bo a welcome addition to tho rooters. . Georgo Shodd, '00, formerly of tho English department, was in the city yestQrday on IiIb way nomo rrdm Port land toBhland, wherojio has boon called onaccount of thoserious" 111 ncsB'pf his. fathor. Tho total registration to i date at Stanford University isM.501, nn Ivt. ,,ujj., ti. " creasbvof 210 over last year. Tho freshman class numbers 575. Miss Dorencc Harwood has just been appointed assistant, business manager of tho Anchora, tho National publica tion of Delta Gamma. If visible writing, speed, complete ness, ease of manipulation, simplicity of construction and durability appeal to you, an examination of the Under wood 'Will convince, you that It Is the machine for your .work. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 136 N. 11th St. Bell 348, Auto 3881. School of Music Cafe Opens. , Many University students will' bo glad to know that tho University School of Music Cafo has been re opened and that under tho now man agement tho samo high standard of oxcollonco will bo maintained. The Cafo has been remodeled1 dtiring the summer and every preparation mado to sorvo tho public in first-class stylo, Tho Cafo was Very popular among flio students last year, arid tho now ma'n- agemont promises the samo' carofql attention "which was given last year. Bettor .step over across tho street and have lunch with us today. Oliver Cigar Co., 135-137 Np. 13th. Sam Westerf ield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe Little Gem Hot rVafflos andFlne Heals and ' Lnnohes. JI7-J21 North It StKtt DON'S CAFE 114 t). 11 J. WilpM, Mr Ullis' Dining Room in Coimectln OPKN 6 A. M. TO 1 A. M. "FOLLOW THE FLAG." HOME VI8ITOR8 EXCURSION, NO , VEMBER ,3W0TM. To many points In Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Western Pennsylva nia, Now York and West Virginia, at. GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Tho WABASH has solid road-bod, rock ballast and now equipment;- re clining chair cars (SEATS FREE). For rates, maps and all information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far nam St, or address- , . HARRY E. MOORES, G. A'. P; D. Wab. R. R ' " Omaha, ijJobr. ANEW QUARTER 5l?ll ARROW 10 CENTS EACH ', 2 Ton 28 CENTS OLUETTj PEABODY & OO., HAKfl 0' ciotTT h0 MOAeM SMUTS Inoludaa la the Nw Cdlttea 25.000 NE.W WORDS, Etc. New' Gazetteer ef the World New Blpcraphloal Dlotlenery Edited by W.T. HAKUIS, Ph.D., LL.D U. 8. Commlsaloner or Education. 2380 Qturto PifM. MawTUtM. 5000 Illttttrstloft. IUeh Dlndlng. AUo Webster's Celleglata Dlctloaary ua I11S pmtm. liOO UlMtrtUooi. BIm i 7xlQaiJiiB. , , A Spsclsl Thin Psper Edition Da Lexe rriatMfromiaaepUUaMresnUredkloa. Iism llap eovsrs sod xoond coram, tilto 1 6)ittiitlH. FREE, "A Test la Pronunciation," botrass. SSdeBtatJiLkf. Abo UluttfaUd jxunyhleU. G. O C. ME.RRIAM. CO, Publisher., flprlaiflsld, ase. 'fM- ZJssl . w f ."BSBCV' rBSSSSSSSSSM ' Vfi tV&la --k. fnJSSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl W IIMSbWi SBBBBBBBBBBIbSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV i 'sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr t. v'":; ft m - m '.z? '-: 1.),T; M t 2 x .n I ' k ." 1 f! ' f 3 ? - .L " ,