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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1905)
- "&i 3rc jpi. THE DAIJLY NEBRASKAN. . - i. . iSi I' . h K. ; P h ? V" . V ' -,r E.v Zb Daily Jlebraskan A consolidation of Tho Hcflpcrlan, Vol. 31, The Nobroukan, ' Vol. 10, Bcarlot and Cream, Vol. 4. PubllBhcd dally, oxcopt Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ngb., by tho Hoaporlun PubllBh Ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco FosBler. II. P. Leavltt. t , Dwlght Cramer. A. a. Schrolbor. Kdltor-ln-Chlof J. p. Clark Manager red NauRhton Circulator .Walter ID. Btandovon Athletic K. A. Van Oradcl Editorial Roomc. U 804. DuBlncsrf Olllco, U 211. Post OHIco, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Omco hours of Duslness Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 tiaiiy. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, $2 per year In advanco Entered at tho poBtoinco at Lincoln, Nob., as Bocond-claBS mall mattor undor tho act of congress of March 3, 1879. Individual notices will bo charRed for at tho rato of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and university bul letins will gladly bo published froo, as heretofore. good thing. Lot us have plerity of it. Today Is tho day that tho varsity should bo given a howling send off In tho first hard gamo of tho season. Tho rooting leaders wm bo at tholr places In front-of tho grandstand, and If over Nebraska yelled and cheered a team on to victory they should do It today. With tho Michigan gamo only two weoks ahead tho men need all tho en couragement that tho studfints can glvo them. It Is very little to ask that ench student bring a megaphone onco a week, and encourage tho men in tholr work. What Is this in compari son with their hard work on the field overy day In tho weok. Mannger Morrison will havo tho band to aid the rooters, and tho root ing section will be tho samo old place on tho bleachers. Follows, bring your megaphones, and encourage tho de fenders of tho scarlet and cream, and Nebraska's old traditions. r ORDINARY POLITENESS. Tho action of a largo numbor of students at convocation yesterday .morning was cortainly strange, to say J tho loast, for collogo mort. Tho usual crowd nttendpd tho song recital, and as tho co-eds predominated, their side soon filled up, both down-stairs and balcony, and still a largo numbor had to remain standing In tho back part of tho hall. As -the Beats there wore occupied by so-called gontlomon, one would suppose that thoy would Imme diately surronder their seats to tho ladles who woro forced to stand, and would find place's in tho south gallery, which was bv no moans full. No sin glo ono of thorn seemed to make any move In this direction, however, and consequently tho strangers present woro affordod tho umiBual sight of seeing a dozon rows of men occupying souls, backod up by forty or fifty young ladleB standing up. This Is only ono of two or three ways In which students fall to show tho ordinary amonltloa of life while on tho campiis or in tho Unlvorslty bulldjngs. In other respects they are . equally noglrgpnt, and instead of be ing models -from whom thoso whoso advantages fn llfo havo not been so great could lake oxamplo, they do not soeni lo understand tho requirements of good broqdlng. Tho plea that thoro aro bo muny girls ho knows doeB- not OXCU80 n gentleman from doffing his hat vhenoor ho moots a lady of his ac'iiualpiunco on tho campus. The fact that town mon smoke in tho grand stand at football and baseball garpos is no justification for a student follow ' ing tholr exampld. These aro only a few minor, points, porhaps, but they nil show how tho wind blows, and should certainly bo corrected in col logo 'mon. A Communication. To tho Editor of tho Dally Nobraskan: Dear Sir In your Issuo of yesterday (Octobor 6th) appeared an article hoaded "Serilor Elpctlon," in tho course of which thoso -words appeared: "Ru mor has It that tho chief contest is lo bo between the Sphinx and Innocent Societies." As a mombor nnd in tho interost of tho Innocent Society, I feel compelled to correct, through your columns, such an erroneous state ment. I am not at liberty to relate In detail the purpose for which tho Innocents exist, but this much I wish to state In terms most eiriphatlc: The Innocont Society exists primarily for the fostering nnd upbuilding of gonu Ino college spirit and In no case, nor undor nny circumstances does tho so ciety exist or tako part In class or Unlvorslty affairs as a political or ganization. To do so would immedi ately handicap us in tho work wo at tempt to do, for It would inevitably detract from us the support and aid of faculty and students which wemost surely neod in tho consummation pf our plana. It is unjust to thus Incriminate the Innocent Society upon tho moro foun dation. jof a rumor or bottomless pro sumption, and I trust that after this explanation tho Dally Nebraskan will Win tho futuro) refrain from creating such false impressions concerning an organization which exists for. the wel fare of tho University. CLEMENT L. WALDRON. There are Many Imitations of Baker's Cocoa and Baker's Chocolate 1 Ml III Vim mwi i r l giwnii HUlHKMn Don't be misled by them I Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States, Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker S? Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's Lfktatu.Tude.Muk Cocoa" or "Baker's Chocolate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established J 780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America .TO THE ROOTER8. r. In any and every contest thoro aro three parties concornod, thp two con testants, nnd tho audience. Its a matter of much Import to tho contest ants how much opposition thoy haVe to overcome in tho minds of tho spec tators." A college athletic team la mad almost as much hy tho spirit among tho students as by tho person noU of tho team Itself, and collogo . spirit Is "more effectively and convinc ingly shown , by tho attondanco at athletic gamos, and rooting. Pull many a gamo has been won as much1 .from tho side llrtcs as by tho mon on the fleld. Hearty cheering Is a mighty Rooters, Attention! Tho rooting squads for tho football sonson, will bo organized at tho gamo this afternoon, and overy .one who In tends to root this fall should be sure to como early In order to bo assigned to positions. TJho best seats in tho oaBt bleachers, directly opposite the fifty-five yard lino, havo been assigned for tho uso of tho .rooters only, and no ono wll bo admitted to this sec tion un.loss ho has a megaphone Learn tho following yolls: No. 1. , U-U-U-N-I, Ver-Vor-Vor-sl-tl, N-E-Bras-Kl, ' Oh My I No. 2. TJ, rah, rah, U, rah, rah, ' U, rah, U, rah, Nebraska, p U, rah, rah, U, rah, rah, U, rah,U, rah, Nebraska. No. 3. Hip tl unl 1 lea honl ka sale, Boom to Ian", Nebraska! Nebraska! Nebraska! WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. A Correction. Tho Nobraskan was mistaken yes terday In its statement that Mr. Don Skoen was a member of both tho In nocent and Sphinx soclotles, and was tho candidate of tho latter organiza tion. Mr. Skeen Is not an Innocent, and ho denies that ho Is the candi date of any ono organization br divi sion of tho class, but Is running with out having made any promises at all. New Century Printers 1S41 N STREET 1241 Especially solicits tho trade of thoso who wisli it-woll printed. Sale of Seasqn Tickets to Continue. Tho football management has de cided to continue tho sale of season tickets for ope week longer, the price to bo reduced on account of tho two games which .havo alroady boon played. Tho salo of tickets this year was greatly In oxcesB .of that of .Jor mor years, largely duo to tho numocjr of downtown purchasers. On account of this largo demand, tile salo has been extended. Tho only place whoro thoy can bo obtained now Is at Harry Porter's, on O street. Eat at tho Unl. School of Music Cafe; now management TrXXXXXXTTTTTTYXXXXXTXXXTT See otir display of ' chouvrons, shoulder straps and other cadet woar In our west window,' You will And our paraphernalia correct, Paino's Clothing Storo. " ' ' ZKeat Trinting... Latest Styles Courteous Treatment iiiATtii v King & essttp's 12SNo,13thSt, Tie Ivy Wress M M H M M M M M N M M M M N H M M M H M M M M M cYCiSii Bettor havo your eyes exam ined now. Many times a pair of glasses worn for a few. weeks, when tho eyes first begin to trouble ydu, will save you years of spectacles wear later on. If you 'havo any troublo with your eyes come to us. W havo had over twonty-flvo years' ex perience In fitting glasses and wo will gladly test your eyes, scientifically, "without charge, and tell you whether you need glasses or not. E. HALLETT Established 1871. In our shop wo do all kinds of export . repairing, Compli cated Watches, French Clocks, Fine Jowolry, Diamond Sotting, Engraving etc, ' Prices-the Lowest, 1I43 0 STREET. iTXXXXXXXrXXXXXXXXXXXTTTTTT TAKE YOUR CLOTHES AND GO TO SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS BULL TEL. 147. AUTO 1J103. 13S0 N STREET. . " '. 'iTr Hi. yn; i m , t t , -,, ,1-,. -,"5aa,A7-v H. -..x&i ? ' ,i.' -,r! k, . - ..r . . ,i .f-avf.', u S.'iy,"', ' f, Tiiitf!. ''.fW.itaeaBMBji '' x . SW $' v. y ."-i - X X . ,V JKj rrsHPw