The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1905, Image 1
Sr , H r ..; be Bail? IRebrasfcan ii te Vol. v, No; jo UNflVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, J905. Price 5 Ccnti " ' r ,' t v S- l' l l e t- H v,i : ' : DAKOTA ARRIVES MANY CHANGES IN TODAY'S LINE-UP. Welter in at Tackle and Benedict in at End Against the Northerners. Today tho first hard gaiiio of tho season will be played on the Univer sity campus with the husky team from tho "University of South Dakota. Tho South Dakota team will arrive this morning at eleven on tho Northwest , ern. Thero will bo 'some twenty In tho squad. It seems to bo tho prevalent idea among the football enthusiasts that today's game will bo an easy one for tho varsity. But this Is ak badly mis takert idea for tyio South Dakota men aro almost ate heavy as our men, and according to reports have the speed that makes tholr weight all the more effective. Tho real strength of tho varsity will bo given a' frlal. From their playing today wo will have to almost entirely place our judgment as to" the outcome of tho Michigan game. Tho line-up of tho varsity will bo much different from that of any pre vious game this year. Tho back field has been changed as well as the line. "Wollor will be in tho line again for tho first time slnco tho Crelghton gamo of last year. Ho was consldored a fixture behind tho lino this year, but Booth deemed it best to shift him to a Jtfioklo position. Schmidt who was out ofNt.ho game last year because of parentnl objections, will be in at half in Wellor's place. Ho is a fierce lino buckor and plays with a ginger that makes him a valuable man. Benedict will bo In tho gamo today for tho first time this year and will relieve Dons low at ond for at least a part of tho gamo. Glen Map m, last year's full back, will be in at his old place. Booth has Increased tho number of boarders at tho training table until now ho has twolvo besides himself, Westover, and Manag6? Morrison. After today's gamo there wjll bo some moro mon 'get tho glad news to dinp with tho big coach and hla'jnon. Tho mon who aro at tho training tablo at present aro: Borg, Benedict, Cotton, Johnson, 'Wollor, Wilson, Eager, Ma son, Taylori Mose, Donslow, and Gib1 son. ' ' Tho fonco around tho athletic field has been changed materially; A gato has been put In at tho southend of tho grandstand leading from tho streot. In this way ail thoso hqving seats in tho first two sections, A. and B, can ontor at tho south entrance, and thoso with seats' to tho other parts of tho stand can ontor at tho middle or old entrance.. Affairs will bo quickened In this way, and threo thousand will bo" admitted in comparative ease. Tlio resorved seats for today's gamo aro on sale at Harry Porter's and aro fifty cents In -addition to the priqo of general admission. Tho llno-up Is as fallows,: t South Dakota. "Nebraska. Evans It. E. . . , . . . .Denplbw " " Benedict Cuppett. .' '. .It. T , Cotton Tolofson...,'.. It. G ,l,.Taylor Kolb.. r O Borg (Capt. ( 1J( llf & & & f & lj( ll( f a it )t i it. it it it it it it it it it it it it it a it it 4 Y. W. C- A. Cotrnty Fab Aumbry, October 28 ImbB 1 L. G. ..." Nelson Rico Lottin L. T Wollor Bennett L. E Johnson Case Q Morse Eager Simpson R. H Schmidt Brownloy L. HI 1 .Wilson Walker P. .,....... Mason Beekly Officials will be Cornell tfhd Dr. Ir win. Pershing- Rifles Elect. At tho first meeting of tho Pershing Rifles on Monday evening tho officers for the ensuing year were elected. This year's list of officers aro in ac cordance with tho lists of previous years, that Is, the men aro of high standing as University students and are well qualified .to fill tho positions tendered to them. The officers as elected aro: Captain W. C. Ramsey. 1st Lieut. C. D. Wilson. 2nd Lieut. C. K. Syford. 1st Sgt. C. K. Smith. . 2nd Sgt. C. D. Slaughter. . 3rd Sgt. Mickey. -i 4th' Sgt. W. R. King. 5th Sgt. B. K. Ea.ton. Captain Ramsey was captain of C company last year, and C. D. Wilson is tho present captain of D company. Cross Country Meeting. About twenty men answered tho cajl for a meeting of all Interested in 'cross country" work, and gathered in Dr. Clapp's office yesterday morning at eleven o'clock. Dr. Clapp gavo a -short talk on tho necessity of gottlng up a good team to send to Chicago Thanks giving, and told tho mon that only consistent work on the part of each one of them would bring about tho de sired results. Thoso present then elected Penrod leader oL tho squad, and Heath temporary captain of tho team, it being understood that when oVertho team should bo picked they should elect their own captain. It was arranged to havo funs each ovonlng, i nnd Saturday morning, two, squads leaving ovory afternoon, ono at four and ono at flvo o'clock. " Geology 15, 10 and 17 moot in N. 201 J'ht 9 o'clock, Saturday. igOOOQXJUUOOUOOOOOOOOOO(XKX F O Q T B, A "L Lj Nebraska vs. South Dakota I I Satvrday, October 7, '05 8 8 .".3:00plm. . -. - ' , J ' ' if V -k i ," ' ' i ' -.'' i l lt . v 7f j y rj rj sj j p yW J fl ff it it it it it it n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it CONFERENCE RULE8. Universities Meet at Chicago and Make New Rules. At a mooting of tho Conforonco (big nine) delegates at Chicago on last Saturday it was decided that athletes will not be allowed to compete for athletic clubs in tho future Thiq rule, which was proposed before tho conforonco at previous meetings, nnd met with many objections, wns unani mously pnssed on Saturday. This pro hibits tho athletes from competing oven with a special permission from tho faculty bodies. Another lmportnnt ruling mado was that" a "committee on eligibility'.' should pass final judgment as to the eligibility of athletes where disputes, between colleges have arisen. It wa also decided that'tho athlete who be-, comes two weeks In arrears In- his, training table board shall bo Ineligible for appearance until ho has paid up in full." ' -Tho conference school have Initiated Freshmen football games for trial thl4 year. The present indications aro that thoy will provo as interesting and receivo as much support In tho wc3t as they hav.o In tho oast. Convocation Exercises. Hon. Albert Watklns-wlll address' the University students Monday on tho subject, "Tho Father of Nebraska." Mr. Watklns Is well acquainted with this subject, and well qualified to disv cuss Nebraska hlBtory, as ho is an early pioneer of this state. Dean Sher man will act as chaplain'. Wednesday,, Oct. 11 Hon. E. M. Pollard, "Tho Railroad Question." Friday, Oct. 13. Music. . Chaplain for fhd week, Dean Sher man. Monday, Oct. 10 Prof. E.'A. Ross, "Tho Insurance 'Revelations." r Wednesday, Oct. 18 Dean 'E. w! Davis, "Thoisignlflcanco of Johns Hop kins In tho Higher Education of Amer ica." Friday, Oct. 20 Music. Chaplain for tho week, Dean Bessoyj OOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXX30COOOOCOO COUNTRY FAIR .GREAT SHOW TO BE GIVEN ARMORY, OCT. 28. IN" Feature of the College Year Has Been Arranged and Will Be Presented' This Month. Tho County Fair Is Coming! To all old students this will bo tho best of good news, for thero aro no old students who havo not either at tended ono of tho i)fovlo"us county, fnlrs, or olso havo not mado up tholr minds that they will novor miss an other opportunity to attend. For It is without question tho foaturo of tho collego year, and all other winter stunts palo into Insignificance along-, side of this wonder of wonders. Tlio advance agent of tho great show is profuse In her uso of words nnd very cnroless In tho way she uses tho Eng lish langungo, but ovon then sho Is unable to do credit to tho attraction whoso features sho must laud. Each year thero Is somo particular foaturo which attracts much attention. Last year tho famous red lynx of tho Philip pines was Imported expressly for this fair, and,ythoiiBands gazed at tho won doful creature. What tho star of tho show will bo this tlmo has not yot boon divulged, but tho Btudents may rest assured that when tho tlmo is rlpo tho press ngont will Impart hqr secret to tho world. All tho arrange ments nrO not" yet completed, but tho management hns alroady signod the same fair maidens who cooked and distributed tho hot waffles Inst yoar, so thatt'thls pleasant part Qf tho oven-' ing's. entertainment Is assured., Thero -will also bo something to' fully flliaho.' place of tho minstrel show whlch proved such a hit In former years And above all, Dr. Bolton will bo thoro with his trained animal show. This collection of antiques will .'ap pear In Lincoln ono night only, being Saturday ovenlng, October 28. As the side shows occupy such an amount of space, It will bo necessary to hold the entertainment' In tho. Armory, as being tho only place offorlng tho neces sary accommodations. Tho SxfiTbltloh in Lincoln, will bo directly In charge of tho University Young Women's Christian Association. Further an nounceiflTmts will bo mado from tlmo-. to tlmo through tlio. columns of tho dally papers. Look out, for tlio bfg parado.' - " ' Senior Laws Elect, -Tho SonloivLaw Class mot in U207 at eleven o'clock yesterday- morning, and succeeded In electing a full quotit of officers. Considerable lnteres't was' shown In tho election, and .almos't tho entire class remained to tho meeting. For tho presidency thoro wore two candidates, Max Meyer and H. N, Mat loy. Tho first Vote resulted In a tie' each man receiving sovonteon votes. On tho second ibal!ot two . men' switched, nrid Matloy received nlne-. teen votes to fifteen for, Meyer. Thero was no contest fdr the other positionsand Tom Mnrtinwas eleqteil , vice-president and A. N. Mathers sec ' rotary by unanimous votes., Eat at Dnn flamArnn'a now rasfaii. i :i t n .''' V . j A .. NX ) V I'm : , rant, 19 So, 12th fit. ' "i-tfs m 1 t