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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
4 .r t ")' -rr& V -,3 "' -f -v.v-. w .. X rV " . W. Yj u t--" 'A - ; iv . . . r v ' y. V' " r THE DAILY NRBNAtfklAf.. "- " MatfrtaftMUWUtMMM rin'imi nuimn r'rf'ef" ft thf i 1 il i i I l, f fcJJI I "!' tomMV, the catrrkr. GREAT 'LECTURERS COMING. 3fc " 1 md&W&&&&&&& . f V I tt lC. " , & ", Er .' &- . V :4 ! ;Tv .? t Vi J1 .f kv, v. ' '',aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI "THE UNI'8 INDlSPENsiiLE." Wa certainly know how.. Lady atten uam it yean ca. -3 BARBER SHOP AND BATH Btftrfc Mhhii JihImm FW HhI anl FaM GEORGE'S PLACE - 120 No, lltk St. - mCVv ssar aBBm-' aaV Ukm 'aaaHlwaaaaaaLltaM r SPALDING'S ' Official Foot Ball Guide , . , FOR 1905 ;t Edited By, WALTER CAMP. Containing tho .riowly 'revised OFFI C)IAL4 PLAYING RULE8 and pictures of loading toamsombraclng oyer 2,500 players. PRICE, 10 CENT8 'iSorsalo by all- Newsdealers, Athlotlc. Goods Doalors and Depart ment Stores Spalding's catalogue, of all, .athlotlc sports mailed free to any' address. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. . Now York, Boston, Buffalo Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia,' JDonvor, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louie, Kan saClty. .Pittsburg,' San Francisco New Orleans, Syracuse, Cincinnati; Montreal, Can., London, England. List of Entertainment In tHe Y. M. ,C. A. Ceurae. For tho past Ave oKslx years one of the. pleasant fefttures;pfllfe in lyln-, xoln has been the course of eatertaln- ment given, in the' Oliver theater Under the auspices of the city Young Men's' Christian association. On this-course have appoared some' of tho greatest lecturers, - ontortalnqrs and musicians of the country. T6n numbers scat tered through the. winter months havo been a greatly appreciated hokr in Brightening the, drea'rsome season. Tho management' of. thls'courBo lrave been under somd ombarrasament duo to tho fact' that the-elzo of the theater will not accommodato all thoso who have wished to attend. After1. tho 1,500 ioaaon tickets aro sold each year there havo, booh, a largo number of disap pointed ones .who, woro'Unabld to se cure thom.' One reason for this has boon that, in spite, of JLno,' superior cJuaHty of tho attractions offered, tho prlco, of oho dollar for the. ten numbers has been so reasonable, that' many have' con sidered tho investment a very good one, o'ven though they were unablo to attend. more than two or three enter tainments. -JThlB" year this condition is oven .more prominent, owing to the engagement of David BIspham and Frederick IWardo. Tho sale of these season tickets is drawing rapidly, to a olosdvat0tho presont time. Tho attractions Io,r the present sea son aro' all now1 to Lincoln audiences, with the ocoptlorisof Kathorlno Rldge waV: ,H er coming again Js hailed with "dollght by nil thobld patrons. ..The following is'thb llbt: v dponing -concort Manning Glee club Boston,- Pet. 17. Song recital David BIspham, Oct,, 31. . m Entortalnment Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Day, Dec. 19.- "Beni Hur,! Montavllle. Flowers, Jan 18. ' .- . A picture story of Panama' and- the Canal Dr.. Edvard Bllf ton. McDowell? Jan.25. ' i Grand concortr-rClbvoland L'adJe8r Symphoqy orchestra, Fob. i. Bird Life Chad. Donnlson Kellogg Fob. 13.. - .' . 'i Entortdlnmorit Kathorlno Ridge- tway andr company, Fob. 19. t 1 Loctufo-:-"The Manvof Nazareth'' IDr. Herbert A. Wlllott. Date tobo an- nouhcoa. ft i Lecture Recital "Shakespeare and His Plays" Frederick Wardo. Dato to bo' announced. ' , 1- FRATERlMITY TELEPHONE i' ' DIRECTORY. "v s T X. saMHV V N E BR A WANT ADS SKftN I ;i i ' mi i ' -: - 1S11W 4iiiiS t " . ' ' L 1 83-" 1 i ii i i i I mi i' fSZ M ssassssi . I BRING RESULTS ' t School of .Music Cafo, now open;-' . Star Delivery Co., Baggage. Both Phones. ' " Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O Stv uoia paones. , -IClng & Jessupr-Tho Ivy Press for fine printing. SPEClXt-lrilS, WEBt ONLYv 3 $5.oo MhI oh nri- Tickilsfor OlIiUU GOOD HEALTH CAFE X Manager Morrison is at Minnesota on business. : Eat at .Don Cameron's new restau rant, 119 So. 12th SL . r; s " H v Eat atxtho" Unl. School of Muslo Cafe; new management "V .. w fc. A OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXDOOO SPECIAT ATTENTION I TO STUDENTS? N .iV. "-Printed or engraved calling cards at .King & Jfcssup's; 125 Ho. 12thSt. ? " Rnnhnmnr! . . , Mebt,TueBday. in' Chemistry LectUro Room, lVa. m. Elpctloncjot. offlcorS. t i i ..--i i - History and Seminar Papers, regu lar size and wolght, 7c porlOO sheets; Simplex Notp BookB, 20c and 35c oach: All Unl supplies at lowest prices. The Lincoln Book- Store. k - v , In the westj 'window, of Palnes Clothing Store may bo seen: a display, of cadet .paraphornaHa; straps; caps; i . - . - chevrons, otc. wo aro putting out a L?12.n.O, $13.50 and a $15.00 cadet suit you are iiiviteu iu cuii uuu iusiibcl ue foro "placing jrour order.4 " . ' ELECTKIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE -' ARISTO bAfcBEfc StfOP, i : i2d sfwat,, imn'fiLdci: j oooocxDcxxxxxxDexxxxxxxxxx: jLL AWELCOMdiFT tk: Any homi Fast dally train service via th ChlcaEo & North- Watom Railway, Mm ckiwfelf track railway froak-tbe Missouri River to Chicago, . connects iC t .nwago wun an itoes tor mn points East. The trams' or the North-Western Line .-i.ii.--j-j.. .t... k o utwjy. .uuifivivr f"PFJV-iii "w saiy ana cwwort of patrons. . . rLi n a i rj-.i i-Ji.i . v me dcsi m CTcrvinn JKJti 4 full IrWimMm en pMcMk to B. W. McGINNIS, AgWit. 102 O' Street 5 dbkacft cWWMa Uh ! BlltW" ' j' -,,.!. Automatic. Alha" Tau Omega.'. . . . .' 3523 Alpha Thota .Chi t . . . 2683 ;tieta Thota PI..,'..- 1110 Delta Upsllon i..-...',2100 Kappa' Sigma- . . 3853 Phi Delta Thota ,...,.,...4049 Phi ..Gamma Delta 4035 Phi Kappa Psl.:....-... ;.-... 4297 Sigma Alpha Epsllon 2917 Sigma Chi ... ;.:... 0.-2898 Chi Omega ... ,... ,..,f'.. ..'. .,4003 Delta Qamma .,...,.:..',... -.3983 P,l Beta''Phi. , r J., ....'...: 3375 . lell. Aipna Tuoia urn ..... ..u .xaa Iiota Theta PI I ... .- L.. . 775 Dolta .Tau Delta .;,, 832 Delta Upsllon ,..-... ,1108 ;Pi Delta -Theta , ,,.,, 855 phi Gamma' Delta , 1109' !R1U "Kappa Pjl i..w 868 ;SIgma Chi . UU Jl Beta Phi...... ',..':., ... 834 ynl Y, tM. C. A.. J ...,". . 652 The University of California'' shows a decrease In registration. Indications point to a smaller Freshman class than list year,, but the number of graduate students will bo greatly Increased, ssmrmc&m isVcs mwrmmft m$MltW-MiJl . , Tho Unlvorsify. of California has of forod a prize in the shape of a watch- ibb' to -the student Invenllnef tho best 'Jstunt-" to bouiscd at the big game in .November. Prizes havo also been of fered for tho nest song and host yell handed in. Tno prize ror we winner of tho song contest is another' Watch fob, while the writer of the successful yell 'Will receive Na season ticket to tho football gained. c Remarkable Reduction-In' Rates to the Souths . On Ocbber 3 and 17, November 7 and 21, December 5 nnd 19, tho1 Mis souri Paclflo will sell round trip tick ets" to-many points In Southwestern Missouri,' Oklahoma, Indian 'Territory. Arkansas; Texas and Louisiana 75 per cent of the ono Vay.rator For example, round trip rate to Ft Worth, Tx wlll-po $13.65, to Galvea5 ton, . 205, to Oklahoma City, $10.00, etc. Two" dally trains, with Pullman, sleeper every night to Kansas City, Fnir information afCfty Ticket- Or flce, Al W-,Coit. ,12th -fc O' street -' v F. D. CORNBLL, ' " P. ft T, A. SONGS OFALt TKK COtLEGES tmrjptx lika college tong, and thk book U an 4l .gift to ff c o the; pUno for one! fiiesJt ta chjy, crca though one riagr.iiot at all hJmdl ctapMn jLnm DmmiTomcmmsmu oa taxtoxw ' AUtteKjnrMM;NAatIeSwai AT ALL DOOK STORES ams MUSIQDKALSRS y r hnt tftrmttj tA FnHi$Jitr HMDS k N0ILC XHW. Wh ft, . t. Cl, ' BO YEARS EXPERIENCE iVlJi feJaWBBBlllllllllHBBlB BBllB aH rTaaZW - sar at in k LJ aBBBBH r aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Tiuw Marks CoPYnioirra Ac. Anyone sending a Bketetfaaa OaMripUoii BMy QQtoklr AMttcuun oar opinioa rr wBMaer. aa intention to orobaMy iwkaataBk,.Poiaianltc Uona Btrloilr oonKlit&l. MJkaWMKB rataeta entires. OldeetaJteoey tor iMulWigJteau. ,reMre Pate&ts taken throoga.Mwn tpttiml wm0, .WHwmt i " s , Va 'i rjwt TT1- A'.'i M 1 ImUmb datti.V nWtffcim VTlP ,r jiaewvai fmt . t .. . A ae4etwey niaeewitey weeWy Tjraeetjt.; .. .-i S ?'i MUnH & Co iw7. Hew iraeaaeViC v 9 fl K J". ,f' I1. . TL J - ' , r . ' ' if-1' t ,-' V -. ...xtt l .. j n-r.i ' L- .'.. ' -', - - ft k- . V r -'-t- 'V ' . ' -,-t .. ". ' 'rtnTt . -V IkV., '.JT-i" -.i. -V. JN f M - i V. . 't -r 'jr..' V.' .H-rf v v .. .7Tp.. u i .-r -J. . i .. 4 T r."t i u.-'-k'T-. .'-! Wey. , K riBT. ..i " . ': .j r"--'T,