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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
4 Fw'J ' ( r -V J f 41 r THEDAILV NEBRA8KAN, -7 f h i ' "S I BUSIMESS DIRECTORY i L t-Ll 4 II " ----I 1 1 tojral Univanlty flt.M.t u j ts4 ( IwtreHlivUicn Kabnii- kH MurliMn, aatw MatiB j ftk paper while dala sV I )i()ili)ir)iii.i1i, j . . rr-rn-TT-FT' BARBER SHOPS The Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul, George's Place. X . ..,- . 4 x w ixv x ' uo-op, jjn ( coin; Book Storo, Unl. Book Store, - Brown Drug Ca, Harry Porter. BOOKTHOSPITAL Gillesplo. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. .. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CANDIES Woodward Candy 'Co. CARPENTER-deo. A. Wilson. CATERERi-"Tommy," at Rlggs' Drug at. r S CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. , , CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland. COAL Gregory.-Whltobreast. ' CONFECTIONERV-Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. . DRUGGISTS Stelner & Woompener, Brown,, Mann, Rector, Harley, Rlggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Jlerpol shelmer. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. . FURNITURE Rudge &. Guenrel Co., Hardy. , uiuiiiflu Steele. v - v HABERDASHERY 12.50 Hat Store. " HARDWARE Rudgfr &. Guenzel Co. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. '. . PRINTING George Bros., Now Cen iury,'lvy Press, Review Press, Greer- Cooper Co. v RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Cam , eron, Good Health, Don's Cnfo. . , SHOES Sanderson. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor- TADLORSUnland, Union ' College '""', liUuwiK.' . -A, EHDCnLATE5 - r . v... .y smjr - .. . - Ii - "i x ' ' - FOR taE- C K: 1 ' ' dakv: . ,x. tf . . iiFttnicvAu . f; O' w Q i v 1 r$r.00 Per Scmcktcr, .8 . -- ,m ,bVbT Slav ss . fLra Subscribe for the Nebraskan CLASSIFIED COLUMN - " ' SPECIALS NOTICES. Rate one cent per word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. LOST. . 0BL"HNPI;BD kn,fo on campus, Saturday. Finder please return to Ne broskan ofllce. ' FOUND. $iKi'&r ,2:60 hat 2'G0 WANTED. J. W. Mltcli; liac O St, City. M4W"Um YOTINOv m'nn tn anllolt -. .I1-..1 , FOR SALE. , r X Ptf ANrt Horn' muvI nU. I . Address NebraskknrNor " UrU,n' i,5ICXf L?' fi.rtt",a8"' nowvat a rcdud' tlon. No. .S, Ncbraskan. CADET uniform In gwd condrtlon, scc-ond-hand. Address Ncbraskan 4. FOR SAEE-Chcap, a military suit In nn0ndtoi?n-B- a Bnyoxt, JunlortLaw, nui ui at. . FOR RENT RQOM8. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern; good board near. 1201 13 fit. Auto phono, 30d0. 7 ?? R?NT 2 larue cast front rooms, S2..VCI?J k.1? BHth.6m with bay win dow; all nicely furnished; houso stricUy modern, 1 block from car lino; suitable iff "if1? of youn mon n,co valk- Hcss, 837 N. 26th St. Both phones. , " ' , NICELY furnished oast room. Bcst board In city. 1844 M 8t '-. ' n ' rr i" BOOKS SECOND HANO. . ,"a l0' ntsgrreat reductions. ' University - t DENTISTS. DR. EARL TRUELL, 1105 O St DR. F. A. MOTIS, 51 Burrlk. VM'l PUVAlriAilC.h. " ' J St. t Tel.: Boll 486, Autp. 2486. ' TPR" C"-M- POYNTER, 1105 O St Phone: Bell t 025, Auto. 2343. . HAIR DRESSERS. BEAUTY Parlors, ,1312 N St.' ME83ENQER8. a'J?; MESSENGERS. TcU Bell 190. . NOVELTIES. KEYS find rnnntt6Z.r .11 i.ij . Thorp & Co., 308 So. llth pt? . , x O8TEOPATH8. SP? & SMITH. 16 Oliver Thea tro Bldg. Tel.: t Bell F.672, Auto. 3334. w . UNDERTAKER!. ,lSLFon&, ?? 'voto ambulance' . ..w.. aw-i ou, iOin DC, AUTOMOMILE8. y 122 N. 13th St.' ",nCm AUnowiP Co.. WrT nuixTm -r f . . . ATHS. GHRIB' BATHHOUSE, 11th and P Sts. SANITORlUM. andVs?8"3 Hou' BICYCLE REPAIRS. ,, ' W. E. PARKER, 1200 P Si. r 'HAVri your clothinsr" cloAnA lOSts U U, Wcbor 8u"rlum,- 11th and HIGH (IP ADF BtlNBDNS iv uy oturc, urn ana u. , . Mr. Hurrev'a visit. 4 A veryigeodcrowd of men turned out last Sunday in- Art Hall to hear Mr. Chas.' D; Hurrey, of Chicago, the student representative of Jhe Interna tional Commltteo of 'tho Yonn n ChrlsUan Association. ' The .subject of the address' was "Tests of Heroism, in American College Life." Mr. n.tmv -.-. nuuu. luriy-uye minutes and throughout the address jthe men , lis tened mosl ihtentlv in hi. - orvnlrn ahAni i. . which wore especially applicable to college men. Out of his wldb expert ence in traveling among collego men, there came many Interesting and In spiring incidents which show tin tho manly ChrlsUan life is aDnealln to collego men all 'through the coun try. - Mr. Hurrev will remain in i.innin until Wednesday noon and during that time he will bo glad, to. meet any of the Nebraska men in the Association rooms. ' - ' Y.'W. C. A. Notes. Saturday evening, September SO. tho Y. W. f!. A. hnlfl hAM nMM...f ' tibn to all University women at tho KOVernor's mnnnlnn whink ... and Mr.s. Mickey kindly throw open for this purposo each year. In the re ceiving liho'wero: Miss Archibald, president ofhe Y. W, O. A.; Miss Vibbard, the new General Secretary; wuvumor ana. ia.rq. MlckeyKProfessor and Mm. Pncc' PmrnDM. ,j ir v.uuiu,- x-roieBsor , aaa Mrs. Ward, frnrpuRnr onri Mm rinUii r ' sor and Mrs. Barber, and Professor and Mrs. Johnson. m x Punch was served In the dining room by Misses 'Leota Lapp, Tiuella Agee and Jennie Woodring. A short DrOffmm Wan irlvan in.l.tL.' - Rnr ntwl Hfra TlrV. 2S- n . whlBtllng solo by Miss Jonesanti'd ty.W? of recIWUons by, m&ti yernb Thq attendance was tho largest of any y. w c. A. reception to date, ,and all enjoyed a-very, pleasant evening. x The regular Sunday afternoon mont. lng was,-hield In-.theYchapeit 3 -o'clock anrl' innlr li n i.. Tiit.i' ..- . Rally, led by tho new 'General Secre te Miss Vibbard. As oachxgirl nnnaAil InfA-tha nV.mi -v- .. , .Uw wu vuaiii buu whb given a .carnation, a white ifshe had regis tered for Bible tudy,a redjf she had1 not Miss Barnes had "charge of tho meeting. Miss I-aura Owen Bani and then Miss Vlbbnrd nnnVn nn (ia ,m,i ,for ilble study. After she had fln- acucu, Miun wore passed, to tnos&'who had not registered and the 'courses wore explained. Mr. .Hurrey, .the national Y. M. C. A. secretary, led the- noon meeting Mon day. .The leaders, for the remainder of iuu weeK are: TuesdayViola Barnes. . ThursdayAnna Stewart WednesdayNora Davis. ' Friday Louella Agee. ' ,' Saturday's Games. The results of the nrlnHnnl faithoii games pjayed on'last Saturday arenas ionows: .. . Chicajjo 15, Wabash 0 1 Michigan 65, Ohio Wesleyan 0. Ohio 28, Heidelberg 0. .. Purdue 36, Beiolt 0. Indiana 31, Buller.0.. ' . , Iowa 4.. Monmouth 0. 1" Mlnnesotn 33, Shattuck 0. Wisconsin 49, Northwestern Col lege 0. , w Illinois C, Knox 0. . Drake 18, Pent 6, ""'Harvard 12, Williams 0. Pennsylvania 35, 'Lehigh 0. ' Princeton 23, Washington and Jef ferson 0. , W eat Point, 18, Tufts Collego1 0. Oliver Cigar Co.," 13513;. No. 13th. 8am Westerfleld frrtjrteWrsf Sam's Cafe A UUU'Qtm Ksi. Meals aaa LwMktes. 117-121 -Hmfc If '"FOLLOW" Tr'lEFLAtt.'! BBBS. SBBB'' " .ii i JS'S NOMr-yiSITORSrEXCURSJOrr, NO-1 VEM1ER 30TH., To many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky. Western Pflnnsviwo.' nla, New York and West Virginia, at GREATLY REDUCEDRATES, The WABASH has. solid road-bW rock ballfiJtt. anrl ni)w nn..lnt. '. cllning chair cars. (SEATS FRBE). "vf or rates, maps and, all irfTormatiosy: call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far-; nam uc, or .address ' . naiwx JBJ, MUUKISH, x G. A. P. D. Wab R. R, Omaha, Nebr. v v We hsveslways beinJcnewn at the INDENTS , lXuNDRY p 0 Wa'wanl youKbuiiiHis. YULE IIROS. II A BID LADNOnY, v AMt0 375KBtMB74 Ineln Jaa 1m Ka Mw r Jtti If ,00t NW WORDS. fV Nr OBMas 4'ft. f a Nw Blralilal Dictionary, 1 US.ComailwrtroTMMwiU iWtesar ataaar- G- 41 C. ME.KRIAM CO P.kllsa, SjrtaafiwM, Mass. X M O trett. Awto a7gvPtS S74 H . 'i ssTaaBBsff ' s SbbbbbbbbssII v. 2f - isaWX ' - ' v, 1 BBBBBBBsi fJSA C i Qfiaaaaaaaaaaaaal UaaTO " . - BBasBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBB1 , X. im sssslaBSBssssssssssaaaBl assssssssaaaaT s ' BBSSBBSSBBSSSSSSSSSaBsl J BBasaBBBBBsB ' CH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi VsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT fiHf 1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 .bbbbibbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH H BViVHaHSfVaBBSSSSSsUsBSSlBBBBSSW " V aVtflf it ftl Ui"k afrsRHMBBsf y4l bbsbi H aai iHaVsvalH iHaVTasKVassH' H BBHBaaaBsBDHBBaaBaaSBBaBaVaBlaBa ' '$& I ' f!w ;? f ikm Wmtld I n w DUllaa.ry, BSi .SBBSSB1 USA S IV Sf . ' SI SST S I SSf T " SSH " aH-B-S.SMSBSBaBBBaBB-B.aBBSSSBaSSSSS..J! -W----W-W "-1-PW-W BapHpHVBjBasasaBaBBSwaswBwBHwaBM ' .w "$y 1 .i v; J l V . t . -3 wl j"" Baosch 4 lorab Opt Co.B' - faTawBaaaVzr ajaam; f, Mw ajw JMaMwaB FlwBBBBaiaL 49"t aaaBBBBB. J t ,' ' 1-' ' , ' ' I - .' It - -, a , r- . J v. e "" . " " k ' ' 7V c- Y V '4.' 7